Tang Wenqing said with a smile: "this kind of fairy grass is called shameful death. Once mana is used, it will bloom. Its taste is colorless and tasteless, but it can arouse people's desire. This kind of thing, not poison. Poison can be resisted by mana, but once the lust is transferred, all the gods can't stop it. The miscellaneous wife is in meditation. If she is affected by this taste, her meridians will be retrograde. "

Yu Zizhen brightened his eyes and said, "good idea, but where did you come from? Is it that smart? "

"I bought it from other chambers of Commerce in the world, and it's expensive," Tang said. Its effect has an effect on all the masters of heaven position. But it's not a killer. Most of the time, it's just for fun. In ordinary times, it can't be used to harm people. But if it was put into the miscellaneous jiexumi, it would be the right time, the right place and the right people. It's hard for them not to die! "

Yu Zizhen nodded and said, "that's good." She paused and said, "but you didn't prepare this for them in advance, did you?"

Tang Wenqing said, "of course not."

Yu Zizhen said: "you and I......"

Her eyes were full of vigilance.

Tang Wenqing said bluntly: "that day, I really ignited this shameful death."

Yu Zizhen was angry and said, "you..."

Tang Wenqing said, "don't you want to?" He took her hand and said, "we have a common secret, a common experience. In this world, you can only marry me. Is there anyone more suitable than me? "

"You know all the ugliness." "I don't think it's a good thing," Yu said

"You know my ugliness." Tang Wenqing said: "we are the same people, in this world, only you and me."

Yu Zizhen sighed and said, "don't think I don't understand your intention, Tang Wenqing. You still need the support of the six leaf Association. That's why you're close to me, right? "

Tang Wenqing said, "I want you to be empress!"

"I may not care," said Yu

Tang Wenqing said: "when I become emperor, we will have more power and resources in the future. One day, we will be able to go to the chalky world to thoroughly wash away the shame. I promise you, get rid of Chen Yang, this is the first step. Now, I'm going to do it for you. "

Yu Zizhen was silent.

There was sadness in her heart, but more resentment.

She will never forget who pushed her to the abyss.

That person is Chen Yang. No matter how many things Chen Yang does, the inhuman torments and insults she suffers are all due to Chen Yang.

In jiexumi villa, Chen Yang didn't think of a way to solve the dilemma. What's more, he has an embarrassing thing to do. That is, he needs a certain amount of xuanhuang liquid to remove the breath that may be left on his body. Although, Chen Yang still doesn't know what Tang Wenqing and their pursuit is based on. But Chen Yang also wants to try xuanhuang liquid.

"Monk Linghui didn't remind me all the time. It seems that he wants me to suffer. But this is life and death... " Chen Yang found that he really relied too much on Linghui monk, so his alertness was reduced to this level.

Probably, that's why monk Linghui didn't ask for a reminder. Monk Linghui found that the more he said, the less alert Chen Yang was.

Chen Yang feels the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. The seeds of xuanhuang Shengu have been completely closed. If Chen Yang wants to break it, he must tear it apart with his own great power.

But Chen Yang is not sure what the situation of Linghui monk is, and he is also afraid that if he tears, he will bring disaster to Linghui monk.

"Well, since I have promised monk Linghui one year. How can I disturb him before a day. Can't I live without him, without the seeds of xuanhuang Valley? "

Chen Yang's mind is constantly calculating.

"If Tang Wenqing wants to count me, I'll take the soul crystal stone. Once he runs away, they will intercept him. If I'm in my prime, I can do it. Then he broke through many barriers with the power of soul black light. But now, with the power of Wushi God, we can't break their dark emperor Wuji clock. What's more, Wang Zhaolin is already the middle cultivation of Dongxian. "

"By the way, spiritual cultivation!" Chen Yang finally thought of this word.

He didn't mention he linger's spiritual cultivation, which was his subconscious avoidance.

In the face of ling'er, Chen Yang is still ambivalent.

In Chen Yang's heart, ling'er is the most holy snow lotus. And he was bloody and filthy. He didn't think he was qualified to practice with linger. He thought it was a kind of defilement.

Over the years, as long as ling'er didn't want to, he never touched ling'er. This is also a manifestation of his cherishing and loving her. At the same time, it is also a trace of inferiority in his heart.

Chen Yang's thought of spiritual cultivation is obviously a little late.

Because ling'er is already in a settled state.

Just when Chen Yang was in a dilemma, something happened outside.Wushi God even guards the outside world, just to see Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen come out of the dark emperor Wuji clock.

Chen Yang's spirit immediately came to Wu Shi Shen.

When Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen come together, Chen Yang immediately gets up, and the jiexumi wrapped in the soul crystal is always in control.

It is impossible for Chen Yang not to stay behind. He will delay with the Wushi puppet at the most critical time. Then the real body uses the soul crystal to escape quickly!

"Your Highness!" Chen Yang occupies the body of Wu Shi Shen, he smiles at Tang Wenqing and says: "Your Highness, eight girls, what can I do for you?"

Tang Wenqing said: "well, brother Chen, Zijin said that she knew a secret therapy. Can help the elder sister-in-law madam quick return to mind, I just still blame Son Jin, how not early say. Now, I want Zijin to look at the injury for his wife. "

Chen Yang's eyes were cold, and his heart was cold.

"This little boy, is he really going to do it?" Chen Yang's secret way.

"My wife is not in any serious trouble at the moment, and I have taken some good medicines in this treasure land. She will be fully recovered after a night's rest. Thank you very much! We're going to leave as soon as it gets light tomorrow. " Chen Yang said lightly.

Tang Wenqing's eyes were slightly cold. But he covered it up well.

"Brother Chen, we Ming people don't talk in secret. You and I can't understand the situation of my wife." Tang Wenqing said: "Zijin is kind-hearted. Why do you want to refuse people thousands of miles away?"

"Do you really think you know?" Chen Yang looked cold and said, "Your Highness, although Chen is younger than you, he has seen more dangerous things and experienced more things than you. I've faced a lot of masters of creation. I've dealt with a lot of people who are more mean than you. Do you really think that my tolerance to you is a kind of fear? "

"Brother Chen, what do you mean by that?" Tang Wenqing couldn't help losing color.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "what do you mean by this? Don't you have any pressure in your heart? As a man, I always attach importance to friends and despise interests. When Emperor Tang saved me, he was kind to me. So no matter how hard and dangerous the chalk world is, Qin Keqing and I still went to rescue you. The kindness of Emperor Tang, I always remember, this time you want to share the treasure, I give it to you without saying a word. It's a pity that you don't think this is my kindness to you. On the contrary, you think that my wife and I have been seriously injured, so you have a chance to take advantage of it. "

"I don't mean that," Tang said

Yu Zizhen also said: "Chen Yang, you and my elder martial sister went to save us. We will never forget this kindness. It's too complicated in the Jokhang Dynasty. Your highness and I want to help you. We want to repay you. I didn't expect you to think about us like this. "

Chen Yang said, "give me a hand? Do you really think I'm a three-year-old? "

Yu Zizhen could not help but be angry and said: "forget it, good intentions should be regarded as donkey's liver and lung."

Chen Yang said, "please come back and don't disturb us again. I have wine here. I have swords here, too. Choose for yourself

Tang Wenqing's eyes twinkled with an imperceptible fierce light.

He was thinking about whether or not to turn over.

Obviously, Chen Yang's sudden attack is because situ ling'er can't be disturbed at the critical moment.

Time flies!

Tang Wenqing thinks that it needs to be determined, and he needs great courage. He can't hesitate!

Chen Yang's palm is also slightly shaking.

He did not know that Tang Wenqing wanted to do it.

This is a game and contest without a knife, but soon, it's going to be shameful.

At this juncture, a human shadow suddenly flashed from Chen Yang's soul crystal.

It is Ling er who is not the other.

Ling'er is calm. She comes to Chen Yang and whispers, "what's the matter?"

In jiexumi, Chen Yang's real body just reflects.

Ling'er had been cultivating with his eyes closed all the time, but suddenly he flashed out. He didn't discuss anything with Chen Yang at all.

Obviously, ling'er was awakened by the situation outside.

Chen Yang doesn't know whether her body is in good condition.

"Ling er?" In jiexumi, Chen Yang's real body called out secretly.

Outside, Chen Yang is in control of Wushi God puppet. He looks at ling'er and says, "OK?"

At this time, he would not know how to play.

Ling Er nodded.

She looked at Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen in doubt and said, "are they

When Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen see ling'er, they are shocked and afraid. They have seen the fierce power of ling'er. When the dark emperor's Wuji clock suppressed ling'er, they hid in the dark emperor's Wuji clock.

"Let me introduce you. This is my wife, situ ling'er!" Chen Yang immediately laughs, and his confidence is really enough.

The momentum of Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen is much weaker.The atmosphere of the scene was extremely delicate.

"Ling'er, this is Tang Wenqing, the third highness of the Jokhang Dynasty. This is Yu Zizhen, the eight girls of liuyehui! " Chen Yang introduces to ling'er.

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