Elder Kiel looked up and saw Michael. After they saw Michael, their faces changed slightly.

Elder Kiel said with a smile, "Chairman MI, I don't see any guests in the elder hall today. It's against the rules for you to break in, isn't it? Isn't it true that Chairman Mi doesn't pay attention to the elder hall now? "

Elder yinbuxu snorted coldly and said, "Michael, this is not your law society. You are not allowed to run wild in the hall of elders! "

Michael glanced at Yin Bu Xu. His eyes fell on elder Kiel's face and asked, "where's the cold cloud?"

Elder Kiel said: "elder lengyun is shutting down. Chairman MI, I think you'd better come back."

The anger flashed in Michael's eyes and said, "I'll go back to your mother's Bi, a bunch of rubbish. Up to now, they are still like dogs in front of me. I ask you, is the tower of destiny destroyed? Is venerable SkyBlue dead? Are Hongkun and Hongfei missing and in danger? Up to now, I have to put on airs with Laozi. "

Elder Kiel and others suddenly turned pale, and their faces turned blue and red.

"Who did you listen to?" Elder Donglin was the first to react, and a chill flashed in his eyes. "Food can be out of order, but words can't be spoken out of order. Michael, who did you hear? Give this man over? "

"Chen Yang said it." Said Michael.

"So you are in collusion with him!" Tianyi elder said harshly.

"Collude with your mother!" Micah said, "there is a human base who informs you. Can't he tell me?"

"Where is he now?" Elder Kiel snapped.

Micah said, "he's been summoned. Even if he's in Lao Tzu's hands, Lao Tzu won't give it to you. Kiel, you just stand here and say, is all that Chen Yang said true or false? If it's false, I have nothing to say. I'll apologize to you in the future. "

Elder Kiel can't argue.

Yin Bu Xu, elder Donglin and elder Tianyi were silent.

Michael said, "needless to say, I have the answer in my heart. This matter, I will certainly record in the file, let the ancestor have a good look. In the future, his majesty will come and present himself to the emperor. Look at the Presbyterian Council, who has always been domineering, how capable it is to do such a stupid thing and make the Empire suffer such heavy losses. "

"Michael, that's enough!" Elder Kiel said angrily. "This is the Presbyterian Council. It's not your turn to talk and criticize."

"Is it?" Micah laughed and said, "it seems that for a long time, your Presbyterian Council really thinks that you are the master of the chalky world. How did you accuse me of learning Dharma in the case of naluoxue? How come you have made such a terrible mistake, but I can't even blame you? "

"You..." Elder Kiel's words stopped immediately.

Michael said, "you have snow in your hands, and you can't find anything. Hand it in immediately. If not, I will unite with the king of tianturin to impeach your Presbyterian Council. I don't think our ancestors will be so partial to you. I'm afraid that your ancestors will know that you will destroy him, and he will tear your heart. "

"Michael, are you here to take this snow away?" Donglin elder said in a deep voice.

"That's right!" Michael said, "the value of Rochelle is something you fools can study. The power of the Empire, because of your stupidity, lost half of it overnight. Do you want to be a tyrant? "

Elder Donglin's words stopped.

He and elder Kiel are also intelligent gods. They always want to find some attack points to refute Michael. But this Micah is powerful enough to admit it every time. On the contrary, elder Donglin and elder Kiel have nothing to say.

"Man, you can't have it!" Yin Bu Xu elder said coldly.

Michael looked at Yin Bu Xu, his eyes flashed cold eyes, said: "are you sure?"

Yin Bu Xu was very hard at first, but when he came into contact with Michael's eyes, he immediately felt shivering. That kind of confidence instantly disappeared, he could not help but droop his eyes, but did not dare to say a word.

Michael sneered and said, "if you insist on not making friends, it's OK. In my opinion, all of you here, let's go and learn how to be a guest. "

"What do you mean?"

"You dare!"

The elders suddenly changed their faces.

The meaning of Michael's words was so obvious that he wanted to capture all of their elders.


"That's what you mean. If you make such a big mistake, the prison won't come out to discipline you. I'll discipline you for him! " Micah said with a grim smile.

This Micah leaf holds the palm technique to learn, has always been warm and moist, hiding ferocious. Before, he was bullied by the Presbyterian Council because the law society made a big mistake. Under the wrong, Michael could only bear it.

