The nine flaming dragon shows a huge figure in the endless space. Its eyes are as big as mountains, and there are endless flames in them. As soon as he opened his eyes, he lit up the void like two suns shining on it.

This is the general existence of Jiuyan dragon ancestors.

Standing aloof, the whole universe and void seem to have become its swimming pool.

At this time, the Dragon roared and wound around the thunder and fire pillar of that day. After it was entangled, the flame burned, and opened its mouth to bite and tear.

Boom! Tianlei pillage immediately and constantly collapse, many rules, molecules, all were defeated by nine Yan dragon.

Tianlei pillage fire column is constantly killed, but as long as it is killed, it will be torn to pieces by the nine burning dragon.

No matter how powerful the law is, it can't stand the tear of the nine burning dragon.

The dark void is now as bright as day, and countless pieces of thunder are splashing everywhere, each piece is electrified with the power of terror.

But these fragments are all absorbed by the void, and nourish this wonderful space.

In this wonderful space, there are ice spirit, nine flames, the power of yin and Yang, and the great understanding and wisdom of Linghui monk. And all the mana of Micah!

Originally, Linghui monk could not resist the thunder and fire.

However, Linghui monk is based on the wonderful space of yin and Yang and is led by the sea water of canglangzhu. The sea water is quenched into tears by thunder. The space of yin and Yang breeds thunder water and turns it into its own use.

In this way, after the formation of Jiuyan dragon, it can completely tear up Tianlei fire without being crushed by Tianlei fire.

It's a game of wisdom.

Originally, even if monk Linghui made a move, even if he had this wonderful space, with the help of LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue, he couldn't deal with these two Heaven level masters. What's more, these two Heaven level masters also urged such top-grade tools as tianleizhu.

It's hard to imagine the power of the top grade Taoist weapon when it's completely sent out.

Under the operation of Linghui monk's wisdom, this dilemma was solved immediately. If the prison elders are smart enough to take back the Tianlei fire in time, they will not come to this step. Then, the prison elder can find a chance to defeat Linghui monk.

But After all, the wisdom of the prison elder is far from that of the Linghui monk.

The prison elder and Leng Yun elder finally realized that something was wrong. Their power and mana were waning. The power of tianleizhu is also being greatly weakened.

It's a sense of fear that your wealth is rapidly disappearing.

The prison elder and lengyun elder dare not fight any more. The two elders immediately restrain their mana and stop attacking.

That day, under the command of the prison elders, Lei Wang quickly contracted Lei Yun. A moment later, the thunder King completed the contraction, and everything returned to the thunder bead. One third of the power of thunder and lightning has been lost.

The elder of the prison takes back tianleizhu.

"Go He didn't delay any longer. He knew that if he went on like this today, he would die. So he quickly converged the rule of heaven position, and directly put elder kier, elder Donglin, elder yinbuxu and elder Tianyi into the rule.

Then he and elder lengyun immediately tore the void and left.

At this time, the nine flaming dragon had come out of the wonderful space.

At that moment, there was only one nine burning dragon left in the whole sky.

In the chalky world, all human beings, as soon as lingzun looked up, he saw a nine flaming dragon covering the sky.

The scales of the Dragon seem to be burning like flames.

The whole chalk world is heating up rapidly, and the heat is frightening.

Countless experts and friars in the chalk world felt scared and trembled when they saw such a dragon.

Many lingzuns even think that this is the manifestation of the ancient ancestor ZuLong.

"Linghui, can you tear the chalk world apart now?" Chen Yang has been paying close attention to the situation of the war.

He was also amazed by the power of the nine burning dragon.

Linghui monk immediately denounced: "joke, three thousand worlds, three thousand rules, three thousand roads. Who can tear? It attracted the power of the world and died in an instant. Don't even think about it. "

In his speech, Linghui monk used his magic formula to control the nine burning dragon. The two dragon whiskers of the nine flaming dragon shot out, just like the two peerless whips, and contained the powerful power of the nine flaming fire.

Two dragon whiskers quickly entangled the prison elder and lengyun elder. Jiuyan dragon keeps shrinking, and its body becomes smaller, but its energy is stronger and stronger. In the end, the whole dragon became as long as 100 Zhang, which directly entangled the prison elder and lengyun elder.

Many other elders are trapped in it.

Linghui and elder Leng don't know.

