Xia Xia ruinai is the crown prince of the Dragon Dynasty. With his profound cultivation, he has an absolute position in the Dragon Dynasty. What he was afraid of was his father alone. This summer, ruiben is to get treasure, but it's a young man after all. Seeing such a gorgeous beauty as ling'er, she can't hold on immediately.

The beauty of ling'er is not that of ordinary people. Her beauty and temperament, together with her great accomplishments, can make countless monks crazy.

The beauty of mortal women can fascinate mortal emperors, and the country is in vain. King you of Zhou smiles for the beauty of Bo, just like the warlords of war drama.

And the beauty of ling'er makes Xia Tianrui such a top master crazy.

This guy sends out such frivolous words in front of Chen Yang, which in itself makes Chen Yang's killing opportunity dark. And ling'er's eyes are cold. What she will never forget in her life is Chen Yihan's persecution and insult. In order not to encounter the same situation, she worshipped God as her teacher and studied hard to achieve what she is today. So now, how can she bear Xia Tianrui's frivolity.

Both Chen Yang and ling'er have suffered for a while because of the situation.

Summer Rui is determined to get, with two elders quickly chase down.

At this time, the Dragon beast in the abyss came to life. The Dragon beast is cruel and easy to kill. It was forcibly captured by monk Linghui. Linghui monk put a deep sleep curse on his head, but as soon as he woke up, he would fall into madness and see God kill God.

The Dragon beast was beaten insane by Linghui monk that year.

Monk Linghui thought that the treasure was here. He came to get it himself. Of course, he was not afraid of the Dragon beast's attack. If other people come, I'm sorry. Even if Laozi's treasure is destroyed, he can't let outsiders go.

The Dragon beast suddenly opened its mouth, and its bloody mouth quickly engulfed the four people.

It's like a dark abyss, swallowing all the rules.

Inside the Dragon beast, its inner elixir starts wildly. The inner elixir contains ten thousand years of spirit fire, and the abyss evil spirit and so on.

Can be called the existence of the beast, are first-class fierce.

Bloody wind!

Crisis terror!

Xia Tianrui immediately felt that the volcano below was as powerful as the eruption, and the volcano would swallow him up in an instant.

"What a beast! I want to die!" Xia Tianrui and other young talents are the top experts. They will put this kind of beast in their eyes. He directly sacrificed the magic weapon seven star sword in the crisis!

When the seven star sword comes out, the cold light is everywhere. The sword light turned into a huge rainbow and killed the Dragon beast fiercely.

The seven star sword is the gathering of the evil powers of the big dipper and the seven stars. It is a medium quality weapon, which contains the spirit of the star soul and is extremely powerful. In summer, Rui practices the Sutra of heaven and soul, melts the heaven and soul, and the stars are powerful in one furnace. Once you reach the limit, you will be able to refine more than 100 Taoist spirits.

Xia Xia Rui wants to kill the Dragon beast with one sword. How could his royal highness, whose eyes are above the top, put a beast in his eyes.

The power of that rainbow is so great that it can cut through the ages with one sword!

Facing Xia Tianrui's sword, the Dragon beast quickly stretched out its claws. The paw is the size of a villa. At this time, it suddenly became bigger again, as big as a mountain. In the mountains, the dragon spirit is surging, rolling and strangling, just like tens of thousands of sword dragon power cutting the rainbow into ashes.

The Dragon beast doesn't stay any longer. It grabs Xia Rui with one claw. The claw turned into a mountain dragon claw and quickly wrapped Xia Tianrui and the two elders in it.

In an instant, the fire of the inner alchemy of the Dragon beast also broke out.

Longli and shencang's fire are surging, fierce and majestic. They wrap Xia Tianrui in it like sky fire. Summer Rui three people are all cave immortal master, this sudden change, let them all surprised.

"What monster, so powerful?" Xia Tianrui is shocked.

"It's the beast!" One elder said in horror.

"This..." Another elder was also appalled.

These three people are the top figures in the Dragon King Dynasty, but they are trapped in the giant dragon claws of the beast, but they have a lot to suffer.

"No, once the law of the cave is applied, it will be burned and killed by the evil animal's spirit." Said the elder.

Summer ruileng hum a, instantly burst out the sky soul star power!

So in a flash, he exerted the power of more than a hundred heavenly spirits. In the dragon claw of Tianhuo, a hundred Xia Tianrui appeared, all holding the seven star sword and ferociously killing them.

All over the sky are seven star sword light, fierce, and galloping!

Xia Tianrui is everywhere.

In a breath, Xia Tianrui cut out thousands of sword lights towards the Dragon beast. The sword is full of vigor, like intensive training, and finally cuts the huge dragon claw.

The three escaped quickly from the summer.

