"Yuanshen?" Elder Leng Yun grabs elder Long's shoulders. His eyes are red, like the eyes of wild animals. He is crazy to swallow elder long.

Dragon elder is quite calm, and very affirmative say: "yes, it is yuan Shen!"

"It's impossible!" Elder Leng Yun let go of elder long. He shook his head. It's unbelievable. "How is that possible? We've all checked it. It can't be the yuan Shen's

"It's a special spirit, which has the effect of confusing the true with the false." Long Changlao sighed and said, "elder lengyun, you don't have to blame yourself too much. Because that God deceived us all. "

"The three great masters!" Elder lengyun suddenly cried and knelt down. He cried bitterly and said, "I am a sinner, I am a sinner of the Presbyterian Church! The three great lords, the pillars of the Empire, the mainstay of the Presbyterian Church, and our glory are all destroyed. How can I meet your majesty, the ancestor and the elder? "

At this moment, elder Leng Yun is out of his mind. He really can't accept such an outcome.

There was a sneer in elder Kiel's eyes, but he didn't say anything.

The rest of the elders have their own thoughts.

The crowd was silent.

At this moment, the elder of Donglin said, "elder lengyun, it's not time to blame yourself! Chen Yang's noumenon is still in our world. No one can get out without our transmission array. For today's sake, we should arrest him as soon as possible and find out the whole story. You know, the Hongkun and Hongfei are not dead. If we catch Chen Yang, we still have a chance to save the two dignitaries, don't we? "

"How to save it?" Elder Kiel said coldly, "elder Hongkun and elder Hongfei have taken the tower of destiny. That day, the life tower can kill even the masters of creation. But even so, the two elders have been poisoned. I don't think we can deal with the master unless the elder from the fairyland comes back or the imperial heavenly boat comes

"Destiny Tower!" Elder Leng Yun suddenly thought of Tianming tower. His face turned pale, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I forgot the tower of destiny. The tower of destiny belongs to our Presbyterian Church. It is the treasure of heaven in the chalk world. This magic weapon has also been lost. I am a sinner, sinner Elder lengyun wailed.

Elder Kiel and others also know that this time, elder lengyun is really going to die. When the elder of the prison comes out, he must be held accountable for such a terrible mistake.

"Great shame, great shame!" Elder Leng Yun murmured.

He finally burst into tears. "What a shame

Let a human being who was just in the early stage of the virtual immortal tease him like this, and also damage three venerable people, which is a magic weapon. This is a great shame for elder Leng Yun.

At the moment, there is no calm on all sides.

A little calmer is the Wushi God puppet beside Yuanjue Dharma God.

Yuanjue put the two puppies into his sleeves, and then he walked forward. Chen Yang's yinlonggu has been captured and burned by Yuanjue.

Chen Yang's brain area is very special, so he is not afraid of the evil dragon.

Chen Yang followed Yuanjue closely. He said, "elder, let's have a good chat."

Yuan Jue smiles a little and says, "you say it."

Chen Yang said: "I have a very strange thing."

Yuanjue said, "really? What's the matter? "

Chen Yang said: "when I was in the chalk world, I heard about ZuLong. What is the existence of this ZuLong

Yuanjue said, "ZuLong? I haven't seen it either. But I've heard that this ancestor dragon is the ancestor of the dragon family and the spirit masters. It's the beginning of all dragons

Chen Yang said, "is it really that powerful? It is said that a breath of it can stir the world when it comes? "

Yuanjue said, "maybe, I haven't seen it. But ZuLong's power is really terrifying. Its heaven and earth are in the universe. As you can see today, the virtual shadow of the ancestral dragon is really hundreds of millions of Li in proportion. I have heard that ZuLong once devoured half the planet. "

"If ZuLong really comes to harm the earth, can you resist?" Chen Yang asked.

"No way." Yuanjue said.

"You mean ZuLong won't come to harm the earth?" Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said: "every living creature has something to pursue. ZuLong's pursuit is in the universe. His pursuit will not be to deal with an earth. Moreover, the existence of the earth is not a simple planet. If it were that simple, there would not be so many things on earth. "

"Oh, I see what you mean. Even if ZuLong really wants to come, he can't swallow the earth? " Chen Yang said tentatively.

Yuanjue said, "don't you know about the emperor of the universe? What are you trying to do? "

"Do you know the emperor of the universe?" Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

Yuanjue said: "most of the things on earth are known by poor monks."Chen Yang said, "how do you know that I have already known about this? Are you... "

"Yes, the one who helps your apprentice is the poor monk!" Yuanjue said.

