It was a vast scene, just like the starry sky in the vast universe. Then ten thousand lights exploded at the same time.

Countless spaces, time began to collapse.

In the middle of this, a little fire suddenly burst into a strong light. The light of the fire fled towards the outside of the cave.

This is LAN Tingyu's unique skill, which is called Jiuyan Prajna heavenly fire. Every time, LAN Tingyu's vitality will be greatly damaged.

However, it is needless to say that this move is powerful, that is to say, all the experts in the cave have the magic. It's like setting fire all over the heart.

Of course, the general fire does not work for the Dongxian masters. A drop of fire falling into many spaces is like a drop of fire falling into the endless abyss.

However, LAN Tingyu's nine fire is unusual.

However, LAN Tingyu wants to do the same thing again. Can she really get out of danger?

The answer, of course, is No!

When LAN Tingyu turns into a fierce fire, ready to tear up space and time. The surrounding space and time suddenly twisted, and the fierce fire fell into chaos again.

At the same time, Jiatian gave a slap.

In the void, a blue fist seal came.


LAN Tingyu was hit by the blue fist seal, and he was immediately hit back to his original shape, and with a mouthful of blood, he fell into the abyss below.

As soon as Jia Tian reached out his hand, he took LAN Tingyu down completely.

It was also at this time that Chen Yang and huizhe made a move together.

Chen Yang and huizhe are in the crystal of soul. He asked Qin Keqing and huizhe to activate the mana together, and Chen Yang used the mana of these two people to completely activate the soul crystal.

At this moment, the Soul Crystal turned into a sky thunder black light and shot forward. It's as fast as lightning.

In a flash, all the space and time were crushed by the thunder. This day thunder black light all the way through the general, momentum.

Seeing, the sky thunder and dark light will break through the law of the cave.

At the same time, Jia Tian also killed him with a fist. The blue fist seal intercepted him like the phase of the universe. Boom!

Two powerful forces collide and kill together. The next second, the Soul Crystal returns to its original shape. Chen Yang and huizhe were shocked.

To be exact, in this instant, it was the Wushi God and the wise that were shocked out. At that critical moment, Chen Yang embraces Qin Keqing and shows his hiding skill.

This is the change between lightning and stone.

That Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen had been put into jiexumi by Chen Yang. The soul crystal is also in Chen Yang's hands.

If the wise man and the Wushi God are together, the wise man does not find that the Wushi God is no longer Chen Yang.

Qin Keqing is close to Chen Yang. Naturally, she knows that it's extremely dangerous at the moment. She's afraid to give up, so she has to rely on Chen Yang.

With the help of reclusion, Chen Yang has integrated with the cave. Jiatian never thought that Chen Yang had no beginning God, so he didn't go to see the difference in the sky.

This is the same as the monitoring at home, as long as you are a little careful, you can find that there are thieves entering. But when it's OK, who will come to check the monitoring?

It is easy to find the invisible Chen Yang and Qin Keqing in the cave with the cultivation of Jiatian. But there is a Chen Yang in front of him. He will think about other things there.

Chen Yang's mana controls the Wushi God puppet, and does not hesitate to display his accumulated move, big soul thunder sword.

However, this Wushi God puppet is not the opponent of Jiatian. Jiatian changes twice, and space sweeps, directly seizing Wushi God puppet and huizhe. Chen Yang runs the Wushi puppet. Then, with a bang, the Wushi puppet explodes quickly.

The flames burst into the sky, and countless pieces of soul burst apart.

Jia Tian couldn't help frowning. "Is that how the boy died?"

He naturally recognized Chen Yang, but he didn't expect that this strange boy would die like this. But he couldn't doubt that it was true that the Yuanshen burst just now.

Jiatian then accepted the law of Dongtian and took huizhe and lantingyu out of the villa.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are in the distance, and the core crystal and fragments of Wushi God couple have been quietly recovered by him. Every time is such Yuanshen explosion, so that the other side does not have the slightest doubt. Because the protozoan explosion is a real form that is all simulated by the great change. Even in the case of Da Neng, it is difficult to tell the true from the false.

Najiatian and other lingzun left quickly.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing quickly fled from Beijing.

With huizhe and LAN Tingyu, Jiatian and other lingzun returned to the law society in Tianlong temple. LAN Tingyu returns to his original shape and lies on the ground with red fruits all over his body. He is really seriously injured and his strength is greatly damaged.

Huizhe was also injured, so he knelt down in front of the big men.

This is reincarnation department.

"Huizhe, do you want to continue to fight to the end?" First of all, there was a sharp drink.

