"Not willing to surrender even before death?" Hearing this, monk Linghui said with a smile, "not necessarily. What can be compared with life and death? I have come down to this point, though it's a little sad. But at least there's another chance to come to the supreme. It's better than death. "

After a pause, he said, "I teach you to lower your position to heaven, but I don't really want you to lower your position. This will be a desperate move for you, and you will only frighten him when you deal with him. You condense your law of descending to heaven into a blood bead of essence and put it into his brain. Needless to say, he didn't dare to act rashly. He didn't know that you would follow

"I see!" When Michael heard this, he was relieved, and at the same time, he was looking forward to it.

After that, Linghui monk began to cast. Micah, too!

A moment later, Linghui monk revealed a trace of real mystery to Michael's law of heaven. Micah immediately absorbed the silk law and tempered it!

Then all kinds of mysteries and nourishment are irrigated in his laws of heaven.

Micah's face turned red, like taking tonic.

After a long time, Michael finished his work.

His eyes at Linghui monk were full of unspeakable awe. "I admire the great power of my predecessors. The younger generation will only draw on your power of merit and virtue, and they will feel that it will be of infinite use. "

Linghui monk lightly said: "as long as you cooperate well, you will enjoy endless benefits in the future. Of course, you should not play tricks with me. I still have thousands of ways to make you cry. That day, Blu, Hongkun and Hongfei were examples! "

When Michael heard the words, he felt chilly. In his heart, this Linghui monk is really a person like a God. He can turn his hand over to cloud and rain!

Micah leaves in front of him, dare not have a trace of the accident, do not dare to think.

After that, Linghui monk asked Michael to control the soul crystal.

At the same time, Chen Yang orders Smith to go to see Bi Xiuyuan. So Smith went with Michael.

Michael came to Tiandu to see the king of spirit, and then to see Bishu. This is a normal social intercourse.

At the same time, the arrival of Michael also attracted the attention of Prince Dake. Dake is always ready to fight for the throne. He was also worried about the purpose of Michael's coming.

Smith took Michael to the palace.

The Council is in the palace.

It's sunny and beautiful.

Blue sky and white clouds. Smith and Michael took a luxury car to the main gate of the palace. Smith took out the warrant, and so did Michael. They went into the palace without any obstruction.

A luxury car can't enter the palace. After getting off, Michael and Smith get into the sightseeing car.

Chen Yang and others are hiding in Michael's ears, watching the outside world through the only line of sight.

There are pavilions and pavilions, flowers and trees, independent pedestrian street, commercial street and so on. These are the special offerings of the Grand Prince's residence, which are the enjoyment of the royal family. No matter the officials or the nobles in the Grand Palace, they have a certain amount of money every month to get things for free in the shopping malls here. At that time, the financial secretary of the great palace will settle the accounts in a unified way.

In the commercial streets and shopping malls, most of them are people who do things and serve these nobles honestly. If there is any corruption and fraud among them, they will be executed by the nobles immediately.

Along the way, you can see palaces, buildings and lakes. The grandeur and luxury of the Grand Palace are unprecedented to Chen Yang.

The sightseeing bus is slow.

In the Grand Prince's mansion, although there is no explicit regulation. However, in general, all the gods have a tacit understanding and do not cast their spells without authorization.

In front of the cloister, two lingzun suddenly came forward.

"It's Prince dak's men!" Seeing this, Smith said to Michael immediately.

Michael knew that.

The two spirit zuns had to come forward and stop the way. But they are very respectful and not offensive.

The sightseeing bus stopped.

"I'll get rid of the wind, I'll get rid of the yuan!" The two brothers spoke together and said, "I've met Mr. Si Xing and President Mi!"

This is Mr. Smith of the penalty department.

When Smith looked at the two men, he didn't dare to neglect them, so he said, "the two young generals don't know why they are blocking my way."

Xie Feng said: "I dare not block the way of my Lord and President MI. However, my highness heard that President MI was coming, so he wanted to meet President MI and talk about the past. "

Smith didn't know how to answer, so he looked at Michael.

Micah leaf pondered for a moment, said: "I have some things to do now, if your highness does not mind, I should go to see his highness in person in the evening."

Jiefeng and Jieyuan are both in a daze.

