With the cultivation of ling'er, yanjiuniang doesn't feel that she needs to ask other helpers at all. In this kind of battle, other helpers don't play a big role.

"Little girl!" Yanjiuniang catches ling'er's figure in an instant.

The next moment, the wild goose nine niangs come directly, appeared in front of the work properly son. At this time, it's on the street. People come and go around, but yanjiuniang directly exerts her magic, which makes other ordinary people's eyes hallucinate, unable to see the existence of her and ling'er.

Yanjiuniang stops in front of linger. "Little girl, what happened when you suddenly came to Dazhao mansion?"

"Murder!" Ling son saw wild goose nine Niang one eye, say.

The wild goose nine Niang tiny a Zheng, but didn't expect to work properly son so frank. "To whom?" She asked at once.

"Stage mirror!" Ling er said. She got the information in the mental strafe, and knew the real identity of tantaijing.

"Even if he had offended you before, he is seriously injured now. Why should you be aggressive? " Yan nine Niang said.

"Get out of the way!" Ling'er is too lazy to talk with Yan Jiuniang.

Yan nine Niang eyebrows a pick, she light a smile, said: "I never go to take the initiative to cause trouble, but since the little girl you are in front of. Then I'll have to accompany you to the end. "

She paused, said: "in order to avoid the innocent, let's fight above."

Ling Er nodded.

At the moment, the two men's bodies flashed, quickly shuttled through the void and appeared on the clouds.

The night is quiet. On the clouds, the moonlight is very transparent. It's a wonderful and strange scenery.

Yanjiuniang has long silver hair, and her face is delicate and beautiful. She didn't look much bigger than ling'er, and the years didn't leave a trace on her face. But she has really experienced the vicissitudes of life.

Yanjiuniang has experienced too many disasters and legends in her life. At the earliest time, she was under a demon God. At that time, she was just a maid and had no status. Later, she got the chance to practice around the demon God. After that, he was framed and imprisoned for 100 years. One hundred years later, the demon God was killed by other powers, and she escaped by chance. He has traveled in the world of many planes, entered the cave, and fallen into the land of tigers and wolves. In that era of her own, she had also been powerful, and also had the supreme glory. She is a step by step, with blood, with tears to create a brilliant belong to her yanjiuniang.

Over the years, yanjiuniang has been running the six leaf club with her wisdom. She knows how to protect herself. She's very smart.

In her heart, she has always been the protagonist, her life written out, it is a spectacular legend.

But yanjiuniang's wisdom is that she knows current affairs. She knew that her time had passed, so she would keep a low profile. Years can't deal with people like yanjiuniang, but times can and luck can.

Therefore, although yanjiuniang had dealt with countless scenes, she had fought with countless talents and experts. But today, when she faced the little girl situ ling'er, she was very careful and did not dare to be careless.

Yanjiuniang knew that it was a battle of life and death. Maybe today, she would be killed.

However, she has no way back!

But at this time of work properly son is also careful, she dare not look down upon wild goose nine Niang. Yan Jiuniang's cultivation is far above ling'er. What ling'er relies on now is the eye of heaven.

"Master!" Just as the war was about to break out, Qin Keqing came through the air.

"What are you doing, step back!" Yan nine Niang saw Qin Ke Qing, immediately sink a voice to shout a way. Qin Keqing stood beside yanjiuniang, and she saw the gravity of her master. At the same time, Qin Keqing also looked at ling'er.

Ling'er, dressed in white, is as cool as a fairy.

Qin Keqing feels a little ashamed. It's not because of her appearance, but because ling'er is young, and she is qualified to fight with her master, and she pays so much attention to her!

At the same time, the figure in the distance suddenly flashed, and another person came.

This man is the old head of the Tantai family, Tantai Zongyuan.

Another master in the early days of Tianyu.

"Master Yan, I'm here to help you!" Dan Tai Zongyuan appears behind ling'er. His eyes are cold and he shouts.

This is the situation of the Jokhang Dynasty. It is not wise for ling'er to come here.

But at this time, Yan nine Niang didn't feel happy, on the contrary slightly frowned.

However, the battle had not yet begun, and then another figure flashed by. This time it's Chen Yang!

Chen Lingyang suddenly finds out that he is missing in the cultivation. Chen Yang is smart and immediately guesses what ling'er is going to do. He knew that there were dragons and tigers in the house of Dazhao. Ling'er came here for fear of danger. As soon as he thought about this, Chen Yang could not care about anything, so he came in a hurry.

"Ling'er, are you ok?" Chen Yang goes to ling'er and asks with concern.

Ling'er's eyes are clear and ethereal. She looks at Chen Yang and says, "I'm ok!"

