At this time, Tang Wenqing's face is not very good-looking. Because ling'er has woken up, his shameful death will lose its effect. Shameful death is something that the monks bring to the boudoir for fun, and it doesn't do any harm to the human body. Of course, ordinary people can't bear this kind of thing.

It's a deadly tranquilizer for shame. But now, ling'er has come to life, so it's useless to die in shame.

Tang Wenqing conceals his displeasure. He and Yu Zizhen nod to ling'er.

Ling'er takes a look at Tang Wenqing, but ignores him.

Tang Wenqing was furious. But he still forced to bear it. Since the return of chalk world, Tang Wenqing has become very sensitive and irritable. At the moment, ling'er doesn't pay any attention to him. This makes Tang Wenqing feel that his dignity has been greatly insulted.

"It's very good that my sister-in-law is all right." Tang Wenqing said coldly, "brother Chen, I'm going back to rest with Zijin."

Chen Yang said, "please help yourself."

Although he also thinks that it is not proper for ling'er to treat Tang Wenqing like this, he never criticizes ling'er.

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen have strong hostility to ling'er.

One is ling'er's attitude, the second is ling'er's ability, and the third is ling'er's beauty.

The more beautiful and pure ling'er is, the more dirty they will feel.

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen turn around and prepare to enter the dark emperor Wuji clock.

Just then, the accident happened.

All of a sudden, ling'er sacrificed the killing sword. At the same time, the dark emperor Wuji bell of the killing cave enveloped Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen.

Then, the great killing skill was also performed.

A flash of light!

The first is Tang Wenqing!

It's the unique sword of killing. It's the sword of killing. It's the sword of killing!

This murderous spirit is condensed to the extreme. In the light of a sword, there is a law of terror like prison and sea!

Powerful to the unimaginable extent, between heaven and earth, the sun and the moon faded, only this killing sword!

Heaven and earth, the world of killing!

Where not to kill!

At that moment, Tang Wenqing felt that his whole body was freezing to the bone, and there were eighteen hellish fears in his eyes. He couldn't move because the air of killing rushed into his heart.

The next second, Tang Wenqing was cut by a sword, instantly turned into pieces, and was completely smashed by the killing Dongtian.

"You..." At the same time, he was furious.

Chen Yang also stayed for a while.

But ling'er is more ruthless. At that moment, she drives the killing Dongtian to wrap it in Zizhen!

Kill the cave, kill the sword light, kill the world!

Dark clouds press the city, the sun and the moon have no light!


The next moment, Yu Zizhen was hanged to pieces. How can her mana stop ling'er from killing Dongtian.

"Ling'er, don't..." Seeing this, Chen Yang broke into a cold sweat and couldn't help drinking.

But ling'er was too quick. It's too late.

Ling'er looks at Chen Yang. She is puzzled and says, "don't you want me to kill them? They are bad people

It's very simple for ling'er to perceive bad people, that is, to judge them by their breath. Her spirit is so sharp that she can't make a wrong judgment. So, she doesn't need any evidence. She kills by feeling.

Chen Yang stayed for a while, and he had to accept the fact.

What's more, he's not good at blaming.

"Er, ling'er, would you please tell me before you kill next time?" Chen Yang said.

Ling'er said, "it's too late!"

Chen Yang thought about it and said nothing more. This matter, he must well communicate with ling'er. But this is not the time to communicate.

Chen Yang never thought of killing Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen.

Especially in Zizhen.

Because we don't look at the monk's face, we should look at the Buddha's face. At the beginning, the kindness of the Tang emperor and the friendship with Qin Keqing existed. Chen Yang didn't want to kill them until he had to.

But it's no use saying anything else right now. Because these two are dead!

At that moment, the four masters of Wang Zhaolin rushed out of the dark emperor's limitless clock.

"What happened to your highness and eight girls?" Sima town was shocked to see this.

"Killed by us." Chen Yang was also single at this time. He glanced at the four people, sneered and said, "you people are insatiable. I've given you half of the treasure, but I still want to murder you. Damn it all

"Hum!" Sima town immediately said: "you said you gave half of the treasure, who would believe it? I think the treasure you gave is only one tenth of the quantity. Would you be so stupid to give us half? There is no such fool in the world

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

He realized again the subtlety of human nature.At this time, he thought of Linghui monk's warning.

Sincerity may not be exchanged for sincerity!

"Whatever you think, you are all going to die today. One tenth of the treasure, you don't want to take it. " Chen Yang then said.

Chen Yang doesn't know ling'er's current physical condition, but Chen Yang has to make the momentum that ling'er has completely recovered. Otherwise, it's not enough to frighten these people.

"Can I kill them?" Ling'er suddenly asks Chen Yang.

Although she said it was too late, she kept Chen Yang's words in her heart.

Chen Yang is slightly stunned. He looks at ling'er and makes eye contact.

And Ling Er nodded.

Chen Yang nodded.

What Chen Yang asked at that moment was, can you?

