"Time is rotten, but man is immortal?" Chen Yang was puzzled when he heard the speech.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the ultimate mystery of the boat of one yuan is the passage of time, and people are independent of time. That is to say, if you stay inside for a hundred years, it's only one day outside. And you're only one day old. But I can't do that yet. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized, he said: "can we really do this?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "according to the ultimate meaning of the boat of one yuan, it's OK. However, even if I can, I am not willing to do so. "

Chen Yang said, "are you afraid that you are against the natural way of nature?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "everything should not be too much."

Chen Yang said: "if you want to make it perish, first make it crazy. But emperor, you will never be crazy, so I think you will not perish. "

He smacked Xuan Zhenghao's flattery.

Xuan Zhenghao heard that he did accept it. He laughed and said nothing about it. Just said: "this time, I and Emperor Xuan and LAN Tianji in the one yuan boat to change the secret of time, a full stay for a thousand years."

"A thousand years?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Xuanzhenghao sighed and said, "yes, I haven't lived for 50 years, but this time, I've gone through countless vicissitudes. The most terrible thing in this thousand years is not the passing of time. But the indifference of emotion, I always guard the heart, can return to reality

Chen Yang is very aware of Xuan Zhenghao's original intention of guarding. After ten years in the Taiyu scepter, he can't turn back. A thousand years, how much blood and affection can be turned into dust!

"No wonder your cultivation is so advanced, Emperor. That's the reason!" Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "a thousand years of hard work does not necessarily lead to great progress in skills. This will not be realized without experience. I will die this time. "

Chen Yang said: "I understand that a thousand years of meditation, such loneliness, and the boredom of being unable to break through will lead to the birth of many demons. Especially when we are young and have not experienced enough years, this kind of Millennium hard work will be even more dangerous! "

Xuan Zhenghao took a look at Chen Yang and said, "you are really smart. The cultivation of LAN Tianji and I is extremely dangerous. Emperor Xuan is familiar with the road, like a fish in water. It's thanks to Emperor Xuan's help. "

Chen Yang moved in his heart and said, "can this boat of one yuan be opened for me once?"

"It's a pity you weren't there at that time," he said He paused and said, "if I could, I would not be mean to you."

Chen Yang is slightly a Zheng, say: "this words how say?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "to open the time channel of one yuan boat, it takes a huge amount of pure Yang pills every second. Do you know why I want to bring the mystery of God? "

Chen Yang is a wise man. He said, "does Emperor Xuan have enough pure Yang pills?"

"That's right," he said He hesitated and said, "how many pure Yang pills did it take to open the mysterious passage of time and space for a thousand years?"

Chen Yang thought about it, made a bold guess and said, "a trillion?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "ten trillion!"

Chen Yang was shocked.

"Ten trillion?" Chen Yang said, "how many pills is this?"

He can't even count.

A trillion is a trillion!

A hundred billion pure Yang pills!

Chen Yang said: "that is not to really become the ocean of pure Yang pills."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Emperor Xuan really has a sea of pure Yang. This time, half of his sea of pure Yang has been empty."

Chen Yang can't help saying: "opening a mysterious passage of time and space, it costs so much pills."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's hard to steal the secret. If the boat of one dollar is so easy to open, isn't the world in chaos? Don't you think I can just look at the masters and let them in, and there will always be about ten of them. "

"That's true!" Chen Yang said, "why don't you take more people in?"

"The more people there are, the more uncertainties there are," he said. If you get lost in the chaos of time and space, you can't come back. "

"It turns out that there are still such concerns," Chen Yang said

He went on to say, "I didn't expect that the emperor's savings were so rich!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "emperor Changsheng is an old master of creation. He has been in fairyland for a long time. He has operated Tianchi Pavilion for thousands of years, and his savings are unimaginable. Moreover, Emperor Xuan is very clever. He has been hiding behind the scenes and does not fight with the way of heaven. That's why he got the name of the eternal emperor. "

Chen Yang was slightly surprised and said, "is he creating the realm?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "why, you are surprised."

"It's a bit of an accident," Chen said Xuan Zhenghao said: "in ancient times can be respected as the great emperor, if not even the realm of creation, how can this be possible."Chen Yang said, "but he's in this world..."

