Monk Linghui's great seal skill was instantly broken by Kuki Zhenjun's finger sword, and the great Kurong skill in the finger sword was extremely powerful. One wither and one flourish is the vitality and extinction of the development of things in the world.

Yin and Yang give birth to all things.

Between withered and prosperous, is the true meaning of life and death!

Linghui monk's eyes are burning. He knew that the simple sword of Kuki Zhenjun was not simple. He used the big seal technique to test it. At the same time, we can preliminarily dissolve part of the power of the finger sword, and understand the structure of the finger sword. The wisdom and experience of Linghui monk are so terrible.

At this time, he suddenly showed a move!

Big chaos thunder sword!

Upgraded version of big soul thunder sword!

Chen Yang has seen big chaos thunder sword, but he can't show it. Monk Linghui has absorbed too much Hunyuan Qi from the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. So after listening to Chen Yang's explanation, he immediately understood the essence of big chaos thunder sword.

A mysterious yellow sword appeared from the air, with a kind of extreme edge, breaking all rules, vitality!

A sword out, the surrounding space immediately collapsed!

This sword cut out, directly will dry wood really Jun's sword cut into pieces. At the same time, the big chaos thunder sword is extremely fierce, with the primitive, pure, breaking all the rules of the horror of the atmosphere, killing the dead wood in the past.

For a moment, it seemed that heaven and earth had become dark, and only the edge of the sword was left between them.

It seems that the stars will be broken by this sword!

The elder of the prison shrinks his pupils in one side. This sword is not aimed at him. What he felt terrible was that in just a few months, Micah's cultivation progressed so fast that it was so terrible. Just with his easy sword, the elder of the prison found it hard to resist.

In the crisis, the dead wood really gentleman is only cold hum. All of a sudden, he grabbed the big chaotic thunder sword with one hand.

If there is a small world in his palm, it is full of the power of creation. Directly change the big chaos thunder sword into a dripping dark yellow pill.

The dead wood really gentleman is looking at the Dan pill in the hand, then swallow. After swallowing it, he immediately learned the magic of big chaos thunder sword.

Although Linghui monk was once unparalleled, his big chaos thunder sword could not be compared with Suzhen's big chaos thunder sword. The reason is very simple. Even the master of creation has not been tempered by six thunderbolts. And Suzhen in black has. Although Chen Yang has also experienced it, he makes soy sauce beside him. All his sufferings and sufferings are on Suzhen in Heiyi.

However, if Suzhen Hei can't support herself in the six thunders, Chen Yang will also die. Chen Yang's risk is not small.

Kuki Zhenjun and Linghui monk fight for a short time. They both weigh each other's weight.

"But so!" The dead wood really gentleman sneers. Then, he did it again.

At that moment, dead wood really king spew black true yuan. This true element is infinitely changeable, directly enveloping heaven and earth.

This is the magic law of creation, which has perfectly combined the power of time, space and heaven to form the power of creation. In the law of creation, it's easy for you to become a man, a dog and a dragon.

Of course, every master of creation has different rules of creation. For example, Gaia is used to becoming a rabbit, and Yuanjue Fashen likes to become a dog.

The power and law of creation!

Between heaven and earth, a hundred Li area is all shrouded by the law of creation of the dead wood.

Therefore, between the heaven and the earth, a darkness.

In the dark, there was fog again.

Linghui monk also fell into the absolute darkness and couldn't see his fingers. Even with the magic power of Linghui monk, nothing can be seen.

Under the law of creation, it is true to change all matter. It's not magic!

"Heaven and earth are reversed, nature is infinite, yin and yang are disordered!" Dead wood is really king in the endless void, a big drink.

Then, a big black hand suddenly came from the top of Linghui monk's head, and directly caught him in the picture. Infinite power of creation poured into the body of Linghui monk. These forces of creation rapidly changed molecules, magnetic fields, and even disintegrated the body of Linghui monk.

Linghui monk's mana has been completely changed and dissolved!

If Linghui monk can't figure out a way to solve it, he will soon be changed into a little cat and dog.

At this time, Michael was really flustered.

But he didn't dare do anything.

But at this time, Linghui monk's platform is pure and bright. How can he not know these means.

"The power of creation is really extraordinary. If you reach the second level of my realm, I will really fall into your hands today. " Monk Linghui gave a cold hum, and then he drove the power of faith. However, the power of belief converges into Chen Yang's golden talisman.

To drive the power of faith with the universal method of great thunder!

