Finally, Chang sun put forward the conditions to Chen Yang and monk Linghui. He first said: "if you control Michael, I will offend the president to death. Now, I know that although I can't kill you, you can't trap me. We need to have a good solution to solve all these problems in front of us. No one wants that. "

The eldest grandson's previous cooperation was completely frightened by monk Linghui's majesty. Now he has to make the terms clear. Otherwise, he doesn't have to take such a big risk to work for Chen Yang. After all, his life is not under great threat. Where he was threatened was his future and accomplishments.

Chen Yang also knows that Chang sun's appeal is reasonable. He said: "we just want to save LAN Tingyu. As for the wise, he is hard to integrate in your spiritual world, so I also want to take him away. Then you send us out of the chalky world, and we release the law for you and Micah, and the deal is done. "

The eldest grandson said, "how to remove it?"

These four words have a large amount of information. How to remove them? In the chalky world, Chang sun's side can completely turn his back and arrest Chen Yang and all of them. If they leave, Chen Yang can turn around and refuse to recognize others. He will not be relieved and will hang them all the time.

Chen Yang scratched his head. He also knew that this was a key point, so he looked at monk Linghui and said, "how to relieve it?"

Linghui monk said: "when we leave this chalky world, I will open all the mysteries of these two laws, and the power of these laws will be scattered in your cave. At that time, you will be able to feel the breath of the emperor, and receive countless nutrients. As for the eldest grandson, you will reach heaven step by step. What's more, if you understand your law, your power will be more terrible. And that Micah leaf, you see, his whole life is difficult to reach the realm of creation, and with your law, he will have more hope. I believe he himself can understand this. "

"Is it really so mysterious?" Chang sun's eyes shine.

Monk Linghui said, "although you have suffered a great disaster, your mana has almost disappeared. But do you really think you have the right to let Ben Jun lie to you? Your words are golden words. "

"Yes, I was rude." Chang sun immediately admitted his mistake.

But he was surprised again and said, "you haven't met President Michael, have you? How can we conclude that he can't enter the realm of creation? "

Monk Linghui said, "if you look at the weather of NAFA society, you will know that he has no such wisdom. In your Presbyterian Church, there was a realm of creation, right? But it's also a bad environment, but the weather in the Presbyterian Church is different. What's more, the man who created the realm has left the Presbyterian Church, and he may not be on the earth for a long time. "

In his eyes, Chang sun had a strange color, and he was more in awe of Linghui.

Because it's a high secret. He doesn't know it very well. The Linghui monk actually knows it by looking at the luck of Tianlong hall.

"The realm of creation is the realm of creation. How can it be said that it is out of fashion?" Chen Yang can't help asking.

Linghui monk said, "it's a good question. People are all human beings, but they are divided into three, six and nine grades."

Chen Yang said, "er Well, that makes sense! "

Monk Linghui said, "forget it, I can't understand you. You don't understand the word "nature". When you understand the word "nature", you will know that there are many differences between them. "

The elder Sun said, "I'm not very good at learning. I'm lucky to know you. I hope you can give me more advice in the future."

The eldest grandson, who was proud of his talent, was very modest in front of Linghui monk. Chen Yang and Qin Keqing knew that it was not because of the threat of the law that they could make their eldest grandson obey. It's all because of the personal dignity of Linghui monk. Without Linghui monk, this matter would not be so smooth.

With a faint smile, Linghui monk said, "let's talk about it later. If you are in your prime, you can't really get into your eyes."

"Shit..." Chen Yang couldn't help saying, "Linghui, it hurts! I have self-respect, too. "

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "this is not pleasant, but it's true."

Chen Yang smiles helplessly. He also knew in his heart that Linghui monk used to be the absolute top of his mother, and he had to be afraid of the way of heaven. In front of him, how many people can enter the stream?

The more you know about it, the more Chen Yang knows about Linghui.

Later, Linghui monk said: "this law, 500 million pure Yang pills, and your painstaking efforts. This is a great gift for Micah. Don't worry, eldest son. When it's done, he will not blame you, but thank you. "

The eldest grandson was in a panic and said, "it's all the favor of the emperor!"

That's how it's settled. The eldest grandson is willing to fight for his future.

As for LAN Tingyu and huizhe, these are not so important.