Chen Yang immediately made a deep bow to Yuanjue and said, "thank you, master!"

With a smile, Yuan Jue said, "you must be very strange. Why did I suddenly do it, right?"

Chen Yang said: "our predecessors believe in letting nature take its course."

Yuanjue said, "so, to help your apprentice, let it be."

Chen Yang doesn't understand, but he doesn't bother to worry about it. He said, "can I invite the elder and the younger to go to the chalky world together. With your cultivation, you will surely save the chalk world, and millions of people will be in the midst of fire and water. "

But Yuanjue didn't say whether to go or not. He said: "there have been several major earthquakes in the world, and there was a world war before, all of which are life lost. But I didn't do it. If I do, I can stop these things. "

Chen Yang said, "you mean..."

Yuanjue said, "it's very simple. You have a disease in your body, and you're just about to have it blocked by force. So what will happen? "

"It will be more and more fierce, and even in the end, there is no way to stop it." Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "just understand. The common people in the chalk world suffer. That's fate. In the past dynasties, too many people suffered. Who can change what? The world of chalk has the cause and effect of the world of chalk. I am not in this era, so I have to end it by force. What might be behind that? Perhaps, it will lead to some elders in the fairyland, or imperial Tianzhou, or even ZuLong, etc. If you do it, the result is different. "

"I see." Chen Yang said immediately.

Yuanjue said: "the Empire of lingzun is preparing, and our heroes and times are also preparing. If you ask me to tell you that the world of lingzun will be destroyed, then what will be triggered will really lose control. "

Chen Yang immediately said: "the lesson of the elder is that the younger generation is reckless."

Yuanjue smiles and says, "it doesn't matter. You are still young. Very good. Young people are enthusiastic. When you get to the age of poor monk, although you can see through a lot of things, you will lose the pleasure of being a man. The seven emotions and six desires are the best gifts from God to mankind, but the monks are trying hard to get rid of them. "

"Because the road is merciless!" Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said: "there is no lover on the road. If you lose love, you will be like dust and rock. There is no difference between living and dying."

Chen Yang is thoughtful.

After thinking about it, he came up with another question. "Master, in the chalk world, I found an ice crystal protolith together. The spirit masters wanted to rely on the ice crystal protolith to communicate with their ancestors. What I wonder is that there are so strong ZuLong Xuying in the tower of destiny. Why do they rely on the ice crystal original stone instead of starting from the tower of destiny? "

Yuanjue said, "that's because ZuLong's shadow is too strong. No one can really control them, let alone communicate with ZuLong. "

"Too strong? Isn't that a blow from you? " Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said with a smile, "relative. ZuLong's shadow is too strong for them, but the opponent of poor monk is neither them nor ZuLong's shadow. "

What he said was very obscure, but Chen Yang heard it clearly.

Dharma God means that his opponent is ZuLong.

"Between you and the star master?" Chen Yang said.

With a smile, Yuan Jue said, "you have asked this question before, little benefactor. I still have that answer."

Chen Yang was a little depressed and said, "Heaven's secrets must not be revealed!"

Yuanjue said, "that's right!"

Chen Yang said, "well Tiandao pen, can you tell me how to recover the spirit of Tiandao pen? "

Yuanjue said, "Tiandao pen?" He paused and said, "I don't know how to recover the spirit of the instrument."

"You are so Old slicker Chen Yang is helpless.

Yuanjue laughs.

He then said, "if you have nothing to ask, the poor monk will leave."

Chen Yang said, "OK, but anyway, thank you for your help."

Yuanjue said, "it's not to save you. I'm not in this era. These people are not in the era. It's just that you're an introduction to let them finally answer the robbery. "

When he finished, he stepped out. In front of my eyes, I saw the door of the void. Yuanjue stepped in and disappeared.

It's true that the dragon can't see the end but the head!

After Chen Yang sent away Yuanjue, he was alone. With his spirit body, it is absolutely impossible for him to return to the chalky world. So, what can I do when I come out and have some mana?

This is something Chen Yang needs to consider. Although he can't get the mana from the chalky world itself. But it is clear about the experience of noumenon.

"Help me? No matter how many people go to save the soldiers, they will die, except Yuanjue Dharma God Chen Yang is extremely distressed.It's a pity that Yuanjue Dharma God doesn't want to do it.

Chen Yang doesn't dare to go back to Tianzhou and let Qiao Ning see herself like this. Then she knows everything.

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