"Just before the fairyland passage closed, it was on earth," Xuan said. Later, the passage was closed and couldn't go back. Bored, he founded Tianchi Pavilion. Most of the time, it's in the void. Now the killing and looting came and came back. This guy is also afraid of killing and robbing him. He dreams of going back to the fairyland, but he can't! He and I cooperate, but also know that I have some means. What he looks after is not the strength behind me, but my mind. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized and said, "I see!"

"All right, let's go!" Xuan Zheng Hao suddenly said.

Chen Yang nodded.

Xuan Zhenghao waves his hand and takes Chen Yang away from the boat of one yuan.

The boat sank slowly and shrank, and finally disappeared in Chen Yang's eyes.

Chen Yang thought of this and said, "the cultivation of LAN Tianji is now..."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the middle stage of cave fairyland!"

Chen Yang took a cold breath and said, "I didn't expect his progress to be so great."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the foundation of LAN Tianji is a little thin. In the practice, the process is not smooth. But fortunately, he is a calm man, and he has come to this step after all. In fact, the progress of his cultivation is far from what I expected. "

Chen Yang said, "but his accomplishments are comparable to those of yuntianzong, the ancestors of yuhuamen, the supreme Lords."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Lan Tianji still needs to be honed, although I have helped him honed a lot. He has spent a thousand years cultivating to this point, but his foundation will not be unstable. "

After a pause, he said, "well, I'll take you to meet LAN Tingyu now."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang didn't feel much about seeing LAN Tingyu. What can I say when I see him?

This situation, this scene, should not meet!

Chen Yang can't do it. He will not save LAN Tingyu.

The previous rescue in the chalk world was based on morality. Because LAN Tingyu was arrested to cover his escape. Then, Chen Yang must be saved. Now it's different.

Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang walk on the golden bridge again.

"What kind of world is there? Is this the pagoda of the eight divisions of Tianlong? " Looking at the starry sky, Chen Yang can't help asking Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, we are in the inner world of the pagoda. Originally, there was no such scale in the pagoda, but I suppressed the magic code in the pagoda and introduced many magic weapons of the city protection array into it. It can be said that the whole imperial city is a magic weapon for me. In the internal world of magic weapons, that is, within the rules, I'm not afraid of any experts coming to make a crime. " After a pause, he said: "Lan Tingyu's skill is special. Now his cultivation is high. If he is outside the Imperial City, it's still a little tricky to deal with. But in the Imperial City, he is not afraid at all! "

Chen Yang understands Xuan Zhenghao's words, that is, Chen Yang dares to mess around in the Imperial City, and is caught every minute.

Golden Bridge derived to a certain place, and finally ended.

There is a gate ahead.

There was a golden light in the gate, as if it was a peaceful paradise.

Chen Yang follows Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao pushed the door open, and immediately, the endless golden light shone out, more dazzling than the sun.

Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao step in.

Immediately, Chen Yang was amazed by the world in front of him.

In the world before us, the palace is exquisite and the white clouds are floating. It is a real fairy kingdom.

All kinds of animals, trees and fruits stand in the air.

Water flows from the bottom up.

Many palaces were formed, among which the eight divisions of Tianlong were the most prominent.

King vishi gave alms in the square in front of the palace.

The Dragon Master Yahua dragon flies over the Dragon hall.

There are also six masters, including Yasha, gandava, Asura, chaluro, jinnara, and muraga, who occupy the palaces respectively. They all have countless followers, believers, and so on. And they can draw on the power of their faith.

This is the master of Tianlong babuzhong!

In addition, there are 360 deity masters in the magic Scripture, all of whom have been moved to the immortal kingdom by Xuan Zhenghao to enjoy the belief and worship!

Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao fly all the way. It's as if they are experiencing a real fairyland.

Through the layers of fairy kingdom, we finally arrive at the dark hell below.

LAN Tingyu was imprisoned in the dark hell.

The dark hell was floating in the void, and LAN Tingyu was trapped in the light ball. At this time, he sat cross legged, closed his eyes and ignored the outside world.

"Lan Tingyu!" Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang stand in the void. Xuanzhenghao waved his hand, and then he got rid of the imprisonment of LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu's body fell down. He immediately opened his eyes, turned his mana, fixed his body, and sat in the void with his knees crossed.LAN Tingyu opened her eyes and saw Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang.

At this moment, our identities are no longer the same

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