Huizhe trembled. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "really?"

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "Michael has promised not to pursue your fault. You can still be your recorder. You don't have to be surprised. You've made my promise. I can do what I promised you. After we leave, if we have another chance to meet in the future, you can draw your sword without any psychological burden. Because you don't owe me. I don't owe you any more. "

Huizhe took a deep look at Chen Yang. After a long silence, he said, "thank you."

Chen Yang's practice really moved huizhe, but huizhe would not lose his mind and follow Chen Yang regardless of everything. That's impossible, and, in the end, it's good for the wise person not to hate Chen Yang.

Huizhe left after that. Chen Yang doesn't plan to pay any attention to huizhe, as long as huizhe doesn't do anything against him during this period. This is the end of the relationship between him and huizhe.

Although Chen Yang also knows that it is not in his personal interest to do so. Because the compromise and commitment of the wise comes from the instinct of survival. Chen Yang doesn't have to do this to wise people, but for Chen Yang, other things don't matter. Commitment is the most important thing.

After waiting for the wise person to leave, although Chen Yang was anxious, he still sat down patiently and waited for the news. At this time, the situation is not clear and it is not suitable for random action. And it's not impulsive.

Linghui monk was also practicing with his knees crossed. He didn't rush back to xuanhuang Shengu seed.

"Unfortunately..." Monk Linghui sighed.

"What a pity?" Chen Yang immediately asked monk Linghui. Linghui monk said: "if only there were a billion pure Yang pills, poor monk can rely on the power of Michael and the power of yin and Yang of you two to cultivate a move. With one move, you can kill the elder of the Presbyterian prison. "

"One billion pure Yang pills?" When Chen Yang heard this figure, he had to smile bitterly.

He then said, "Linghui, do you think Michael can help us out of Luoxue?"

Monk Linghui said, "this Poor monk, it's hard to make a conclusion. Because I don't know about the law society and the Presbyterian Church. However, don't worry too much, Mr. Chen Yang. If we really can't save miss Luoxue, we can go back to Tianzhou first. And then go to the central world. As long as you take out my treasure in the central world, I will have enough pills to deal with it. "

Chen Yang brightened his eyes and said, "that's OK."

He felt that he had found a new life.

After two hours of cultivation, LAN Tingyu swallowed five million pure Yang pills. His mana has returned to its peak.

LAN Tingyu didn't say much, but he was determined to save people.

Another hour later, Chang sun came.

"Master!" After the eldest grandson came in, he saluted monk Linghui first.

Monk Linghui nodded lightly.

Chen Yang and others also look forward to the eldest grandson.

The eldest Sun said in a deep voice, "it's not so good."

"What's wrong?" Chen Yang's heart sank. Chen Yangxian asked.

"How's snow?" LAN Tingyu asked with concern.

The eldest grandson took a look at LAN Tingyu. He replied, "miss Luoxue is very good. You don't have to worry. However, Luoxue girl has been detained in Linglong Pavilion of the Presbyterian Church, where the guards are extremely strict, and no one can take her away. We, President Micah, went to negotiate, but the Presbyterian Council resolutely refused to hand over, and also accused us of incompetence. This time, the disappearance of the ice crystal protolith put us in a very unfavorable situation. President Michael is at a loss at the moment

"What happened to my eighth sister and Tang Wenqing?" Qin Keqing couldn't help asking. Her heart is pulled together, for fear of hearing something bad for Zizhen.

The eldest Sun took a look at Qin Keqing and said, "Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing were put into the imperial prison."

"What is imperial prison?" Qin Keqing's delicate body trembled violently. Although she didn't know what imperial prison was, she knew it was not a good place by her name.

The eldest sun sighed and said, "the prison is full of grievances. Countless grievances bite them until they eat their flesh and blood. It's a cruel torture of our lingzun to deal with human friars! "

"What?" Qin Keqing was shocked to death.

Her eyes are red, said: "I want to save my eight sister, I want to save her!" On impulse, she was about to fly directly to the Dragon hall.

"Do you want to die?" Chen Yang catches Qin Keqing and scolds him.

"But what can I do? She's not Rochelle. She doesn't have a gold medal. She'll die. If Luo Xue is in Zhao prison, can you calm down? " Qin Keqing yelled at Chen Yang.

"If you can calm down, you have to calm down. It's meaningless of you to go like this. It's just adding to the soul of the dead! " Chen Yang said fiercely.

Of course, Qin Keqing knew that Chen Yang was telling the truth, and she gave up the struggle, so she lost her soul.She came here, after a thousand difficulties and hardships, for the sake of eight younger sister. If Bamei really died, then everything she did would be meaningless.