Linger's answer is yes!

Chen Yang said: "then kill it!"

Wang Zhaolin's four suddenly turned pale when they saw this. Wang Zhaolin quickly drove the dark emperor Wuji clock. The dark emperor's limitless clock suddenly became bigger and covered the dense forest for a moment, but it wanted to open the killing cave of ling'er!

The killing of Dongtian was the existence that really frightened Wang Zhaolin and his party.

Ling'er quickly shrinks to kill Dongtian. At that moment, the law of killing Dongtian suddenly turns into a Qi of essence.

Ling'er swallows the Qi of the essence into his stomach, and then spits out on the killing immortal sword!


The spirit of the spirit of the spirit was stained on the sword of killing immortals, and suddenly there was a feeling that the wind was surging up and the mountain was about to crack.

The killing immortal sword suddenly changed subtly!

The original sword of killing immortals has a low level. But in the year of ling'er and Suzhen in black, the rank of killing immortal sword has been growing. At the moment, ling'er's breath of essence spews up, and the killing immortal sword is like the dust on the Pearl blown clean.

The edge of the sword of killing immortals is to be eaten by others!

It seems that at a glance, there is a kind of suffocation feeling of throat cut by the edge!

Blood night, the weapon of killing immortal sword, has long been promoted to the king of blood night. At this moment, the king of blood night also issued a joyful cry.

The sword body of the killing immortal sword vibrated and cried.

Ling'er didn't say much, but a wisp of cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

All of a sudden, she cut out!

A flash of light!

At that moment, the sword dazzled to the extreme, and then cut the dark emperor Wuji clock in half just like cutting tofu!

Suddenly, all the arrays in the dark emperor's Wuji clock and the Qi of the essence all leak out, and all kinds of spaces collapse and sink!

Moreover, the endless magic weapon, the elixir leaked out.

This is Chen Yang's treasure.

But at this time, no one goes to see the treasures. Because ling'er's killing God is killing people!

Wang Zhaolin and others were so scared that ling'er cut the dark emperor Wuji clock in half with one sword. They couldn't compete with each other at all.

"Go Wang Zhaolin, in the void, did not forget to grab one. Put countless treasures and pills into jiexumi.

The other three did not forget to get a treasure before they left.

The greed of human nature is exposed at this moment!

"Kill him!" Chen Yang points to Wang Zhaolin and says to ling'er.

Ling'er wanted to kill the weakest of the four, but he didn't expect Chen Yanghui to point his finger at Wang Zhaolin. Ling'er doesn't think it's right, but since it's Chen Yang, she won't think much about it.

So ling'er and Chen Yang flash at the same time, and they are forced to kill Wang Zhaolin.

First of all, Chen Yang's untimely hand!

Chen Yang gathered all the strength accumulated by the Wushi idol and killed Wang Zhaolin with a big soul Lei Jian.

Chen Yang's big soul thunder sword can't be underestimated. It has not only strong soul power, but also primitive sky thunder power.

Can instantly cut through countless spaces, breaking the rules!

Fortunately, Wang Zhaolin's cultivation is much higher than Chen Yang's. He immediately unfolds the law of the cave and sets up many spaces to intercept Chen Yang. Chen Yang broke through 30 spaces, and then Lei Jian lost his spirit.

Wang Zhaolin sneered. He was ready to tear the void and leave. He had already stepped into the void.

But at this time, a sword light cut!

Before the sword arrived, the killing spirit rushed to his heart and made him fall into the ice cellar.

Wang Zhaolin's spirits all burst out. He quickly carried the law of the cave and exerted his supreme power to stop him. But at this time, he still had no time to mobilize all his strength. Because he won the treasure, and Chen Yang's big soul, Lei Jian has divided his energy!

The light of the sword came, and the thousand weight space was cut into pieces in an instant.

Then, the sword came over Wang Zhaolin's head!

With only one sword, Wang Zhaolin had no place to be buried.

Chen Yang quickly grabs the crystal of the soul and puts Wang Zhaolin's soul power into it. On previous occasions, he didn't get the chance.

As soon as Wang Zhaolin died, the others got the chance and ran away immediately.One by one, they dare to fight there!

Among them, one of the weakest is Xu Xian. He runs a little slower, and ling'er cuts it off with a sword. The man was immediately cut in half, and there was no time to hum.

In ling'er's eyes, the cultivation of virtual fairyland is a passer-by's a, B, C, D. It's not hard to kill.

Of course, this is not to say that Chen Yang is a, B, C and D. In Chen Yang's heyday, it is difficult for ling'er to kill Chen Yang. Chen Yang's goods can't be judged by common sense.

That division horse town and another superior still ran away, work properly son at this time facial expression is very white, suddenly vomit a mouthful of blood.

It's impossible to chase.

Chen Yang was surprised and immediately swept to ling'er's side and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Ling'er shook his head and said, "I'm ok!"

Just, just finish saying, she then body a soft, fainted in the past.

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