Bi Xiu gritted his teeth and said, "yes!"

Di Lu said in a deep voice: "Bi Xiu, we are brothers. We are friends. You and I are both proud and disgraced. You told me yesterday not to cooperate with Michael. Today you give me such an impassioned speech. It seems that I am a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I don't know. I really want to be excited by your passion, so I agreed. "

He paused and asked in a low voice, "is there any way Michael is controlling you? I'll tell you what

Bishop was silent.

Dilu couldn't help but worry and said, "you're saying it. Can't we be honest with each other? "

Bi Xiu said: "Damn, don't ask. Since you are brother, promise me to cooperate with Michael. If you don't agree, we brothers can't do it any more. "

Dilu was silent.

Then he took a deep breath and said, "OK, bishop, I promise you. Cooperation, I will not ask you why. Since you choose not to say it, I believe you have the trouble of not saying it. Since I'm a brother, I can't bear to embarrass my brother. "

Bi Xiu was moved and said, "thank you very much. You can rest assured that after this operation, no matter what, the law society and the Senate will always be your strongest backing and support. "

Dilu nodded.

Dilu agreed to cooperate with Michael, and then, Dilu will lead his masters to join Michael, and then force the Presbyterian Council together.

But before the action, Linghui monk warned Micah again.

"There's another character you have to control. Otherwise, it will bring a lot of variables! " Linghui monk called Michael to the soul crystal to communicate.

Michael was slightly surprised and said, "master, what you said is

Linghui monk said, "dak!"

Michael said, "is the prison still in touch with dak?"

Linghui monk said, "do you need to contact? How can Dake watch Dilu defeat the Presbyterian Council? Once the Presbyterian Council is defeated, how high will Dilu's reputation go? Dak will certainly help the Presbyterian Council. It doesn't need anyone to do him any good. If you don't deal with Dakar, be ready for more variables. "

Michael took a cold breath, and at the same time he was more in awe of Linghui monk. "I'm very worried about it."

Then Michael went to visit dak. Dake was just about to meet Michael, and the two gods were naturally in harmony.

And as a result, Michael managed to control Dakar.

After that, Michael asked dak to see his grandfather Chang Ao. Originally, Michael is ready to double, let Dake also take Chang Ao to help. But monk Linghui stopped.

"If Dake and Chang Ao go, the prison will know that everything is out of control. More variables will be added. If dak doesn't go, the prison will think dak will do it. Besides, duck can't go. You've got both bishop and dak in your hands. What do you think about that? It's another variable. Three thousand variables. Think about it. At that time, you may become a public enemy. " So said Linghui monk.

After listening to the words, Micah felt cold sweat.

Behind this seemingly simple thing, some variables are so terrible.

"Master, I am completely convinced of you. No wonder they're all in your hands Said Michael.

Linghui monk sneered and said, "it's all a disgrace to you!"

"Ah?" Micah was surprised, but he didn't know why.

Linghui monk said: "it's all the same thing as mole ants. Before, if I put a little thought on you, it's a great shame for me. Now, in order to mediate with you, we have to use so many means. Do you think it's a shame? "

The words of Linghui monk naturally have a sense of desolation and helplessness. This reminds us of how brilliant and fierce he was when he was at the peak.

Chen Yang sighed slightly. He could not help saying: "speaking, Linghui, I can't help you!"

Monk Linghui waved his hand and said, "it's nothing to do with Daoyou."

After that, Michael officially joined Dilu and forced him to the Presbyterian Council.

In the evening of that day, Dilu took Bi Xiu and some of his masters to go. Michael is a master of the gathering method.

That night, Tianlong square was full of lights.

The whole alpis mountain is covered with snow, and the snow on Tianlong square never stops.

Chen Yang and others are hidden in the soul crystal, while the soul crystal is hidden in Michael's ear.

When he went to Tianlong square, Linghui monk finally hid in Chen Yang's xuanhuang Valley seed.

Meanwhile, monk Linghui communicates with Chen Yang.

