That's how Dilu, the king of spirit He died.

This gives many elders a very strong sense of fear. The elders of the prison dare to kill even the king of spirit, and they are nothing.

In this instant, these elders who had been at ease for a long time finally felt the smell of death approaching.

Bi Xiu was sad in his heart: "Dilu, I hurt you! Michael, you mistakenly me

The prison elder didn't plan to kill. After all, it was a civil war. But such characters as Dilu, the king of spirit, must be killed. It's a warning.

And Michael, he must die!

The elder of the prison stood in the void, and everything around him was quiet.

All the fighting stopped.

All the elders looked at the elders of the prison, and they were full of awe.

Michael also looked at the elder of the prison.

"Micah ye, do you want me to do it, or do you want me to do it?" The elder of the prison asked coldly.

With the advent of terror, Michael felt that he had been in hell.

He even kind of wanted to throw in the towel with the prison elders.

All the elders have decided that Michael will lose this time, and the overall situation has been decided.

"Michael Linghui monk's voice rang out, he said: "the prison is a waste without talent and opportunity to reach the creation. If you still give in to this waste. All your life, you don't want to see the road of creation. "

Michael's heart was cold.

"Master, I need your help." Michael took a deep breath and said.

"If you want my help, you can. Now, you open your brain and let me in. I'll show you how one tenth of the power of Tianjun is. "

Michael had no choice. He said, "good!"

Michael immediately let go of his brain and let Linghui monk drive straight in.

Of course, Linghui monk could not control Michael's body at this time.

But Linghui monk has been laying out!

First of all, Chen Yang drives the light of soul into the center of Michael's brain.

In Michael's brain, the mana is powerful, magnificent and mighty!

When Chen Yang drives the light of soul into it, he feels that the brain magic power inside is as brilliant as a river of stars.

Majestic, mountain and Tsunami!

"It turns out that the internal mana of the master in Tianwei realm has been so powerful. I'm like a mole ant in front of him. "

Chen Yang, LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing were all sighing.

It's like a billionaire standing in front of hundreds of billions.

"Now, act!" Linghui monk scolded: "dute Niang's burning eyebrows, still watching the excitement."

Chen Yang and others are very proud.

So Chen Yang, Qin Keqing, LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue surrounded Linghui monk in the middle.

First of all, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing practiced both yin and Yang. Spirit and power blend together to form Yin and Yang Yuan Shen!

Later, LAN Tingyu injected the power of Jiuyan divine fire into yin and Yang.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing quickly drive their mana to fuse LAN Tingyu's nine fire.

Luo Xue concentrates her mind. She immediately feels the power of ice and cold in her brain and releases it outwards.

"Take a picture!" Cried Linghui!

Luoxue doesn't know magic, so there's no way to inject it. This requires Chen Yang and others to take photos.

At that moment, the inner flame of yin and Yang Yuanshen was fierce, and the outer ice and snow were frozen.

It was a wonderful sight!

This is the bold idea of Linghui monk.

It's the only life.

Monk Linghui had a premonition in his heart that the battle of Tianlong hall would not go smoothly. I'm afraid the prison has a card in its hand.

Otherwise, the prison would not be so determined and reckless.

The first step of Linghui monk is to rescue Luoxue. This game of chess can't be saved without Luoxue. After Luo Xue is rescued, now is the second move.

For a long time, water and fire can't mix.

But with the power of yin and Yang, the fire of the highest Yang and the ice of the lowest cold can give birth to wonderful laws and mana.

All these forces finally fall into monk Linghui alone.

Ice and fire are surging, and Yin and Yang blend together!

No one knows what this will produce.

Soon, this surge of mana formed a golden lotus.

Jinlian half blooms the frigid ice soul, half blooms the nine flaming fire. But the two are harmonious.

Linghui and shangduan sit on the top of Jinlian, so for a moment, it's like four wonderful torrents converging on Linghui. Originally, monk Linghui was too weak to bear.

But after this kind of breeding, monk Linghui, with his own great law experience, actually accommodated such wonderful magic power.It's a very scary, strange, powerful force.

At that moment, Linghui monk's eyes were full of light. At the same time, his mana is derived.

So, a more wonderful scene happened again.

The magic power of Linghui monk, like thousands of veins, is perfectly connected with the veins of Michael's brain.

It's the magic of creation. It couldn't have happened.

