ight spring days.

The weather of central world, Tianzhou and the world is basically synchronized. These three planes are also the most similar. That's why the central world and Tianzhou have the idea of replacing the world. But without exception, this kind of bold and crazy idea failed in the end.

The world is unique!

The most important thing is that his cultivation level is still very low. It's like a child with a huge treasure in his hand. How can it not attract the covet of other world? What the other world does not understand is that the reason why the level of cultivation in the world is so low is caused by its world rules. There are too few resources for cultivation in the world. Aura is almost zero. That's why it is so. Of course, if the way of heaven closes a door, it will open a door for the world. That is, the protection of heaven, the protection of ancestors!

This makes many monks do not like to come to the world, where the rules of the world are too easy to cause disaster. Therefore, if you can't reach the world, you can't.

Although this vast world seems ordinary, it is more dangerous than other worlds. Lingzun sent three tianweijing masters to the world, and they didn't even get up.

The depth of the world is unimaginable.

The lazy sun shines on Chen Yang and ling'er. It's a rare afternoon.

They found an inn and sat down on the second floor. The mutton here is very fragrant. There are roast mutton, mutton kebabs, mutton soup and so on. Border cities, when it's hot, are extremely hot. When it's cold, it's dry and freezing. I like mutton soup here. I drink it when it's hot, except moisture. Drink it when it's cold to keep warm.

From the second floor, the street is full of people.

There is also a green tree in the distance.

These trees will all wither in winter. And now it's March and April of spring. It's the time for all things to recover and be full of vitality.

Ling'er likes to eat fish, but in this border city, fish is a rare thing.

Chen Yang didn't order the fish. He was so angry that he said, "ling'er, wait for you!"

"For what?" Ling Er Leng a Leng, ask.

Chen Yang said, "I'll go to the sea and get you two authentic sea fish to eat."

At this time, he really understood the impulse of king you of Zhou for the sake of beauty's smile. He can't see ling'er frowning!

Ling'er said, "but in case of danger?"

Chen Yang said, "I'll just let Wushi God go."

Ling'er said, "all right!" After a pause, she grabbed Chen Yang's hand and said, "you should accompany me."

Chen Yang said, "Well!"

The control of the great dragon Dynasty was very loose, which should be said to be a bit chaotic. The centralized power of the dynasty was not as strong as that of the Jokhang Dynasty. Of course, the friars also abided by some systems in the Dalong Dynasty. They would not bully the civilians, and their personal grievances would be solved in an open place.

Chen Yang is here to accompany ling'er to enjoy the flowers, the moon and the fragrance of autumn.

The Wushi puppet, on the other hand, uses the big move technique to fly thousands of miles away and finally reaches the sea.

This is a wonderful feeling. Chen Yang has two purposes. There are two pictures in my mind. One is talking with ling'er here. The other picture shows the Wushi God fishing for fish.

Wushi God has some wisdom occasionally, and Chen Yang has taught it many moves and procedures. Even if Chen Yang doesn't control it, it can get the fish and come back.

There was no accident along the way.

The shopkeeper saw a flash of light on the second floor, and then two lively sea fish appeared in the room.

The shopkeeper stayed for a while, but he didn't make a fuss. In this world, they already know that there are immortals. It's no surprise to see the magic.

"Small two, take these two fish to the back kitchen, one steamed, one braised!" Chen Yang smiles and takes out a small ingot of gold.

Seeing the gold, the young man immediately opened his eyes and said, "OK, my guest, I'll do it right away."

The meal was peaceful and pleasant, and no one bothered me.

The two fresh sea fish are also full of color, fragrance and taste. Ling'er's food is delicious. Chen Yang helps ling'er pick out the spines, dip the tender steamed fish in some vinegar, and then put it in ling'er's bowl.

Ling'er is like a child. He is very happy to eat and even says it is delicious.

After dinner, ling'er asked Chen Yang, "what do you do next?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said: "find a peak, buy some dry food, we will go to enjoy the night."

Ling'er said, "good!"

Obviously, she likes the arrangement.

Chen Yang has been thinking about the way to leave the central world. He knows in his heart that every transmission array must have been highly valued. As long as you go to the teleport array, you will poke the hornet's nest, but you will fall into a passive position.

The best way is to bring these people here and break them one by one.

Chen Yang also thought that there is a sky above. If you fly directly to the space station, what will happen? Can you break away from the boundary and scope of the central world?Chen Yang and monk Linghui have discussed this issue.

