Based on the powerful magic power of Michael, Linghui monk uses Lanting Jade's nine flaming fire to fuse the big eye technique to burn and kill the elder of the prison. At the moment, he uses Luoxue's ice spirit as a guide to perform the big seal technique.

The tens of millions of white rainbow send out the heart chilling meaning, a rainbow instantly will be ten miles around the air, molecules all frozen. Thousands of rainbow come out, all of them are frozen rapidly.

All the electric snakes are entangled and frozen by the white rainbow.

Two forces entangled, strangled, a moment later, the white rainbow was bombed into pieces. But the prison elder's Leiyun Wanzhu hand was also broken.

The power of the prison elder soared, but these two moves didn't get any advantage in Michael's hands. This makes the prison elders feel angry and even desperate!

"It's impossible!" The elder of the prison roared.

"Brother, I'll help you!" At this time, elder lengyun broke through the shackles of the law in front of him and came directly to the elder of the prison. In his hand, there was a bright sword of heaven.

The sword of Tianwei is condensed by Tianwei's law, which breaks the shackles and laws in front of his eyes and does great harm to his Tianwei's law. If not forced, no master is willing to make such a bad policy.

Elder Leng Yun and the elder of the prison still have feelings. In addition, both of them have lost their lips and teeth. So at this time, elder lengyun is also desperate.

Elder Leng Yun's participation immediately increases the confidence of the elder of the prison. He drank a good, and then said: "you and I work together to urge tianleizhu to kill the traitor!"

"Good!" Elder Leng Yun replied.

The elder of the prison immediately sacrificed Tianlei Zhu!

On this day, Lei Zhu was stained with the spiritual imprint of the elder of the prison, which was the magic weapon of his life. He is not willing to work with elder Leng Yun to urge tianleizhu. Because it means that all his secrets are exposed under the eyes of elder lengyun.

But at the moment, the elder of the prison is obviously not concerned. He was forced by Micah to show his cards again and again.

Leng Yun can be desperate, and the prison elder can be even more desperate.

These two spirit zuns moved very fast. That day, under their fierce mana and the moistening of the rule of heaven, Lei Zhu immediately burst out a dazzling ray.

Boom! At that moment, the thunder reflected on the world.

Over the sky and the earth, hundreds of miles around are all shrouded in thunder clouds. Inside the thunder cloud, the thunder is booming, which seems to contain countless thunder.

The supreme mana urges, the sky thunder is rolling, majestic, vast, infinite!

It was a scene of natural disaster, just like human beings angered God, facing the fury of God.

Tianlei bead is a top-quality tool, driven by the joint efforts of the two Heaven masters. On this day, the power of Lei Zhu was completely revealed.

The instrument spirit in the thunder pearl, the thunder king is flying clouds and rain in the sky!

The power of natural disaster quickly covers the whole Tianlong hall.

Michael, Chen Yang and others feel creepy. This kind of power is really terrible.


Bi Xiu and Jia Tian did not dare to do anything. They could only stay away from Lei that day.

And elder Kiel, they quickly supported the Dharma array of Tianlong hall, and did not let the thunder destroy the foundation of Tianlong hall.

The elder of the prison and elder Leng Yun both have hair and beard.

The thunder King roared, and then, in the sky, in the rolling of thunder clouds, a thick and incomparable sky thunder was formed, just like a hundred people embracing.

In the sky thunder, there are electric lights, hundreds of millions of electric currents and the law of heaven's position.


Finally, the thunder cut down.

Straight to Micah.

The law of heaven's position around him locks Michael in all directions. If Michael wants to escape at this time, he will die.

At this moment, under the thunder of such natural calamity, it seems that everything has become a thing of the past, and all the rules have become a joke under the thunder of such natural calamity.

At this time, Linghui monk also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Although he combined the mana of all the people, he joined hands with the prison elder and lengyun elder, as well as under the attack of tianleizhu. His mana is not as good as it is.

However, the magic power of Linghui monk also has wonderful particularity.

At this moment, he drives the law of heaven.

Thus, the space and time in front of him were rapidly and wildly distorted.

However, this day's thunder force is directly tearing up the space and time in front of us.

Linghui monk is not impatient, he is solemn, suddenly spit out a real yuan. The fog of Zhenyuan is surging. With a bang, it envelops the top of Tianlei's power. Therefore, the power of ice spirit was released completely, and spread rapidly, directly upward to freeze in the past. Instantly frozen kilometers, but to continue to freeze up this thunder column, then listen to a boom, all the ice soul was bombed into countless pieces.The power of ice spirit can't resist this thunder power!

