Chen Yang searched for Linghui monk's treasure, but he didn't find such weapons as Yuanyang Zimu shenlei and reincarnation sword. There are many magic weapons, but Chen Yang is too lazy to use them. He has a top-level magic weapon Tiandao pen in his hand. If it doesn't work, it's useless.

That pill is very useful.

Chen Yangsi came to think about it and felt that he needed to think about it. Before that, relying on wisdom, magic weapon, spirit and so on was very harmful to one's practice.

In the battle against tantaijing, Chen Yang felt that the sense of achievement and experience he had gained were unprecedented. Together with Linghui monk, he defeated Kuki Zhenjun, but it didn't seem to help Chen Yang's understanding, experience and spirit at all.

"It's still up to you, down-to-earth, step by step!" Chen Yang said in secret.

Chen Yang is very clear that his pace has been too fast. At present, what we should pursue is not the improvement of the realm, but the abundant savings and solid foundation. Only in this way can we not leave spiritual loopholes!

A good soup cooked in a down-to-earth way is never the kind that can be made by relying on monosodium glutamate and various concentrated fresh materials.

Next, Chen Yang has to leave the central world. He wants to go to Tianzhou first. He wants to give some magic pills to Tianzhou. More importantly, he wants to meet Qiao Ning and Luoxue. For Luoxue, Chen Yang is not too relieved.

How to get back to Tianzhou?

Chen Yang's thinking is very clear, although he and ling'er are now famous in the central world. But in these wars, the major dynasties lost face.

If I want to go to their capital by teleport, I guess they can't bear it.

Chen Yang and ling'er can't compete with each other's power.

It's like yanjiuniang can bear that Chen Yang and ling'er have killed so many masters of the Jokhang Dynasty, but she can't bear that ling'er has gone to the Jokhang mansion to kill people. That's the face beating of chiguoguo

"By the way, out of bounds!" Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened.

Before that, he and Qiao Ning heard about the outside of the boundary in the six leaves meeting, and they were going to return to Tianzhou through the outside. Unfortunately, there was an accident later

It's like the whole black market outside the center of the world. From there, we will not hurt the dignity and nerves of any force!

Chen Yang has an idea right now.

Ling'er is already asleep. Chen Yang plans to wait for ling'er to wake up and go outside at dawn. In places outside the boundary, Chen Yang has already obtained a lot of information from some ordinary monks through the divine shooting.

In the peaceful central world, there has been no major incident since the last time the emperor Shendi and other people made a scene. It is said that the event of emperor Shendi was a mystery. With the cultivation of the God Emperor and others, they had no ability to stop the cruel emperor in the central world. But no one has made it clear what happened in the central world. I only know that later, the cruel emperor was killed by Shendi and others, and the emperor's artifacts in Kongtong hall and Shendi's pavilion on the other side were smashed. Later, the God Emperor rebuilt the Pavilion by relying on the fragments of the pavilion.

In the central world at that time, many big men did not intervene. This is also a reason for the success of the God Emperor. The big guys don't want to make trouble at all. They don't care if they don't get involved.

This time, some big guys came out because they wanted to get the treasure.

As for that year, why did they succeed in their cultivation? The secret is known only by the people concerned. Just like many years later, people will not understand why Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu's weak cultivation can shake the more powerful chalk world!

The central world has been quiet for 30 years. Since Chen Yang arrived, there has been no more peace. First of all, the palace of Li hen was destroyed, and now the masters of the major dynasties were badly injured.

This incident has sounded an alarm for the leaders of the central world. That is, Wuliang killing and robbing is not for fun, that is to do you. If you dare to stand up, you will be killed.

In this case, the government began to vigorously fight against corruption and thoroughly investigate the style of work. Then, at this time, the Discipline Inspection Commission came for a private visit, and then a large number of them hit the muzzle of the gun.

The survivors knew about it, so they were honest.

At this moment, a heinous thing is happening in the house of Jokhang. Ten his highness Tang Yin a black robe, he sat cross knee in his quiet room. Around him, there were ten children, about two or three years old. All the ten children fainted.

Half of Tang Yin's face was covered by a mask, and the half of his face appeared extremely sinister. In his eyes, there is an endless air of death.

The ten children are all baby girls, all alive.

At this time, Tang Yin suddenly opened his eyes.

The air of dead ashes immediately bloomed from his eyes, and the air of dead ashes quickly filled the whole quiet room. The children quickly woke up, and then were wrapped in the ashes. In the air of ashes, there are countless things like silk threads. These threads come in from the brows of the children and draw blood. The threads soon became red like blood.The children's bodies began to shrivel, and their arms turned dead gray.

