At present, Michael has no way to save Luoxue. The elder of the prison has made up his mind. Michael can't change it.

Michael finally said that he would go to Tiandu to see if he could unite with the king of spirit to save Luoxue.

Then Michael left.

After Michael leaves, Chen Yang asks monk Linghui, "can't you tell me the secret of Michael's law?" Linghui monk affirmed: "no, once told, he has the initiative. He's going to save Rochester, and he's going to arrest us all. At that time, I will not be able to frighten him. "

"Why are you so sure?" Chen Yang is puzzled.

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "Chen Yang, Daoyou, if you care, you will be in chaos. In fact, you can see through this, although I miss your humanity. However, the poor monk will not be wrong about the human nature in Michael's heart. "

Chen Yang sighed.

LAN Tingyu didn't talk all the time. Qin Keqing paced back and forth and couldn't think of any good way.

This night, the whole party had a very hard time.

The next morning, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened. He jumped up from the sofa and said, "yes!"

Immediately they looked at him. Even LAN Tingyu's eyes showed the color of excitement.

He did not think of a way, but he also had the faith to save Luoxue.

Chen Yang said, "let's go to Tiandu and arrest the powerful people in Tiandu. Or it is the spirit God that the spirit king cares about to catch up and force the spirit king to cooperate with Michael. As long as they cooperate, the prison can't do whatever it wants. "

"It's a good plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao!" The Linghui monk exclaimed.

LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing also think that Chen Yang's plan is really a good one.

Now, I don't say much. Chen Yang and others fled into the soul crystal. LAN Tingyu is not allowed to appear, because as soon as she appears, it means that there is something wrong with the law society. According to the truth, LAN Tingyu should still be in the hands of the law society.

Tiandu is a metropolis more prosperous than Beijing.

In the morning light, Chen Yang and others reached the sky.

Blue sky and white clouds, bright morning light.

Skyscrapers above Tiandu are magnificent and magnificent, which is the embodiment of the artistic perfection of the lingzuns.

Light cars in the air, vehicles on the ground, and overpasses everywhere. Everything is so orderly.

And in the center of the capital, it represents the magnificent palace where the king of spirit lived.

The great palace is also the center of centralization, covering an area of three million square meters.

It seemed to be a palace without a glance. All government departments are also in the palace.

Chen Yang is not familiar with Tiandu. He asks LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing to stay in the soul crystal. The soul crystal is put into the brain by Chen Yang. Soul Crystal and Chen Yang's brain domain are completely integrated.

Chen Yang shows the Hidden Art of Tiandao pen, and he falls into the downtown of Tiandu.

After that, Chen Yang galloped to the palace.

So much so that Chen Yang didn't need to know anything from Wang Wang's mansion.

Chen Yang quickly came to the main entrance of the palace.

The gate of the great prince's mansion is called zhengtianmen. It's pure gold. It's majestic and noble.


Chen Yang is waiting patiently outside. He can also observe Qi. The spirit Zun that comes out has real power after all, still have no what ability, he also can see one or two come.

Chen Yang also felt that the great prince's mansion was wrapped by the Dharma array, just like the Tianlong hall. At the beginning of the establishment of these big sects, the first thing to do was to set up the falian. This is equivalent to a country's air defense forces in general.

The existence of falian can resist the invasion of the enemy.

Moreover, outsiders can be found immediately.

Even if Chen Yang had the art of seclusion, he didn't dare to enter the gate of the great prince's mansion easily.

Chen Yang also knows that his own hiding skill is not invincible. The chalky world already has corresponding countermeasures to crack it. But it is impossible to popularize this method. So as long as he does not enter the core area, Chen Yang knows that he is relatively safe.

Chen Yang waited for about three hours. Within three hours, more than 30 lingzuns came in and out of the palace. Finally, Chen Yang fixed his eyes on an old lingzun. The old lingzun's cultivation is very high, which is the peak of shichongtian's cultivation. His clothes are very noble, and there is a kind of dignity around him.

Chen Yang doesn't want to catch some low spirited deities, because his cultivation is too low to reach the core of the spirit king. Then, Chen Yang may only get some outdated information.

After the old lingzun came out, he got into a very good luxury car. Then, the luxury car is driven away by the special driver.

Chen Yang immediately followed up, his body method is matchless, naturally will not lose. Chen Yang decided to put the target on the old lingzun. He has always been a bold and reckless man.Old lingzun was used to living a comfortable life. He would never dream that someone would follow him.

