There is no difference in the sea of three thousand worlds. When Chen Yang looks at the endless sea, he always feels that the sea under his feet is the same sea. Perhaps, everything is just a spiritual feast. Maybe, nothing exists. Maybe, everything is just a dream.

Chen Yang didn't have time to hurt Chun Ganqiu at this time. He deliberately released his own breath.

So, soon, Chen Yang felt that the crisis was coming. It is obvious that the northern church has been urgently tracking down Chen Yang. Previously, Chen Yang hid in the sea of soul, but they couldn't find it. At the moment, Chen Yang releases his breath, and they immediately notice it.

Northern religion has to be in a hurry. One Chen Yihan is enough to give them a headache. The new Chen Yang is more fierce. If Chen Yihan recovers his strength, they will bring a wind chime, which will probably bring disaster to the northern religion.

Although Chen Yang did not plan to target the northern religion.

But the northern religion is not at ease.

Since ancient times, the emperor killed the general, not because the general had the heart of rebellion, but if the general had the ability of rebellion. Then, the emperor will definitely kill the general. This is the most intolerable thing for the king.

Chen Yang didn't wait long. Soon, there was a roaring sound in the distance. In a flash, two figures had come.

It is the towering Lord and the dark night!

Chen Yang has been given a lot of face by the two great Dongxian masters.

Lord Shentian is already a master in the middle stage of Dongxian.

As soon as Chen Yang raised his eyes, he saw Lord Shentian and dark night. Dark night or a tight black clothes, short and tough, eyes put light. The God of heaven is wearing a simple grey cloth shirt, just like an old farmer in the field, but it is full of kindness.

God gives people a kind of fatherly atmosphere. When you see him, you can't help trusting him and giving everything to him. What he said seems to be the truth!

"Great When Chen Yang saw this, he couldn't help it. Even I can't help but get close to the God of God. If ordinary people see the God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God.

Chen Yang looked at the towering Lord and said with a smile, "it seems that you are not going to let me go."

Night immediately cold hum a, say: "quick release my four elder martial brothers!" Chen Yang laughed and said, "of course you can!" With a wave of his hand, he released the four men from jiexumi.

Among the four, Li Chunhua is the leader. Li Chunhua and others immediately said to Chen Yang, "poor monk, join the host!"

Chen Yang said faintly: "here, your younger martial brother, master is here. Would you like to go with them? "

Li Chunhua immediately looked at the dark night and Shentian Lord with hatred. Li Chunhua said: "poor monks and so on, they were confused by the sky and created many evils. Now it's time to turn around and convert to the master. In the future, I will never be willing to be associated with the towering class! "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good, good!" He then said to the dark night and the Heavenly Lord, "you two, you also see that they don't want to go back."

God Shen looked at Chen Yang and said, "little friend, we Ming people don't talk in secret. I am also clear about your means. What do you want? "

Chen Yang said: "it's a long story, but it's clear. I just came to take Chen Yihan out and take the wind chime with me. I have no intention of competing with you, but now I find that I can't get out at all. If you want to understand the law of the red and blue world, at least you need to go to fairyland. "

God Shentian said, "I have understood it for hundreds of years, but I haven't realized the mystery."

Chen Yang said faintly: "I know that, but it took me less than a day to understand the mystery of coming in. Therefore, if I reach the fairyland of cave, I believe I can understand it and leave. Now it's not that I want to cheat, it's that I can't get out! "

Lord Shentian said, "but after you rescued the man, you took the initiative to stop the way of our disciples. Now you have seriously injured several of our disciples and our masters. The remaining four disciples of the master were transformed into magic arts. How can I believe in your sincerity

Chen Yang said, "this I... "

Chen Yang has indeed made some mistakes in this matter. However, both sides are not friends. It's obviously not clear to judge by the morality of a friend.

Chen Yang said: "Lord, I stopped them just to be a chip. If you really have malice in your heart, you won't kill a person of northern religion so far. "

God Shentian said: "since you have never killed anyone, I am willing to give you a chance."

"Oh?" Chen Yang said, "please speak, Lord."

Lord Shentian said: "I can give you a mark of the law of Dongxian, so that you can understand the nature of Dongtian. But Xiaoyou, you have to hand in Chen Yihan and Fengling. "

Chen Yang frowned and said, "this..."