The skin color of the whole body began to turn to dead gray. They screamed, cried and struggled, but all these could only make Tang Yin more excited.

Before long, Tang Yin drained all the blood of these children. And made these children into a special kind of puppet. A puppet specially designed to defend him from attack.

After a long time, the air of dead ashes was inhaled into Tang Yin's body. The bodies of the children also went to his jiexumi.

These children were captured by his men from all over the country. Over the years, countless innocent children have died in his hands.

What he practices is evil, but what he says is his own right.

Moreover, he acted in secret, and did not know this situation when the former Emperor was in power. There are also some senior leaders in the house of Jokhang who know about this. But the bigwigs are smart and lack of compassion. Don't meddle in this kind of business at all. Anyway, all the causes and effects belong to Tang Yin.

In addition, Tang Yin is a man who will be rewarded. If you report him, the emperor of Tang Dynasty will not really kill his grandson. After that, it will not be easy for Tang Yin to settle the accounts after autumn.

At this time, Tang Yin was more satisfied.

Nine elder brother's death gave him a big blow, he was not liked by his father because of his personality. Although his father had already died, his childhood experience gave Tang Yin a lot of shadow. Since childhood, no one wants to be friends with Tang Yin, or even close to him.

No one else is to blame.

Like Tang Yin, who killed a baby's throat at the age of six and killed a servant girl at the age of seven, who dares to approach him!

But Tang Zhengyu, the ninth elder brother, was always very kind to him, so Tang Yin only listened to Tang Zhengyu later. In Tang Yin's heart, he has a strong attachment to Jiu Ge, just like father and son, but also some abnormal, unspeakable.

The death of Tang Zhengyu made Tang Yin feel that the world collapsed.

He will never forget how Jiuge died. It's the woman named situ ling'er, Yijian Kill brother nine in front of him.

"Cheap maid!" Tang Yin could not help but clench his fist, and his eyes showed a crazy and cruel look. "Cheap maid, if you dare to kill my ninth brother, I will make you unable to survive or die. I will make you a slave for thousands to ride and thousands to taste

At this time, a dragon chant came from jiuxiao.

"Well?" Tang Yin moved in his heart and said in secret, "is it that crazy dragon?"

He didn't say much at the moment. He quickly flashed and left the quiet room. Tang Yin is recognized by the array of the house of Jokhang, and can enter and leave freely. In an instant, he was above the nine clouds. The clouds were misty and the moonlight was quiet.

At a glance, Tang Yin saw that reincarnation magic eye started quickly, and then he saw a dragon on fire a hundred miles away, and it was madly moving forward in the clouds!

Tang Yin immediately ran after him.

No one dares to approach that crazy dragon beast. Even the top experts like Yin Xuan were planted in the hands of the mad dragon. Naturally, the other big guys were as far away as they could, for fear of being approached by the mad dragon, and then they would die.

The recent central world is full of danger!

Tang Yin was on a fast track.

If he had been an ordinary monk, he would have been lost. But he has reincarnation magic eye in, then dead control that crazy dragon's whereabouts. Tang Yin caught up to ten in the morning, and finally caught up with the Dragon beast on an isolated island in the North Sea. Dragon beast is also tired, it instinctively down to rest. Its flame is burning, and it falls into an island, where all the creatures and woods are burned to ashes.

Where you go, there is no grass!

Along the way, the Dragon beast did not know how many evils it had done.

At this time, the Dragon beast crawled on the top of the mountain. Its whole body was huge, just like a flame mountain.

As soon as Tang Yin's figure flashed, he appeared in front of the Dragon beast. The Dragon beast looked up and saw Tang Yin immediately. The Dragon beast immediately became excited again. It wanted to kill people without any reason.

The Dragon beast was about to make a move, but Tang Yin was faster. He gave a sneer, and then he showed the reincarnation eye.

The dense black fog quickly shrouded the Dragon beast, and the magic light surged rapidly in the thick fog, and invaded the Dragon beast's brain.

The Dragon beast roared wildly, trying to resist. If it is sober, it will not be trapped by Tang Yin's reincarnation magic eye. Unfortunately, it is now in a state of unconsciousness, so it is deeply trapped in reincarnation and unable to extricate itself.

In the reincarnation eye, the Dragon beast seems to have experienced thousands of generations of pain.

Its howling, miserable hum, resounded hundreds of miles around!

The business is gradually calming down.

After a long time, the Dragon beast finally became honest

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