Then, a light cold man's voice came.

"Chen Yang, you are here at last."

The man's voice Chen Yang is not familiar with, but the man's tone seems to know Chen Yang. Chen Yang is not surprised. He has a reputation now. Anyway, he has a lot of enemies. It's normal that people know him.

The voice behind, a man appeared in front of Chen Yang and cold ling'er.

Here comes But he is a spiritual master.

Chen Yang has really seen this lingzun.

It was contacted by the prime minister before The king of destruction.

"The king of destruction?" Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

The king of destruction is very dignified. This guy is a master of Bruner's level. He is in the early days of tianyujing!

Put in the central world, is also a top-notch master!

Lingzun's technique is strange. Human friars are just in a couple, so they are easily caught off guard. Chen Yang has suffered a lot.

This time, Chen Yang is still worried about the appearance of the disillusioned king.

"Ling'er, they have a kind of cosmic light, covering the rules of the universe, which is very difficult to crack. Be more careful later! " Chen Yang immediately tells Leng ling'er.

Cold Ling Er nodded and said, "well, I know."

Chen Yang has gone to fight with many experts. Now he is not so flustered to see the smashing king. What's more, there is a great master like Leng ling'er around.

Chen Yang is facing the disillusioned king. Now when he looks at the gods, he has no fear of looking up to the mountain. Before he did not know lingzun, he always felt that their strength was as deep as a sea of prison. Now he knows the depth.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "king of destruction, it seems that you have been waiting here for a long time. Good intentions

"Presumptuous!" The disillusioned King snorted coldly and said, "you little unicorn, don't tremble and kneel down when you see my king!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "kneel down? I think your head is broken. You lingzun are in my hands, but few of you come to a good end. Bruner and Tianbu are dead. You dare to send them to me. If I were you, I would roll up my tail and run away. Instead of coming forward to die! "

"You're not ashamed of yourself The king of destruction said, "I have already found out that Bruner died at the hand of the devil. Venerable tianbulu is in the hands of the guardian in the world. In fact, you are just some extraordinary means of escape and luck

The king of destruction didn't care too much about the cold spirit.

Because cold ling'er is too low-key, such a young girl, there is no danger.

The king of destruction has been dormant for a long time for this insect king treasure. He would never flinch at this time.

"It's not convenient to go up here and do it." Chen Yang said first. He then evil spirit a smile, said: "I will let you see, my means in the end is not only escape!"

The disillusioned King snorted coldly.

Then, Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er leave quickly.

And the king of destruction followed.

In the blink of an eye, the three men were in the sea.

"Chen Yang, if you know the truth, give me the key. I don't care with you today, but let you live Said the king suddenly.

He felt that it was easy to kill Chen Yang and Leng ling'er, but he suddenly felt a little uneasy. Because Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er are too calm. So, for the sake of treasure, the king of destruction is willing to step back.

"You dream!" Chen Yang gave a sneer.

"To die!" He was furious when he destroyed wangdun.

He then shot quickly.

One shot is to go all out!

"Zhouguang sword of life and death!" First of all, the disillusioned king made a sword at Chen Yang!

A blue sword light is as fast as thunder in the high-intensity sea pressure.

This blue sword light suddenly burst out of the rules, aoyi let Chen Yang panic! It's a rule of the universe, it's a rule between life and death, it's an irresistible, unavoidable rule!

"So strong!" Chen Yang was shocked. The master of tianyujing is not able to compete with him.

At that moment, Chen Yang felt that the only way he could do it was to show his Wushi puppet.

There's no way to fight!

It's terrible!

Chen Yang made a big mistake, that is, after he worked with Linghui to kill dead wood Zhenjun, he thought he was very powerful. He seems to think that tianyujing master is nothing at all.

But it's a big mistake!

You took part in a big gamble with the rich, and the rich won. But you are still you, you stand in front of tianyujing master, still pale!

But at this time, the cold ling'er took the hand.

How can she allow others to hurt Chen Yang in front of her.

In that flash of lightning, the cold spirit sacrificed the killing sword!

A sword!

A flash of light!Cold spirit's infinite mana urged the horrible killing breath. At that moment, the killing sea in the killing immortal sword was completely urged.


In a flash, countless marine creatures were strangled to pieces, mixed with blood and water, and heaved huge waves.

Fortunately, this group of people is in the depths of the sea, otherwise, to form a huge tsunami on the sea.

Cold spirit son a sword unexpectedly will destroy the king's Zhou light dead living sword to block.

"How is that possible?" The disillusioned king was shocked.

