Let's get back to the point. On Chen Yang's side, he and ling'er are still deep in the sea. The 300 Shendan and more than 9000 ningxuedan are Chen Yang's last savings. There are about a million pure Yang pills left!

Million pieces of pure Yang Dan sounds good, but it's enough for the masters below Xu Xian. But Chen Yang, the big stomach king, is just the amount of a meal. So Chen Yang really needs to be careful. This man is always uneasy if he has no money in his pocket.

Unfortunately, the death of the king of destruction is too clean. All the savings are gone, otherwise Chen Yang can rob some.

And cold spirit didn't think about it.

Suzhen in black also told Leng Bing ling'er that although she can absorb other people's essence, fragments and so on, she can quickly improve her Kung Fu. But this can never be done, because Suzhen in black has suffered a lot.

At that time, Suzhen in black thought that she could refine her cause and effect by the power of thunder, but it didn't work out as she wanted, so she was trapped in the hands of the God. Moreover, she was so tired that her sister died miserably, which became a regret of her life.

Whether it's practicing or doing things, there are similarities in the main roads. Making money at the expense of others and self-interest by means of conspiracy will leave hidden dangers, although it will be quick for a while. Once there is an outbreak, the whole family will never be robbed again.

And the practice is also, by plundering other people's essence, supernatural power to strengthen themselves, the final cause and effect is unbearable.

Therefore, Suzhen in Heiyi should be a cold and down-to-earth person.

Suzhen in black has a special feeling for Leng Bing ling'er when she hasn't seen Leng Bing ling'er. At that time, she hoped to help Chen Yang save ling'er.

Later, Leng ling'er came to find her. After she opened the border and entered Shennong world, she immediately noticed the cold spirit.

Almost no cold ling'er effort, black clothes Su Zhen took the initiative to find it. Ice cold spirit son says to want star stone, Black Yi Su Zhen without saying a word gave star stone ice cold spirit son.

Suzhen in black likes cold spirit very much. She can see her own shadow in cold spirit. So, she gave her everything.

In this year, Suzhen in black has promoted the cultivation of Leng Bing ling'er to such an extent that her heart can be seen. The cold spirit is the body of spirit, and inherits the blood and tears of Suzhen in black. The progress is amazing.

Now, Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er come to the front of the treasure again.

Then, Chen Yang opened the door of the treasure with the key of xuanhuang liquid.

The key was then thrown into the seed of xuanhuang Shengu by Chen Yang.

The moment the door opened, a long dust laden breath came. But this breath is not rotten old, but with pure Yang breath, and fragrance.

Chen Yang was very excited.

And Leng Bing ling'er doesn't have much feeling. Leng Bing ling'er is a person who has no desire and no desire. She doesn't care about how much cultivation she has. Today's cultivation is just to improve his accomplishments and help Chen Yang.

In her mind, Chen Yang is her heaven and earth. Of course, now she has a sister to love.

Although Suzhen in black treats her like her sister, she has no Suzhen in black after all.

This is the character of cold spirit.

Chen Yang takes cold ling'er's hand and steps into it quickly. There are holes in the treasure. When I went in, my eyes suddenly opened up.

First of all, there is a glass bridge in the void, which is derived from the front. And all around it are rock walls. At the foot is the void, in which the white mist diffuses.

The surrounding rock wall is very broad, and the whole void is 30000 square meters. You can't see the edge at a glance. Looking at it, it's all white fog.

"Linghui, where's the baby?" Chen Yang can't help asking monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said in a deep voice: "don't worry, there are still people peeping."

"Well?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Cold spirit son is to suddenly shout a way: "what person, roll out!"

At this moment, the shadow around suddenly moved, and there were more than ten shadows.

Moreover, all of them are experts!

Those who can get to this place can't be experts.

Chen Yang was shocked. He didn't expect that the insect King's treasure had leaked so far, which had attracted so many experts to peep at him.

I'm afraid most of the top experts in the central world are here.

Chen Yang looked around and could not help regretting. He had known that he should not have accumulated pills. When he was on it, he took all the pills first and recovered.

Eleven in all.

Each one exudes a strong and unparalleled atmosphere.

Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er stand on the bridge, but these people are standing in the void, which directly surrounds Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er.

These eleven are four groups of people.

No one came except the Jokhang Dynasty.

Here comes Dugu Po, the expert of Dugu family. Dugu Po is known as the first master of the Da Xuan Dynasty, and his cultivation is in the middle of the Dongxian period. He also brought three experts in his family, namely, the peak of Xuxian, the early stage of Dongxian, and the middle stage of Xuxian.This is a very strong strength!

The second group is the most powerful Jin Dynasty!

It's Yin Xuan, the great ancestor of the Jin Dynasty!

