"Even her last ghost is worrying about me."

Chen Yang's bitterness and hatred are beyond the imagination of outsiders.

He has always been reluctant to recall. Today, although Luoxue didn't say anything. But the pain that exists can't pretend nothing happened. Those memories of the mountains, mountains and mountains of the surge of attack.

In fact, Luo Ning's words before his death, every word, he remembered clearly.

"I don't know if you can still receive some of the consciousness retained by my ghost. But I'll take it as if you've heard it. If you don't, I hope the people who have heard it can relay it to you. I can't, at this time, my consciousness more and more fuzzy, death has been very close to me. I feel that I am so afraid of death. But it doesn't work! Before I die, I worry about you most. Chen Yang, I know you so well. The death of Chen feirong makes you so sad. You want to die. As for me, I leave you in such a way. When you know that I am dead, don't you hate yourself? But Chen Yang, promise me, don't hate yourself. Because I love you forever. I hope you can live well. If you're not good, I'll die. "

Chen Yang at this time, like a child lost the most important toy. Full of helplessness and pain.

At this moment, Qin Keqing hugs Chen Yang tightly. Her heart seems to have something split, it is so painful. She loves Chen Yang, she knows, originally, Chen Yang seems cynical heart, has such pain.

After a long time, Chen Yang fell asleep in Qin Keqing's arms.

The pain, he never dare to say, even afraid to be seen. He didn't tell Qiao Ning. He was afraid that Qiao Ning was worried. He also felt that there was no need to say. Because, he is a man!

But at the moment, he has let it all out. At that moment, his heart was happy at last. So, he can sleep like this.

After Chen Yang went to sleep, Linghui monk jumped out. He covered Chen Yang with the breath of the spirit fetus. In this way, Chen Yang will not be disturbed by the outside world.

Qin Keqing looks at monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui is staring at Chen Yang. After a while, he sighed and said, "it's OK to let it out. Sometimes I'm really afraid that he will suffocate himself. "

Qin Keqing said, "sometimes I don't understand him. It's clear that LAN Tingyu is his enemy. But he can also work with LAN Tingyu. I thought he didn't care so much about his wife's death, but now I know I was wrong. "

Monk Linghui said, "Chen Yang doesn't hate LAN Tingyu, but because he hates LAN Tingyu clearly. He and LAN Tingyu can never reconcile. But now, based on the rules of the hall of stars and the current situation, he had to be patient. It is this patience that torments him like this. At that time, I knew what happened between him and Luoning. "

"Can you tell me?" Qin Keqing said.

Linghui monk said: "Chen Yang, Daoyou used to live in an elf in his brain. The elf has a very good relationship with Daoyou. They lived and died many times. But later, Chen Yang met with something

Monk Linghui didn't have his own experience, but he heard Shen monong talk about those things. Chen Yang is intrigued by Chun Du. In order not to invade his sister-in-law and his second sister-in-law, he did not hesitate to freeze himself, and finally the ice became an ice sculpture. He would not do anything against ethics even when he was dying.

When Qin Keqing heard that Chen Yang had frozen herself to death, her tears fell down. She looked at Chen Yang in her arms again, but she was more distressed.

Linghui monk said: "later, in order to save Chen Yang Daoyou. The elf turned into a Daoguo and let Chen Yang take it. It's the elf of Luoning sacrifice. Taoist friend Chen Yang has always been conscious, but he can't stop it. When he woke up, he could not accept the death of the elf. You can't face Luoning, because Luoning is the one who made the sacrifice. So, he drove Luoning away and decided to separate from Luoning temporarily. What I didn't expect was that when Chen Yang came back to the world again... "

After a long silence, Linghui monk said: "that time, when he went back, Luoning had been poisoned by LAN Tingyu. LAN Tingyu killed Luoning in order to snatch a Tathagata cassock. "

"Over the years, the reason why Chen Yang's friends hate him so much is that he can't let go. The big reason is that he drove Luoning away with his own hands. He blamed himself. If he didn't drive Luoning away, Luoning would not have been poisoned. He hates LAN Tingyu, even more himself. "

Qin Keqing red eyes, she said: "this can't blame him, he also don't want."

