Linghui monk pondered for a long time, then said: "I mean you to be the Savior of mankind. In the Cretaceous world, 300 million people are in dire straits, which is a unique condition. If you save them and become the Savior, you can draw the power of their faith in you. At that time, I will help you, and with the power of your faith, you will be able to compete with your ancestors. "

After a pause, he continued: "the power of faith will not disappear. With the increase of population, your faith will become more and more powerful. Of course, if you do something harmful to human beings in the future, your faith will be lost. One day, these humans will no longer be limited to the chalky world, and spread your gods to other worlds, such as Jesus and Mohamed. Then, your magic power will be incredible. Even later, you can create your world. I haven't told you one thing all the time, that is, the master of creation is different from the master of any realm. Because there are nine levels in creation. In the early stage of creation, there were three layers of creation, the world and me. In the early stage, he initially possessed the power of creation, and could fabricate an animal or a human out of thin air. But this animal and human are not very powerful. Even intelligence is not as good as ordinary animals and humans. When I get to the world, I have the power of the world. Punch out, the power of the world is for you. As for unparalleled, it is to master the unique power in the world, which can break each other's world power. "

Michael, Chen Yang and others were stunned when they heard this.

Only then did they know that there were so many stresses in the realm of creation.

Michael also knew that the creation was so profound.

Linghui monk said: "this is why I dare to conclude that your ancestor is just a bad creation, because I can feel that he has no control over the world of chalk. In the power of the world, there is no Qi of his creation. He must have had some bad luck in his creation. "

Micah thought. "To be the Savior of mankind?"

He thought, he is not a fool, heart will have their own judgment.

"I know what you're thinking." Linghui monk said, "let's be honest. You are not human. However, Chen Yang, Daoyou and others are all human beings, and my heart is also biased towards human beings. Originally, I could just walk away. However, your predicament is equal to Chen Yang's hope. That's why I gave you such a clear way. This Savior is not so good. If you only want to use human beings, it won't last long. Maybe not yet integrated with the power of faith. Think about it for yourself. What are you going to do. That's not a lot of opportunities, because you have two. 1、 You're in power in the world. 2、 There are many human beings in this world, and they are all enslaved. Chance, chance, not so good. Most of the appearance of chance is wrapped by danger, otherwise why is it called crisis? "

Michael said in a deep voice, "master, I need to think carefully."

Linghui monk said, "yes, I won't force you. However, I only give you one day to think about it. This time tomorrow, if you don't want to, then we'll go. As for what I have promised you and my eldest grandson, I am sure I will keep my word. "

"Good!" Said Michael.

Then Micah withdrew.

Chen Yang and others are hiding in jiexumi villa. It's quite spacious there.

"Linghui, do you think Michael would do that?" Chen Yang can't help asking monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "it's not sure. After all, it's in conflict with his idea and the idea of Empire. However, this is really a big chance for him. You think, Daoyou, how rare it is for a person to get such two conditions in his life! If he can't handle it. Then he deserves to die! "

Chen Yang sighed a little and said, "I hope he can figure it out. In this way, he can solve the plight of the people in the chalk world."

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "Daoyou is really compassionate. He is more and more like the protagonists in those dramas and movies. He is always thinking of life for himself."

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed, but it was true that he hoped that the people in it would have a good life. After all, we are all of the same kind. He has the ability and hopes to help the same kind.

His kindness does not float on the surface. Many times, he is willing to do what he can for his country and mankind.

Linghui monk said it casually, and then he went back to xuanhuang Shengu seed to have a rest.

Qin Keqing also found a bedroom to quiet and cultivate God. This group of people can work together in times of crisis. But after being saved, there was nothing to talk about.

LAN Tingyu also found a room to practice. Before saving Luoxue, he wanted to save Luoxue. But after Luo Xue was saved, he was very indifferent to Luo Xue.

