Among the elders present, no one dares to look directly at the elder of the prison.

The elder of the prison then said with a faint smile: "so, all of you elders think that this mistake is all on Leng Yun?"

Elder Kiel looked up and said, "elder, we don't mean that."

The elder of the prison said, "at that time, which of you raised any objection?"

The elders were speechless.

Even if there is a time, it can't be said. It is obvious that the elder of the prison wants to be partial to Leng Yun, who has a high status. There is no need to offend elder lengyun to death.

The elder of the prison glanced at all the elders, and then said, "let's not mention this matter. At present, the most important thing is to rescue Hongkun and Hongfei. "

"But how to save it?" Elder Kiel said, "elder, we don't have a clue at the moment."

The elder of the prison said, "take naluoxue out and spread the news. Within three days, if Chen Yang doesn't show up, he will kill Luoxue. "

"Killed?" Elder lengyun was surprised.

"Can't you kill it?" The elder of the prison said coldly, "if he doesn't show up, kill him."

Elder Leng Yun immediately turned the corner. Yes, what can't be killed.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Elder Leng Yun said.

Elder Kiel said, "elder, that Chen Yang has many tricks. Let's use a woman's life, can we let him go? This is not in line with the principles of the monks, is it

The prison elder took a look at elder Kiel and said, "you're right. First, he's crafty. Therefore, he will find a way, not stand by. Of course, he won't come to die, but if he shows any flaws, it's the track we are pursuing. Only by catching Chen Yang, can we fully understand what happened to master Hongkun and master Hongfei. Only in this way can we use him to rescue the two dignitaries! "

The eyes of elder Kiel and other elders suddenly brightened.

Elder is worthy of being elder. He has a clear mind!

That night, the Presbyterian Council released the news. If Chen Yang doesn't turn himself in within three days, they will kill Luoxue in Tianlong square of Tianlong hall.

At the same time, Luoxue was caught and trapped in Tianlong square by a Falun.

Luo Xue's cold breath was sealed by the Dharma array, which was performed by the prison elders themselves. An hour later, the ice in the Dharma array became stronger and stronger until the whole Dharma array was frozen to death.

This surprised the prison elders, too. After the falian froze to death, Luoxue was like an ice sculpture in it, which made people wonder if she had died in it.

The elder of the prison spent a lot of mana to unfreeze the array, but Luoxue was safe.

In desperation, the prison elders let lingzun soldiers use iron chains to tie Luoxue to the scaffold.

So soon the whole alpis began to get cold and snowy.

Before, Luoxue was controlled by the array in Tianlong hall, which only affected part of the air. And now, Luoxue is exposed to all the air, and her icy power is more terrifying and thorough.

If it goes on like this, the whole alpis mountain will become a big snow mountain.

But it didn't make much difference.

The news that Luoxue would be beheaded in three days soon spread all over the chalk world.

The chalky world is not only a world of magic power, but also a world of high technology. In such an environment, the news can instantly spread to every corner of the chalk world. Even the barren mountains are full of such information elements.

Therefore, Chen Yang and others soon learned the news.

In jiexumi villa, Chen Yang and others had no idea how to rescue Luoxue. They placed their hope on Michael, hoping that Michael would be powerful and could suppress the Presbyterian Church, so as to rescue Luoxue.

What Chen Yang and others didn't expect is that they haven't heard from Michael yet. But there came the news that Luoxue would be beheaded in three days.

Chen Yang was furious: "Michael is such a waste!"

LAN Tingyu was silent. His words have never been much. However, he is a man willing to do practical things.

Qin Keqing naturally has no good way.

Her wisdom is not enough in front of Chen Yang.

Monk Linghui was also there. He pondered for a while, and then said, "it's difficult to do this."

"Of course, it's difficult. It's not easy." Chen Yang didn't say well. He also gave monk Linghui face. If Qin Keqing said this, he would definitely say that you are not nonsense?

Linghui monk said: "if what I expected is right, the elder of the Presbyterian prison should go out."

"Well?" Chen Yang, LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing were all stunned. Chen Yang said, "how can I see it?"

