Senleng, the elder of the prison, said: "Michael, there are the rules of Tianlong hall in Tianlong hall. The elder's sin will be decided by the emperor. And if you bring the outer spirit Zun to enter the Tianlong hall, it's a conspiracy. Today, it's reasonable for me to kill you. "

"It turns out that my king has already become a spiritual master." Dilu laughed and said, "aren't we a family of politics and law? Today, I am here for the grand plan of the Empire and for family affairs. Elder of prison, you really know how to wear a hat. I can't bear to wear such a big hat. Probably, you really think that the whole Tiantian dragon hall, even Tiandu, is your family. Are all political and legal penalties has the final say? It is a fact that you killed several venerable people, and it is also a fact that you destroyed the tower of destiny. Let's not mention these. Luoxue is an important tool to communicate with ZuLong. You even have to put her to death for your own benefit. This You can't just stand by and do nothing. "

The elder of the prison said, "I did this just to rescue the other two venerable people. I'm surprised that you are obstructing me like this. What do you want to do? To obstruct the return of the two dignitaries

Micah said, "prison, you don't have to be sharp mouthed here. One hat after another is on our heads. Today, we are here to turn the world around and not allow you to continue to do harm to the Presbyterian Council, the Tianlong temple and the Empire. "

The elder of the prison sneered and said, "well, Michael, I'll see what you can do. I dare to talk here."

"The rule of heaven The prison elder's eyes suddenly turned cold. At the same time, the law of heaven comes!

At that moment, the whole alpis mountain, even hundreds of miles around, was all descended by the heaven position rule of the prison elders.

Chen Yang and others felt that all around were white crystal walls and snowflakes, which made people unable to open their eyes at a glance.

In the layers of crystal walls, space and time flow, at the same time, the power of the heaven position also appears. It's like the power of God. It's irresistible. It seems that it's normal for anything to happen here, because it's God's will.

Monk Linghui was also feeling it at this time. He was in the seed of xuanhuang holy valley.

"Sure enough, this prison is stronger than I imagined. If he dares to have such confidence, he must have such strength. Don't be careless, Daoyou Monk Linghui told Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "well, I know!"

At the same time, Michael and Dilu released their own laws of the throne.

In the sky, space is chaotic and time is reversed.

The rest of the experts came and all became furnishings. Because they are all lost in this space, time, unable to extricate themselves.

In the final analysis, this battle is a duel between several experts. No matter how many other masters come, they are all full of scenes.

Elder lengyun didn't release the rule of heaven. He fought side by side with the elder of the prison.

Although Michael and Dilu released the law of heaven, their law of heaven did not break the law of the prison elders, but they were still trapped in it. What's more, the prison elders separated Michael and Dilu in different spaces.

At the center of gravity of layers of white crystal wall, time and space are disordered and frenzied.

Micah's own law of the position of heaven enveloped himself, which stabilized the center of gravity.

At the same time, the voice of the prison elder sounded coldly.

"Cold cloud has gone to hold down Dilu." Senleng, the elder of the prison, said, "Michael, do you really think you are qualified to compete with me?"

Michael felt that the great law of heaven was oppressing him. He is similar to lengyun, but the elder of the prison is about to reach the peak of heaven. In front of the prison elders, Michael was hard to resist.

"Master!" At this moment, Michael immediately communicated with Linghui monk.

It's a moment of life and death.

Monk Linghui said coldly, "well, he is rampant. You should deal with him. I'll give you a hand at the crucial moment. "

The confidence of Michael was greatly increased.

"Prison, show your skill." Micah yelled at the elder of the prison.

The elder of the prison said harshly, "you want to die!"

As soon as his voice fell, he immediately changed the space!

"Heaven's thunder punishing sword!"

The infinite crystal wall space, the law of heaven and the law of time begin to stir up, forming a huge vortex. This whirlpool merges the three forces to form a cold white sky chopping sword!

At the same time, the elder of the prison spits out a mouthful of black essence onto the huge sword.

The huge sword immediately turned into black all over, and the light was shining on it!


The sword cut at Micah. The outside of Michael is the law of heaven.

The rules of the four week prison elders are like innumerable giant hands, tearing the rules of Michael all the time.

Michael immediately felt the majestic power of the thunder punishment sword that day.That's the power to chill his heart.

Michael did not dare to underestimate, he immediately sacrificed his magic weapon.

Canglang Shenzhu!