Qin Keqing in the side will see all this in the eyes, she can't help but nose is a sour."Just in time!" Tan Tai Zong Yuan knew Chen Yang. Seeing this, he sneered and said, "heaven has a way. If you don't go, hell has no way to break in. Today I'll see what else you can do! "

Chen Yang is worried. He knew that the situation was absolutely dangerous. A wild goose nine Niang already was difficult to deal with, and many such a Dan Tai Zong Yuan's sky Yu realm master.

Chen Yang is thinking about how to get away.

Who knows at this time, wild goose nine Niang opened mouth, she said: "little girl, you and Chen Yang go."

"Well?" As soon as she said this, Chen Yang was stunned and almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Ling'er is also slightly stunned.

"Go?" Chen Yang said.

Yanjiuniang nodded and said, "let's go."

"Master Yan, you..." Dan Tai Zong Yuan suddenly faded.

"Go, ling'er!" Chen Yang immediately took ling'er's hand.

Ling'er is not willing, but he also knows that today's things can't be done, and now he follows Chen Yang. Chen Yang took a deep look at yanjiuniang and said, "I remember the kindness of my predecessors in my heart."

After that, he pulled ling'er and left quickly.

From beginning to end, Chen Yang did not look at Qin Keqing.

"Master Yan, that boy has treasure and killed so many of our experts. Now is the best time. You can kill them here with your help. " Tantai Zongyuan said, "why do you want to let them go?"

Yanjiuniang looked at dantai Zongyuan, she said lightly: "Zongyuan, you are not young, how some things still can't see through. These two people, where is so easy to kill. Although the cultivation of that little girl is not as good as you and me, I can feel that if it's really a fight, I'm afraid I can't retreat completely. In addition, Chen Yang is extremely evil... "

"So you are afraid?" Tantai Zongyuan was a little annoyed.

Yanjiuniang said, "don't make a mistake. I'm going to defend the dignity of Dazhao mansion. Now that they have retreated, the goal has been achieved. You said I was scared? Zongyuan, you'd better find out your identity. I don't think you understand this era, what it is. Even if we can win today, are you 100% sure to kill them? "

"This..." Dan Tai Zongyuan did not dare to say that he was 100% sure.

Yan nine Niang said: "let go is a kindness, let them escape, that can be a cause and effect, you go back to think about it."

After she finished, she arrested Qin Keqing and went back to Dazhao house.

Yanjiuniang's letting go surprised Chen Yang and made him feel reasonable. After several wars in the central world, the reputation of Chen Yang and ling'er has come out. Yanjiuniang is an old fox. She is so smart that she doesn't know whether to advance or retreat.

Yanjiuniang has her own bottom line. Ling'er wants to come to Dazhao house to kill people. That's yanjiuniang's bottom line. She will never allow it. And as long as you don't cross the bottom line, everything else is easy to say.

Chen Yang and ling'er returned to the East wilderness.

In jiexumi villa, Chen Yang blames ling'er for being too dangerous this time. Although in the eyes of outsiders, he and ling'er are evil stars, it seems that they can't do anything. But what's the matter? How could he not be forced to count.

Every time it's both dangerous and dangerous. It's a near death!

If yanjiuniang doesn't let go tonight. Ghost knows what will happen later. He and ling'er can't be killed.

"Ling'er, what are you doing here? Don't you know how dangerous it is? I know you're just trying to blow me off, right? " Chen Yang said, "is this important? If you make any mistakes, what shall I do in the future? Do you want to live? "

Chen Yang is really angry. He seldom speaks so harshly to Ling er.

Ling'er will not lower his head in front of anyone. Except in front of Chen Yang, she dropped her head.

Chen Yang also ignored ling'er.

After a long time, Chen Yang feels that someone is pulling his coat. He turns around and sees ling'er looking at him pitifully.

Chen Yang's heart immediately softened. He was helpless. There was nothing he could do about it.

"I'll never do that again." Ling'er whispered.

"Just know!" Chen Yang pinched her Qiong nose and said, "next time you dare to be so reckless, I won't break your ass!"

Ling'er sees that Chen Yang is not angry, and immediately laughs.

Chen Yang couldn't help shaking his head, sighed and said, "you little girl, you are my nemesis!"

Ling'er smiles.

It was a quiet night. After that, Chen Yang and ling'er bathe and sleep. In this jiexumi villa, electricity and water are provided by themselves. Electricity is Chen Yang's household Leichi, unlimited power supply. Water is simpler. A small magic weapon can store tens of thousands of tons of water, which is inexhaustible.

Ling'er goes to take a bath first, but Chen Yang really wants to take a bath with her. If he did, ling'er would not refuse. However, Chen Yang did not dare to do so, for fear that he would not be able to control it and destroy ling'er's cultivation.

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