Chen Yang followed for a long time, and finally saw Lao lingzun's car stop in front of a luxury villa. After that, Lao lingzun got out of the car. There are human slaves kneeling at the door. Lao lingzun went to the room, and the maidservants came up to serve him. These spiritual masters raised human servants, and each of them lived an imperial life.

Then, the luxury car was driven into the garage by the driver.

Chen Yang doesn't have to shoot with his mind, because Lao lingzun is an expert. Once he shoots with his mind, he will be noticed. This luxury villa is in the manor. There are other villas in the manor. It seems that this is a good family.

Chen Yang quietly followed him into Lao lingzun's home. He saw the villa, his grandson and his wife. Chen Yang didn't pay attention to them. He learned from the conversation that the old lingzun was called Smith.

Smith seems to be a man with less desire. His grandson is still very young and plays with his wife. Smith played with his little grandson for a moment, then went upstairs to the bedroom.

As soon as Smith enters the bedroom, Chen Yang moves quickly.

"What..." Before Smith spoke, Chen Yang's soul sea had covered the whole bedroom. It's like blocking all his contacts with the outside world.

Meanwhile, Chen Yang, LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing surrounded him in the middle.

"You Who is it? " Smith was shocked to see these three human masters.

Chen Yang said coldly, "don't try to resist, or you and your family will all die miserably. Now, kneel down! "

Smith could not help but get angry when he heard the words. He wanted to break out, but he felt the cultivation and killing intention of the three people. After all, he did not have the courage to resist, and finally he knelt down.

Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the golden light talisman!

Big thunder sound golden light method!

The golden light envelops Smith. Smith wants to resist, but he can't resist the golden light talisman. There was sweat on Smith's forehead. When the golden light shone through his body, he was relieved. It's like having a hard time at last. It's easy all over.

Smith stood up, palmed his hands to Chen Yang, and said, "Amitabha, thank you for enlightening me so that I can go astray. From then on, I will serve my friends wholeheartedly, so as to clean up my past sins! "

LAN Tingyu looked at the side of the silly eyes, murmured: "I rely on!"

Qin Keqing had already seen strange things.

"Good," he said He then said, "I need your help now."

Smith said: "you just give orders. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse." Chen Yang said: "don't show any flaws, let people find that you have converted to me."

Smith said, "OK!"

Chen Yang took in the sea of soul and turned it into a crystal of soul. He, LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing all hide in the soul crystal.

Then Smith put the soul stone into his ear. Chen Yang uses his ideas to communicate with Smith.

"Now, Smith, I have a big thing to do. On the other side of the Tianlong temple, my friend Luoxue will be beheaded by the Presbyterian Council. You should have heard about this? "

Smith also answered with his mind. He said, "I have heard about it."

Chen Yang said: "the president of the law society, Michael, is on my side, but Michael, a spiritual God, can't stop the Presbyterian Church. So I want the spirit king Dilu and Michael to work together to stand up against the Presbyterian Church. Now the key point is that Dilu will not listen to me. You tell me, what can I do to make the spirit king obey and cooperate with Michael? "

Smith began to talk, "he said," many things in the king's Palace are not spiritual kings has the final say. There are also the cabinet, the foreign cabinet, the Senate and so on. However, if the king of spirit wants to go his own way, the cabinet, the outer cabinet and the Council of elders should not necessarily fight against the king of spirit. "

After a pause, he said, "the king of spirit has a very favorite concubine. If you control this concubine, you can make the king of spirit obey."

"You're kidding me." Monk Linghui didn't enter the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. After hearing this, he said to Chen Yang, "this fool is just talking freely. The existence of the king of spirit would not submit for the sake of a concubine. Not everyone takes women so seriously as you do. This chip will never work! "

Chen Yang also knew that what Linghui monk said was reasonable, so he said to Smith, "this can't do. An imperial concubine, you can find it when you die. The spirit king probably won't blink. Think about it again. "

"Yes," said Smith He thought hard.

After a long time, Smith's eyes lit up and said, "I remember that a year later, the election of the king of spirit will be held. The king of spirit needs the support of Bi Xiuyuan, the president of the Council of elders. Otherwise, the throne of the spirit king may be inherited by the son of the spirit king. Dake's cultivation and the king of the spirit are between Bozhong and Bozhong. He has many spiritual supports in the political arena. He is the strongest and powerful competitor for the position of the king of the spirit! "

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