The soul crystal is a big secret, and the lingzun of the law society is very clear. But the Presbyterian side is not clear. I only know that Chen Yang has a black black light, which is very powerful. He can even break the law of the cave.

The Soul Crystal once appeared in the wise man, and Chen Yang was also afraid that it would involve the wise man.

Therefore, he told Qin Keqing not to say anything about the soul crystal.

At this time, Qin Keqing saw that elder Donglin asked about black black light. She immediately said, "that's a magic weapon for his life. It's called Leishi. There is infinite energy in the Thunder Stone. His body can escape into the Thunder Stone and exert its power to the extreme. The thunder and lightning in the Thunder Stone is said to be the most primitive thunder and lightning, so it can tear some simple laws of the cave. However, the last time I broke through the law of Lord Jiatian, the Thunder Stone was completely destroyed. "

"Damaged?" Donglin elder obviously didn't believe it, and said, "isn't it a coincidence?"

This elder, who seems to be the most gentle, is extremely difficult to deal with.

Qin Keqing immediately said: "Chen Yang is extremely cunning. He said so, but is it really damaged. I have no way to know! "

"Bitch!" Chen Yang immediately scolded Qin Keqing.

Elder Donglin waved his hand and said, "no matter what else, take it back. We need to verify the identity of this person first. If it is true that this person is Chen Yang. Then, we will keep our promise. But if you find out Miss Qin, you cheat us. Then I'm sorry. You can go to the imperial prison to accompany your sister. "

That day, elder Yi immediately put his hand on Qin Keqing's shoulder and said, "Miss Qin, let's go!"

Qin Keqing tried to calm down, nodded and said, "good!"

So they quickly returned to Tianlong hall.

They are all experts, and their speed is naturally fast. In the blink of an eye, we have reached alpis. Then you can see the magnificent Tianlong hall in the night.

Elder Donglin and his party quickly enter the Presbyterian Council and reply to elder Kiel.

When elder kier hears that Chen Yang is caught, he immediately reports to elder lengyun. Elder lengyun is a master of heaven. His eyes are like lightning. He has a good insight. No evil spirit can escape his eyes.

Chen Yang is really important to the Presbyterian Council. Therefore, elder lengyun came to see Chen Yang immediately after he knew that he had been arrested.

In the main hall, the bright light shines on the luxurious hall.

Chen Yang is escorted in and is kicked on his knees by Yin Bu Xu. At the moment, Chen Yang is dispirited and embarrassed, no longer young spirit.

Qin Keqing stood on one side respectfully.

Elder lengyun is an old man. His back is a little bent. The wrinkles on the face are like chisels. He is thin, like a learned elder.

Although his face is still the face of lingzun, looking at his eyes, we can see that this monster is full of wisdom.

Elder lengyun doesn't show mountains and dew, but gives people an invisible pressure.

At this time, elder Kiel sat beside elder lengyun. Elder lengyun looked at Qin Keqing and Chen Yang.

"Is this the clue provided by the human kylin woman?" Elder lengyun smiles and asks elder Kiel.

Elder Kiel said respectfully, "yes, great master. This human kylin woman came here to save her sister, the human kylin named Yu Zizhen. Now we are being thrown into the imperial prison... "

"Zhao prison..." Qin Keqing's reaction was quick, and immediately asked subconsciously, "what imperial edict? What is the imperial edict prison? "

"Shut up Elder Tianyi gave a cold drink and said, "are you here to interrupt?"

Qin Keqing was silent.

At this moment, Qin Keqing's heart is actually sad. Incomparable desolation!

She has a high status in the human world. Not to mention in the liuyehui, but in the Jokhang Dynasty. Even in other world, she is also a top expert. But at the moment, she is in such a place, but the status is low to a heinous level. She does not have the slightest human rights, as long as she has the slightest sign of resistance. They can kill her.

This is still her kind of character.

She did not dare to resist.

She did not dare to resist. It seems no surprise that the rest of the human beings became pets, food and so on.

Elder lengyun ignored Qin Keqing. He said, "she came in with Chen Yang?"

Elder Kiel said, "that's right!"

"How did you get in?" Elder Leng Yun asked.

Elder Kiel said, "this problem still needs to be investigated."

