The emperor's return means that the emperor's destiny has come back.

LAN Tianji's wife was killed by LAN Tingyu, and his two sons were also killed by LAN Tingyu. Ironically, LAN Tingyu is the son of LAN Tianji.

No matter what LAN Tianji does, he will become a laughing stock. This is a big blow to LAN Tianji.

The courtiers all know that Lan Tianji is back. Everyone is waiting to see his jokes, and they are also thinking about how he will react when he comes back.

But after LAN Tianji came back, he learned about his family, but he was surprisingly calm. Calmly let LAN Hongning inform the clansmen to come back, inform the Lin family and so on, and then hold a funeral. All the rituals were carried out according to the etiquette system of Dakang. As for LAN Tingyu, he didn't ask.

Xuanzhenghao, emperor of Dakang, sent eunuchs to Wuhou's residence to express his sympathy and mourning.

At the same time, that night, Xuan Zhenghao summoned Chen Yang.

It's still in the imperial study.

This time I see Xuan Zhenghao again, Chen Yang is surprised.

The imperial study was brightly lit, and Xuan Zhenghao was wearing a jade belt, his face as usual.

His whole temperament seems to have changed. Before, Chen Yang thought Xuan Zhenghao was unfathomable. And now xuanzhenghao no longer seems gloomy, but beautiful, warm, and majestic, vast.

It's like he's the light in the dark, the sunshine in the cold.

This change is unimaginable.

Chen Yang stands in front of Xuan Zhenghao and feels very small for a moment.

When he first met Xuan Zhenghao, he had this feeling. At that time, he was just Taixu eight heavy sky, and Xuan Zhenghao was the peak of Taixu ten heavy sky. One finger can kill Chen Yang.

Now, Chen Yang is a master of Xuxian. Even if he is a top master of Xuxian, he can kill him.

But Chen Yang still feels small.

Chen Yang feels that xuanzhenghao is more terrible than those elders in the chalk world. Of course, Chen Yang also knows that this does not mean Xuan Zhenghao is more powerful than those elders. The key is that Xuan Zhenghao's inside information is too deep, and his strength has become a manifestation of his personal temperament.

"See you, Emperor!" Although Chen Yang was surprised, he said quietly.

Xuan Zhenghao met Chen Yang and said with a smile, "Chen Yang, you have made great progress."

Chen Yang said: "but compared with your progress, it's really not worth mentioning!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in this world, there are many opportunities for killing and looting. The cultivation of the destiny may not improve faster than others, but the faster others improve, it may make the cultivation become a life-threatening charm. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and he immediately understood.

That's true!

Because, to make it perish, first make it crazy!

A man, if he can't swim, will surely stay on the bank.

If a person can't drive, he won't touch the car.

Most of the old drivers will drown. Most of them are novices!

Chen Yang then a smile, say: "but you should not have this worry."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have already stood on the crest of the storm. I can't escape if I want to. I have to move on. There is no way back. As for the future, I may have been killed and robbed, but I have tried my best

Chen Yang was slightly surprised and said, "with your wisdom and power, it's absolutely impossible to survive the robbery."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you are wrong. I am the one who killed and robbed."

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

Xuan Zhenghao then said, "well, let's not talk about this. I'm here to show you something. "

Chen Yang is stunned. He thinks Xuan Zhenghao wants to talk to him about LAN Tingyu.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Yang asked involuntarily.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the boat of one yuan!"

Chen Yang said, "the boat of one yuan?"

"Let's go," he said

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I'm really curious about the boat of one yuan."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "come on!"

When he finished, he waved his hand!

So a golden gate appeared in the middle of the imperial study.

Xuan Zhenghao gets up and comes to the golden gate.

Chen Yang followed, and they quickly entered the door.

When you enter the golden gate, there is endless emptiness in front of you. There is a golden bridge in the void. The bridge leads to endless darkness.

Stars twinkle and shine in the void. It's like being in space.

Countless stars, countless magnetic particles and so on!

The golden bridge is like a magpie bridge.

Xuan Zhenghao is walking on the Golden Bridge, followed by Chen Yang.

The king and the minister talk as they walk.Chen Yang feels like he is walking in the starry sky. Although he can soar in space, the feeling is still different.

"It is said that the boat of one yuan is a magic weapon spread from the gate of eternal life." Xuan Zhenghao said: "therefore, it will be said that the boat of one yuan represents countless times and can carry people to the other side."