Micah Ye sacrificed the Canglang God bead, which is the size of a fist and is as big as glass and white jade.

As soon as this bead comes out, Micah leaves to turn the heavenly position mana drive immediately.


In a flash, the boundless brilliance burst out in the Canglang God bead, and the brilliance instantly illuminated the square hundred Li.

If in ordinary times, not under the heaven rule of the prison elders, this Canglang God bead can illuminate the void.

Where the light reaches, all of a sudden, all the light turns into infinite water molecules.


Then there was a tsunami.

Endless tsunamis erupted in the void, especially in front of Michael.

"Three waves in the sea!"

Michael roared, and a total of three tsunamis, like the roar of a dragon, hit the sword of thunder punishment.


After the first impact, the thunder punishment sword of Tianwei also released violent energy. Thunder light released, the tsunami turned into thunder water.

In an instant, the tsunami was tempered by the sword of thunder punishment.

"Go The elder of the prison gave a big hand.

He had all his hair and beard, and he did his best. That heavy thunder water quickly turned into a Thunder Dragon. The Thunder Dragon was thousands of feet long. As soon as it flicked its tail, it smashed the two subsequent tsunamis.

Then, Thunder Dragon encircles the sword of thunder punishment and continues to kill fiercely.

The next moment, it has been cut in the law of heaven. The crystal wall photosphere was formed according to the principle of astrometry, and the huge photosphere was inserted about three meters.

Thunder Dragon roars repeatedly, driving the sword of heaven thunder punishment to continue to attack and kill.

The infinite thunder force bombards fiercely, intending to refine Michael's law of heaven.

Micah struggled to resist.

He is hard to say. Linghui monk's rules are mysterious, but he can't understand them when they fall into his rules. As a result, he can't understand them well, and his strength is greatly reduced!

"The moon of the sea, devouring!" Michael continues casting.

The canglangzhu once again bloomed a strong silver light. The silver light quickly covers the sword cage of thunder punishment. The next second, the silver light turned into ice, and even directly froze the sword of Tianwei thunder punishment.

Thunder Dragon has become an ice sculpture in the freezing!

"Can you stand it? Michael The elder of the prison gave a roar.


Next second, all the ice breaks.

"Master, the prison is too fierce to resist! Further hesitation, if Dilu is defeated, we will all die here today! " Micah yelled at Linghui monk.

That day, the sword of thunder punishment was about to break Michael's law of heaven.

Linghui monk said: "well, I give you a move to break his sword!"

At that moment, Linghui once again unlocked the mysterious law in Michael's body.

So, when the elders of the prison were about to defeat Michael. There was a sudden roar from Micah.

"No fire in the sky!"

There is a sword of fire in Michael's law of heaven. This sword of fire is not huge, just like a small sword light.


Soon, the sword of flame was killed on the sword of thunder punishment.

At that moment, the elder of the prison was disgraced. He felt that there was an archaic desolation on the sword of fire, as well as an ancient primitive flame from the sky.

What's more terrible is that it also contains a kind of fierce law to kill the world!

This rule is terrible.

Even in prison, he could not create such a law. Because he didn't have the mood and ambition.

But this flame has!


The next second, the sword of Tianwei thunder punishment was smashed.

At the same time, the sword of fire is still not extinguished, but it is towards the prison elders.

The elder of the prison was disgraced. He murmured, "how can this be? How can Michael have such a law. It's impossible. There must be experts behind him. However, this master, at least, created the world. Where do you come from? Is the death and disappearance of Tianbu, Hongkun and Hongfei all related to Michael? He has colluded with mankind? "

At this moment, the prison elder thought a lot.

He is a clever lingzun. He can draw inferences from one instance.

It seemed that all of a sudden, he understood what Micah had done.

This guy, he's freaking out.

But this is not the time for the prison elders to be in a daze. The sword of fire is extremely fierce.

The elder of the prison immediately runs the law of space, the law of time and the law of heaven to resist. So, the sword of fire went forward at the speed of ten thousand li per second. But there's a lot of space.Of course, no matter how much space or time comes, all of them are quickly burned to ashes by the sword of fire.

The elder of the prison flashed and then distorted the law of heaven.

The sword of fire directly broke out of his law of heaven position. At this point, there was a loophole in his law of heaven position, which needs to be repaired later.

Michael finally raised his eyebrows and breathed. He once again realized the power of the mysterious law of Linghui monk.

"Prison, today is your day of death." Micah let out a roar and then burst out laughing.

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