"Too much deception!" The elder of the prison was so angry that he shot a mouthful of Zhenyuan into the sky and quickly gathered a hundred mouthfuls of Tianwei thunder punishment sword. One hundred swords of Tianwei's thunder punishment, slash Xiang Jiuyan dragon fiercely.Nine burning dragon, but not afraid of the sky thunder punishment sword.

In the fire, the law is strict.

The seal of the dragon is also the seal of the soul.

The prison elder and lengyun elder wanted to break through several times, but they were blocked by Shenhuo.

The temperature of Shenhuo is extremely terrible. If ordinary shentie and meteorite iron are in it, even if they are thousands of tons, they will be instantly refined into a pile of molten iron.

The elder of the prison and elder Leng Yun have been resisting with mana, but for such a long time, there is only one way out.

"Michael, Michael!" The prison elder roared in despair.

"What? Do you want to ask elder Ben for mercy? " Linghui monk sneered and looked down at the elder of the prison.

The elder of the prison said, "you wretch, you don't have the ability. You collude with the outside experts to subvert the elder hall and destroy the foundation of the emperor. You're a capital crime, a capital crime! I die here today, and I will kill you when my ancestors come back. When the emperor comes, you will die, too! "

His voice was full of discontent.

Monk Linghui gave a cold smile and said, "if the elder was already a master of creation when the emperor came? Do you think the emperor will kill me? "

"You..." The elder of the prison was in a daze.

"No, no..." The prison elder's eyes are red. "I'm not reconciled. I'm not reconciled. I was defeated by you. It's impossible. It's not true... "

For a moment, Michael was also looking at the elder of the prison.

His heart suddenly got unprecedented satisfaction. Though, he didn't really beat the prison elder. But the future, the humiliation and the arrogance of the prison all flashed in his mind.

He is the winner in the end.

Michael felt happy, happy revenge ah!

Just then, suddenly, something unexpected happened.


There was a violent explosion.

"Brother, you can't die!" Elder lengyun suddenly explodes himself.

The smell of terror spread.

Linghui monk quickly covers elder lengyun with a wonderful space. If elder lengyun really explodes, this Tianlong hall and all the Dharma arrays will be destroyed. This is what Michael didn't want to see, and Linghui monk was still counting on falian to leave, so he couldn't allow it.

So, in that wonderful space, lengyun elder completely exploded.

Meanwhile, the elders of the prison have fled quickly.

Linghui monk wants to deal with elder lengyun's explosion, but he has no time to pursue elder lengyun.

Monk Linghui enlarges the space, so elder lengyun's spirit explodes and is absorbed and digested as much as possible.

Otherwise, with the explosive force of Yuanshen, the space can be completely collapsed.

Linghui monk is also relying on the wonderful Yin and Yang space, can continue to repair, improve, self growth, dare to do this dangerous move.

It took half an hour for Linghui monk to completely digest elder lengyun's body and explosion. Of course, this does not mean that Linghui monk absorbed the power of lengyun elder, but let these explosions do no harm to anyone.

Some of these fragments are good for Michael. Because it's always been Michael's mana.

So, Michael gets the most benefits.

At this time, Michael couldn't help saying: "Leng Yun is really desperate. This time, if it wasn't for the elder. The foundation of Tianlong hall was destroyed. "

Linghui monk said: "he is going to die, there will be so many. What's more, if the Tianlong hall is destroyed, you will only be more guilty in the future. "

When Michael heard the words, he couldn't help taking a cold breath. "I think it's all-round. Today, thanks to my master, I've stopped Leng Yun. Otherwise, I will not escape the responsibility."

Monk Linghui said, "well, now the dust is settled. Take care of the rest. I'm going to have a rest. "

Then he left Michael's brain with his own mana. Michael took control of the body again. He suddenly found that after such a world war, his body's mana was not consumed, but also improved a lot.

After the war, Michael's awe of Linghui monk became stronger.

Regardless of other things, monk Linghui went back to the seed of xuanhuang Valley to have a rest.

Chen Yang drives Soul Crystal out of Michael's brain.

At this time, Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that all the sufferings and tribulations were over. The chalky world is finally complete.

Maybe he can leave the chalk world later.

Of course, at this moment, Chen Yang is not suitable to appear in the public eye. If the elders know that Michael and human collusion, this is very bad for Michael. Chen Yang definitely won't pit his teammates.On Micah's side, the platoon leaders came to command and clean the battlefield

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