Although Yin Xuan did not become an emperor, he was always a legendary figure. His accomplishments are still above that of the Tang emperor. It's comparable to yanjiuniang.

This is Yin Xuan, in the middle of heaven!

In any world, it's horizontal.

Yin Xuan came here alone.

There are two other groups of people, including guiwangzong and xiari, his Royal Highness The Prince of the Dalong Dynasty. Summer Rui brought two experts!

Xia Tianrui himself is the top master of Dongxian!

The two retinues were also the top elders of the Dalong Dynasty. They were the early Dongxian period and the middle Dongxian period.

None of the people who dare to come here to grab treasure are simple characters.

To send a master of fairyland is to seek death. Therefore, at this moment, the central world is almost representing the highest level of mana experts, all come.

Of course, the name of the Jokhang Dynasty does not count.

If yanjiuniang also came, it was a real gathering.

These masters, when lingzun was rampant, didn't see the same heart. But at the moment, for the sake of treasure, they are fighting together.

"Kill these two first, and then we'll share the treasure!" Dugu po said first.

Dugu Po looks like he's only in his forties, dressed in black.

But his royal highness, the prince of the Dragon Dynasty, said, "that's not good!" His eyes didn't move away from Leng ling'er.

"This little girl is highly cultivated and beautiful. No, today if the prince can catch this little girl, what else do you want? As long as you can put the little girl on the top of the crown prince, the crown prince will go right away! " Xia Tianrui said.

"Ha ha, his Highness the prince is really a young man!" That Dugu Po couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

And the great ancestor Yin Xuan said, "well, I will help you!"

Here, the highest cultivation is Yin Xuan, who is an expert in the middle of heaven.

At this time, Chen Yang's scalp was numb. Who ever thought that taking a treasure attracted so many experts.

I thought it was just to get what was in the bag.

I know that it's so dangerous here.

"It's not easy to do!" Chen Yang thought. At this moment, he and Leng Bing ling'er are interlinked.

At the same time, the Yin Xuan directly shot at the cold spirit.

He thought to himself that his cultivation was profound. In the middle of the universe, he took the sun and the moon, shrunk the mountains, and manipulated the characters in his hands.

Yin Xuan grabbed the cold spirit across the air.

The big fingerprints are condensed, the moment is the law of time, and the law of space is profound. The universe is like a wormhole.

Chen Yang wanted to escape with the help of the soul crystal stone, but at this time, Linghui monk said: "Daoyou, destroy the bridge and run down. There was a guard beast that was ambushed by the poor monk

Chen Yang's eyes brightened.

At the same time, Leng Bing ling'er has sacrificed the killing immortal sword!

The great killing skill can be used at the same time. Kill with a strong sword!

Murderous spirit, a sword light cold shock Kyushu!

Then he went out with this sword and smashed Yan Xuan's palm force!

It's such a bully. No matter whether you are in the middle of Tianyu realm or not, Leng ling'er will have a sword!

At the same time, Chen Yang offered sacrifices to the sea of souls and wrapped the cold spirit. They quickly turned into a black light, destroyed the bridge, and then swept toward the void below!

Among them, only Yin Xuan reached the realm of heaven.

Yan Xuan was surprised when he was broken by the cold spirit. In his surprise moment, Chen Yang and ling'er have fled.

All of them stopped at once. In an instant, countless sword lights, caves, messy magic weapons, rules and so on were covered.

But all of these forces are useless under the terrible lethality of soul crystal. Those laws of the cave were quickly smashed by the soul Thunder Stone, and the magic weapon was also shaken open. At that moment, Chen Yang and Leng Bing ling'er really went underground. The ground is more than 3000 meters deep.

The bottom of the earth is stagnant water of five poisons.

"Chase Xia Rui, the prince of the great dragon Dynasty, was in a hurry. With a roar, he took his men to chase him.

However, Yin Xuan, the ghost king of the ghost King clan, and Dugu Po did not move at all. We are here to get the treasure. Who is willing to help you catch beautiful women in summer!

I really think you are still the prince of the Dragon dynasty!

Summer Rui this many experts just a chase down, that below dormant a god beast quickly burst up. That beast is a dragon!

The dragon is the ninth son of the dragon, which is different from the real dragon.

The shape of this dragon has shrunk a lot, but it is only a thousand feet long. It has blue scales, wings on the back and sharp horns on the head.

When Chen Yang turns into the dark light of his soul, he sends out a strong sound wave, which directly wakes the dragon.At the same time, Chen Yang quickly took out the Tiandao pen to write a hidden word, and began to hide!

Although the art of seclusion is powerful, it doesn't work in front of the cave fairyland masters.

If you pay a little attention, you will notice.

But it's cloudy and unpredictable down here. After Chen Yang and ling'er hide, they are still not easy to detect.

When he was awakened, he was the first to find his royal highness Xia Er Rui and his party

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