Chen Yang took a look at Qin Keqing and said, "it seems that you are here to ask for a crime."

Qin Keqing was angry and said, "shouldn't it? Originally, you helped me save them at great risk in chalk world. I am very grateful to you, but now they have been killed by your wife. What kind of kindness do you have with me? "

"I never feel that you owe me anything, and I don't need anyone to repay me," Chen said

He paused and said, "but at least, I think you should know me. I know you're angry, but for the sake of your friendship, I can explain to you why I want to kill them. "

"Didn't your wife kill it? Do you want to carry the pot for her? " Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said: "I asked her to kill me. If there is any hatred, I will bear it."

"Well, you're cheerful enough!" Qin Keqing paused and said, "I'll see what you have to say."

Chen Yang said: "come again a thousand times, ten thousand times, I will kill those two ungrateful dogs!"

"Chen Yang, don't go too far!" Qin Keqing burst into a rage and said, "my eight younger sister is clean and kind. I don't allow you to insult her like this!"

"Sorry, I'm a little excited," Chen said

He then said, "believe it or not, I'll explain it to you. After the explanation, believe it or not, it's up to you. What happened was that ling'er and I took out the treasure at last. At that time, I was seriously injured, and ling'er was also seriously consumed. At this time, Tang Wenqing and your eight younger sisters came with people and covered us with a dark emperor's limitless clock. After that, ling'er beat them back, and ling'er and I ran away smoothly. At that time, Tang Wenqing and your eight younger sisters were hiding in the dark and didn't come out. I don't know what method they used. Just when ling'er and I were healing, Tang Wenqing and your eight younger sisters came. Tang Wenqing met me and called me brother. He said he was thinking of me. OK, I'll take him and give him half of the treasure. "

"It is said that there is only one tenth of the treasure!" Qin Keqing said.

"This is bullshit!" Chen Yang was excited and said, "Qin Keqing, are you big chested and brainless! Who said that? Did he see the total number of treasures? I dare to say it's one tenth. The key is that you still believe in the 10 billion pure Yang pill and give them 5 billion yuan. What else do you want? Can Tang Wenqing swallow it? "

"You..." Qin Keqing was speechless. She said, "well, even if you share half of the treasure. Then why did you kill them later? "

Chen Yang said: "Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin came to test in the middle of the night and forced them to enter my jiexumi to see linger's injury. Tang Wenqing said that your eight younger sisters have a secret therapy that can help ling'er recover from his injury. "

Qin Keqing said: "Wenqing and Zijin want you and your wife to recover from the whole time. Why are you so kind?"

"Good intentions, fart!" Chen Yang said, "I'm not that stupid, you believe. Tang Wenqing began to explore. The more treasure I gave him, the more tolerant he was, the more sure he was that ling'er and I were seriously injured. He just wants to go in to investigate with Yu Zijin, etc. once we are sure that we are seriously injured, we will start immediately! "

"So they didn't take the initiative from the beginning to the end, did they?" Qin Keqing asked suddenly.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said, "no!"

"So, it's just your guess!" Qin Keqing said: "Tang Wenqing and my eight younger sisters were killed in your guess. If they really want to harm you, how can they be plotted by you? "

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

All of a sudden, he found that the explanation of this matter was getting darker and darker.

Because the situation at that time was indeed delicate, Chen Yang and Tang Wenqing knew it well. But in the end, it was Chen Yang who moved his hand first.

Chen Yang is also a violent temper, he said: "forget it, whatever you think. Anyway, I will only explain this time. At that time, ling'er and I were seriously injured. If you continue to hesitate, maybe what you are questioning today is why Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin want to kill me and ling'er. Fortunately, I moved my hand first, so I can still stand here to accept your questions. "

After a pause, he said, "you're looking for evidence, No. You believe me, I mean it. If you don't believe it, there's no way. If you want revenge, I'll follow

"It's clear." Just then, a cold voice came.

But the military God of Tiandu military mansion has arrived.

Dan Tai mirror appears beside Qin Keqing. He looks at Chen Yang and ling'er and says so.

At the same time, there are several figures flashing.

After that, his ninth highness Tang Zhengyu, his tenth highness Tang Yin, Sima town of Tianji mansion, and two experts sent by Junji mansion. Both of them are the peak of Xuxian. They are Hou Ruiqi and Yang Zhi.

Tang Ming, the leader of the military aircraft mansion, is not stupid. He knows that the other party is the king of destiny, so he will not come to this kind of muddy water in person.

