As soon as Michael's cave came out, the eldest grandson said, "I'm sorry, president."

He then ejected the jade law, and at the same time, his own law had been put into his brain.

Michael is wrong, but it's too late.

The jade law is extremely fast, directly into the cave of Michael.

"You..." Micah leaf burst into a rage, said: "bold eldest grandson, what have you done?"

Chang Sun said hastily: "the president is calm. This is a big chance!"

Micah leaf side quietly feel the changes in the cave, while the eye to kill, said: "big chance?"

He immediately felt that there was a law in the cave.

The incomparably mysterious law is more terrifying, vast and majestic than the law in changsun's cave.

Michael also felt the king's breath in it.

At this time, Michael had been completely immersed in the knowledge of the rule of God.

"It turns out that the world of Tianjun is like this? However, I still have too much to understand. What does that mean? What the hell is going on? Why is that? "

Michael was still asking the eldest son, but at this time, he no longer paid attention to the eldest son. Like a martial arts maniac, he can't extricate himself from seeing new martial arts.

Seeing this, the eldest grandson was slightly relieved. He knew that the plan was a success.

It was a long time before Carmel came back to God. He looked a little decadent, his eyes were covered with blood, and even his hair was white.

He was a man full of confidence, but Linghui monk's rules completely hit his self-confidence.

"Where is this elder? Take me to see him!" Micah said in a deep voice.

The eldest Sun said, "in that case, President, please follow me!"

Michael got up and said, "good!"

He's like a puppet.

When Michael leaves the Dharma society, no one dares to ask. No one dares to follow!

The eldest grandson came to rivata's home with Micah smoothly, and met Chen Yang, Linghui and Qin Keqing smoothly.

As soon as the eldest son saw Linghui monk, he said to Michael, "president, this is the elder."

Micah immediately said, "see you, master!"

Monk Linghui was slightly surprised.

While Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were stunned.

What a person like Michael. As soon as he came in, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were frightened by his unconscious breath and aura.

At this time, however, Michael was respectful to Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui nodded and said, "very good. You are very smart."

Michael said, "I admire you for your magic power."

Linghui monk said: "well, since you have this respect, I don't think it's in vain for you to spend one

"Thank you, master!" Michael yeton was excited.

Linghui monk said, "now, I need you to do something."

Michael said, "please, master! As long as I can do it, I will do my best. "

Monk Linghui said, "let LAN Tingyu go..."

He is about to continue to say, Chen Yang suddenly said: "there is another thing, I say."

Monk Linghui took a look at Chen Yang and said with a smile, "OK, Daoyou, come on!"

So Michael looked at Chen Yang.

"Are you Chen Yang?" When Michael faced Chen Yang, his attitude was different. He did not deliberately, but naturally had a condescending attitude.

Chen Yang has no way to be unconvinced. After all, where is the realm of others.

However, Chen Yang still had a temper. At this time, Michael was obviously under his control, and he could still lower his voice to Michael.

"It's me, how about it?" Chen Yang said.

Micah leaf light smile, said: "hero out of youth, admire! When you are young, you have the Immortal King on your side. No wonder you can have a bright future. "

Chen Yang touched his nose, but Michael spoke very well. He was too embarrassed to keep his face straight.

He then said, "I don't want to say more about this. I have something to ask the president."

"Go ahead, please Said Michael.

Chen Yang said: "everything huizhe does is controlled by me, and you can feel the feeling of being controlled by others right now. The wise man is more cruel. He is controlled by me with blood. Once he resists, there is no place to die. He is loyal to your empire. I hope you will forgive him for his crimes and not expose him. After I leave, I will destroy the blood edict in his brain. "

"Isn't it better to control him?" Michael looked at Chen Yang with strange eyes and said, "you can take him away."

Chen Yang said: "before I had an appointment with him, if he didn't betray me, I should treat him like a brother. He did. Now, we are brothers. Since I'm a brother, I can't help thinking about what he thinks. He is loyal to lingzun and the Empire. If he is allowed to betray the Empire, he will not be happy in his heart. "When Michael hears the words, he looks at Chen Yang.

At this time, he seems to find out the real particularity of Chen Yang.

He then said, "what wise people do is also because of the blood edict in their heads. Isn't it ridiculous for you to talk about friendship with them?"

Chen Yang said: "what does that matter? He did what he promised me. That's enough."

