The imperial edict of offering sacrifices to heaven is a special kind of imperial edict. Every imperial edict of offering sacrifices to heaven is tempered. For example, this imperial edict was tempered by ancestors. Therefore, the prison elders can communicate with their ancestors through their willpower. The ancestors can also use these wills and the special nature of the imperial edict to form a way home.

The black spot in the talisman suddenly became bigger, and finally it was like a wormhole passage in the void of the universe.

Then, the energy fluctuates violently.

The air outside the imperial edict also surged violently, and the elements became violent and violent.


Among the molecular fragmentation, a figure finally flashed out.

This is not a tall, slightly bent figure lingzun old man. The wrinkles on the old man's face are like the folds of bark. At a glance, it makes people feel a little scared and even shivering.

This lingzun was dressed in a blue robe, and his eyes were calm and contained a vast universe.

He was the founder of the Empire sent by Tianzhou to supervise the chalk world.

As soon as he appeared, the elder of the prison was very happy and knelt down in awe. Together, they said, "disciple, I'd like to see you."

Kuki's face was calm. He glanced at the elders and looked around.

"This is not Tianlong hall. What happened? How did you come to this? " There is a chill in his words.

The elder of the prison immediately said, "ancestor, I'm incompetent. Please punish him."

Kuki looked at the elder of the prison. He didn't look well and said, "don't worry. It should be your punishment. It won't be less. Now let me tell you what happened

The elder of the prison said in a deep voice: "Micah is on the contrary. He colluded with human experts and drove us out of the Presbyterian Council. And, Lord SkyBlue, Bruner is dead. Master Hongkun and master Hongfei have also been arrested. Now their life and death are unknown. The tower of destiny has also been destroyed. "

"What?" The dead wood really king hears the speech to be startled to anger desire to be dead.

"Laozuzong, that's not enough. You don't know, Michael is now in control of Tiandu, the Presbyterian Council. He is dedicated to killing our lingzun and worshipping human beings. Now lingzun occupies only two cities. Other places, all human. Human beings have equal status with lingzun. If lingzun opposes us, he will kill us. Kill more than 10000 people a day. The means are so cruel Elder Donglin said immediately.

"You are all a bunch of rubbish!" Mr. dead wood is furious again. "How can a Michael be so good? Who is the expert behind him? Besides, who is the man who killed Tianbu and destroyed Tianming tower? "

The elder of the prison immediately told the cause and effect to Kuki Zhenjun.

About an hour later, dead wood really Jun just calculate clear cause and effect. No doubt he was angry and wanted to tear Michael to pieces. At the same time, he was a little relieved that the master who destroyed the tower of destiny was not here. If that kind of master is in, the dead wood really gentleman knows that he also can only bear to swallow. That kind of master is the top master in the human world, the real top master.

Only when the emperor Tianzhou or the elders in the fairyland come, can they deal with it.

After a long silence, Kuki Zhenjun said, "since the master is the patron saint of the world, we don't have to worry about it for the time being. It doesn't matter. The experts on the death list have to wait for the imperial heavenly boat to come, and then clear them. Your job is to make death lists. "

After a pause, he said, "Your Majesty has entrusted us with a heavy task. Now the secret is revealed, and the ark outside will begin to shrink. The chalk world can't be chaotic. Now go with me and question the children of namichael. "

"My ancestors, Michael is now doing so much that he seems to have no fear." Donglin elder immediately worried and said: "I'm worried that he will cheat."

Mr. Kuki was not a blind man, but he immediately said, "don't worry, I don't have any other creative power to perceive this chalky world. This shows that even the master behind Micah did not reach the realm of creation. In addition to the battle between Michael and the prison, I can clearly know that the master is far away from the realm of creation. As long as they don't reach the realm of creation, we are absolutely sure to subdue them. You don't realize how terrible the realm of creation is. "

When the elder of Donglin saw that Mr. Kuki really said so, he said, "it's the disciples who are worried too much."

"In history, there has never been a master of creation who has been defeated by others. It's impossible." Dead wood true gentleman says finally.

At this moment, in Tianlong temple, Linghui monk has been blessed to the soul. He opened his eyes and said, "here we are!"

Everyone was waiting for this moment. After listening to what monk Linghui said, he immediately knew what it meant.

So all the plans started right away.

In the human world, information is ready to spread at any time.

Michael leaves himself under the control of Linghui monk, and Chen Yang and others begin to set up the array in the soul crystal.

