The current situation is suddenly complicated to an unimaginable degree. The road ahead, a wrong step is the disaster.

It's unrealistic to go to Tianlong hall to save people. No one can force people out of Tianlong hall.

Chen Yang soon thought of something. He asked his eldest son, "does the Presbyterian Council know me?"

"I know!" The eldest Sun said, "the elder Yin Bu Xu hanged your yuan Shen and knew you were still alive. Venerable Tianbu is an expert of the Presbyterian Church. Now his whereabouts are unknown because he is chasing you. The Presbyterian Council wants to catch you right now. "

Chen Yang said: "has not the law society decided that the venerable tianbulu is dead?"

The eldest Sun said, "the Presbyterian Council doesn't believe it. They have to interrogate something from you."

Chen Yang said: "so, I am valuable?"

"It's very valuable," he said

Chen Yang said: "if I use my life to exchange for the life of Zizhen and Tang Wenqing, will the Presbyterian Council be willing?"

"No way!" LAN Tingyu said immediately. He is very firm, said: "absolutely not, if you have an accident, snow will blame me for not taking care of you."

Although Qin Keqing is worried about her eight younger sisters, she is also embarrassed to ask Chen Yang to change them. She said: "Lan Tingyu is right. It can't be done. Let's do something else. "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "don't worry, I won't die. I have my own opinion. Chang sun, you just need to tell me the answer. "

Eldest Sun said: "although the Presbyterian Council is cruel, it keeps its word. If you exchange your life for Zizhen and Tang Wenqing, the Presbyterian Council will certainly be willing to. And they don't want to play tricks. "

Chen Yang said, "that's easy." He then said to Qin Keqing, "you give me to the Presbyterian Council in exchange for the freedom of Zizhen and Tang Wenqing. After that, he left the chalk world and returned to the central world. In this way, your task is finished

"This What do you want to do? " Qin Keqing was puzzled.

Chen Yang said, "just do as I say."

Qin Keqing knew that Chen Yang had some secrets, although Chen Yang did not reveal the secret of Wushi. But Qin Keqing also guessed some. The only thing that worries her is whether the Wushi puppet can cheat the Presbyterian.

For this, Chen Yang has obtained evidence from monk Linghui. Linghui monk said: "this great change skill of Wushi God comes from the power of the emperor, although it is not complete. But I estimate that no one in the Presbyterian Council can see through this great change. In addition, you can control the whole process of Daoyou, which should not make them suspicious. You can really have a try. It's just If we go ahead this time, maybe we're going to die without a beginning. "

Chen Yang doesn't care. He knows that Wushi is absolutely good. But Chen Yang thinks saving people is more important. In order to save LAN Tingyu and huizhe, he almost consumed all the pills on his body. If the account is too clear, you can't do anything.

Chang sun doesn't quite understand Chen Yang's plan. Chang sun doesn't think it matters much. He has his own plan and is not a dog in front of Chen Yang's eyes. He just wants to have a good beginning and end with Linghui monk. Even Michael may not be willing to help. He is just looking forward to the benefits of Linghui monk. Anyway, try your best to help. If you can't do it, don't force others to do it.

This is the attitude of changsun and Micah.

Michael was really anxious. He knew that the law of Linghui monk was the greatest opportunity for him in the second half of his life. As long as he can step into the realm of nature, then the Dharma society will be able to be proud in an instant, that is, the ancestor of the Presbyterian Church has come, and he will be called brother from now on.

This is Michael's chance. Therefore, Michael will not attack Linghui monk right now.

The eldest sun then left. His actions are secret and will not be known to the Presbyterian Council. Once the Presbyterian Council knows these things, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the law society and Tiandu always keep watch and help each other. The Presbyterian Council did not dare to go too far with the law society, nor did it dare to interfere in internal affairs.

But at the moment, they are also taking the opportunity to grasp Luo Xue's weakness and want to establish their own authority.

In addition, they also think that Luoxue is an opportunity. If we make good use of Luoxue, we can stimulate the strength of the ice spirit and ice crystal stone, and then the Presbyterian Council will be able to greatly increase its strength again.

Although it is difficult and remote, the Presbyterian Council will try its best. The subject of ice crystal stone was originally handed over to the Dharma society, which made the Presbyterian Church very alert all the time. Now that they have the opportunity, they rightfully take the subject of ice crystal protolith. Then, with the hegemony of the Presbyterian Council, we will never let go. This time, they did not show any respect to Micah.

The alpis mountains are surrounded by clouds all the year round, just like a fairyland. Tianlong hall towering, majestic with spectacular, spectacular with solemn majesty!

