However, the rule of destroying the king still played a role, and the speed of soul without light slowed down. With this delay, the king of destruction was given a chance to breathe.

"I'm looking for death!" There was a terrible light in the eyes of the disillusioned king.

"There is no law of life and death in the universe

He casts his tricks and drives his mana. In the center of his brow, there was a flash of rune, which bloomed countless rules. These rules are integrated into the laws of the universe.

It is also the countless sea water around that turns into black fog and wraps the soul with black light.

In the black fog, there is a purple air.

Black stands for death.

Ziqi represents vitality!

Life and death are unknown. This black fog deduces the true meaning of reincarnation of life and death. In addition, there are unknown changes of death in the universe.

The dark light of the soul immediately falls into it, and the unknown law envelops the dark light of the soul. It's like all kinds of entanglement, so that the soul black light can't cut the mess quickly!

"It's so terrible. Life and death are at a loss!" Chen Yang can't help frowning.

The dark light of his soul, in the final analysis, is also the attribute of his soul. For a moment, it can't override the rule of life and death.

But the cold spirit is direct.

She quickly ran out of the dark light of soul, and it was the sword of killing immortals!

It's another big killing!

It seems that the killing immortal sword was born for the great killing skill.

A sword is cold, and the law of killing Qi of great killing skill condenses the killing intention of killing immortal sword to the extreme.

A light general sword light cut out, quickly split the law of life and death in front of!

"Damn it The disillusioned King scolded. He felt that the law of killing Qi was too overbearing and unreasonable!

There is spirit and reason in the laws and rules of all things.

But this kind of murderous spirit comes out, is unreasonable!

No matter whether you are right or wrong, no matter what the truth is, I want to kill you!

This is the momentum shown by the great killing skill and the killing immortal sword.

Cold spirit son a sword will be entangled in front of thousands of strands cut open. So in this instant, the dark light of the soul envelops the cold spirit again.

Soul black light rushed out of this layer of law and quickly killed the king's head.

Soul black light is fused with green magnet calcium carbide. The rules and rules of the cave master can't limit soul black light.

When Wang Dun was destroyed, he broke into a cold sweat.

This time, Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er join hands. If the disillusioned king has not already reached the realm of heaven, he will be in a different place.

The disillusioned king was really anxious. With a roar and a big hand, he instantly gathered many laws of time, space and light!

The three laws and the power of Dongtian are all integrated to form a huge sword with three colors!

The top of this huge sword is glazed, representing the impermanence of time!

The middle is white, representing the law of space!

And the end is black, which is the power of the cave!

A sword to kill, then with Chen Yang's soul Wu Guang to kill together!

The cold spirit's strength urges the soul, black light, boom!

The two swords strike each other, the powerful soul power of Wuguang and the original pure thunder power bloom.

In the sword light of the disillusioned king, time, space and the power of the cave form countless eddies!

In these vortices, time and space are so powerful that they quickly devour the thunder power and soul power of the dark light of the soul!

Those soul thunder forces keep exploding in the rules of space, but they are still submerged in the end.

Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er separate quickly!

Chen Yang grabs the crystal of soul, and then condenses the power of soul!

"Big soul thunder sword!"

This is a melee attack!

Chen Yang cut out three soul thunder swords in one breath. Three fierce and unparalleled Lei Guang killed the king.

At the same time, Chen Yang also gave a sacrifice to Tiandao pen.

"Death "Tear it down!" "Seal!" "Kill

Chen Yang sends out all the mana without death.

All kinds of magic are killed in the past, and each magic is unique.

But the only drawback is that the mana is weaker.

The four words written by Daobi that day were very profound and murderous.

Chen Yang's attack at this moment is fierce and fierce. When you meet a general master at the top of Xuxian mountain, you can kill him directly!

But unfortunately, what Chen Yang met was a master of the universe, such as the smash king!

Chen Yang's attack was ignored by the king of destruction.

But Cold spirit is very simple and direct.

Her great killing skill was used again, and the killing immortal sword turned into a streamer.

The murderous spirit is everywhere!


A fierce sword killed the king of destruction.The disillusioned king was terrified and tried his best to stop him.


The cold sword of Chen Linggang cuts and kills Wang Guang.

The disillusioned King continuously resisted, his laws of the cave were numerous, and the sea water was rolling inside!

The sea above was sunny and calm. At this time, the fierce fighting below finally made the sea roar.

Countless marine creatures rushed out of the water in panic, as if there was a catastrophe.

Chen Yang's thunder sword hurt his internal organs!

"Roar!" He was extremely angry, but he also felt fear!

Disillusioned Wang also knew that he was not the match of the two men in front of him.