Chen Yang asked his eldest grandson in a deep voice and said, "how long can I live in the imperial prison?"

Chang Sun said, "I've been in for one day. With their cultivation, I can live for two days. Two days later, even if they are still alive, they will be dead. "

"Two days..." Chen Yang said to Qin Keqing, "do you hear me? There are two days left. "

There was a flash of light in Qin Keqing's eyes.

Chen Yang said to his eldest grandson, "can't president Michael save Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing?"

Chang Sun said: "the Presbyterian Council took over the whole thing and refused to hand it over to Zizhen and Tang Wenqing."

Chen Yang said, "what if Michael insists on it?"

The eldest grandson said, "I can't insist. The Presbyterian Council won't give face to Michael at this time. This is not to say that the power of president Michael is not enough, but because it belongs to the two forces and they do not compromise with each other. Moreover, this time, the law society is in the wrong. The strength of the Presbyterian Council has always been in the law society. If we tear our skin, we can't get any good. "

Linghui monk suddenly said: "the master of the cave also looked at it. The array is quite mysterious and hidden. How did the Presbyterian Council find it?"

Chang Sun said, "this..." There was something strange about his face.

"Speak straight." Chen Yang said immediately.

Chang Sun said, "there are three people named Liu Tang, Liu Zheng and Liu Yong. They told the Presbyterian Council the secret. I want to ask the Presbyterian Council to give them a chance to leave. Now, the three have left the chalk world and are free. "

This words a, LAN Tingyu suddenly body drama shock. He never thought that it was the brothers of the Liu family who told the secret.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are also silent.

At this time, there is nothing to say. Can we blame LAN Tingyu?

"What about Liu mang?" LAN Tingyu asked immediately.

The eldest Sun said, "he died and was killed by the three brothers."

LAN Tingyu was silent. His eyes were red with blood, and there were tears and hatred. Tears are for Liu Mang, hatred is for the three brothers.

Presumably, the three brothers of Liu Tang have no confidence in Chen Yang and others. So I want to sell this secret to the Presbyterian Church and get the identity of freedom. Liu mang naturally disagreed. The three brothers had evil intentions and killed Liu mang directly.

"The rest of the people, more than 200 people, were all killed by the Presbyterian Council, and none of them remained!" Chang sun continued.

"Damn it LAN Tingyu gritted her teeth and roared.

At the moment, he was like a wounded beast. But he could do nothing but howl.

At this time, the most calm and sober one is probably Linghui monk.

He said: "in this way, right now, Michael has absolutely no ability to send us back to Tianzhou? Because the Presbyterian Council won't allow it, will it? "

"It's true that the Presbyterian Council has issued a strict order recently not to accept anyone from the Dharma society to leave the chalk world," he said

Chen Yang's heart sank to the bottom.

Chen Yang couldn't help saying, "why is the law society so vulnerable in front of the Presbyterian Council?"

The eldest Sun said, "the Presbyterian Council is the superior department of the law society. The Presbyterian Council has always been the leader of the Tianlong temple. However, in recent years, the status of the law society has become important and has made a lot of academic progress. The relationship between Chairman Michael and the king of spirit in Tiandu was also very good. As a result, the Presbyterian Council is also quite afraid. However, our law society is totally indifferent to this matter. The Presbyterian Council has their rights. Even in Tiandu, it's not easy to impose intervention. "

"Tiandu?" Chen Yang's eyes brightened.

He thinks Tiandu seems to be a good line again, but he has no idea how to use it.

The eldest son continued: "now, there is one thing that president Michael is worried about."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked.

The eldest Sun said, "the ancestors of Tianlong Temple don't know where they went, but it's said that the Presbyterian Council has a way to find them."

Needless to say, everyone knows that the old ancestor is a master of creation.

Chang sun continued: "the loss of the original ice crystal stone is very important. If you are the ancestor of Mikhail, you will have a hard time

A mess!

This is the current situation of Chen Yang and others.

Moreover, Chen Yang and others have been exposed. The Presbyterian Council will continue to pursue it. Once the trace is found, the life of Chen Yang and others will be even worse. At that time, I will be tired of running for life, let alone saving people.

The method of the law society is more gentle after all. But the old monsters of the Presbyterian Council are fierce and cruel.

"The most urgent task is to rescue Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing from the imperial edict." Chen Yang thought and said.

LAN Tingyu nodded. Although he was worried about Luoxue, he also knew that he had to save Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing who were in danger."How to save it is a big problem." LAN Tingyu said in a deep voice.

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