In the sky above the temple of Tianlong hall, the appearance of Liangdong dragon is vivid.

At this time, it was dusk.

Below alpis, the sun has set. And above alpis, in the clouds, the sun is shining.

The temple of Tianlong hall is in the clouds.This is a miracle for ordinary human beings and deities. However, there are few human beings and ordinary deities who can come to see. Because around the Tianlong hall, a terrible array of Dharma has long been laid. Don't be near strangers!

The clouds in the sky are like countless wadding. The cloud mountain in the distance is rolling like a heavenly palace.

On the top of the mountain, the mountain wind is raging!

Just then, a human figure appeared.

"What kind of God?" Before the human figure approached, a Presbyterian master had come to intercept.

The master's cultivation is in the Ninth Heaven. He looks big. He is a guard!

The array of Tianlong temple is always maintained by the Presbyterian Council. Therefore, the Presbyterian Council can often get more information and opportunities than the Dharma society.

As for the Dharma society, people from the Presbyterian Council have obtained permission from the array, but they will not disturb the array guards.

The guard looked at the comer and yelled at him.

Here is a human woman, dressed in black armor, valiant and beautiful. She is no other than Qin Keqing!

The emissary was called Li Mu. Li Mu was surprised to see that the man was a human.

Few people dare to break into the Dragon hall. Ordinary people can't come, but people with accomplishments are afraid of Tianlong hall. They want to avoid it as far as they can. There is absolutely no reason to take the initiative to send it to the door.

Of course, there have been accidents before. Three human beings came to tell the truth and got a lot of benefits.

"Bold, dare to break into Tianlong hall without permission!" Li Mu cried out.

Qin Keqing immediately hugged his fist and said, "I have important secrets to report to the elders."

"Well?" We should attach great importance to it. The Presbyterian Council has benefited greatly from previous human informers. At the moment, someone came to tell on him. Li Trojan horse said, "OK, you stay here for a while. I'll report to the elders immediately."

Qin Keqing said, "thank you

Qin Keqing is nervous, she can't help it. She knew exactly what the Tianlong hall under the cloud represented. Such power and authority was beyond her imagination. Even when master yanjiuniang came here, she couldn't turn over the waves.

She was afraid to come here and to show her flaws. But if all for eight younger sister, she will be able to suppress some of the fear to the bottom of her heart.

The sunset in the sky is so sad and beautiful, like the blood of a lover.

Qin Keqing didn't wait long. Soon a big fingerprint broke out of the void and caught Qin Keqing. Qin Keqing didn't even have the heart to resist, so he was caught in the wonderful molecular array.

Then, in a flash before her eyes, people had appeared in a hall.

There was nothing around the hall. The ground was as smooth as a mirror, and there was a kind of supreme dignity everywhere.

At the top of the hall, three elders sat side by side.

The chief elder is elder Kiel.

In the Presbyterian Council, the elder of the prison is the head of the elder, but the elder of the prison is in seclusion. Now, it's elder lengyun who is in charge of the Presbyterian Council, but elder lengyun certainly doesn't bother to ask about such trifles.

Elder Kiel's eyes were dignified. He looked at Qin Keqing and said coldly, "who's coming?"

Qin Keqing was still in shock. At this time, he reacted and said, "report back to the elder, little lady Qin Keqing, from the central world."

"From the central world?" Elder Kiel said, "most of the monks in the chalk world are captured by us. But you are not being arrested. It's strange. Tell elder Ben how did you get in? "

Qin Keqing was not flustered. Chen Yang had expected this kind of question and helped Qin Keqing think of a good speech. Qin Keqing said at the moment: "little girl, I hope you can make a deal with elder. If it can be concluded, you will naturally understand what means the little girl came in. "

"Deal?" Elder Kiel exchanges colors with elder Donglin and elder Tianyi. Then elder Kiel laughed and said, "now human unicorns like to do business with our Presbyterian Council. Well, now our world of lingzun is no longer a secret, and it is not impossible to let you go back. What kind of deal are you going to make. If what you said is worthless after our appraisal, I'm sorry, you will never walk out of our Tianlong hall again. "

Qin Keqing said: "elder, don't worry. Since I'm here, I'm sure. How can I not know the means of the Presbyterian Church? "

"So good!" Said elder Kiel.

Qin Keqing said: "my eight younger sister Yu Zizhen and my third highness Tang Wenqing are now in your hands. I'd like to exchange them with you."

"Who?" Elder Kiel's three holy sages immediately showed interest.

Qin Keqing raised her head and looked at elder Kiel. She said slowly, "Chen Yang!"

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