Luoxue wants to talk to LAN Tingyu several times, but LAN Tingyu doesn't give Luoxue a chance.

This makes Luoxue a little sad, but she tried not to show it.Because of the existence of Luoxue, the interior of jiexumi becomes extremely cold. Fortunately, all the people here are very human, but it doesn't hurt.

Chen Yang arranges Luoxue to rest in another room.

After a while, the room was covered with layers of frost.

Luoxue's bed soon became a bed of ice.

Chen Yang knows what Luoxue is thinking. He comes in and chats with Luoxue.

When Luoxue sees Chen Yang coming in, she sits up from the bed.

She forced a smile, and then some distressed said: "this body is really annoying, I hope I can live a normal life. In this way, not only I can't be normal, everything around me can't be normal. I don't know if I can get close to my sister. If I hurt her, I'll... "

She said later, but did not go on.

Chen Yang was meant to comfort Luo Xue, but when she mentioned Luo Ning, he felt sad.

That's his everlasting hatred.

It's not simply that Luoning died, but that he drove Luoning away when he thought of the last side. Then when we met again, it was a wisp of her soul.

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly fell into blood red.

Luo Xue is sad, but she is surprised to see Chen Yang at this time and says, "Chen Yang, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine!" Chen Yang quickly turns around.

"Why do you look like something's wrong when I mention my sister. Are you hiding something from me? "

"No!" Chen Yang immediately denied. He said, "I miss her. I haven't seen her for a long time. I think she would be very happy to see you

In this instant, he almost burst out crying. He really thought that if Luoning was still alive, she would be so happy to know that she still had relatives and such a sister!

But why? Why is it no longer possible?


Chen Yang screamed at the bottom of his heart and asked why.

His heart burned up a fury, he hated himself, hate LAN Tingyu.

But after all, he still suppressed all the anger. Because men are born to bear, to bear all kinds of grievances, all kinds of pain. This is the man!

Luoxue doesn't seem to be a very sensitive person, but maybe Chen Yang's acting is too good. So she had no doubt. On the contrary, they are also looking forward to it.

"What does my sister like? I want to choose a present for her. Does she like dolls? " Luo Xue then asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang touched his nose. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly found that he didn't seem to know what Luoning liked. He found that he didn't know enough about Luoning.

"It should be OK." Chen Yang said after a long time.

"I forget that she is just like you. She is a monk and has magical powers. There will like these childish things, but in my heart, she has always been the little girl like a little porcelain doll. "

Chen Yang said as like as two peas, "she looks exactly the same as you. If you want to know what she looks like, look at the mirror."

She said, "that's good, but she's better than me. She doesn't have the bad constitution. She has such a good husband as you. She's better than me, so I'm relieved. "

Chen Yang feels that he can't talk any more. He can't even breathe.

He felt suffocated to the extreme.

"I, I think there's something else. You stay by yourself." Chen Yang then turned and left.

At that moment, Chen Yang quickly returned to Qin Keqing's room.

He took Qin Keqing into the soul crystal.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Keqing was in the process of practicing, but he was annoyed by Chen Yang. But she immediately felt something wrong with Chen Yang's expression.

Chen Yang looks resentful and scared, but he suddenly laughs. He seems to have lost his mind.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Keqing was afraid and asked repeatedly.

Chen Yang grabbed Qin Keqing's hand and said, "you hit me."

"Ah?" Qin Keqing stayed for a while.

Chen Yang suddenly let go of Qin Keqing's hand, and he slapped himself four times. He hit hard and loud, and his cheeks became red and swollen, and even the blood overflowed. This time, he gave up his defense.

Qin Keqing was shocked. He stopped Chen Yang and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Chen Yang looks at Qin Keqing. He smiles like crying and says, "Luoxue says that Luoning is very happy because she has a husband like me."

Chen Yang burst into tears and said, "but I killed Luoning. Her greatest misfortune in her life was to meet me. I was even, even when she died... "

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