When Qin Keqing said the word Chen Yang, the faces of elder kier, elder Donglin and elder Tianyi changed.

"He's not dead!" The three elders came up with such an idea at the same time.

Elder Kiel's eyes were shining. He looked at Qin Keqing and said, "do you know where Chen Yang is?"

Qin Keqing said: "since I came to exchange, I naturally know where Chen Yang is. Didn't you just ask me how I got to the chalk world? Chen Yang brought me here. Although his accomplishments are not very high, the elders must know how many special skills he has. If I don't tell you where he is hiding, I'm afraid you can't find half of him even in your lifetime. "

Elder kier immediately whispered with elder Donglin and elder Tianyi.

After a while, elder Kiel said, "so, your appeal is to exchange Chen Yang for your eight younger sisters and Tang Wenqing?"

Qin Keqing said, "that's right. And I hope the elders will send us out of the chalk world. "

Elder Kiel nodded and said, "as long as your information is true, we will successfully catch Chen Yang. Then, we will meet all your demands. "

Qin Keqing said: "thank you, elders!"

Elder Kiel said, "it shouldn't be too late. Donglin and Tianyi, you will go to catch Chen Yang with yinbuxu immediately. This time, nothing can be said to let him escape any more. "

"Yes Elder Donglin and elder Tianyi should be right now.

Elder Kiel said to Qin Keqing, "you lead the way!"

"Yes," said Qin Keqing

Qin Keqing almost blurted out just now, and asked elder Kiel to take Bamei and Tang Wenqing out of the imperial prison first. But she thought of Chen Yang's warning in time. That is never to mention it. Once this crop is mentioned, it will show its flaws immediately.

Then, the elder lingzun of the Presbyterian Council will ask, how do you know they are in the imperial prison?

Then, Qin Keqing will be speechless.

Elder Kiel has many affairs to deal with, and he is not ready to join in the capture. Elder Donglin, elder Tianyi and elder yinbuxu soon joined together.

Qin Keqing followed the three elders out of the Tianlong hall.

Outside the Tianlong hall, the mountain wind blows.

The clouds are misty and white, and you can't see the sky at a glance.

Qin Keqing was covered in black armor and her long hair was flying in the wind. She took a deep breath and said to the three powerful monster elders, "three elders, please hide first. I'll give him my hand first. If I let him know, he will run away immediately. He has a lot of tricks, and he's good at stealth. "

Elder yinbuxu didn't like Qin Keqing and didn't look up to him. In the eyes of elder yinbuxu, all human unicorns are shameful. They are extremely humble. They also like to betray themselves and lack basic loyalty.

This cunning human Unicorn only needs the most violent and direct cruel means to treat them.

Elder yinbuxu snorted coldly and said, "last time I let him escape, it was because he was the original spirit. He has already been able to hide his strength. This time, I want to see what else he can do. "

Elder Donglin said: "elder yinbuxu, don't speak so slowly. You are good tempered and capable, but how do you compare with the venerable tempura? The venerable Tianbu all fell in his hands. Before that, Jiatian let him escape unharmed. I think we should be cautious. Let Miss Qin do it first! This time, if the three of us make trouble together, I don't think we have the face to go back to the Presbyterian Council. "

"You..." This remark made Yin Buxu very uncomfortable, but elder Donglin had always been mature and prudent, which was reasonable. Although he was uncomfortable, he could not argue.

At that moment, elder Yi said, "Miss Qin, you can do whatever you want. Today, we are all at your command! "

"She deserves it, too!" Yin Bu Xu couldn't help sneering.

Qin Keqing's beautiful face was suddenly green and red.

Although, she did not really betray Chen Yang. But now, in the eyes of Yin Bu Xu, she is such a person. She still felt a little ashamed.

Elder Donglin immediately said, "Miss Qin, don't mind. Yin Bu Xu is such an old monster that he doesn't need to pay attention to her. "

Qin Keqing said: "the little girl only wants to save Bamei and Tang Wenqing. Everything else doesn't matter to her."

Her words and expression, in fact, fall into the eyes of the three elders. If there is a flaw, it will make the three elders suspicious. At present, the image Qin Keqing gives them is that they are desperate to save their relatives. Then it's not surprising that she betrayed Chen Yang.

As the night fell, Qin Keqing unfolded her body method and was flying fast in the air. She went to the remote cave before.

Soon, he came near the cave.