Yanjiuniang knew to stay away, and Tang Ming knew that. Just like Cang Hao, the head of Tianji mansion, that old guy never does it by himself.Nine his highness Tang Zhengyu, jade tree in the wind, silver jade belt, floating out of the dust.

His highness Tang Yin was dressed in black and only half of his face appeared. As soon as he appeared, the air seemed a lot colder.

Tang Yin gives people the feeling of extremely evil, his eyes, such as containing the devil in general.

All the people in the Manchu Dynasty were not willing to deal with Tang Yin.

Tang Zhengyu is always resourceful. He is not easy to attack. Once he does, he will hit the target. Before finding Chen Yang and ling'er, Tang Zhengyu has been quietly calculating for a long time, including finding LiuYe club to investigate Chen Yang's information. Tang Zhengyu also inquired about other dynasties.

The last information shows that there are two points. First, the treasure lies in Chen Yang. Second, Chen Yang and his wife love each other very much. If you grasp one of them, you can restrain the other.

Tang Zhengyu immediately laid a net.

His brother, Tang Yin, was born with a pair of reincarnation magic eyes. When he was young, these reincarnation eyes could trap Xuxian masters. Now, he can easily trap Dongxian and even the experts of tianyujing.

The strength of the Jokhang Dynasty was extremely strong. At the beginning, they did not fight back against lingzun. First, they could not find lingzun's whereabouts. Second, people at the bottom are not in line. Third, they are not willing to offend the powerful lingzun world.

Although the Jokhang Dynasty was like a giant against Chen Yang and ling'er, it was hard to compete. However, as long as Zhaozun can destroy the whole world.

The master of Tianwei realm is second only to the existence of creation realm. No one in the whole central world can compete!

In the three thousand world, the master of heaven, position and environment rarely appears. Many of them are not on the earth at all and have been far away. It's also to avoid the punishment of heaven. As for the master of creation, it's deeper. But such as Yuanjue, that's another story.

Tang Zhengyu's abacus is that Tang Yinxian, his younger brother, trapped situ linger by surprise. By Tiandu army God Dan Tai mirror personally, and Sima town cooperation, quickly won Chen Yang. After Chen Yang is taken, it is easy to use Chen Yang to contain situ ling'er.

It's not a big secret that Chen Yang has a idol without a beginning. Qin Keqing has been entrusted out of the market.

Although Qin Keqing has contradictions in her heart, she will never come back to love Chen Yangnian because of the death of Bamei. We should catch Chen Yang first. Qin Keqing also knows that Chen Yang is too hard to catch.

Among the major forces of the Jokhang Dynasty, the Tiandu army was more straightforward. There are not so many routines, just come here.

The rest of the big guys, they're all personal. At this moment, tantaijing appeared beside Qin Keqing and said: "President Qin, things have been clear. Chen Yang is not willing to take away the treasure. He takes advantage of the recovery of the injury and is suspicious, so he has to start first. We are all watching your highness and Miss Yu grow up. They are both dragons and phoenixes, not to mention Chen Yangyu. Even if there is no kindness in them, they are magnanimous, and will not do anything to rob the treasure

The color of grief and indignation flashed in Qin Keqing's eyes. She does know about Bamei and Tang Wenqing. They are not the despicable people in Chen Yang's mouth.

However, she also thinks that Chen Yang is not a mean person.

Then Qin Keqing thought that all the problems were caused by situ linger.

"In that case, let's do it!" Qin Keqing said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing officially broke up.

The two sides are at war. At this time, ling'er suddenly spoke.

Ling'er looked at the dantai mirror. She looked cold and clear, and said: "you mean, those two people are magnanimous gentlemen, but my husband is despicable?"

Tan Tai Jing snorted coldly and said, "he was a mean person. He had trapped his three Highnesses and Yu girl in the trap, which killed the emperor. Now he's gossiping and trying to confuse president Qin. Such a person is extremely mean! I Pooh

This is chiguoguo's contempt and insult to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's anger suddenly rose, but ling'er was more direct. She looked at the tan Tai mirror, nodded and said, "well, I'll kill you!"

"Ha ha ha Little girl, I know you have killed many people, even Mr. Wang Zhaolin. But if you think you can kill me with this, you really don't know that heaven is high and earth is thick. "

Ling'er snorted coldly. She said to Chen Yang, "husband, come to my Xumi."

Chen Yang quit immediately and said, "cough, don't worry, ling'er. Although you can do it, you still have the ability to protect yourself for your husband."

"Hey At this moment, with the sign of Tang Zhengyu, Tang Yin's body flashed and stopped in front of ling'e

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