The little girl in front of me is too strange. The power of this little girl is pure to the point of spotless. She cast the sword like the sharpest blade. You don't need any other tricks to get rid of many mysterious magic methods of the king of destruction.

Chen Yang's soul crystal is also weird and powerful.

In the roar of the king of destruction, he urged the power of Dongtian. The surrounding ocean rolled and the water burst. For a moment, heaven and earth roared, overturning the mountains and pouring the sea!

Meanwhile, the king of destruction is about to run away!

Cold ling'er's eyes flashed with cold light. She sacrificed the killing immortal sword to heaven!

Then, her laws of the cave come!

Murderous Dongtian!

In the cave, countless spaces contain massive murderous gas!

Cold ling'er got countless benefits under the guidance of Suzhen in black for one year. Suzhen in black once took Leng ling'er into the killing world and absorbed the power of thousands of people. And take the cold spirit to other planets to absorb the power of Qingsha!

Cold ling'er has been restraining, now is to see the king of destruction become a drowning dog. Now she's going to kill me!

Kill the cave and cover the broken king!

Innumerable murderous spirit and green evil spirit power gush out from the space, such as prison, such as the sea, such as terror!

The disillusioned king was shocked to death!

He continued to wave the powerful law of the cave, as if holding a prop to stir up the killing sea in front of him!

"Out!" Cold ling'er drinks softly!

Killing immortal sword is like killing God King, leading countless murderous spirit to gather into sword spirit God King!

It's the king of God, it's the king of killing!

The sword Qi condenses into a purple and blue light. It's thick and strong!

At the same time, it also contains the majesty of the king!

This sword of killing the king is based on countless killing Dongtian, and it is hard to kill in the past.

All the blocks of the smash king are smashed instantly. The only thing he can do is to block the attack of the cold spirit with the law of time and space.

Unfortunately, the king of destruction has been injured.

In front of him, the cold spirit's attack was extremely fierce. The king of destruction blocked for about half an hour, and his mana became weaker and weaker. But the cold spirit is still strong!

Boom! Finally, the cold spirit will cut all the time in front of him!

Then, the sword light smashes the defense of the smash king, and then directly cuts the head of the smash king!

At that last moment, the pupil in the eyes of the disillusioned King widened. He couldn't believe all this. In the end, he didn't believe that today was the day he should be robbed!

He just waited for the treasure for a long time and finally made a windfall. His mood today is exciting

Great joy, great sorrow!

The whole body of the disillusioned king was strangled to pieces by Leng Bing ling'er's sword Qi. Later, Leng Bing ling'er accepted the killing immortal sword and the law of killing Dongtian.

The whole ocean quickly returned to calm.

Chen Yang grabs Wu Shi's idol and returns to his place. He also stands beside Leng ling'er.

So, in this way, a master of tianyujing died. There's no residue left!

In today's war, Leng ling'er is the main force. But only with the cold spirit, it is only the share of escape. Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er cooperate with each other, and Leng Bing ling'er's attack and kill is a weapon to break the ice. Her cooperation with Chen Yang is perfect.

But even so, this battle has come to an end. Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er also lost a lot of energy and mana.

Chen Yang's pure Yang pill has been used for 7788 years. At this time, he can only find out dozens of magic pills and take them separately. Shendan has the effect of Shendan, but it's a bit outrageous to take it like this. But Chen Yang is not stingy either. As long as he can recover his vitality and find the treasure, the pills will be used and taken inexhaustibly.

However, these elixirs are barely enough for Chen Yang. But after cold Ling Er takes, the effect is not big. The cold spirit's strength is exerting, overturns the mountain to pour the sea. But it is also extremely difficult to add.

Even Chen Yang's current requirements are quite different. He used to eat a pill of Shendan and it would be a big deal. Now, if you take 30 pills at a time, your body's energy supplement is less than one tenth.

To this state, the role of Shendan has been much smaller.Moreover, the refining of Shendan is very difficult. Unlike the pure Yang pill, it is refined with the pure Yang Qi of fairyland.

Shendan is of great help to monks with low accomplishments. When it comes to shichongtian or Xuxian, Chunyang pill is the king's way!

The cold spirit's strength has lost 60% and recovered 5% after being supplemented by 50 pills. Chen Yang recovered 70% of his vitality after being moistened by 30 pills.

Chen Yang's God pills are not many, and there are more than 300. That Ning Xue Dan is used for healing. It has little effect on restoring vitality. Chen Yang now has the most Ning Xuedan. About nine thousand more!

This kind of ningxuedan is very effective in treating injuries, and Chen Yang seldom uses it.

"There shouldn't be any problem. Let's go, ling'er. Let's get the treasure again!" Chen Yang said to Leng ling'er.

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