Outside the boundary, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. It is also the place of extrajudicial transactions in the central world.

Here, there is no order, killing all the time. Generally, those who dare to trade outside the boundary are extraordinary people. However, there are also many strange things out there. Many valuable magic weapons and materials can only be found outside the boundary. This is the paradise of chaos and the hell of Hunyuan.

Outside the boundary, the six leaf association also has branches. They have mastered a teleportation array.

At the same time, there is a light society outside the boundary. The strength of the holy light society is the strongest outside the boundary. Many outlaws sell things to the holy light society and the six leaf Society for safety.

This is more secure. After all, the holy light society and the six leaf society have to pay attention to many things.

Of course, there are also private transactions. In private transactions, there will be a phenomenon of rare goods. But there is also a lot of black eating black phenomenon.

Outside the boundary, it is adjacent to the desert and Gobi, surrounded by wind and sand all the year round.

There are few ordinary residents here. Most of them were outlaws, and some of them wanted to buy materials. People from other worlds often come here to buy and trade. Therefore, both the light society and the six leaf society have teleportation arrays.

Chen Yang and ling'er are out of bounds under such circumstances.

He didn't choose out of bounds before, because he knew that the bigwigs of several dynasties would not let this place go. Now that the deterrent has been achieved, he naturally dares to come out of bounds.

At least now, several dynasties will not want to take the treasure together.

Chen Yang also knows that there will inevitably be undercurrents. A few great dynasties did not take the initiative to make a move. They were afraid that they would arrange eye liner to observe secretly, so long as they had the chance, they would not let go of their treasure.

Therefore, Chen Yang knows that he has to deal with the offenders with fierce means!

Chen Yang knows the situation outside the boundary like the back of his hand. He decided to go to the light society to borrow the teleportation array.

Liuyehui, I won't look for it. After all, it's embarrassing. What's more, will LiuYe take Chen Yang's business or not? That's all problems. Chen Yang has killed so many people in the Dazhao Dynasty, and the LiuYe Society sent Chen Yang and ling'er away. This spread is also a blow to the face of the Dazhao Dynasty.

Chen Yang has been lurking outside the boundary for about 10 hours and has determined the situation inside and outside the boundary again. He found that there didn't seem to be any terrible master outside the boundary for the time being, so he was slightly relieved.

At three in the afternoon, the sun was burning.

The sun in the desert and Gobi is extremely poisonous. Chen Yang and ling'er come to the gate of the holy light society together. Chen Yang learned that the holy light society focuses on the existence of various chaotic trading cities. They have such a branch in the central world, but they also have branches in other worlds. But according to Chen Yang's estimation, the strength of the holy light society may not be lower than that of the Tianchi Pavilion and the six leaf club.

The Illuminati is full of mystery.

Chen Yang said: "the greater the influence of the holy light society, the better. This kind of exchange pays attention to the rules, and will not mess up the rules for the treasure in front of us. As long as the price is right, there won't be any big problem

The hall of the holy light society is magnificent and grand. It is made of Tiangang rock and is extremely strong.

When you enter the light society, a special maid comes to receive you.

Before Chen Yang spoke, the waitress said with a smile, "you must be Mr. Chen Yang, Miss situ, who has been making a lot of trouble recently

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

The waitress said, "that's right. Please follow me. Our little master has been waiting for us for a long time. "

Chen Yang said, "little master?"

"That's right," said the waitress

Chen Yang said, "do we know each other?"

The waitress said, "I haven't seen you before, but it doesn't prevent you from doing business with me."

Chen Yang said, "OK, please lead the way." Ling'er doesn't care. She's a person who doesn't want to think much. There's no conspiracy in her mind.

The reason why ling'er's cultivation progress is extremely fast is that he has a spiritual body, and that his mind is pure, clean and free of distractions.

Suzhen in black also has this characteristic of linger. She never likes to beat around the bush with others. The waitress leads the way and takes Chen Yang and ling'er in. First, it passes a main hall and then a courtyard. Although it is located in the Gobi desert, the courtyard has soft geomantic omen, pleasant breath, small bridges, flowing water and flowers everywhere.

It's a rare green.

After the courtyard, then to a side hall, side hall in front of a small courtyard.

"Our little master is waiting in it!" Said the waitress.

Chen Yang nodded.

The waitress then stepped down. Before Chen Yang and ling'er had stepped forward, the gate of the side hall was opened. An old man opened the door. The old man was dressed in blue, solemn and dignified.

But obviously, he is not a little master.

"Two, please!" I asked the old man to make a gesture.Chen Yang said, "good!" At the same time, he also looked at the old man's accomplishments, which he could not see.

The old man gave Chen Yang a deep feeling. This shows that the old man's cultivation is far ahead of Chen Yang's.