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "I have seen the vicissitudes of life for tens of thousands of years. I've never been in such close contact with human beings before. I've always been indifferent to human feelings, and I think it's ridiculous. Now, I understand that a grain of dust and the vast universe have the same point in them. Human emotions are wonderful things. If Luoning can be revived, what's the harm of my poor monk's death? "

"If we can save Luoning..." At this time, LAN Tingyu came in with red eyes. He opened the door with tears in his eyes. "I don't know. I don't want to kill ronin. I just didn't mean to kill her. If we can save Luoning and defuse this hatred. I can cut it to pieces. Senior... "LAN Tingyu knelt down in front of Linghui monk and said, "you were once supreme and possessed supreme powers. You must have a way to revive Luoning, right? No matter what I have to do, no matter how many causes and effects there are, as long as I can save her, I can do it. "

LAN Tingyu doesn't want to show himself in front of Chen Yang, and he is by no means such a person. Moreover, LAN Tingyu knows that Chen Yang is in a deep sleep. As long as there is no danger to stimulate him, he will not know what happened outside.

Monk Linghui took a look at LAN Tingyu and said, "I'm afraid the most painful thing is that Luoning is Luoxue's sister, right?"

LAN Tingyu said in a deep voice: "I have a clear conscience all my life. But for Chen Yang and Luoxue, I really feel guilty. "

Linghui monk said: "people can't come back to life after death."

LAN Tingyu said, "is there really no way?"

Linghui monk said: "the way is not without."

LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing were overjoyed. Qin Keqing said: "if there is a need for me, I am willing to do my best."

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "you don't have to be happy. Although you have a way, you can't do it."

LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing were stunned.

"What does the elder mean?" LAN Tingyu asked.

Linghui monk said: "after death, the soul scattered in the endless void, turned into dust, particles, hundreds of millions of factors. You said, you want to revive a dead man. How to revive? Unless you open the door of immortality and look for these dust particles scattered in the void universe through the door of immortality. Then it can be tempered in the gate of eternal life, and finally it can retrieve the lost memory and save a soul. After the soul, there is also shaping the body, which is difficult. No one has ever done it in history. Moreover, the gate of immortality has never really appeared. Because this is not allowed by the way of heaven. The gate of eternal life will lead to the five failures of heaven and man and the destruction of the world. In order to revive one person and destroy the whole earth. Will the emperor of the universe allow it? Heaven forbids it. Don't think about it. "

LAN Tingyu and Qin Keqing's fire of hope suddenly went out.

Chen Yang woke up the next morning, and his sleep was more comfortable than ever. His cheek returned to normal.

Chen Yang gets up. As soon as he gets dressed, Qin Keqing comes in. She made a cup of immortal tea for Chen Yang. It was full of mist and fragrance.

"It'll be comfortable for you to drink while it's hot. This is my favorite tea in the central world. " Qin Keqing said in a warm voice.

Chen Yang blushed and coughed.

He said, "well, last night, last night, I'm sorry, it's a bit of a gaffe."

"Nothing!" Qin Keqing said in a warm voice, "if you are unhappy in the future, you can come to me."

Chen Yang tilted his head and looked at Qin Keqing and said, "is it so good all of a sudden? Well, you're not in love with me, are you

"Go away!" Qin Keqing was immediately annoyed and embarrassed. She said, "you really can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "of course a dog can't spit out ivory."

Then he took a sip of the tea, got up and said, "I'll go and see Luoxue."

He left the room soon.

Qin Keqing's face darkened. She tried to step forward bravely. Chen Yang also understood this. Qin Keqing also understood Chen Yang's refusal.

It's obvious that Chen Yang doesn't want to have feelings with her.

Qin Keqing doesn't blame Chen Yang. She even understands Chen Yang's fear.

Luoxue sleeps all night. She just goes out and meets Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, are you ok?" Luo Xue asked with concern.

Chen Yang a smile, said: "I'm ok, ha ha, you see my physique, can have what matter."

Luo Xue appears very quiet, say: "you are all right good."

While they were chatting, the voice of Michael came from outside.

"Master, master ~!"

As soon as Chen Yang's heart jumped, he immediately summoned the Linghui monk.

After Linghui monk came out, he turned into a tree man and sat down in front of the sofa. Then he said slowly, "come in!"

Then Michael came in.

As soon as Qin Yuqing came out of the living room, he followed him.

Instead of sitting down, Michael bowed to Linghui monk, and then said, "I've decided to follow the instructions of my predecessors and be the Savior of mankind."

Monk Linghui said, "that's good. You can do it. At the same time, I will untie your law. You can understand your law and draw the power of your faith. Strive to have the ability to fight against your ancestors within a month. "

"Yes, master!" Micah answered immediately.

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