Luoxue's body did not have any problems. After Chen Yang gave her a ningxuedan, Luoxue felt more energetic.

This time, Luoxue is not dead. Since she entered the dragon's den of the Presbyterian Church, she thought that she would die. Now Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu fulfill their promise and save her.

Luoxue is surprised to shed tears, and her feelings for Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are even different. LAN Tingyu, in particular, seems to be no matter how dangerous. He will always be silent with his side, guarding, and try his best to rescue.

In the crystal of soul, after Chen Yang made sure that Luoxue was ok, he would sit on his knees and meditate.

LAN Tingyu also closed her eyes.

Luo Xue Leng a Leng, she felt some strange, it seems that the atmosphere is not right. But it's not right, and Luoxue can't tell.

Between Qin Keqing and Luo Xue, there was nothing to say, so she closed her eyes to refresh herself.

The day passed quickly.

The temple of Heavenly Dragon is calm, and many experts of the Presbyterian Council have left. Michael took over the Presbyterian Church.

By chance, it's like a giant hand behind the scenes pushing the wheel of history.

Originally, Michael had no chance to join the Presbyterian Church.

Then Hongkun and Hongfei are living in time and space, controlling the tower of destiny. Even a master of creating the realm can't shake the Presbyterian Council. But it happened that the three brothers of the Liu family reported to the Presbyterian Council, leading to the arrest of Luo Xue and Tang Wenqing.

In order to save Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen, Chen Yang uses a double to come.

There is also an interesting coincidence, that is, Yuanjue Dharma God does not like killing people and likes to be a dog. Because the Presbyterian Council is sure that the tempura is not dead. That's why Chen Yang succeeded in cheating.

After the destruction of the two venerable masters, namely Hongkun and Hongfei, and the tower of destiny, there was a counterattack from Michael.

Nevertheless, without the help of Linghui monk, Michael will die in the end.

Michael's road is really dangerous and dangerous, mysterious and mysterious!

But anyway, Michael succeeded.

Of course, Michael knew in his heart that it was far from over.

Even after Michael took control of the temple, he was restless.

After the death of Dilu, dak immediately became the new king of the spirit. Bishop also turned to support dak. He was a smart man and knew what to do.

Dake's cultivation is still held by Michael, so Dake doesn't dare to make waves with Michael. What's more, this time Michael became famous in the first World War.

In the world of chalk, the elder of the prison is notorious and powerful. And this time, it also engulfed yuan Shen Xu Ying Dan, and his power soared. Dilu, the last Lingwang, was a super strong man. He was killed easily by the prison elders.

But even so, Micah Ye defeated lengyun elder and prison elder with his own strength.

What a threat!

Today's Michael is absolutely the strongest in the chalk world.

At least in terms of Tiandu, Dake is absolutely afraid to have two hearts. Micah said to go east, he would never dare to go west.

In the Dragon hall, there is peace and tranquility.

The chalky world is changing, but it's changing in the center of power. For ordinary people, it's no different.

Most people in the power center think that Michael is the happiest person now. But only Michael knew how frightened and uneasy he was now.

In the secret chamber of the Dharma society, Michael spread out the Dharma array, and did not let any spiritual deities near. Then he invited monk Linghui and others out.

"Master, you must save me this time." Michael said sincerely.

After the first World War of Tianlong square, he was in awe of Linghui monk to the point of heaven and man.

Linghui monk was silent. He is at the top.

Chen Yang, Luo Xue, Qin Keqing, and LAN Tingyu are all the only wise monks with the right attitude. So, they don't talk either.

Chen Yang has many ideas. He wants to go back to the world. After all, the chalky world is too dangerous.

But Chen Yang also felt that he could not bear it because the human beings here are still suffering. Now that Michael is in control of the chalky world, Chen Yang also wants to have a detailed talk with Michael so that he can improve the situation of mankind.

Chen Yang talked with monk Linghui about it. Linghui monk said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about the human situation at all, because right now, Michael has to change their situation."

Chen Yanglian asked: "why?"

Linghui monk said, "Heaven's secret can't be revealed. You will know it in a short time."