"It's true that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world!" Chen Yang can't help sighing.

Of course, it's not surprising that such a master appears here. The Holy Light club is well-known. It's impossible to have no master. This is Chen Yang's interview. The little master naturally also wants to prevent Chen Yang's hand. As the saying goes, the heart of defending people is indispensable!

Chen Yang and ling'er enter the hall hand in hand. In the hall, a boy who looks like only thirteen or fourteen years old kneels down in front of the tea table. He is slowly cooking hot tea.

Tea is a kind of culture. In the three thousand world, tea culture has penetrated most of it.

Coffee and red wine are popular in the West.

The boy was dressed in a snow-white gown. He was childish, but he was pretty. Even when Chen Yang saw it, he secretly praised it. What a leather bag!

Chen Yang thinks that if this young man is willing to do Longyang for high-ranking officials, he must be very popular.

His idea was just a flash, and he knew that he could not despise the people in front of him.

When the boy saw Chen Yang and ling'er coming in, he immediately stood up.

When he was about to salute, his eyes were attracted by ling'er. At that moment, the boy was stunned.

"There is such a woman in the world..." The young man's eyes are demented and murmurs.

"Young master!" The old man immediately reminded the young man. The young man immediately recovered. He was free and uninhibited. He saluted first and said, "I have met Mr. Chen, Miss situ! I just fell in love with Miss situ's peerless appearance. I lost my temper for a moment. Please don't blame Miss situ, young master Chen. I don't mean to be frivolous! "

Chen Yang feels comfortable. It's very comfortable to get along with such a childe with a good family background and excellent tutor.

It's like a spring breeze to get along with people with good family education.

But often many people don't even know the minimum respect. Respect is not to please others, but a good culture.

"You are welcome, young master." Chen Yang also saluted back. Ling Er light point head, also can be regarded as toward Bai Yunzhong return gift. This is ling'er's face. She can't even look at it, and she can't even manage it. How do you like it.

"Sit down, you two!" Bai Yunzhong said later.

Chen Yang takes ling'er and sits opposite Bai Yunzhong. Bai Yunzhong smiles a little. He pours tea for them, and then says, "this tea is crane cloud fog tea. It's my treasure. Let's taste it to see if it's agreeable?"

Chen Yang then saw that the dense hot air from the tea actually formed a crane like mist, which was really amazing. After Chen Yang tasted it, he felt bitter and astringent, but there was a sweet aftertaste at the bottom of his tongue. The aftertaste was light at first, and then it became more and more intense, making people feel like they were in a fairyland. This tea into the abdomen, the whole body immediately warm, and there is a trace of nutrition in the body.

Absolutely good stuff!

It's especially suitable for those who practice Taoism to drink!

"Good tea!" Chen Yang couldn't help exclaiming. He then said to the ling'er beside him, "ling'er, try it, too."

Ling Er nodded and said, "Well!" She also served tea and tasted it carefully. After that, she said, "it's good to drink."

When Bai Yunzhong saw that ling'er also said it was good to drink, he immediately beamed. He said to the old man next to him, "steward Du, bring some of the tea bags here. I'll give them to brother Chen!"

Chen Yang's heart is funny. It's clear that he wants to give it to ling'er. He said immediately, "master Bai, you will not be paid for your work."

Bai Yunzhong waved his hand and said, "brother Chen, this is just a little gift. It's a guest coming in! "

Chen Yang was helpless and said, "thank you so much."

Bai Yunzhong said, "it's easy to say!"

Chen Yang then said: "it seems that master Bai should have understood the purpose of my coming here." Hearing this, Bai Yunzhong immediately straightened up and said, "if I guess correctly, brother Chen wants to use the transmission array of our holy light society, right?"

Chen Yang said, "yes, master Bai. I really want to borrow your teleportation array. We'll come as the price is. "

Bai Yunzhong smile, said: "ordinary price is a god Dan."

Chen Yang said, "I'm willing to give 100 pieces."

Bai Yunzhong waved his hand and said, "brother Chen, if you don't talk business with me, then we are good friends. But when it comes to business, we're still in business. "

Chen Yang can't help but feel a headache. The little guy has a friendly and smiling face. But I don't think it's a good role to play!

It seems that it is hard to avoid being slaughtered.

"Oh, young master Bai, what do you mean?" Chen Yang said.

Bai Yunzhong said, "brother Chen, I'm not the one who takes advantage of others' danger." Chen Yang said, "I believe in you, young master Bai." Bai Yunzhong said with a smile, "but brother Chen, you see, this cup of tea is not worth much money in ordinary times, right?"Chen Yang said, "that's right!" Bai Yunzhong said, "what if this cup of tea is in the desert?"

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