Lord Shentian said, "if you come here today to subdue you, it's just a wave. This is my greatest sincerityChen Yang said, "it's not impossible for me to hand them over. But I need a promise from the Lord

"What guarantee?" God asked.

"Treat them with courtesy and don't hurt them," Chen said. When I find a way to leave, I will take them away from the red blue world at once

"Yes!" God said.

But he also said immediately, "you have to release the four disciples of my Lord and remove their evil arts!"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "how can I do that? I can't do without some cards. After all, we are not very familiar. If I release them as well, then the Lord will deal with me again, won't I come to a dead end? " After a pause, he said, "you can rest assured that they are here and I will not treat them badly. At that time, when I understand the law of leaving, we will make friends with each other. Isn't that better? "

"That's fine!" After pondering for a long time, Lord Shentian agreed to Chen Yang's request.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved. He thought there would be a fierce battle. But I didn't expect that it was so easy to solve. This was unexpected to Chen Yang.

In the dark, he never spoke.

God Shen said, "now, little friend, you can hand in Chen Yihan and Fengling, right?"

Chen Yang kept silent.

He suddenly felt as if something was wrong there.

I can't say it, but it's just not right.

Chen Yang glances at the dark night beside him, and the killing intention in the dark night's eyes flashes away.

Chen Yang felt a thump in his heart. For a moment, he seemed to understand something. So he looked at the God of heaven and said, "now I'm in a weak position. I'd better give him the mark of the law of the cave first."

Shen Tianzun's eyes sank down and said, "it seems that you are insincere, Xiao you."

"How can it be!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Lord Shentian said, "I have agreed to your many harsh demands. What's the reason that you are not willing to give up now? "

Chen Yang said, "I'm only afraid that after you get Chen Yihan and Fengling. The first thing will be to threaten me with their lives. Let me release your four disciples? "

Dark night in the side immediately cold hum a, way: "the heart of villain."

God, take a deep breath He ejected a mark.

Chen Yang laughs and suddenly cuts out his finger.

A sword light cleaved the mark.

Boom, the imprint burst out a strong light, the explosive force of terror to kill.

It can be imagined that Chen yangruo really caught the mark with his hand. At the moment, he was afraid that he had been seriously injured.

At this time, Shentian Lord and dark night's face immediately became ferocious.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Lord Shentian, you are not kind. You didn't trust me from the beginning. From the beginning, you didn't intend to keep us alive. Because as long as we live, you will feel that we are a threat! "

God Shen snorted coldly. At this moment, the kindness on his face no longer exists. It's cold and gloomy. His temperament has changed dramatically!

"You can't get out at all!" Shen Tianzun said coldly, "no one knows the mystery of the red and blue world better than I. To keep you alive is only a greater threat! "

Chen Yang's heart jumped, and he immediately understood.

Lord shentianzun has been studying the mystery of the red and blue world for hundreds of years and knows the hardships. He felt that no one could participate. Therefore, Lord Shentian does not believe that he can go out. Well, it will be a knot, so he has to kill himself!

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "it seems that I have to meet you two today."

"You're just a virtual immortal master. Do you really think you can beat two cave fairyland masters by yourself?" Shen Tianzun said coldly.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I will not let you chase me if I intend to lose. Not long ago, a great master at the top of the cave Wonderland was almost killed by me. Still disabled at home. It's not certain who will win today. "

"Don't be ashamed Shen Tianzun gave a sharp drink.

Then, he released the law of the cave!

In this instant, the Lord Shentian and the night disappeared.

The clear sky, which was originally illuminated by the golden dawn, suddenly changed a lot. Hundreds of miles around, all are peaceful Colorful streamers.

Streamer, as in heaven.

There is kindness and peace everywhere. Those streamers are beautiful to the extreme, but in the streamer, there are countless swirls of space. In peace, there is real danger!

At this time of night, he didn't release Dongtian. He wanted to cooperate with Shifu to kill Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang simply let Li Chunhua and others into the jiexumi. This kind of level of fighting has no effect. It will only take them away in an instant.These four people still have a lot of weight. Chen Yang knows that.

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