When master Linghui said he was going to enter his brain, he was surprised. Is this OK? It's impossible. But based on the worship and awe of Linghui monk, he didn't think much about it, so he did.

At the moment, when Michael felt the combination of the two Manas, he also felt magical, incredible to the extreme.

So at this moment, Michael, who had been dispirited in front of the prison elders, suddenly burst out of his eyes.

Michael is now under the control of the wise monk. Linghui monk stepped out, then came into the air, and stood opposite to the prison elder.

"Why do you want to fight with elder Ben?" The elder of the prison said coldly.

Linghui monk light said: "can't it?"

"Are you I want to die Prison elder pale cold says.

Linghui monk stretched out his finger, drilled his ear, and then casually said: "nonsense, too much. Do it. Let me see how good you are

"Death In the eyes of the prison elder, there was a terrible light, and then there was a roar.

Then, the elder of the prison blows out!

In his law of heaven position, infinite black fog condensation contains the power of creation.

This big black fist seal suddenly formed!

The majestic, desolate, simple and vast breath appears in the black seal.

In the starry sky, it seems that only such a punch is left.

With this punch, a city will turn into powder in an instant.

The law of infinity appears in the black seal.

Monk Linghui is also a solemn Dharma at this time.

It should be said that everyone is looking at Michael.

The elders looked at Michael and suddenly closed their eyes.

"Ah? Is he waiting to die? " There is an elder's heart.

Right here, Michael suddenly opened his eyes.

At that moment, his eyes were golden.

The flame leaps in the eyes of Linghui monk.

This is the real golden pupil from fire!

Ye Fan is not the kind of level can be compared. Although Linghui monk doesn't have the magic power of big eye, Chen Yang has it!

Now it is equal to the power of five people, all controlled by the center of Linghui monk.

Five against one of the prison elders.

The strong and violent golden God awn suddenly cut out and roared!

Golden God awn and black big fist seal collide and kill together.

At that moment, the sky and the earth shook.

In the golden God awn, the unparalleled piercing flame was condensed to the extreme. In the black fist seal, many rules were immediately burned to ashes.


Two forces suddenly exploded.

Between the heaven and the earth, the endless fragment, the flame rushes out, mighty, just like a flame rainstorm.

What a spectacle it was!

"How can it be!" The elder of the prison can't help turning pale. "Michael, how can you take this fist of creation. Who the hell are you working with? Who are you? "

The elder of the prison is furious.

Linghui monk was very cold and said, "prison, you dare to kill the king of spirit. To make it clear is to get rid of dissidents and make the chalk world your home. If the Japanese president killed you today, it is to clear the emperor's side for his majesty. You must die! "

"You're a piece of crap, can you?" The prison elder scolded.

Linghui monk sneered and said, "then you can watch it."

At this moment, Linghui monk laid down the rule of heaven.

His law of heaven and place instantly suppressed the law of heaven and place of the prison elders. But the prison elders are not reconciled. The two laws are intertwined, space and time are distorted and disordered, killing each other.

The elder of the prison goes on.

"Lei Yun Wan Zhu Shou!" The elder of the prison offered his magic weapon, tianleizhu!

On that day, tens of millions of electric snakes came out, and each electric snake absorbed the power of lightning in the air.

In an instant, every electric snake is very strong. The power of every electric snake is extremely fierce!

The sky immediately became the world of the electric snake, the light Zizi, can burn at any time, the whole sky will be burned.

The elder of the prison exerts all his magic power, and his clothes blow up without wind His face turned red.


The endless electric snake turns into the hand of thunder and lightning and catches the monk Linghui.

Every thunder and lightning has pure sky thunder in its hand, and contains vast and profound rules. Every hand of thunder and lightning is hard to crack, not to mention at present, so many hands of thunder and lightning come together.The elder of the prison had faith and killed Michael with one blow.

Now he's ignoring everything. He's going to kill Michael. It was hard for him to feel at ease that the spirit Master would not die.

Bi Xiu, Chang sun, duo Yin, Jia Tian and other elders all stopped breathing. They don't know how to fight for a second. But they don't know if Michael can still work miracles.

If today, Michael lost, then their fate will be miserable.

Even if you don't die, you can only live with your tail between your legs.

At this critical time, Linghui monk once again made a move.

He vomited Zhenyuan. In a moment, Zhenyuan turned into thousands of white rainbow.

These Changhong are the big seal techniques, but they are the big seal techniques contaminated by Luoxue's ice spirit.

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