Chen Yang can't think of any way, and it's meaningless to move the rescue troops. He knew that everything had to be done by himself. He did not dare to go to the central world to search for treasure. His magic power could not support him to reach the central world.

Then, Chen Yang decided to find a place to hide and save a little mana. It's also the preservation of the idol. Wushi God has saved Chen Yang several times. This is an absolutely good thing, so Chen Yang feels that he can't lose this idol.

In the Cretaceous world, the sky is high, the sea is wide, and the mountains are green.

Chen Yang and his party fell into a green hill. Qin Keqing's body has a trace of the smell left by the Presbyterian experts. If this breath is not removed, the Presbyterians will be able to pursue it. At the moment, Qin Keqing is still hiding in the soul crystal, so the Presbyterian Council can't feel the breath. However, once Qin Keqing left the soul crystal, it would be exposed.

It's mysterious and hard to detect. But Chen Yang and Qin Keqing clearly felt the existence of this silk breath when they were practicing Yin and Yang.

The Presbyterian Council is not really a little sheep. There are still a lot of things to prepare and a few more hands to keep.

There is xuanhuang liquid in Chen Yang's body. He uses xuanhuang liquid to blend into yin and Yang. With a little quenching, the silk smell will be refined clean.

LAN Tingyu doesn't have any marks and breath on his body. He is the fire of nine inflammations. No matter how severe the marks and breath are on him, he can burn it. Unless it's the breath of a master like the realm of creation, it's indelible.

But obviously, in the chalk world, the only ancestor of creation is not there, so it is impossible to leave a mark on LAN Tingyu.

Surrounded by green hills, the light rain has stopped, and there is a clear sky between heaven and earth.

This place of green hills seems to be a place without worries, but Chen Yang and others have no mind to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Although this time, Chen Yang successfully overcame the Presbyterian Council. But it's even harder for Chen Yang and others to leave. Moreover, the soul crystal is exposed again.

What's more, Chen Yang and others have to rescue Luoxue. This is even more difficult.

In the Presbyterian Council, elder Kiel confirmed one thing again. That is, the breath left on Qin Keqing completely disappeared. It was elder Kiel who quietly left a hand. He was a master of heaven and space, and his breath was hard to erase.

"He's just a little empty immortal cultivation. How can he do so many incredible things?" Elder Kiel was puzzled.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, Chang sun quietly went to the hiding place of Chen Yang and others.

In the big green mountains thousands of miles away from Beijing, Chang sun met Chen Yang and his party.

Linghui is connected with changsun. Changsun came in a hurry because he felt something happened in the Presbyterian Council. But what happened in the Presbyterian Church will not be known to the Dharma society. So on the other hand, Chang sun also wants to inquire about information.

Chen Yang and others welcomed the eldest son into the villa.

"There is such a cave." The eldest sun came in and glanced at him. He couldn't help praising him.

"Sit down, please!" Chen Yang is also polite to his eldest grandson.

Linghui monk naturally came out to deal with such people as changsun and Micah. He had to come out to make the scene.

Take your seats.

Qin Keqing is also sitting on one side. She won't serve tea to these people.

She is neither the hostess nor the servant girl, so she can't do these jobs.

Monk Linghui didn't speak. He was slow, as if he didn't care about anything.

Chen Yang is also in no hurry, said: "the eldest grandson this time to come, is there any new news?"

The eldest grandson gave a flattering smile and said, "the president and I are trying to rescue Luoxue girl. However, it seems that something happened in the Presbyterian Church. They don't see any spiritual respect now. "

Chen Yang said, "really?"

The eldest sun asked tentatively, "do you know this, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said with a smile, "of course I know." Chang sun was overjoyed and said, "is it convenient to disclose?"

Chen Yang said: "on the side of the Presbyterian Council, Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing have been rescued by me. At present, they have returned to the house of Dazhao, where they originally lived."

"Really?" Chang sun was surprised. He then said, "will the Presbyterian Council release people easily? Mr. Chen, how did you do that?"

"It's nothing." Chen Yang continued: "there are still some big events in the Presbyterian Council. Lord SkyBlue, this time I'm sure you're dead. Moreover, the Supreme Master of the Presbyterian Church, Hongkun and Hongfei, were almost dead. The golden lamp of their own life is extremely weak, and their experience is the same as that of the venerable tianbulu before. At the same time, the supreme magic weapon in the Presbyterian Church, the tower of destiny, has been destroyed. "

"This It's impossible. " The eldest grandson was scared to death.