Linghui monk took the soul crystal into the brain center of Michael, and then controlled Michael's brain."Well!" After controlling Micah's brain and body, Linghui monk was quite satisfied. He said: "it's really powerful. It's much easier to use than before."

Michael can also communicate with Linghui monk. He can drive his body. It's just that he handed over control.

"Then, master, how sure are you?" Michael asked cautiously.

"Sure?" Monk Linghui said, "it's hard to say. In history, there has never been a man who can surpass the level to defeat the creation master. So it's hard to say whether we can succeed or not. "

"Ah?" Michael was taken aback.

Linghui monk said: "you don't have to be surprised, at least, we still have luck."

"Luck?" Michael couldn't help laughing bitterly. "Shall we place our hopes on luck?"

Monk Linghui said, "well, don't be wordy. Although the real king of dead wood, the ancestor of your family, was the first to create the realm, the realm of creation is the realm of creation, which is the majesty of creation. It's so easy to deal with, but anyway, it's better than there was no hope before. Now we have at least a glimmer of hope! "

After he finished, he flashed through the void and left the chamber of secrets.

Kuki Zhenjun and his group of elders are shuttling through the void. On Michael's side, he just let some elders go to the human side to do business. He himself is a person to fight with the dead wood true king and others.

Linghui monk also has no way, the rest of the elders are all here, that is not the opponent of the prison.

It's better for him to do it by himself.

In the void of clouds, monk Linghui intercepted the way of dead wood.

Kuki Zhenjun and his party quickly came out of the molecules, and they stood in the air, facing Linghui monk from afar.

Linghui monk wants to lock him here, so as not to let them know the situation of human beings.

Kuki Zhenjun looks at monk Linghui. He doesn't speak. His eyes are cold, as if he wants to see through monk Linghui.

Linghui monk looks at dead wood Zhenjun coldly. Lingzun, the elder of the prison, also looked at Linghui monk. But Linghui monk faces dead wood true king, faces this group of elders, but he is indifferent.

"You are not Michael!" After a long time, Mr. dead wood said.

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "how can I see it?"

Kuki said, "if Michael had seen me, I would have been scared to death. He doesn't have the guts

Monk Linghui said, "maybe, but there is no need to talk nonsense between us. Today, who is in charge of the chalk world depends on the battle between you and me. "

"Why, do you think you have a chance?" The dead wood really gentleman sneers.

Linghui monk said: "why, do you think I have no chance of winning and will run to death?"

"Ever since..." Kuki Zhenjun said: "no one has ever been able to surpass the master of creation! You think you can be the first in history? "

Linghui monk lightly said: "nonsense, you don't have to say it. Do it

"Arrogance There was a chill in his eyes.

Then he did it.

This is the first time that monk Linghui encountered a master of creation after the meeting of rebirth. At the moment, he was not nervous, afraid, but empty in his heart.

Monk Linghui has experienced too many, too many battles. There are not a few creative environments that die in his hands. He was not sure that he would defeat Kuki, but he did not think that he would fail. When the dilemma comes, he will think about the solution, which is a state of inaction.

The dead wood really gentleman bends a finger to flick, but was to pop up a Dao to point sword!

This Dao Zhi sword roars out and cuts the monk Linghui's eyebrows at supersonic speed.

Too fast, too fast.

Chen Yang and other people are interlinked with Linghui monk. Chen Yang feels the crisis in this instant.

He felt that this Dao Zhi sword was like the brand of the previous life. No matter how to avoid it, even if it blocked thousands of spaces, it could not be avoided.

Monk Linghui just took a look. For a moment, there was a light in his eyes.

Without saying a word, he immediately displayed the great seal.

Compared with Kuki Zhenjun's leisurely pointing sword, Linghui monk's response is a little too large and complicated. It's like the other side waving and breaking his leg.

The great seal technique made thousands of ice rainbow in the air.

Ice soul vertical and horizontal, instantly wrap this sword!

At that moment, the power of the sword appeared quickly. There seems to be a world in the finger sword. In the world, withered trees are withered. But all of a sudden, there was a burst of vitality. This explosive force is unthinkable.

It's like the birth of a world!

The law of the great seal was directly shattered by the sword.

Thousands of rainbow, inch by inch broken!Even the big seal didn't seal the Dao Zhi sword!

"It's really the art of withered glory!" Monk Linghui gave a cold hum.

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