This lingzun elder is called yinbuxu. Yinbuxu also plays an important role in the Presbyterian Council.

At this moment, Chen Yang's Yin and Yang Yuanshen is shrouded in the empty cave, and then the power in the cave immediately decomposes Chen Yang's Yuanshen. Of course, Yin Buxu knows that it is yuan Shen, but he wants to find Chen Yang's real body through yuan Shen.

Chen Yang feels the crisis, he is just a God, where he can compete with Yin Bu Xu. Now blow yourself up!

"Can it explode?" That Yin Bu Xu eyes a cold, a hand to grasp, immediately grasp Chen Yang this yuan Shen in the hand. Chen Yang and Qin Keqing immediately felt that time and space had become a whole, just like rivers and rivers, where people could only drift with the flow.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing also feel that the power of space inside is decomposing their Yuanshen, and freezing the power elements of their self exploding Yuanshen.

However, yin and yang are not idle. The frozen molecules were immediately bred by themselves. With a roar, the next second, the Yin and Yang primordial gods burst into pieces. Yin Bu Xu had nothing in his hand. He wanted to rely on Yin and yang to find Chen Yang and others, but it was impossible.

Yin Bu Xu can't help but be furious. He shoots his mind in all directions in the air. But the noumenon of Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are hidden in the soul crystal, which is very hidden. Even Yin Bu Xu is hard to find.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing opened their eyes in the crystal stone of soul, and their faces were very ugly.

The loss of yin and Yang is just a loss of mana. That's nothing. But now it is a complete confirmation of one thing, and it is a very bad thing. That is Luoxue, yuzizhen, they have really fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are not sure whether they are the Presbyterian Council, the law society or someone else.

Although Chen Yang is anxious about Luoxue, he still keeps calm. At this time, we should be calm. The cave is full of ambush. I'm just waiting for myself to die.

Qin Keqing is not Chen Yang's calm, a strong chant: "this next how to do, how to do?"

Chen Yang said, "let's go to see Michael first, and let him confirm everything first."

Qin Keqing said: "can it be his face to face or his back?"

Chen Yang said: "no, he doesn't have to do it face to face or behind. If he really wants to start, with his strength, even if the cave is limited, it is not difficult to catch us. So he doesn't have to. "

At this moment, Chen Yang's thinking is still very clear. Qin Keqing can't help but look at it more. At this time, she seems to understand the essential difference between herself and Chen Yang.

Although he has lived much longer than Chen Yang, when it comes to wisdom, he is not as good as Chen Yang.

But Linghui monk didn't participate at this time. He would only remind Chen Yang when he was not calm. Fortunately, Chen Yang seldom fails to calm down.

Chen Yang also wants to know that Luoxue will not be in danger for the time being. He has to take a long-term view and get LAN Tingyu out first.

At present, Chen Yang proposes to go back to rivata's home first.

Although Qin Keqing was burning, he still followed Chen Yang's advice.

After returning to rivata's home smoothly, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing waited for Micah, his eldest grandson and LAN Tingyu. The wise have been brought.

Huizhe is very depressed now. He is seriously injured.

If you want to face these people, you have to face Linghui monk. Although the magic power of Linghui monk is not as good as Chen Yang at the moment, Michael obeys him and reveres him.

LAN Tingyu has been in a coma, which is his self-protection mechanism. Chen Yang said to LAN Tingyu, "Lan Tingyu, you are safe."

As soon as this sentence was said, LAN Tingyu immediately opened her eyes.

LAN Tingyu is not sensitive to safety, but to Chen Yang's voice. At this time, LAN Tingyu also wore a blue gown. He is a gentle good childe, even in ordinary clothes, but also has a kind of luxury.

But at the moment, LAN Tingyu's spirit is not very good, some dispirited. He looks at Chen Yang and looks around. He didn't know Michael and his eldest grandson, but as soon as he looked at the past, he knew that these two spiritual sages had an extraordinary position in the world of spiritual sages.

LAN Tingyu couldn't help being surprised. He couldn't help asking Chen Yang, "what's the matter?"

The wise man's heart is still full of ups and downs. He is so surprised. He knew Michael. Chen Yang even asked President Michael to move, and let president Michael release him and Lanting jade. This makes huizhe feel incredible. Chen Yang has actually done this impossible thing.

The way huizhe looks at Chen Yang is very different.