Micah leaf smile, said: "well, now I finally understand, why even the predecessors such characters are willing to follow you."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then felt his head with some embarrassment.

Then Micah said, "well, I promise you to release the wise immediately. His crime will not be reported. If it's spread out, it will be cleaned up for him. "

"Thank you very much!" Chen Yang said.

"As for LAN Tingyu..." Michael said, "it's not difficult. You can let it go."

Monk Linghui said, "that's good. When we leave, I will dissolve the law for you, and you will see how the law is formed. There are endless pills and nutrition in it. You should use them endlessly. "

"Thank you, master!" Michael and his eldest son said with great joy.

Monk Linghui smiles.

Qin Keqing sighed and said, "human beings and lingzun are equally intelligent creatures. If they can live in peace, how good it would be!"

When she sighed, the rest of the people on the scene did not speak.

Because it's impossible.

Lingzun's pride and ambition make it impossible for peace.

Then Michael and his eldest son went straight away.

Chen Yang also knows the importance of Luoxue to the law society, so he doesn't mention Luoxue at all. I'm also afraid of extra twigs!

After Micah and his eldest son left, Chen Yang decided to go to the remote cave first to get them, and then he could leave with them.

Although the teleportation array is in the Presbyterian Church, as Michael, he said that he wanted to leave the chalky world. I don't think the Presbyterian council would dare not give this face.

Chen Yang immediately took Qin Keqing and let monk Linghui into the seed of xuanhuang valley. Then, Chen Yang used the technique of concealment, captured Qin Keqing, and used the technique of big move, and then flew to the place where the cave was located.

In a few moments, he had reached the cave.

Chen Yang is about to go down, the Linghui monk first said: "no, there is a trace of hidden blood."

Linghui monk comes out of xuanhuang Shengu seed. He stops Chen Yang.

"What?" Chen Yang was shocked. An unspeakable panic spread from the bottom of his heart. He is worried about the safety of Luoxue!

LAN Tingyu, huizhe and so on. Their safety is worse than Luoxue's.

Chen Yang can't imagine how he should deal with himself if Luoxue has another accident.

"You don't have to worry." Monk Linghui understood Chen Yang's thoughts and said, "Luoxue will be fine for the time being. They are fighting to catch Luoxue. She has great use value, so Luoxue will not have an accident. "

Qin Keqing's eyebrows also wrinkled into Sichuan characters, she naturally thought of her eight younger sisters.

"What's the matter? We've got to go and see. " Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said: "first hide in the soul crystal, and then you two show Yin and Yang Yuanshen to check. Don't be trapped

Chen Yang nodded.

All around the cave, there are strange things everywhere.

What's more, the cave is very hidden. Why was it discovered? The law society should not make any action now. Is the person coming here from the Presbyterian Council?

At present, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing fly away quickly. After that, they hid in the soul crystal.

Then the two men began to repair their souls in the gemstone. However, this time the double cultivation was not smooth, because Qin Keqing's heart could not calm down.

The two failed to merge several times, which made Chen Yang a little annoyed. "What's the matter with you?" He said.

Qin Keqing said, "I..." Her face was anxious, but she didn't want to say it.

Chen Yang said: "my heart will only be more anxious than you, but I know that to save them, we must be more calm."

Qin Keqing took a deep breath, and she began to calm down.

After a long time, Qin Keqing finally focused on success. Two people practice both, and Yin and Yang merge successfully.

Then, yin and yang are formed. Chen Yang said, "I'm the leader!"

Qin Keqing said, "good!"

Although she is higher than Chen Yang, she always thinks that Chen Yang is the backbone.

The original spirit formed by the two is very strange, with a sense of androgyny. But at this time, Chen Yang dominated, and Yuan Shen became Chen Yang's face.

Chen Yang flew all the way to the cave. He didn't say much and went straight into the cave. The array outside the cave is still in good condition. As soon as Chen Yang enters the array, layers of ripples appear in it.Then, a crisis burst into the sky!

Under the cave, a figure soared into the sky.

It was a lingzun elder. He was dressed in a white robe and quickly laid the cave in the air.

Another master of tianyujing!

Then, the law of the cave rolled down!

At present, the situation is not that Tianyu has become a Chinese cabbage, but that the Presbyterian Council knows that the enemy is not a small one. You must hit the target with one shot, and never give the enemy a chance to take advantage of it.

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