Chen Yang said, "if you don't believe it, go and question the Presbyterian Council. I don't think it's good of them to lie. ""This It's incredible. " The eldest grandson still couldn't believe it: "once master tianbulu has an accident with lingzun, that's all. After all, there is a long way to go. There are mountains outside. But elder Hongkun and elder Hongfei are both masters of heaven. They have the life tower in their hands. Even if they meet the creation masters, they can kill each other. Who has the ability to seriously injure them and destroy the tower of destiny? "

Chen Yang said, "I won't tell you who this person is. The only thing I can tell you is that what I say is true. There is nothing false. Now the Presbyterian Council has made such a big mistake. I believe President Michael will have the courage to go to the Presbyterian Council to ask for Luoxue, right? Cooperation between the two sides needs sincerity. Nowadays, no position or power is as reliable as the strength in hand. Do you want the law of wisdom? "

Linghui monk said: "maybe, Michael and eldest grandson, you have to think that you are better than the elders of the Presbyterian Council, so you dare to treat us like this."

The eldest grandson was startled and said, "master, how dare we treat you perfunctorily. It's just that the Presbyterian Council has taken the initiative this time, and we have lost the original ice crystal stone, so we have the right to speak... "

"Now, you should be able to regain the right to speak." Linghui monk said: "the way is not all to the king to think for you, the potential has been built for you. If the next road, you still can't go well. So we don't need you. "

"Yes, master!" Chang Sun said, "I'll go back and discuss with the president."

Then the elder left in fear.

For Chang sun, the news Chen Yang gave was too shocking. He couldn't digest for a moment. At the same time, the image of Linghui monk is more profound in his mind.

Obviously, both changsun and Micah thought that the creation of all this had something to do with Linghui monk. They don't think Chen Yang can do all these things.

In this way, even if changsun and Micah had other thoughts, they did not dare to act rashly.

For Chang sun and Michael, one of Chen Yang's words is right. No power, no glory. The most real thing is the strength and accomplishments in hand.

Changsun soon returned to the Tianlong Temple Dharma society.

Michael has been meditating in the quiet room recently and has not done anything else. Chang sun came to the quiet room. Micah immediately let his eldest son in.

After the Linghui monk laid down the rules for them, the eldest grandson felt that he had a close relationship with president Michael. This is probably because they have a common secret.

After entering the quiet room, the eldest son immediately told Michael what happened in the Presbyterian hall.

"Is it serious?" After hearing this, Micah's face changed greatly.

The eldest Sun said, "there has been a change in the hall of the elder. These things are also what I heard from master Linghui. I don't know whether it's true or not. "

"If this is true, the Presbyterian Council is committing a crime." Instead of being excited, Michael was distressed. He immediately got up and said, "I'm going to the Presbyterian Council."

The eldest Sun said, "president, are you going to question the Presbyterian Council? If they ask about what we know from there? "

Michael said, "it's from Chen Yang. Can the people from Chen Yang only tell them, not us?"

The eldest sun was slightly stunned, and then his eyes brightened.

Chang sun's heart did not go to regret the tragic experience of the three venerable. He thinks more about himself. As for Michael's side, the eldest son also figured out that he would not join Michael. Is Michael really distressed, or does he have another idea in his heart?

Anyway, Chang sun can't see it.

"President, do you need to bring some more experts over?" Chang sun asked immediately.

Michael said, "no, you should keep it a secret. Don't make a fuss about it."

After a while, he became more and more puzzled.

Michael wore a silver robe. He was dignified and silent. He was not angry, so he went to the temple of elders.

The hall is spacious and beautiful.

The golden hall is open, which belongs to the style of the elder hall.

When Michael came to the main hall of the elder's hall, the lingzun soldiers immediately stopped Michael.

"Mr President, I don't see any visitors in the elder hall today. Please forgive me!" Said the soldier.

Michael's eyes were cold. He looked at the soldier and said only one word. "Go away!"

The two lingzun soldiers immediately did not dare to fart.

This is the famous president of Michael!

They can stop it there.

Michael smoothly into the temple of elders, he soon came to the main Department of the temple. The Lord's palace is the place where the Presbyterian council meets.

At this time, the main Department of the temple, elder kier, elder yinbuxu, and elder Donglin, elder Tianyi are all here.Elder lengyun is not here.

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