At this time, Chen Yang was anxious. First, he simply introduced Michael and his eldest grandson to LAN Tingyu. Then he said, "something happened..."

At this time, he did not hide any more and told Luoxue and the accident in the cave.

Michael and his eldest grandson were also surprised. In fact, Luoxue was in Chen Yang's hands. They knew it clearly, but they didn't mention it. But what they're surprised at the moment is who did it."There is no action on our side, not us." Michael said first.

Chen Yang said: "we used the yuan God to wait and see, but we met an expert ambush. The expert's accomplishments were extremely high, and he was already in the realm of heaven. I see him in a silver robe. He looks like... "

Chen Yang tried to describe the appearance of Yin Bu Xu.

"It's Yin Bu Xu, from the Presbyterian Council." Chang Sun said immediately.

Micah's face immediately became ugly.

"Why did the Presbyterian Council suddenly step in? We didn't find Luo Xue's hiding place. How did they find it?" Michael was puzzled.

"Several doctors have been studying how to find Luoxue, but they haven't made any progress," he said. It's really weird that the Presbyterian Council should have found it directly. President, is it calculated by the elder of the prison? "

Michael said: "the prison is closed all the time. The Presbyterian will not disturb the prison because of this. Moreover, it takes a lot of effort and time to calculate this. Even I don't want to calculate easily. After calculation, opportunities will be lost. "

"Then I don't understand. " Chang Sun said.

LAN Tingyu clenched his fist on one side. When he knew that Luoxue had an accident, he was very anxious. It's just that he also has his own government, so he has to bear it.

At this time, he said to Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, I need pills to restore my ability."

Chen Yang nodded, did not hesitate, said: "good!" He gave LAN Tingyu five million pure Yang pills.

Without saying a word, LAN Tingyu began to sit with her knees crossed, cultivating and healing.

At this time, the silent Linghui monk opened his mouth, and he called out: "Michael."

"Master!" Micah immediately saluted respectfully.

Linghui monk said: "your ice crystal protolith has been integrated into Luoxue's body and can't be taken back."

Michael was slightly surprised, he said: "ice crystal stone disappeared, we all thought it might have been melted. It's just The material of the original ice crystal stone is very wonderful. Even we can't melt it with magic power. I'm really surprised how the original ice crystal stone was melted. That Luo snow girl, have no magic power, definitely can't have this ability

Linghui monk said faintly: "with Benjun, there is no impossible thing. What you can't do doesn't mean you can't do it, do you understand? "

Micah was slightly stunned, and he was more awed when he looked at Linghui monk.

In the eyes of outsiders, perhaps Michael's behavior at the moment is incomprehensible. With his strength, it is not difficult to capture Chen Yang and his group. But he didn't.

This is because there is a big mountain in Michael's heart, and this mountain is the monk of wisdom. The mountain was insurmountable in his mind.

The rules of Linghui monk in his cave made him understand for a lifetime. He felt that as long as he understood the mystery of the law, he could understand the true meaning of the road.

This is his only chance and the purpose of his life. Therefore, he must be careful to serve Linghui monk and treat him as a mentor in life.

Michael knew better that as long as he served Linghui monk well. The big man's fingertips are full of benefits.

Maybe at this time, some people will say that Chen Yang has been making friends with Linghui monk, and has not seen him get much benefit!

However, Michael and Chen Yang are totally different.

Michael is already a master of tianweijing. He is an international company with abundant assets. As long as he gets some key information from Linghui monk, he can get huge benefits. Chen Yang is just a small company. Monk Linghui imparts a lot of information, which he can't digest or use. This is the difference between Chen Yang and Michael.

At this time, Michael immediately said: "the master taught me a lesson."

Linghui monk said: "Luoxue is our bottom line. She's going to save it. If she can't, we'll leave it all alone

Michael took a deep breath and said, "OK, master, I see. The younger generation will try their best to do it. "

Monk Linghui said, "OK, go and investigate it."

"Yes, master!" Said Michael.

So Michael and his eldest son left.

For Chen Yang and others, rivata's home is very safe. Rivata's wife is also a good cook and will serve them.

Of course, Chen Yang and others are not in the mood to enjoy it.

LAN Tingyu is practicing and recovering. Chen Yang also gave huizhe five million pure Yang pills and said, "huizhe, go back to your villa to recover. When we get back to Tianzhou, I will release the blood edict in your brain. In the future, I will give you freedom. "

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