"Is it hidden here?" Elder yinbuxu's face was a little strange.Qin Keqing said, "Chen Yang is extremely cunning and bold. He knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place. After you withdraw from the cave, he lives in it. "

Yin Bu Xu couldn't help being annoyed and said, "how can that be?"

Elder Tianyi, who has always been relatively silent, said with a smile: "the most dangerous place is the safest place. This strategy is rotten. But it happened that when we were all careless, he just did it. This son is a ghost talent

Elder Donglin said: "this son can make us not really grasp him once by virtue of his minor accomplishments, and his wisdom can be seen for a long time."

Qin Keqing said, "three elders, please wait a moment. I'll leave my spiritual mark. You can't give him another chance to escape by observing in secret. "

The elder of Donglin said, "thank you so much, Miss Qin."

Qin Keqing nodded, left a spiritual mark, and then flew to the cave.

The home of rivata is Chen Yang's stronghold, so it can't be exposed.

And this cave is where Chen Yang's Wushi idol is.

Qin Keqing's movement was completely in the eyes of the three elders.

Qin Keqing entered the cave smoothly.

In the cave, it was quiet, dark and bloody.

The three elders saw that Chen Yang was practicing with his knees crossed.

Around the cave wall, the water vapor is swirling, the stalactites are hanging, and the shapes are various.

Chen Yang's white gown is elegant and silent.

"Are you back?" When Chen Yang saw Qin Keqing coming back, he opened his eyes.

His voice was calm and gentle.

Qin Keqing nodded.

Chen Yang said, "what did you find out?"

Qin Keqing shook his head and said, "what can I find out? There is no doubt that they were caught in the Dragon hall. That day, the Dragon hall was full of nets. I didn't dare to get close to it! "

Chen Yang then said in a warm voice, "take your time."

"What do you think? There's no way to think about it. " Qin Keqing said irritably.

Chen Yang said, "what do you want me to do?"

Qin Keqing looked at Chen Yang and said, "you say you like me, don't you?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "yes, if I don't like you, how can I accompany you to this dangerous chalky world."

Qin Keqing said, "well, I will satisfy you today. Don't you like me? I give myself to you. " After she finished, she went to Chen Yang and went to kiss him on the lips.

Chen Yang was stunned, his eyes wide open, and let Qin Keqing kiss him.

It's a kiss. Chen Yang is like a nerd, but soon he reacts. He began to take the initiative

And also at this time, Qin Keqing shot.

She suddenly clapped it and printed it on Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Chen Yang's figure flashed out ten meters away. He flashed fast, but he was injured. His face changed greatly, and a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yang was shocked and angry. He said harshly, "what do you mean, Qin Keqing?"

Qin Keqing's eyes were red. She looked sad and helpless. "Sorry, Chen Yang. I can't think of any other way to save my sister than to sell you to the Presbyterian Church. "

"So you..." Chen Yang was furious: "I have done so much for you. In the end, that's what you do to me? I'm really blind. You poisonous woman, I'll kill you

In his fury, Chen Yang quickly displayed his sword formula.

The dark sword light flickers in the cave. It's fierce and fierce. There's no match for the law!

The three elders outside the cave witnessed all this, and the elder yinbuxu said, "it seems that we can do it."

Elder Donglin, who has always been gentle, said lightly, "what are you worried about? If Qin Keqing died in Chen Yang's hands, wouldn't it be better. In this way, we don't have to keep our promise to her

"That's true!" Yin Bu Xu reacts. He took one more look at the elder of Donglin, and he was afraid.

He thinks that this little Laozi is usually a good man with benevolence, righteousness and loyalty. I didn't expect that my mind was very spicy!

Also at this time, Qin Keqing had already flashed out and fled to the three elders.

In the rear, Chen Yang yelled, "poisonous woman, I'll kill you!"

Qin Keqing face flustered, said: "three elders, help me!"

"Useless things!" Yin Bu Xu still can't help it. As soon as Chen Yang rushes over, he grabs it directly. With this palm, Chen Yang is in his hands.

Chen Yang couldn't move.

"You You unite to harm me Chen Yang was so sad and angry that he said, "I hate you so much!"

"So easy to catch?" Elder Tianyi looks strange.

Elder yinbuxu snorted coldly and said, "the boy's internal organs are seriously injured by the girl. He is not vulnerable to attack. It's easy to grasp."Qin Keqing was relieved. She bowed her head in shame and did not dare to look directly into Chen Yang's eyes.

"Isn't it said that he has a black black light, which is unique?" Elder Donglin was still very cautious and asked.

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