"The gate of immortality never appeared." Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it has never appeared, but it doesn't mean that things in the door of eternal life can't be spread out!"

Chen Yang thought about it. It seems that's the same reason!

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "but no one has ever understood the mystery of the boat of one yuan, and the boat of one yuan has never shown its real power. Therefore, many great powers think that the boat of one yuan is a waste, which is to spread false information. When I found the boat of one yuan, it was floating in the pagoda of the eight divisions of Tianlong. "

Chen Yang said, "have you understood the mystery of the boat of one yuan?"

Xuan Zhenghao is quite complacent. He has always been a calm man. Seldom has he been so happy. He nodded and said, "yes, I have understood the mystery of the boat of one yuan."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I'll take you on board first, and then I'll talk about it."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Out of a section, Chen Yang suddenly found a funny thing. That is the Golden Bridge under our feet. There are countless hidden golden talismans. These golden talismans are dense, and the lines on them are like the blood vessels in the human body.

Moreover, the golden talisman is constantly changing and combining. This feeling is like the password of modern payment technology, changing all the time.

Chen Yang understood immediately, only follows Xuan Zhenghao to walk, can find one yuan boat. When other people come in, they can't walk in.

The bridge in front suddenly came to an end. Just like in the starry sky, the bridge suddenly stops, and there are endless stars in the universe ahead!

However, Chen Yang did not see the boat of one yuan.

But Xuan Zhenghao said, "look at the bottom!"

Chen Yang looked down. At that moment, Chen Yang saw a very shocking scene.

In the starry sky, a huge spaceship is slowly rising.

How big is this huge ship?

In Chen Yang's impression, only the virtual shadow of ZuLong that he saw at the beginning can match it. This one yuan boat is hundreds of millions of miles long and lies in the starry sky of the universe. Everything in front of us has been occupied by the boat of one yuan!

"So Huge? " Chen Yang was stunned.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "this is the boat of one yuan, which really shows its appearance after opening. When I first found it, it was just a decadent boat and nobody noticed it."

Chen Yang said, "emperor, can I go up and have a look?" He paused and said, "I'm afraid the volume of this one yuan boat can be comparable to that of the imperial heavenly boat."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I heard what the queen said about you and LAN Tingyu. The imperial heavenly boat, which I have calculated with Emperor Xuan, is incomparable to any other weapon on earth. The size of the one dollar boat is comparable to that of the imperial sky boat. But the one dollar boat itself has no lethality. "

Chen Yang said, "is the imperial Tianzhou really unstoppable?"

He's really worried.

"It's a bit too early now," he said. Wait and see what happens

Chen Yang immediately said, "by the way, what are you going to do with LAN Tingyu?"

Xuanzhenghao said with a smile, "Lan Tingyu is your enemy. I'll kill him. Isn't that what you want?"

Chen Yang said: "I hope that I will kill him in the future."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's not up to you to state-owned laws. If you break the national law, I won't be merciful! "

Chen Yang kept silent.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, let's not talk about this. Join me in the boat of one yuan

"Yes, Emperor!" As soon as Chen Yang was inspired, he said immediately. Xuanzhenghao waved his hand again, and a door appeared on the huge surface of the one yuan boat like the sky curtain. The door is bronze, not big.

The door of bronze is open, and the light inside is dazzling.

Xuanzhenghao with Chen Yang, step into.

After going in, Chen Yang felt that the internal world inside was very huge, and the whole internal world was illuminated by extremely dazzling light.

In the inner world, there are no facilities.

That's the bright light!

I can't see what's ahead!

Chen Yang can not help but be dismayed.

"This is..." He asked questions.

Xuan Zhenghao exerts his magic. He kneads the formula and urges the mana. Then, in the internal world, the dazzling light begins to change, and finally countless crystal walls are formed!

Dense, layer upon layer!Like a huge library, there are crystal wall books all over the sky!

Although Chen Yang is proficient in array, he can't understand everything in front of him. He doesn't know what it means and what it belongs to.

Xuan Zhenghao urges mana again, and those countless crystal wall books form a vortex. The vortex forms a channel, which is derived to the endless depth.

"This passage is the bridge of one yuan." Xuan Zhenghao said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "what is the bridge of one yuan? What's the magic of it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "to change the equivalence of time, one second inside can be a year outside. A year inside, a second outside. If you really understand the mystery of the bridge of one yuan, you can make time decay and people immortal. "

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