"Son wants to compete with Laozi?" Chen Yang was slightly puzzled. He immediately asked, "how can Dilu, the king of spirit, tolerate his son?"

Smith said, "you don't know something, Daoyou. In our Tiandu power system, we always pay attention to blood and strength. Dak is the son of heaven and the blood of the king of spirit. Even the king of spirit can't kill dak because he is excellent. There's support from his mother's family behind dak. So, he got a lot of resources, and he also had the qualification and capital to compete with the king of spirit. "

He continued: "the throne of the spirit king is elected every ten years. Dilu, the king of the spirit, has been re elected as the king of the spirit for ten terms. Now the other class forces in Tiandu hope that Dilu can abdicate. They also create public opinion among the people. "

Chen Yang said: "is the throne of King Ling really so attractive? What's the advantage of being elected king of spirit? "

"That's a lot of good," Smith said. It can attract countless confidants and mobilize countless resources. Moreover, in the future, when his majesty comes, he will only receive and reuse the king of spirit. Once you lose the throne of the spirit king, then Dilu is just a super master in the Empire. "

Chen Yang said: "Dilu's accomplishments..."

"Heaven is the place of heaven!" Said Smith.

Chen Yang was not surprised. If he didn't reach the heaven level, how could Dilu live in the town.

"What about duck?" Chen Yang asked Smith again.

"Dak is the peak of the universe. He's only in his eighties, and that's fast," Smith said

Chen Yang said, "yes, it's really fast."

Because Chen Yang knows that Qin Keqing is also gifted, but she is also more than 800 years old, but she is at the peak of immortality. It's eighteen thousand miles away from Dakar!

Of course, in this world where Dake lives, there may be more resources than Qin Keqing.

Chen Yang said: "however, Dake is at the top of heaven. Is he qualified to be the king of spirit? How can he compete with Dilu? "

Smith said, "you don't know something, Daoyou. Dake's grandfather is known as the God of war of the Empire. He is a master of heaven

Chen Yang suddenly realized and said, "since it's an election, doesn't nadak's grandfather want to be the king of spirit?"

Smith said, "dak's grandfather is very old. He's over 10000 years old. It's not suitable for being too public, and it's not suitable for controlling the position of the spirit king. There are rules in the Empire. Those over 10000 years old are not suitable to preside over government affairs. You can only be an elder of the Empire, or a guest minister or a venerable. "

"So it is," Chen Yang said

Smith said: "dak is too young. He has unlimited possibilities. It is also generally believed that maybe Dakar can lead Tiandu to completely suppress the Presbyterian Council. Today's Presbyterian Church is arrogant and domineering, controlling a lot of resources. This makes many nobles in Tiandu very dissatisfied. "

Chen Yang has a score in his mind.

He asked Smith again and said, "what is bi Xiu's accomplishment?"

Smith said, "bishop is the peak of heaven."

Chen Yang is a little distressed because it is still very difficult to do! It's very difficult for them to deal with the cave fairy. Besides, he is president Bi Xiu at the top of Tianyu realm.

"If Michael is willing to help, it will be easy to do!" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang's eyes brightened, but he hesitated and said, "I'm afraid Michael won't help."

Monk Linghui said, "if you don't help, you have to help. If he doesn't help, we will spread the news that he has been controlled by us. So he was immediately ruined

LAN Tingyu was startled and said, "what if he jumps over the wall and wants to kill us?"

Linghui monk said: "give him ten courage, he dare not!"

"So sure?" Qin Keqing said.

Linghui monk said: "first, he thought that the accident of Tianbu, Hongkun and Hongfei was related to the poor monk. He had a natural fear of the poor monk, so he didn't dare to take the initiative. Of course, the premise is that he has not yet understood the secret of the poor monk's law. Once he is in control of the law and his accomplishments are greatly increased, he will want to understand many things. That's when we're really in danger. Second, Michael did not dare to take risks. He was determined to get the secret of the poor monk's law. If the net is broken, he is afraid that many accidents will be out of control. "

Linghui monk is extremely accurate in controlling people's mind.

Chen Yang said, "in that case, please inform Michael to come."

LAN Tingyu said: "since Michael is willing to help, why don't you directly control Dilu?"

Linghui monk said: "that's no good. Now the pure Yang pill is not enough. The poor monk had no means to control Dilu. Moreover, the cultivation of Dilu is not under Micah. Once he starts, he will be doomed. On the other hand, Bi Xiu is much more controllable. "

LAN Tingyu said, "OK!"