Linghui monk said: "it's so easy to break, is it also called jiejie?" Chen Yang said, "that's what I say, but what is the principle of the boundary?"

"You can't fly out of the border. The border will cover nine days. You can't fly out of the border. You think you're in space, but you're still in the world. It's that simple. Many big men work together to create the boundary, and contains the power of the world rules, the resulting space rules, you can't break. Why is it that a master of creation can tear? That's because the master of creation has the ability to control and comprehend the space above many big men. If the boundary of a certain world is made by more powerful creation masters, then ordinary creation masters can't tear it apart! "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Yuzhufeng is the highest peak in the south of wushuangcheng.

Yuzhufeng is thousands of miles away from wushuangcheng. Between Chen Yang and ling'er, they quickly arrive at yuzhufeng.

Chen Yang sets up his tent, selects some snacks and takes two tins of black beer.

Mountain wind hunting, but it does not affect the romance of Chen Yang and ling'er.

Because at present the danger has not been lifted, so the spirit son has not put gentle spirit son to come out. When the danger is relieved, she will give gentle ling'er enough time to get along with Chen Yang.

The moon was bright and quiet. Occasionally, the sound of insects can be heard.

Ling'er's long hair reaches her waist. She lies on Chen Yang's legs and closes her eyes comfortably.

Chen Yang also didn't speak, he and work properly son all don't need to have no words to look for words. However, after a long time, ling'er suddenly opened his eyes and asked Chen Yang, "will Yinuo and Nianci not like me?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

At this moment, his heart was happy and moved. Moved by ling'er's care about Yinuo and Nianci's feelings.

This is very rare. The children are sincere and simple. He is really afraid that ling'er's character will make the two children feel that ling'er doesn't like them.

"I'll love you." Chen Yang comforts ling'er.

Ling'er said, "I will try my best to coax them and play with them."

Chen Yang smiles.

Ling Er says again: "still have aliwei."

Chen Yang was slightly shocked. Naturally, he didn't forget the little girl. At the beginning, she got the jade pendant from her sister, so she picked up her life. Later, I brought her back to China.

It's ling'er who has been accompanying her all the time. Unfortunately, great changes have taken place later. They had to send her to England to study.

"When we get back to the world, I'll go with you to see Elvis." Chen Yang said at the moment.

Ling'er nodded heavily and said, "look at little Nianci first. Help me choose the gift."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "no problem!"

Two people chat this stubble, then fell into silence again.

It's a rare silence.

However, this kind of warmth does not last long. Chen Yang suddenly moves in his heart and knows that what should come will come after all.

He deliberately walked around Wushuang city to drop a stone on the calm lake.

In the night sky, suddenly a figure came.

It's not someone else, but it's Chen Yang's old acquaintance, Qin Keqing!

Qin Keqing is still a black night rose armor, valiant. But at the moment, her face was frosty, murderous and cold.

Qin Keqing falls in front of Chen Yang and ling'er. She sees Chen Yang and ling'er's love at a glance. She saw the look on Chen Yang's face. It was the first time that she had seen such a pet. She knew that Chen Yang loved the woman in his arms to the core.

Qin Keqing took another look at ling'er, and he was stunned. She thinks she is beautiful, but she feels ashamed in front of ling'er.

Qin Keqing knows the story of Chen Yang and ling'er and has been touched.

But at the moment, Qin Keqing's heart is only indignation. She looked up at the sky and said with a sneer, "Chen Yang, you and your wife are very affectionate here. It's a pity that my poor eighth sister has gone out of her wits, and I don't know where she is. "

She paused and said, "don't you plan to give me an account?"

Chen Yang and ling'er both look at Qin Keqing. Ling'er gets up, and Chen Yang also gets up. Ling'er naturally arranged her hair a little. Then he asked Qin Keqing, "are you Qin Keqing with Chen Yang in the chalk world?"

Qin Keqing looked at ling'er, her eyes flashed the color of extreme hatred, said: "yes, I am Qin Keqing."

"Then you go, I won't kill you." Ling er said.

Qin Keqing stayed for a while.

She didn't expect that after the woman killed someone, she didn't feel half guilty. On the contrary, she made it seem that it was a great favor not to kill herself.

"Chen Yang..." Qin Keqing said to Chen Yang in a cold voice.She also stares at Chen Yang tightly, way: "do you still have what to say?"

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