Monk Linghui knew in his heart that behind the power of Tianlei was the power of two Tianwei masters, and that Tianlei beads had been fully activated.

Even if he did a big seal, he couldn't seal it.

Big phagocytosis is not phagocytic, it will live up to their own death. Big flame, big eye and so on, everything doesn't work.

Michael has a magic weapon, a green sword, but the green sword is killing the enemy suddenly. But in the face of the power of thunder, there is nothing we can do.

As for canglangzhu, it's too late. Once it's used, it will turn into thunder water.

What kind of person is monk Linghui? He has suffered such humiliation. His mind flashed, and all the magic powers were quickly combed.

The only thing that can compete is Chen Yang's Tiandao pen.

But Linghui monk did not dare to use Tiandao pen, once Tiandao pen appeared in the eyes of the prison elders. Then this may bring endless disaster to Chen Yang.

Moreover, the Tiandao pen has lost its spirit. I'm afraid it can't resist the power of Tianlei. The power of Tianlei lies in the fact that there are hundreds of miles of thunder clouds behind it as energy sources, which constantly attack and kill.

Monk Linghui suddenly sat with his knees crossed.

He is solemn, and his words are incomprehensible.

Those words fly out quickly, some are gold small words, some are white small words. The golden characters are like flames burning the sky, and the white characters are like ice soul and cold essence, which makes people cold and desperate.

These little words all seem to have spirituality. They seize the space in front of Linghui monk's eyes. Let the power of thunder cut over that day, but the space has never broken.

That day, Lei Zhili fell into space and moved forward at the speed of ten thousand li per second.

Linghui monk read faster and faster, and there were more and more gold and white characters.

In the sky, thunder clouds rolled.

At this time, the golden characters are as bright as the Milky way, and the white characters are like snowflakes.

Then, boom!

The little gold and white characters burst out.

After the explosion of the small golden words, they turned into a raging fire and began to burn. Suddenly, half of the sky formed a cloud of fire.

Half of the sky seemed to be burning.

And after the explosion of small white words, it also formed a boundless frozen cloud!

Flame and frozen cloud suddenly bite together, entangle each other, forming a wonderful space.

The flame formed six golden lotus petals, and the frozen cloud formed the lotus rhizome.

White rhizome, Golden Lotus. In the middle of the lotus, the lotus rotates and a wonderful space is formed.

The power of thunder falls into this wonderful space.

All of a sudden, no matter how fierce the power of thunder is, it's like a bullock into the sea, without any reaction.

At this instant, the prison elder and Leng Yun elder also broke out in a cold sweat.

They feel that there is no bottom in their heart. Their attack is like entering a bottomless pit. They can never find an attack target.

"Tianlei's power destroys all space. I don't believe you have unlimited space! " The elder of the prison gave a roar. Not only did he not gather up his skill, but he became more and more crazy.

Elder Leng Yun didn't want to cooperate with him.

The two elders are powerful, powerful and magnificent.

The two elders urged together, and the thunder force became more and more violent.

In that wonderful lotus space, yin and Yang blend with each other, ice and fire lingering.

It's a huge sky, it's an infinite dark space, just like in the universe, boundless, boundless.

"Canglangzhu!" Monk Linghui shows his canglangzhu!

That canglangzhu in this boundless space, burst out of the white vitality, white vitality quickly turned into a ferocious tsunami.


The waves were rolling and suddenly became a vast ocean.

In the vast ocean, the tsunami is surging, setting off hundreds of feet high waves.

At the same time, what's more strange is that countless golden lotus flowers suddenly appear in the sea. Golden Lotus with white roots.


The sky thunder force cut into the tsunami at supersonic speed, and the waves of 100000 feet high surged into the sky.

At that moment, it seems that Tianlei's power is to infiltrate the vast ocean, and to refine it instantly!

But also at this time, all the tsunamis, the sea suddenly frozen.

It's all ice sculptures. Endless waves rolled, wrapped the day of thunder, and quickly frozen.

The thunder force is more ferocious and thunders, and smashes all the frozen force. The ice fragments bombed by these days' thunder force become hardened thunder force.

Ray fell into the ocean.

Boom!All of a sudden, the whole ocean was on fire.


The sky of the universe is reduced to a ferocious sea of fire.

The sea of fire tempered by thunder.


In the whole sea of fire, there was a sudden roar.

Then, the sea of fire suddenly contracted, condensed, and finally formed a Jiuyan dragon! This nine burning dragon is ten thousand li long. One can't see the edge, its head is as big as an ordinary city.

"ZuLong?" For a moment, the elder of the prison and elder Leng Yun were shocked.

"Not ZuLong!" The prison elder immediately denied it!

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