"Taoist friends, many of the words of poor monk and Michael are not from the heart. A lot of it is to frighten Michael, and I hope you don't take it to heartChen Yang sighed and said, "Linghui, I don't know how many times you have saved me. If I suspect you just because of a few words, am I still a person? "

Linghui monk smile, said: "good!"

He then said: "always many times, I don't want to let you rely on me. This time, the poor monk insisted on thinking of the world of chalk. But I know it's useless to persuade you. This crisis, not poor monk let you pass, can pass. Therefore, I will make more decisions for you. But it's not a good thing for you. That Qin Keqing is not stupid, but in front of you, always lack of thinking. Similarly, you are prone to lack of thinking in front of poor monks. With your intelligence, you should have thought about the worries of nadak

Chen Yang was embarrassed and said, "I always feel you are here. Since you don't mention it, my worry is superfluous."

Linghui monk said: "the danger of the chalky world is the most dangerous in the three thousand world. When other great powers come, they will never come back. Yanjiuniang is very clever. She chose you. This time, I will help you. In the future, I will find a chance to fall asleep. It also makes you less dependent

Chen Yang is helpless, say: "must be like this?"

Linghui monk zhengse said: "the mood of LAN Ziyi to you before is the mood of poor monk to you now. We're helping you with these things. We're not helping you. In the future, it will only hurt you. "

Chen Yang said, "well, I'll work hard."

Monk Linghui said, "well, next, I have another important thing to tell you. This trip to the chalk world, in the end, can you go out alive. It's about this. If you are lucky, you may be able to give you a way out. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, you say it!"

The Tianlong square at night is beautiful, with snowflakes flying.

The lights are gorgeous!

In the square, Luoxue is tied to the scaffold, she is like the goddess of ice and snow. But at the moment, her face was full of fatigue.

At this moment, the distant sky was full of clouds.

In less than a moment, heaven will come!

Michael and others finally arrived, and the members of the law society were ready. When Micah came, gadian brought his eldest son, doyin and other elders to help.

Michael is the leader, and diru is not weak.

Such a lineup is absolutely luxurious.

It snowed heavily.

Dilu couldn't help laughing and said, "it's rare! Alpis mountain has not had such heavy snow for a long time. It's magnificent and beautiful. "

Michael gave a little smile and said, "it's all because of this woman." He pointed to the bound snow ahead.

"This woman, so amazing?" Said Dilu.

"It's amazing, of course," said Michael. "She melted all the ice crystals. The ice crystal is the only way for us to communicate with ZuLong. But The elder of our prison wants to kill this woman for his own sake because of his strong ability. I'm not only willing to fight against the tyranny of the prison elders, but also willing to fight for the Empire's millennium plan

"This empire is not a spiritual empire in prison," said Dilu. Does he really think that he can be above the will of Tiandu and Dharma society. Does he think that he can be above the will of his majesty? "

"I think the elder of the prison has such a mind!" Michael said with a smile.

After he finished, he suddenly wanted to catch Luoxue.

But the prison elders came faster. At that moment, the elder of the prison came back and forth with lengyun, kier, yinbuxu, Donglin, Tianyi and other elders.

With a wave of the elder's hand, the seal of Michael's hand was smashed.

The elder of the prison, dressed in a black robe, came out in a row, and was extremely dignified.

He coldly glanced at the crowd, and then fixed his eyes on Michael. He said, "Michael, do you know what you're doing?"

His dignity is too much, this cold words come out, but let Micah leaf can't help but heart suddenly jump. Michael took a deep breath. At this time, he could not have stage fright.

Michael also looked at the prison elder, he said: "prison elder, you have great prestige! Now, even if I come with the king of spirit, you don't care. Because you think that you are the master of Tianlong temple. All the lingzuns have to listen to you, right? "

"Michael, you take wailingzun to mobilize the masses and break into Tianlong square. It's treason, it's a capital crime! " Prison elder Sen Leng said.

"Capital crime?" Michael laughed, he said: "the Presbyterian Council killed the three venerable, the missing. I want to ask the elder of the prison, what is your crime? Is it the crime of cutting thousands of pieces, or the crime of being too late? "

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