Now, the Presbyterian Council is doing this kind of stupid thing. And some generals all died. At this time, what else does Michael have to worry about.Micah immediately put out his hand and saw that he suddenly applied the law of the position of heaven. So in an instant, the crystal wall space filled the main hall.

The elders fell into the crystal wall space, and no one could break through the space.

Michael did not deal with them, so he reduced the crystal wall space into a bright crystal sphere, about the size of a fist. He took it in his hand, then turned and left.

All the elders at the scene, the highest is just the middle of heaven. And Micah had reached the middle of heaven. It's still on the top of Tianbu, Hongkun, Hongfei and other elders.

He belongs to the younger generation, so he doesn't need to hide in the depth of time and space. Tianbu has not been hiding in the depth of time and space.

Hongkun and Hongfei are so old that they are hard to move forward.

The old Presbyterian Church was full of talents. There is the elder of the prison, and elder Leng Yun, who has just arrived in heaven. In addition to the existence of the venerable tianbulu, the existence of these elders really squeezed the law society of Michael out of temper.

In addition, Michael has Hongkun and Hongfei elders who are worried about the depth of time and space.

Now, it's different.

Micah was on the edge.

Elder Kiel, a group of elders in heaven and fairyland, could not move at all under Micah's rule of heaven.

So he was seized by Micah.

Then Michael leaves.

"Brother JIAYE, it's not good to leave like this!"

At this time, it is in the void. Then, two elder lingzun came out of the void.

One of them is elder Leng Yun, who is a little depressed.

Another is The elder of the Presbyterian Church Prison elder.

The elder of the prison is tall and powerful. He was full of spirit, with a world in his eyes, but sharp and fierce.

This is definitely a hero.

Elder Leng Yun is in front of the elder of the prison, but he is very low-key, standing behind him, just like his younger brother.

Looking at Michael, the elder of the prison said, "brother Michael, long time no see. But as soon as we meet, you're going to take my brothers away. That's not good

He took a deep breath and said, "elder of the prison, I didn't expect you to be more refined."

The elder of the prison said with a faint smile, "if you don't have any distractions, you can see the true meaning of the road. There are brothers in the same robe between the Presbyterian Church and the law society. Brother JIAYE put his mind into the contradiction between brothers, which made it difficult for him to avoid being affected. "

Michael can't help cursing in his heart. Dog, your Presbyterian Council has been squeezing the Dharma. Of course, you can practice with peace of mind.

Michael did not argue with the prison elders. He said, "I don't know if you know what happened."

The elder of the prison said, "I know what I should and shouldn't know."

Michael said, "Oh, really? I'm going to take Luoxue away now. I don't know what your opinion is

"No way!" The elder of the prison said directly.

"You..." Micah was furious.

The elder of the prison said, "these are all matters within the Presbyterian Council. How to deal with them will be solved within the Presbyterian Council. As for the case of nalosher, we took it from the outside. It must be brought out in your Dharma society. Therefore, we have no reason to give Luoxue to you. You're taking it. It's impossible. If you have to ask me why, then, with my fist. If you can beat me, of course it's up to you. If you can't, release all my brothers, and then, please leave. As for whether you want to contact Tiandu, complain to your ancestors, or file a file and present it to your Majesty in the future, this is your freedom. "

Michael's fist was clenched.

At this moment, his heart was filled with hatred.

He felt that his fists were not hard enough! So no matter how reasonable he is, the elder of the prison can't help fighting.

This is the first time that Micah is really tough.

But the elder of the prison smashed Michael's toughness with his stronger attitude.

For the first time, Micah felt the humiliation and even the urgency of power.

Michael took a deep breath and released the elders from the law of the throne.

"No!" Prison elder pale cold says.

Michael nodded, he suddenly smile, said: "prison, green mountains do not change, green water flow."

The elder of the prison said faintly: "when you have the strength, let's talk about it. It's meaningless to argue with each other

"Good!" Michael clenched his fist, his body trembled slightly, so he left the main department hall, and then went out of the Presbyterian Council.

At this moment, Michael was eager to see monk Linghui and break the rules of monk Linghui. He wanted to Kill the prison elder.At this time, in the main hall.

All the elders face the pale eyes of the prison elders, and all of them hang their heads in shame.

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