Linghui monk said: "with Luoxue's wonderful constitution, no lingzun elder dares to order decapitation. What's more, Michael will also block this, which is their research topic. They had a good reason to get Rochelle. Now that the news of beheading has spread all over the world, it means that the prison has come out. Michael can't interfere with his decision. " After a pause, he said, "at this time, you should be rational. Any small action will bring disaster. Hongkun and Hongfei are not dead yet. Their top priority is to rescue the two venerable men. The only way to save these two venerable people is to catch Chen YangChen Yang said in a deep voice: "I can let my God Yuanshen go to Yuanjue Dharma God. If Yuanjue Dharma God comes to help each other, everything will be carefree. It's just

"It's just that you can't find Yuanjue. You don't think Yuanjue seems very approachable. But this kind of human principle can't be changed by the collapse of heaven and the extinction of earth. What he wants to do, no one can stop him. No one can let him do what he doesn't do. Pin said, "I've tried to persuade you not to think about Yuanjue."

"But this I can't just watch snow die. " Chen Yang said.

Never, never!

At that time, Luoning's death made him have no way to make up for it. At present, he can't let Luoxue die anyway.

Even if he gave his life.

"If I can't, I'll turn myself in!" Chen Yang then said.

Qin Keqing was in a hurry.

Linghui monk said, "it's no use turning yourself in, because Luoxue will still be in their hands. Don't think about turning yourself in. Think about it and see if there are other ways to save Luoxue

Chen Yang feels helpless.

That day, the Dragon hall was like a net. With their strength, they couldn't break in. To go is to die!

In the evening, Michael finally came.

Michael leaves into the villa Jie Sumi inside. He changed into a black robe and hid his whereabouts.

As soon as he came in, he took off his mask and looked at the crowd. Finally, his eyes fell on Linghui monk.

"Master!" Michael was very respectful.

Linghui monk said in a deep voice, "you are finally willing to come."

Michael said, "you know the news?"

Linghui monk said: "I really know."

Michael said, "I've tried my best to save Luoxue today. It's just a pity that the elder of the prison came out. Although the Presbyterian Church has suffered heavy losses, I am not the opponent of the prison and Leng Yun. The cultivation of the prison is always higher than that of the younger generation. Even if we fight hard, the younger generation has no chance of winning. At the moment, the Presbyterian Council is at fault. The younger generation can save Luoxue girl by fists. Therefore, I come here today to ask you to tell me how to digest your rules. "

"As long as I understand your rules, I will be able to defeat the prison." Michael said, "if possible, I will kill the prison. In this way, if you want to save Luoxue and leave the chalky world, it's all a matter of the younger generation. "

When Chen Yang heard the words, he was very excited.

LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing also have bright eyes. This is really a good way to solve the present predicament!

It may be risky, though, because Michael may not be credible. But This is a ray of life!

It's more hopeful than they can do nothing but die.

However, Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are not without a city. They didn't say anything to interfere with Linghui monk's decision.

Linghui monk took a look at Michael. He suddenly laughed and said, "Michael, do you know how many years I have lived?"

Michael was stunned and said, "I don't know."

Monk Linghui said: "I have lived for more than 30000 years, and have seen countless changes in the world. I have seen many deceitful people. You are not more than five thousand years old, are you

Micah said, "yes, master, less than five thousand years old."

Monk Linghui said, "I was a man of great accomplishments in the fairyland. There are many stronger than Ben Jun. But no one knows my majesty. Do you know why? "

"Younger generation I've heard of you, but I don't know your name Said Michael.

Monk Linghui said, "I can't kill you then. No matter how many masters there are, what will happen? Of course, this is one. The second most important point is that no one can match you for your cunning and ruthlessness. "

Michael went white as he went to bed. He immediately said, "I have no intention of deceiving my predecessors. Every sentence of my younger generation comes from my heart. "

Monk Linghui said, "maybe, maybe you are sincere now. But really when you understand the rules of this king, when you control the overall situation. You're not going to let us go. Don't say you won't. I know more about people's hearts than you do. "

"Master..." Said Michael.

The Linghui monk said, "if you want me to tell you the law, there is only one possibility. That is, after we leave the chalk world, we will tell you the mystery of the law. Other ideas, I advise you, you'd better not move, don't even think about it. "

Michael sighed deeply and said, "yes, master!"

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