"Roar!" The Dragon beast roared, clawed again, grabbed the two elders in his hands, and quickly put them into his abdomen.At that time, in Shennong world, the divine beast had killed the abnormal existence of Canglin emperor. Now how could the two elders be the opponents of the Dragon beast. Linghui monk chose dragon beast, which confirmed the ability of dragon beast.

The two elders were burned to ashes by the shenzang spirit fire of the Dragon beast.

But in summer, Ruixiu was the highest, but he got the chance and was about to run away!

Seeing, Xia Tianrui is going to the top. But at this time, in the void, a sword light suddenly cut over.

It's extremely cold. It's a sword with the most murderous spirit!

It's a sword that cuts through the void of the ages, and its murderous spirit is like a sea of prison. It ignores any rules in the world.

The power of this sword is beyond description. Xia Tianrui didn't think much about it, so he immediately sacrificed the seven star sword. All the stars' evil power gathered and cut it off with one sword.

The two sword forces collide, and the sword power of the seven star sword is quickly smashed by the sword light. But Xia Tianrui got a chance to breathe, and finally avoided the terrible sword power.

But at this time, the Dragon beast had come up and swallowed Xia Tianrui.

The next second, Xia Tianrui was dead, and his body was burned by the fire of shencang essence of dragon beast. In an instant, there were only ashes left.

The sword that stopped Xia Rui just now is naturally what ling'er did. At this moment, ling'er and Chen Yang quickly escape in the soul crystal stone, and then rush to the top.

They are going to lead the Dragon beast.

That dragon beast is not Chen Yang's helper. After killing three cave fairyland masters in a flash, it grabs Wu Guang's soul with another claw.

The abyss is not big for the Dragon beast. Although spirit son one sword forced back Xia Tianrui, but she also slowed up a slow.

The Giant Claw world of the Dragon Beast instantly shrouded the dark light of the soul. Without stopping, the dark light of the soul quickly broke through the shackles of the giant claw.

But at this time, the Dragon beast just opened its mouth and swallowed its soul into its belly.

In the belly of the Dragon beast, such as the land of volcano and magma, the god hides essence fire, which is extremely fierce and burns all the material between heaven and earth.

Even if the law of Dongxian master is in it, it will be burned and killed. All the rules in front of this God hidden essence fire, just like a candle meets a fire.

Chen Yang quickly drives the ocean of soul.

Shencang essence fire burning, dragon and beast's viscera, such as steel furnace, keep shrinking, create pressure. It's like heaven and earth are squeezing a thing.

The sea of souls began to boil.

Countless soul forces are being burned and gradually disappearing. If it goes on like this, the power of the soul will be destroyed.

"What a terrible beast Chen Yang really felt the power of the beast.

He was also reluctant to let the ocean of his soul burn away.

"Ling'er, come into Jie Xumi!" Chen Yang immediately cheered.

Ling'er is stunned. She doesn't want to help Chen Yang out. But Chen Yang had no doubt and said, "immediately!"

At this time, Chen Yang's voice was more severe than ever.

Ling'er trembles. In the impression, Chen Yang has never ordered her. At this time, she didn't dare to disobey Chen Yang's idea, so she went into jiexumi. Chen Yang then communicated with ling'er and said, "all the Shendan have been eaten, and you can recover your power as soon as possible. I'll let you out and you'll come out again, you know? "

Ling Er nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang then throws all his commandments into the xuanhuang Valley seeds in his eyebrows. After that, Chen Yang gritted his teeth and took away the soul crystal. The soul crystal is also hidden in the seeds of xuanhuang valley.

At that moment, Chen Yang was directly in the fire of spirit.

His clothes were burned down in an instant.

At the same time, under such high temperature, Chen Yang's body quickly turned into a King Kong not bad body. The body is like the golden body of Buddha!

Although these shencangjing fires are extremely powerful, Chen Yang feels that these shencangjing fires still can't help him. He is in good health. Instead of feeling hurt, he feels that some impurities in his body are being refined after the recent battle.

Even if the master of tianyujing came to the Dragon beast's viscera, he would die. Its body is strong and impeccable. The combination of shenzang essence fire and visceral liver fire can't resist many mana and rules.

But it happened that Chen Yang had been tempered countless times in the thunder robbery. His body, every inch of flesh and blood has the attribute of lightning. Chen Tianya's true fire of the sun can't help Chen Yang, not to mention this God hidden essence fire.

Although Chen Yang is hard to defeat LAN Tingyu, LAN Tingyu's nine inflammations can't help Chen Yang.

The Dragon beast didn't feel strange in his belly at this time. Chen Yang hid his breath and performed his hiding skill!

However, as soon as the hermit skill was performed, it was burned and killed by the spirit of God. Chen Yang could only cover up his breath, but the Dragon beast was already unconscious, but he rushed up directly.

In the world above, Yin Xuan was in a stalemate with the ghost king and Dugu Po.As soon as Rui ran in the summer, the three forces became more subtle.

Dugu Po and the ghost king are looking at Yin Xuan

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