With a big wave of his hand, Linghui monk sacrificed the golden light talisman. The golden light talisman's golden light eye has reached the extreme, and the powerful belief force forms the will force.So for a moment, the dark void is lit up, just like the light of the sun dispels the darkness.

The golden wish was shining on monk Linghui. Linghui monk's body is being changed by the black power of creation, which is like boiling water pouring on the ant colony. The ants were scalded to death and faded like the tide.

At the same time, the golden willpower is still dispersing the power of creation in the air, forming a vacuum and clean area within 30 miles.

"No wonder I dare to compete with you The dead wood true gentleman sees this, sneer a, say: "originally was the strength that relied on the belief of this common people in the world."

"Prison, now go and kill those human beings." Mr. dead wood gave a cruel order.

The prison immediately took orders and said, "yes, laozong!"

The elder of the prison is about to leave. Monk Linghui can allow him to leave. On his side, no one can compete with the prison elders.

"Keep all of them!" Monk Linghui gave a big drink.

And then, driven by his power, irrigated by the power of faith.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a breath of vitality. Then, Bingpo, Jiuyan Shenhuo and the force of yin and Yang formed a huge golden lotus.

This golden lotus, six lotus leaves, cold roots!

Six leaves rotate, forming six samsara.

The huge space of six paths of reincarnation appears.

All around the heaven and earth, a hundred miles around, all fell into the six samsara.

Among the six roads, the sky above each road is interlinked. There is a huge golden lotus hanging in the sky. The lotus leaves rotate and there are six infinite paths.

The elder of the prison continued to fly and twinkle, but he couldn't get out of the six terrible samsara!

A chill flashed in the eyes of Mr. dead wood, and he suddenly punched out!

"Give me a break!" At a glance, Mr. dead wood saw that the key was the huge golden lotus. His punch is to kill the Golden Lotus.

The black fist seal roars to kill the Golden Lotus.

In the fist seal, the world of withered and prosperous forms.

One punch is one world.

The withered world is bursting with vitality, and all things are reviving. This vitality has formed a huge force. All the vitality is united.

The Golden Lotus did not refuse the black power, but suddenly opened its leaves and absorbed the power of the fist.

This terrible fist force into the Golden Lotus space, immediately like falling into the infinite space world. In this world, yin and yang are reversed and everything is in disorder.

Time flies by and space is ever-changing.

But the endless vitality of this black fist force, like countless swords, quickly strangled the surrounding space into rags.

Countless heavy space and time are all strangled to pieces by fist seal.

This fist runs rampant in the space, and everywhere it goes, it has generated countless vitality. In the void, flowers, saplings and so on bloom. In the dark space, many plants began to flourish.

This wonderful space is about to become the space of dead wood.

"Get up!" Linghui monk drank secretly, he also hid in the void, suddenly spewed out the ice soul chill.

The chill of the ice quickly freezes all the plants in the space.

But these plants are also powerful, but they continue to grow, just like saplings breaking out of the rock!

"Out!" Monk Linghui gave a big drink.

In the void, a thousand points of flame suddenly ignited!

Vast, as if the midpoint of the universe is full of stars.

The fire suddenly exploded.

As a result, all the plants were directly blasted to pieces. These fragments are scattered in the void and become ashes.

There was a chill in your eyes.

"The law of creation!" He yelled at once.

All the black laws of creation converge quickly, and in this instant, it's like a giant spaceship or a monster invading the earth.

Among the six paths of reincarnation, all the prison elders were trapped in it. Only the dead wood really king stay out of the matter, not controlled by the six samsara.

At this time, dead wood really king will rely on the law of creation to change the six samsara.

The black law of creation erodes the six paths of samsara and quickly changes the six paths of samsara!

Monk Linghui didn't say much. He absorbed the power of belief wildly. The combination of belief power and golden talisman lights up the six samsara.

The black law of creation erodes, and the golden light of the golden talisman resists. The two forces are deadlocked, but the black law of creation is obviously stronger.

The Golden Lotus in the empty sky is still spinning, and the six samsara are still going on. The elder of the prison still can't break through the six samsara.

It's a decisive round.

Seeing the golden light of the golden talisman more and more irresistible, but at this time, the power of faith suddenly tripled.

Monk Linghui has a good idea. This is the beginning of his plan. For example, Chang sun, they have successfully inspired the people's heart to fight to the death."Damn it Mr. dead wood is very angry.

After he became a master of creation, he did it again and never encountered any trouble. He has always been invincible, but now he is blocked by Linghui monk. It made him lose face.

Moreover, the dead wood true king also saw, the other party's wish power is too strong, his creation law today is difficult to shake the other party.

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