Elder Leng Yun nodded and said, "Kiel, this problem must be strictly investigated. We're in control of the teleport, closing the chalk world. It is necessary to make sure that there is no mistake in the entry or exit of any lingzun, or in any stroke of human Kirin. Otherwise, it may become a disaster. We must not be careless, do not think that in such a place, control of human Kirin, we have the power, the overall situation has been set. This idea is absolutely unacceptable. "Elder Kiel broke out in a cold sweat, because he was in charge of the teleportation array.

"Yes, the great master taught me that!" Said elder Kiel.

Elder Leng Yun then said, "search the brain regions of these two human unicorns, cut off all contact marks, and then try them separately."

"Elder!" Qin Keqing said: "I am not your criminal, you have promised me."

Elder lengyun took a cold look at Qin Keqing and said, "I promised you, and I will do it naturally. But the premise is whether you do what you promised. If there is an expiration date, there will be no more promises. "

Qin Keqing kept silent.

Later, elder Donglin and elder Tianyi took Qin Keqing away.

Chen Yang was left in the main hall.

In the side hall of the main hall, elder Donglin and elder Tianyi first closed Qin Keqing's brain mana, so that Qin Keqing could not contact with any external mana.

As for the mark, they also searched it.

There is Chen Yang's imprint in Qin Keqing's brain.

"How do you explain that?" After Tianyi elder found it, he asked Qin Keqing coldly.

Qin Keqing said: "it's for our contact. I'm afraid if we lose it."

"Is it?" Elder Tianyi is suspicious.

Elder Donglin said with a smile, "Tianyi, don't be suspicious. If you and I go to a strange place, you will leave a mark to make contact. It's normal if there is one, but it's not normal if there isn't one. "

As soon as the words came out, Qin Keqing's heart was a sudden jump. She can't help but look at Chen Yang with new eyes. Because before, she and Chen Yang did leave a mark on each other. Before to deceive lingzun, Qin Keqing to destroy the mark, Chen Yang stopped. What he said is what elder Donglin said. It's normal to leave a mark. No, it's suspicious.

Under the mana seal of elder Donglin and elder Tianyi, they leave marks on each other and can't contact each other through marks. Because all the signals are cut off.

However, the Wushi idol is not very afraid of the isolation of mana. Because the magic array of Wushi divine couple is a method of magnetic induction and so on. It's not a message!

Chen Yang's mana is almost no gap within the transmission to the array, like an arm pointing. After all, the existence of this God is a masterpiece of great power within the emperor. If the teleportation is blocked, the idol will lose its value.

At least, even elder lengyun can't block the mana transmission between Chen Yang and the idol.

Then there was a round of trial.

The first thing is to ask Chen Yang and Qin Keqing how they got into the chalk world. If we don't figure out the problem, the elders are in a mess.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing have deliberated on this issue for many times, and the best explanation is to follow the last group of prisoners.

Chen Yang communicated with Chang sun about time and many other things to ensure that the information was correct. After that, it was a relief for the elders of the Presbyterian Church.

After that, we need to verify the body.

Elder Chen Xuyang left a lot of magic medicine in his body. In order to win the trust of these old foxes.

After the examination of elder lengyun, there are countless treasures, pills and so on. Finally let the elders believe that Chen Yang is the real Chen Yang.

There are so many treasures that the elders are surprised. If it's a fake Chen Yang, how can they give up such blood.

It can be said that Chen yangben is a super rich man. But in this chalky world, he is almost going to dig out all his money.

Qin Keqing knew that she owed Chen Yang too much.

It's never clear.

For Chen Yang, he thinks that living is more important than anything. Money, treasure, Elixir are all external things. No, I can earn more.

In the hall, Chen Yang was always kneeling on the ground.

Elder Kiel interrogates Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, you can answer whatever elder asks you. If there is... "

"What can you do to me? It's nothing but death Chen Yang sneered. He looked at elder Kiel and said.

"Dead?" Elder Kiel sneered and said, "sometimes it's more painful to live than to die. If you enter this door, you will not count life or death. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "really, I want to try. See how powerful you are. I want to see if I can hold on

Elder Kiel sighed and said, "there is a saying in the human Unicorn that I want to give it to you."

"Toast without penalty, right?" Chen Yangxian said.

Elder Kiel said coldly, "you don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin!"

"I don't cry when I see the coffin!" Chen Yang said.

"Stubborn!" Said elder Kiel.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you won't kill me. You want to know the truth about Tianbu's death from my mouth, and why the ice crystal protolith melted. You want to know a lot of things, and these things, only I know. If I give in and say it, I will die. "

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