The only headache for the Dharma society is the loss of the original ice crystal stone, which is a big thing. The law society has not yet reported it to the Presbyterian Council. Once reported, it will set off a huge wave.The value of ice crystal is no longer measurable by any magic weapon. Because the original ice crystal stone is tempered by ZuLong, they want to wake up the power of the original ice crystal stone through Luoxue. As long as a trace of strength, you can be proud of the earth.

The horror of ZuLong is unimaginable.

The next thing is for Chang sun to do. The eldest son took the jade rule and went to see president Michael. Michael leaves president is still closed, but the eldest son forced to go, said there is an important report.

If there is an emergency, the eldest son has the right to see Michael.

Therefore, gadian could not stop him.

Gadian was worried that his eldest son would bite him back. He didn't disturb Michael all the time, but he wanted to settle everything with his own efforts. Make a mess, and then go to invite the president, this is the person in charge of the day, is very humiliating.

In the hall of Michael's cultivation, Michael wore a purple robe. He looked gentle and elegant. Some scales and thick skin on his body had already degenerated. He is still tall. Even in the eyes of human beings, he is not ugly. And in the eyes of the spiritual masters, he is the most beautiful man. And it looks young and elegant.

Michael's aura is very strong. After the eldest grandson came in, the whole hall was filled with his personal breath, which is a kind of holy and warm breath. It makes people feel like the spring breeze and the boundless grace of heaven.

However, at the same time, they also knew that the grace of heaven could turn into thunder. Once this kind of breath turns into thunder, few lingzun can bear it.

After the eldest son came in, Michael did not open his eyes, but still sat cross legged.

"Meet the president!" The eldest son stood three meters in front of Micah and saluted him respectfully.

Micah leaf still closed his eyes, light way: "what's the matter?"

The eldest Sun said in a deep voice, "I've met a difficult problem. It can't be solved without the help of the president."

"What's the matter?" Micah leaf is still lukewarm said.

The eldest Sun said, "you see, I can understand everything in the cave."

When he had finished, he put out the law of the cave and covered the cage of Micah's leaves.

Micah still did not open his eyes, and his thoughts swept through his eldest son's cave. Soon, he found a subtle clue.

"This rule is so strange!" Michael opened his eyes suddenly. There was a light in his eyes.

The more he realized the law of Chang sun, the more confused he was.

If this law is in Michael's cave, he can break it by his own body. But it's hard to understand in changsun's cave.

"What's going on?" Micah asked his eldest son.

The eldest Sun said, "if I return to you, this is Chen Yang, a human captured by my minister a few days ago. I didn't expect that there was a celestial King beside him, who somehow lost all his mana. But when I arrested him, the Immortal King released this Law in my cave. So, they threatened to release LAN Tingyu. I dare not, so I thought of coming to the president for your help. "

"I see!" Michael said, "I have heard about Chen Yang. I didn't expect it to be like this now. Besides, there is also an immortal who has lost his magic power. It's amazing. I've been practicing for several years, but I can't get anything. If you can meet this immortal gentleman and exchange with him, maybe you will gain a lot. Go, take Ben Zun to see them. "

Chang sun was in a dilemma.

"Why?" Said Michael.

The eldest Sun said, "can the president solve this Law for my ministers first? If you leave rashly, I'm afraid they will make an extreme reaction first. "

"How can we go too far?" Said Michael.

The eldest Sun said: "the Immortal King said that he put the introduction of the great poison technique in this law. If I dare to act recklessly, I will expose the poison of this Law in my cave. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

"Great poison technique? Three thousand Avenue? " Micah said, "if that's the case, you have to be careful. Well, then, I will use my own cave to solve the problem for you, and see if I can break this law! "

After he finished, he showed his own cave.

The cave of Micah was different.

Countless spaces constitute layers of crystal walls, in all directions, everywhere is the mystery. And there is also the consciousness of heaven.

The consciousness of heaven position, which is the most mysterious thing, can only mean but can't express!

This kind of cave expansion can trap countless experts in the universe.

So, it's not two caves in fairyland that can kill one celestial realm. One cave can trap ten fairylands. As long as the other party has no special skills and can't get rid of the other party's cave, the ten cave fairyland is a dead end in front of Tianyu.

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