Reincarnation division in the dark, big men sitting on the top.Chang sun's face is very ugly.

But at the moment, Chang sun can do nothing.

The wise man's face was dispirited, but he never dared to say anything. Because the blood imperial edict is in his head. Once he talks nonsense, Chen Yang will kill him immediately.

Therefore, in order to live, he must be loyal to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can communicate with the wise through the blood edict in his mind, but at this time, Chen Yang does not dare to communicate with him. Because at this time, if they knew about it, they would continue to pursue Chen Yang.

And in their hearts, Chen Yang was dead.

"You want proof..." Naduoyin said: "now LAN Tingyu is here. There is a mountain of hard evidence. If you don't tell me any more, the many tortures of my Lord's reincarnation department are tailor-made for you."

The wise man gave a bitter smile and said, "what can I say now? I am the Holy One, the proud holy one. How can I cooperate with them if I am not forced by them and my life is in danger? "

"In detail, what's the matter?" The big guys keep a close eye on the wise man.

The wise man scanned the scene and knew what to say and what not to say. He knows that he must keep the secret that Chen Yang is still alive. Although he doesn't know when Chen Yang switched, he learned Chen Yang's skills last time and knew that Chen Yang must still be alive.

But as for the eldest grandson, he has no plans to keep him. He's a smart guy. He doesn't know there. At present, even if we help Chang sun, Chang sun will try to kill himself.

Then the wise one said, "I can confess everything, but I need you to give me a guarantee."

"What guarantee?" Jia Tian asked coldly.

The wise man said, "live! If it's death, why don't I just give up and die when I come here? "

"Do you think you have a chance to die in front of me?" Jia Tian said coldly.

A wise man is a fool.

Jia Tian said: "you are not qualified to talk about the conditions. If you behave well enough, maybe we will give you a way to live. If you want to take chances and so on, you're looking for trouble. "

Then he said in a cold voice, "do you understand?" The wise man bowed his head and said, "I see."

Then, the wise man said, "when I was in the ark, I was out of the boat. Unfortunately, I was besieged by Chen Yang and a mysterious master."

At this time, Chen Yang was also listening carefully to the wise man. Although he didn't give instructions, if huizhe once said something, he couldn't say it. He will kill huizhe immediately.

But huizhe didn't give up Mingyue xianzun. With this, Chen Yang knew huizhe was still planning to cooperate.

At this time, the wise man is like a mole ant in a desperate situation. Although he has little vitality, he is trying to survive. As long as there is a chance, he is not willing to let it go.

Huizhe continued: "Chen Yang wanted to save Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing who were caught by us in the central world. They forced me to bring them here."

"How did they find you so accurately and know that you have the ability to bring them here?" He asked.

The wise man said, "there seems to be a spy in the ark, but I don't know who the spy is. I don't want to, but you should understand the true meaning of life and death. I'm really shameful. But I was really afraid of death, so in the end, I had to compromise. I don't know if you will choose the same compromise as me when facing the threat of death. "

Jia Tian said coldly, "what are you talking about? What are we doing?"

He then said, "and then?"

Huizhe said, "then, Chen Yang had many pills. He asked me to find his eldest grandson and gave him 200 million pure Yang pills. Lord Chang sun released Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing to us. This is the deal we have reached. As for LAN Tingyu, we don't know him at all. His escape has nothing to do with us. "

"Fart your mother, there are 200 million pills!" As soon as Chang sun heard what Hui said, he was very anxious.

"Hard for you to say, how many pills is it?" The wise man asked his eldest grandson.

The eldest grandson couldn't help but stay. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "you're looking for death!"

Jia Tian said coldly, "Chang sun, what else do you have to say now?"

As soon as Chang sun patted the table, he said, "say, say what? I did. But there are not 200 million pills, there are only 100 million pills. LAN Tingyu's escape had nothing to do with me. Now that Chen Yang also died, Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing must have died in Chen Yang's Yuanshen explosion. It's a big deal for me to hand in this 100 million elixir. As for the disappearance of your original ice crystal, don't you have to rely on me? "

Jia Tian said in a cold voice, "things are not what you say." He then said, "100 million pure Yang pills must be turned in. As for your punishment, I will report it to the president, and then make a decision. Now, you can go. "

The eldest sun brushed his sleeve and got up. When he left, he looked at huizhe bitterly and said, "boy, you can do it!"Then he left.

Jiatian then asked huizhe, "why is LAN Tingyu with you since it has nothing to do with you?"

Huizhe said, "he seems to have some connections with Chen Yang. Chen Yang recruited him. But what's the matter? It will take you adults to interrogate him. "

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