He had regarded Chen Yang as a great enemy, but he didn't expect that the real powerful role was the little girl who looked harmless to people and animals around Chen Yang.

"Hum!" The king of disillusionment then snorted coldly and said, "what a strange little girl, I just caught you and took it back to study."

"The law of the universe!" Destroy Wang Jie and spit out Zhenyuan.

The blue real yuan covered more than 300 Li in an instant, with a radius of 300 Li, all becoming a blue ocean!

In the ocean, the laws of time and space are full.

In this boundless blue ocean, every drop of water contains a lot of space.

"Zeuguang subdues the sky. Hum, the water of the sea is the right time and place!" The king of destruction continued.

At this time, the king of destruction disappeared and hid the void.

Driven by his mana, the surrounding ocean changed again. Every drop of sea water has become extremely heavy, and the density of every drop of sea water has reached an incredible level. With so much sea water coming, Chen Yang's powerful body also felt chest tightness.

Naturally, Chen Yang has some tricks. Without saying a word, he shows the sea of soul.

The sea of soul envelops him and the cold spirit!

It's not hard to go! With the cold spirit's mana and Chen Yang's mana, combined with the soul sword light, it's perfectly possible to go through the law of the heaven.

But Chen Yang came here for the sake of treasure, and he didn't want to go to the treasure mountain and return empty handed.

However, Chen Yang also knows that with his ability, it is definitely not an opponent to destroy Wang. Today, he mainly depends on linger's means.

If ling'er can't help the destruction king, Chen Yang really has only one way to escape, and then he can see how to get the treasure.

Chen Yang also knows that if he runs away today. In all probability, the treasure will not be taken. Because the king of destruction already knew the exact location. If the king of destruction does not do well, he will force the door open, and the final result will be the destruction of the treasure.

At this time, Leng Bing ling'er suddenly pinches Chen Yang's hand. Her hands were cold, but her words were firm, and she said softly, "I protect you!"

Cold ling'er's words shocked Chen Yang.

He will never forget what happened. The spirit of that year, no desire, no demand. She just wants to be around Chen Yang. But Chen Yihan's appearance, he wants to insult ling'er.

Fortunately, at that time, the God Emperor appeared in time.

At that time, ling'er wanted to control her fate. She worshipped the God Emperor as her teacher, and only along the way did she have today.

That day, when he saw ling'er, ling'er also said softly, I will protect you in the future!

At this moment, Chen Yang had mixed feelings.

The journey of the soul sea quickly blocks all the pressure from the outside world. However, the sea like pressure continues to crush Chen Yang's soul.

"Ling'er, can you break a line in his law?" Chen Yang asked.

Cold Ling er said: "no problem."

"Good!" Chen Yang said, "you'll listen to me later."

Cold Ling Er nods.

So at this time, the cold spirit suddenly appeared outside the sea of soul. Her brow is full of evil spirit!

This moment of ice cold ling'er is beautiful, ice cold to the extreme!

In the hands of Leng ling'er, the sword of killing immortals gets the most play. What's more, Leng Bing ling'er has practiced great killing skill!

At this time, the ice cold spirit's great killing skill, the killing heaven and earth show!

The fierce killing intention and the killing spirit of the killing immortal sword are combined, and the power of the sword is surging and majestic!

Finally, the cold spirit cuts out with one sword!

That's a real sword to shake Kyushu!

This sword cut out, instantly across three thousand li. All the way out of the sword, roaring up, at the same time, countless laws of time and space constantly collapse!

A way to escape from the outside world appeared.

"Well?" The disillusioned king was surprised.

Just at this time, he saw a shadow of people running out.

It's Chen Yang!

Chen Yang uses a big move to escape from this crack. Chen Yang is very fast!

"Little bastard, I don't even want a woman and just run away. How could it be The disillusioned king didn't think much about it, so he immediately used the law to block Chen Yang's way.

But at this time, the accident happened again.A dark light of soul suddenly came to his throat.

Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er feel the exact location of the disillusioned king. So at this moment, Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er work together to urge the mana and transport the dark light of the soul to the extreme.

The one who escaped is Chen Yang's idol without beginning!

"Ah..." When Wang was disillusioned, he felt a terrible crisis.

But the king of destruction is the ultimate master of the universe. How can Chen Yang calculate success.

"Time and space are reversed!" The king of destruction roared and cast his mana.

In that law, time and space are immediately reversed, yin and yang are disordered, and space is full of confusion!

Soul black light infinite killing intention, all the way to kill, quickly break through this heavy disordered space!

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