Qin Keqing also arrived in time and stopped Chen Yang's way.

"Chen Yang, you can't escape. Let's get rid of it!" Qin Keqing said coldly.

"What nonsense with him!" Sima Zhen gnashes his teeth at Chen Yang. His martial uncle died in the hands of situ ling'er, Chen Yang's wife. Sima town then gave a big drink and said, "all the treasures are on him. If we catch him, our brother will be angry."

"Give me a punch!" Hou Ruiqi was very excited and roared.

Hou Ruiqi takes the lead. He is the peak of Xuxian's cultivation, and after six parts of Tiangang, he has great strength. This blow out, suddenly fire waves rolling, the air was friction to the limit, with a comet hit the earth's destruction law!

What's more, Hou Ruiqi's boxing spirit is masculine and powerful. When he punches out, he will have the surging and majestic feeling of moving mountains and seas.

"Go away!" When Chen Yang faced Hou Ruiqi's blow, he did not look at it, but followed it. His boxing contains thunder, and his magic power is much stronger than Hou Ruiqi's peak.

One blow, boom!

Star domain trembles, and then, Hou Ruiqi is directly blasted out of the kilometer away, his face is extremely ugly.

"You Can you really catch me? " Chen Yang gave a sneer.

"Is it?" Sima Zhen's face turned ugly, and a sharp baby spirit sword appeared in his hand, which was terrifying.

Sima Zhen and Yang Zhi shot at the same time.

Yang Zhi kills with a fist, and Sima Zhen cuts out thousands of swords to cover Chen Yang.

Sima Town, in particular, is a master of Dongxian. Every sword cut has the courage and power to cut off 100000 mountains.

Yang Zhi's fist is like the roar of angry dragon in the sea of sword light. The two masters attack together, and they are extremely fierce.

Although Qin Keqing is ruthless, she can't help worrying about Chen Yang at this time. Although Chen Yang has the body of King Kong, he can't bear such attack. At this time, these people are trying their best to attack and kill, and no longer keep their hands. Some of them were kept alive because they wanted to catch them alive.

Chen Yang is also very quick in this crisis. He quickly offered a reincarnation sword!

Reincarnation sword itself has been set up, which is filled with Chen Yang's great soul thunder sword power. Chen Yang threw the samsara sword without any mana just like throwing a bomb.

But in the star field, the sword light flashed!

It's like thunder flash, the power of a sword, reincarnation and soul dance, the power of heaven!

The light of the sword flashed like a huge tsunami in the sword sea.

The power of reincarnation, such as the netherworld tsunami, instantly engulfs the cave law of Sima town.

Soul power, instantly burst, will be around the sword light quickly burst into ashes.

A reincarnation sword is cut out, which directly cuts a huge hole in the cave law of Sima town's infant spirit sword. The reincarnation sword is shattered!

Chen Yang did not stop, and at the same time of using reincarnation sword, he quickly sacrificed the Wushi God puppet. The goods are soft at the beginning, but if they don't sell, they will be thunderous.

Wushi God even has a reincarnation sword in his hand!

It's also the power of reincarnation.

The power of this sword, Yang Zhigen could not resist, only to avoid.

Reincarnation sword can cut a hole in the master's law, which shows how terrifying its power is. We have to see who made this samsara sword.

Reincarnation sword made by Linghui, although it has a long history, its power has been weakened a lot. But in mortals, it's still terrible.

After all, Yang Zhi is also the top master of Xuxian, with endless means and countless opportunities. It's impossible to be killed by Chen Yang with one sword. He quickly dodges and jumps.

But Chen Yang had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he moved, Chen Yang immediately displayed his soul thunder sword!

With a sword, light and cold are everywhere.

Yang Zhi is caught off guard. His body slows down and tries to resist Chen Yang's thunder sword. But at this time, the sword of reincarnation also came.

Yang zhihum didn't hum a word, but he was cut into pieces.

In an instant, Chen Yang completed the three great feats of repelling Hou Ruiqi, killing Yang Zhi and breaking the cave of Sima town.

At the same time, Chen Yang captured the Wushi God puppet to jiexumi Liman. The whole person integrated into the dark light of the soul and quickly rushed to Sima town.

Sima town can't help but be horrified. Chen Yang's repeated measures really make Sima town cold. At this moment, Sima town quickly shuttled through the space and escaped thousands of miles away. He went straight away from the law of the universe.

That Hou Ruiqi is also smart, at this time does not come forward. Let's leave the mess to Taijing.

Tan Tai Jing was smart enough, so after he trapped Chen Yang with the star field, he let Sima Zhen find out the truth.

Originally, a group of people in tantaijing had the chance to win. And this time, Chen Yang's reversal is embarrassing for a group of people.