What monk Linghui said is very reasonable.

Later, Linghui monk communicated with Michael.Communicate through that metaphysical law.

Coincidentally, Michael also came to Tiandu. At this time, Michael is talking with king Dilu in the king's mansion. However, he received the call of Linghui monk and immediately came to meet him.

Michael came from the void and appeared directly in Smith's bedroom.

The spirit king Dilu will not trace what Micah did. It will cause great trouble and misunderstanding if he finds out that Dilu, the king of spirit, pursues him.

As soon as Michael appeared in Smith's bedroom, he was surprised to see him.

"Why are you?" Michael was puzzled.

He knew Smith. Smith also knew Michael, and he immediately said respectfully, "I've met President MI."

Micah nodded.

Chen Yang said to Smith, "let him talk in the soul crystal."

Smith responded, "yes, Daoyou!"

Then Smith pointed to Micah's Soul Crystal in his ear. Micah leaves the divine idea slightly straws, then sensed the soul crystal stone. I can see what's going on. At the moment, Michael did not say much about it. As soon as his body flashed, he entered the crystal stone of the soul.

In the crystal of soul, several people meet again.

"Master!" When Michael saw Linghui monk, he saluted respectfully.

Monk Linghui nodded faintly, and then asked, "how are you talking with king Dilu?"

"Don't mention it, Dilu, the old fox. He said that the election is just around the corner. He is against the Presbyterian Council. If he wins, it's OK. Once something goes wrong, he will lose a lot of support. So he didn't want to take risks. No matter how good I was, he didn't want to do it with us. This fool doesn't think about it. Once we kill the prison, the Presbyterian Council will be suppressed. He won the control of resources. Is his son still qualified to compete with him for the throne of the spirit king? "

Linghui monk light said: "you don't have to be excited, if it is you, you are not willing to take risks. At a critical time, security is the right choice. "

Micah leaf smell speech stunned, he said: "but without the support of Dilu, to save Luoxue is difficult."

Linghui monk said: "so, I have another thing to do when I come to you."

"What's the matter, please tell me!" Said Michael.

Linghui monk said: "Michael, wait for Ben Jun and his party to leave the chalky world. Then, the mystery of the law, I will tell you immediately. It's your only way out, you know? "

Michael said, "master, I understand."

Monk Linghui said, "just understand. Now, if Dilu wants to be elected king of the spirit, he needs the support of Bi Xiu, President of the Senate. Bi Xiu's accomplishments are still at the peak of the universe. We'll help you to control him. Isn't that a big problem

"This..." Michael yeton's face changed with time.

"In this way, master..." Micah was embarrassed and said, "isn't the cooperation between the younger generation and you completely exposed?"

Monk Linghui said, "hold on to bi Xiu and let him be his own man. In this way, will he expose you? Maybe in the future, he can be your strong ally. "

Michael said, "but how do you control him? He has already arrived at this cultivation. It's hard to control it just by his mental imprint and so on. Moreover, it is easy for other gods to find out. "

Monk Linghui said, "it's not difficult. I can teach you a magic. It's a gift of thanks. "

Michael's eyes lit up and said, "what kind of magic do you want to teach me? The technique of the elder must be unique. "

Chen Yang and others listened in silence. At this time, they are like primary school students listening to teachers. In front of Michael and Linghui monk, it's really hard for them to talk.

It was Chen Yang who could not control Michael. Thanks to the presence of Linghui monk, otherwise, there will be no residue left in the chalk world.

Micah, though invincible. But Linghui monk was not able to cure him at all. Although the magic power of Linghui monk is nothing, the rank is there.

It can't be said that if the old leader retires, your new leader can not respect the old leader. What's more, the old leader also grasped you.

Monk Linghui said immediately, "this technique is called descending to heaven method! I have long been hidden in the mysterious laws of your cave. This method is to lower yourself and the enemy by burning your mana and meridians. If you reduce one level, the enemy will reduce two levels. Once cast, your level is irrecoverable. The enemy's rank is also irrecoverable. However, this kind of technique can't be used unless it is absolutely necessary

"The method of descending to heaven?" Micah leaves can't help changing color slightly, he said: "the most important thing for a monk is cultivation. I'm not willing to lower my seat even when I'm dying! "

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