Afterwards, Xie Feng said, "OK, we'll go back and report to your highness truthfully."Thank you Micah said faintly.

Afterwards, Jiefeng and Jieyuan retreated.

The sightseeing bus continued on.

Smith said to Michael, "Prince dak can't sit still now. He's been acting very frequently in recent years. It seems that he is determined to be the king of spirit! "

Michael said, "dak wants to find out what I'm doing."

"Yes," said Smith

Micah leaf faint smile, said: "it seems that the day is not peaceful ah!"

Smith also smile, said: "in the future, everyone knows that once the emperor comes, then a large number of resources will follow. At that time, in the final analysis, the people who can get the most benefits are the people who sit in their seats. The rest of us have to drink the soup. "

Michael said, "that's true."

Smith laughed again and said, "but you are different, president. Your status and prestige are here. Your position is stable, no one can shake you. "

Micah leaf faint smile, said: "these things, do not mention it."

He has a ruler in his heart and knows it very well. Without a position as stable as Mount Tai, there will be talented people from all walks of life. Once his cultivation falls behind, there will naturally be a rising star to replace him.

The world of lingzun, in the world of common people, may be warm. But up to his level, it is reality and cruelty.

This strengthened Michael's determination to build a higher level.

The sightseeing bus stops in front of the building of the Council. The Council is magnificent and magnificent, with a huge courtyard inside.

Smith and Micah sent a prayer note to the guard at the gate.

But at this time, in the bedroom of King Dilu, he is a spy with the elder of the prison. The elder of the prison is not too big. He assures the king of spirit, Dilu, as long as Dilu doesn't cooperate with the Dharma society. In the future, the Presbyterian Council will strive to ensure that Dilu succeeds as the king of spirit.

At the same time, the prison elders also brought rich gifts.

"King Ling, you don't have to do anything. You can wait with your gifts and promises. But if you cooperate with Michael, then you first may not be able to shake us. Second, if you fail, you will leave a message to your son dak. They will continue to attack you and make you less supportive. So, I believe that the king of spirit should know exactly what to do. "

After pondering for a long time, King Dilu said, "well, elder of the prison, I know what to do."

Prison elders smile, said: "well, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Dilu smiles, too.

In this instant, the two reached a certain consensus.

The elder of the prison left at ease.

But in the evening, Michael and Bi Xiu, the president of the Council of elders, came together to visit Dilu.

Dilu was quite surprised. But he met them.

Still in Dilu's bedroom, Bishu said straight to the point: "king of spirit, I hope you can cooperate with president Michael. Let's fight against the Presbyterian Church."

Di Lu smell speech, not from slightly change color. His eyes swept to Michael, as if to see something in Michael.

But Michael pretended to know nothing.

Dilu took a deep breath and said, "President MI, please avoid it. I want to talk to President Bi Xiu alone

"Certainly," said Michael

Later, Michael leaves Dilu's bedroom.

As soon as Michael left, Dilu was a little angry and said, "what are you doing, bishop?"

Bishop said, "king of spirit, why don't you cooperate with Michael? This is a great opportunity to defeat the Presbyterian Church. "

Dilu stood up, walked forward a few steps, then turned back and said, "the Presbyterian foundation is deep, not as simple as you think. Moreover, our ancestors have always been partial to the Presbyterian Church. If our cooperation fails this time, won't it give dakna a chance? "

Bi Xiu sighed and said, "King Ling, you are too cautious now. No wonder everyone says that you have lost your spirit. The day is in your hands, only the river will decline. Dake is not afraid of the first World War. You have more advantages than him. How dare you not fight? Blindly conservative, will only let you feel more and more comfortable in the grave

"That's not what you say," Dilu said. "At the critical moment, be careful to sail for thousands of years."

Bishop said, "I have made up my mind to cooperate with Michael. If you don't agree, I'll have to go to duck. "

"What are you talking about, bishop?" Dilu couldn't help but be impatient. He said, "our brother for so many years, do you want to do this with me? Tell me, what did Micah do for you? "

"What good is that?" But you are old. My heart is not old. What if I don't become the king of spirit? At least we don't have to look at the Presbyterian face anymore. You're always a wimp. No wonder the Presbyterian Council doesn't pay attention to us all the time. ""Is that what you really think?" he said

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