But at this time, Nasima town also came back quickly. His old face turned red. Obviously, what he did just now was a little too shameful.It's not that Sima Zhen is timid. It's extremely difficult for him to achieve this kind of cultivation. Moreover, Sima town has not experienced any great danger for more than 100 years.

In just a few days, he has experienced several dangers, and he is really a little chilly. If it wasn't for the Lord of canghao's house, he would not have come.

Sima town returned to Tantai mirror, Hou Ruiqi also came. Yang Zhi's death made him feel sad. He has some friendship with Yang Zhi and has worked together for many years. Now, Yang Zhi's death makes him feel that death is so close to them.

Sima Zhen said to Dan Tai Jing, "this guy is quite strange. What should I do now?"

He took a deep breath. He was extremely calm.

At this time, Chen Yang is neutral in the void, and he seems calm.

He didn't worry about ling'er's safety. No matter how powerful Tang Yin was, no matter how strange his means were, he couldn't get ling'er. Chen Yang knows very well in his heart that they want to hold on to linger.

Therefore, it is Chen Yang who is anxious now.

Chen Yang knows that he can't be in a hurry. He must be ready.

Although he attached great importance to the battle in his heart, Chen Yang was very relaxed.

Qin Keqing was a little depressed. When he was a teammate with Chen Yang, he didn't feel very strong. How can you be the enemy and become so difficult?

When Qin Keqing thought about it, it seemed that even when he was with Chen Yang, Chen Yang's enemies didn't come to a good end. From the beginning, lingzun dealt with Chen Yang with countless casualties. Later, Chen Yang ran to the chalk world, and the masters of lingzun and tianweijing lost four or five. This concept is terrible. Moreover, the creator has lost one!

Although those people were not killed by Chen Yang, they had nothing to do with Chen Yang.

And now, he started to deal with Chen Yang, and soon came the retribution. Lord Wang Zhaolin is dead, Yang Zhi is dead, Huang Xu, Huang Jiayong and so on. They are all top experts, the pillars of the imperial court. What a loss!

Tan Tai mirror faces Chen Yang, he suddenly closes the star domain cave.

Tan Taijing has already felt the danger. He thinks that there may be something in Chen Yang's body that may cause damage to his cave. Once the cave is shrouded, it really has a magical function, making people escape and trapped in many spaces. But there are also risks in using the cave. If the opponent has any powerful means to explode and smash the space, it will also cause great damage to the caster.

After Chen Yang took back the star cave in the dantai mirror, he said in secret: "you are smart, otherwise you will doubt your life!"

Tan Tai Jing stares at Chen Yang, and he suddenly says, "President Qin, you haven't done anything. Is it taking care of the past

Qin Keqing said immediately, "I don't have any!"

Dan Taijing said: "well, you can do it. I will help you with my colleagues! "

Qin Keqing didn't say much at the moment. Her eyes flashed cold, and she suddenly rushed to kill Chen Yang. Her speed is very fast, and she turns out ten soul needles.

"I'm still here Ten spirit needles shuttle through the void, sharp to the extreme.

"How powerful!" Chen Yang was also surprised and said in secret: "this girl, I can't beat you when I'm with you. It's a good skill to fight Laozi. "

Chen Yang feels that his Vajra body is not bad and can't catch the ten needles. Moreover, even if it is the operation of the soul ocean, I am afraid it can not resist.

Chen Yang moves quickly to avoid the ten needles. Qin Keqing's clothes are flying and her mana is running wildly. Ten spirit needles are like maggots of tarsal bones. They are quickly chased. Chen Yang's body swings in the air, finds a right angle, and instantly splits out a big soul thunder sword!

This sword splits out, immediately splits ten spirit spirit needles in. Ding Ding Ding The clear voice rang out, and ten spirit needles were knocked back directly. Qin Keqing's body was shocked, and ten spirit needles blended with her flesh and blood. At this time, she snorted, but she felt the hegemony of Chen Yang's power.

At the same time, Sima town and Hou Ruiqi shot again.

These people are very careful to kill Chen Yang. Hou Ruiqi's powerful and masculine magic fist thunders over. Another sword from Sima town!

The sword light is fierce. It breaks through the rules and rules and cuts through the situation of the ages with one sword.

However, the mirror stood empty in the sky and didn't move.

Chen Yang is a human spirit. At the moment, without Linghui monk and linger, he has no hope at all. Therefore, all his intelligence quotients are on the line.

Chen Yang knows that he has some lethal weapons in his hand. So, he's expending his weapons. When I finish reincarnation sword and my son and mother run out of Yuanyang and shenlei, I will die.

Since Chen Yang has seen through this, how can he be deceived.

He knew that he had to kill two first. Otherwise, sooner or later, they will grind themselves to death!

"Come first, then!" Chen Yang's eyes are fixed on Sima town.

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