Chen Yang also listened to monk Linghui's words, and then he settled down. At the moment, Chen Yang wants to see what monk Linghui is planning.

Facing the anxiety of Michael, Linghui monk said with a smile, "don't you control the whole situation now. You've driven the prison away. You've got the Presbyterian Council under control. Heaven is under your control. What else do you want to save you? "Micah said, "but master, you know, the prison is not dead. He's going to make a comeback. Moreover, this time things are so big, the younger generation's ability appears very strange, the prison must have guessed something. At that time, he will report to his ancestors, and the younger generation will die without burial! The ancestors may come at any time now. "

Linghui monk said: "well, after you send us away. I will crack all the mysteries of the law to you. Maybe you'll soon be able to compete with your ancestors. "

Michael could not help but face bitterness, said: "the master joked, the younger generation still have self-knowledge. Although the younger generation's qualifications are acceptable, they are not peerless talents. Even if you have your law, it is impossible to reach the realm of creation in a short time. "

Linghui monk said, "before you did this, didn't you think of the present situation?"

Michael said: "before, I still felt that even in front of my ancestors, I could have a fight. But the younger generation did not expect that the old ancestor actually left the yuan Shen Xu Ying Dan to the prison. From this pill, we can see that our ancestors were totally inclined to prison. Now that the prison is still alive, he has figured out the secret of the younger generation, which is absolutely fatal. "

"How do you want Benjun to help you?" Linghui monk said.

Micah leaves slightly a Leng.

"Why don't you think about it? Or do you know in your heart that even you can't help you kill your ancestors and the elders of the prison without any skill? " Linghui monk said with a cold smile.

Michael was silent for a long time, and then said: "master, you are very human. There must be a way to help you, right?"

Linghui monk then leisurely said: "the way, it is not without."

Micah Ye was overjoyed and said, "please show me!"

Linghui monk said, "first of all, imperial Tianzhou will not reach the earth for 20 years, right?"

Michael said, "that's right."

Linghui monk said: "that is to say, as long as the old ancestor and the prison elder are solved. You can win 20 years, I believe, and you are not a fool. Twenty years is enough time for you to figure out how to explain to your majesty? "

Michael said, "that's right But how can we deal with our ancestors? Although you say that the creation environment of the ancestors is not in fashion, you know the power of the masters of creation environment. The prison just got a pill from laozuzong, and then it was able to kill tianweijing masters. If laozuzong came in person... "

"If you come in person, you can't compete." Linghui monk said.

"Yes, then we..." Said Michael.

Monk Linghui said, "besides, you don't have much time. If your ancestors come within a month, you will have to die. First of all, you have to ask God to worship Buddha. I hope he doesn't come back so soon. I hope he can give you time! "

"Is one month enough?" Micah IP MAN.

Monk Linghui said, "maybe it's enough. The longer the time, the better. But it will take at least a month. "

Michael couldn't figure it out, but he still had hope in his heart.

"A month, a month, master, how do you deal with your ancestors?" Micah asked.

Linghui monk said: "now, there are three roads in front of you."

He pause, said: "the first way, you to your ancestors, see if he gives you a way to live."

Michael immediately vetoed and said, "that's impossible. Our ancestors were cruel and cruel."

Linghui monk said: "the second way, you leave the chalk world, far away from home, hiding."

Micah's face was bitter and said, "all the foundation, glory and efforts of my generation are in this chalky world. In the future, I also want to follow the emperor. The younger generation does not want to leave the world of lingzun and integrate into the human world. "

Monk Linghui said, "in that case, it seems that you have only the third way to go."

"Master," said Michael

Monk Linghui said, "it's really impossible for you to surpass your ancestors in a short time. And this method of our king relies on external forces. This is a unique opportunity for you. It's hard to do it in other environments. This will be your best foundation in the future. However, there are disadvantages in doing so. Because in the days to come, you need to run for humanity. "

"Well? What do you mean? I don't understand! " Said Michael.

Chen Yang and other people's eyes brightened when they heard that monk Linghui finally got to the point.

Monk Linghui immediately said, "in this chalky world, there are 300 million human beings. The number of these 300 million people is huge. If you want to stand out and defeat your ancestors, you have to rely on them. "

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