The reason why Lord Shentian came to talk with Chen Yang was to save the four disciples. Of course, both Chen Yang and the great lord knew it. It doesn't work to rely on these people to threaten each other.

God Shen first wanted to save four disciples. As a result, Chen Yang didn't agree, so he wanted to catch Chen Yihan and Fengling in his hand, so that Chen Yang could get rid of the rat. If you have hostages in your hands, you can prevent the other party from jumping over the wall and killing people directly.

This is the plan of the great Lord.

At the moment, Chen Yang didn't want to use Li Chunhua to threaten Lord Shentian. We are all people who have made major repairs. We have made great decisions. Nothing stupid can be done!

Chen Yang is in the law of heaven, and his whole life is integrated into the crystal of soul.

"Don't fight in the cave!" Chen Yang has an idea in his heart. His body moves and quickly turns into the dark light of his soul. The lightning rushes out.

The law of heaven in heaven is Prajna. There are the sufferings of all living beings, the heaven of the kingdom of God, and the eighteen hells.

Lord Shentian is not an ordinary master of Dongxian. He also draws on the power of people's belief. He can't absorb all the power of belief. But even so, with his strength, he can also beat the general top experts of Dongxian.

At this time, Chen Yang's soul rushes.

And the cave rules of God Shentian changed rapidly, and Chen Yang seemed to be shuttling through heaven. There are countless beautiful sceneries, fairies, delicacies and so on, which make people happy. Sometimes, it's like going through 18 hells. He flies tens of thousands of miles, but it seems that he has experienced several reincarnations. This kind of feeling makes Chen Yang very uncomfortable.

He couldn't break through the cave of Lord Shentian!

"It's no wonder that Chen Yihan was planted in the hands of the Heavenly Lord. The Heavenly Lord's hand is really extraordinary. Far from being comparable to other disciples. The dark night is really far worse than the Heavenly Lord Chen Yang can't help secretly congratulating himself that if he didn't force himself to improve his cultivation, he would have reached the peak of Xuxian. At the moment, even if he has reincarnation sword, it is not a fight.

Last time, his reincarnation sword was in hand, and he didn't break the mirror. If there are not many God thunder attack, there will be final victory.

Chen Yang was not disheartened at this time, because although the law of heaven is powerful, it can only trap Chen Yang and not kill him.

Chen Yang also wants to understand the rules of space from the cave.

At this time, Lord Shentian and dark night together. In the dark night, he directly sacrificed his magic weapon, the blood vessel!

A strong blood light with the great power, and contains the power of Dongtian, ruthlessly kill Chen Yang. Before dark night, he tries his best to control the cave and suppress Chen Yang's soul crystal. I haven't been able to take out my hand to sacrifice the blood of Tu Shen. It is an aggressive magic weapon that must go all out at night. The lethality is beyond imagination.

The blood of the butcher God appears, and the light of the world dies!

The bloody light is fierce and fierce. It's going to kill Chen Yang. Chen Yang gave a cold hum, driving Wu Guang to kill him. At that moment, he turned the power of the green electromagnet to the limit. Just like a ray of thunder, he was killed with the blood of Tu Shen.


Two powerful forces collided together, and the inner part of the cave set off a frenzy.

Countless spaces began to collapse.

Thunder light fierce, will that butcher God blood ring instant beat back to original shape.

Under Chen Yang's attack, he shocked the master of the cave fairy back directly. Chen Yang's power is extremely violent. Shen Tianzun's opinion is that he is shocked. He knew that Chen Yang was very strong, but he didn't expect that Chen Yang was so strong.

God Shentian didn't say much about it. He quickly sacrificed the magic weapon. "Wanjie Yaoxing stone!"

The Wanjie Yaoxing stone looks like an ordinary stone. It suddenly shows off its dazzling light. Like the sun god awn general, will illuminate the entire void. The stars vibrate and twinkle, forming ten terrible stars!

The electric awn is thick and strong. They all kill Chen Yang!

"Well? What the hell? Electricity? You cut me with electricity? " Chen Yang was surprised at first and then couldn't help laughing. He received the sword light of soul directly, and accepted the ten stars of the towering Lord with the body of King Kong.

Although this thing is powerful, compared with thunder and lightning, it's really nothing to see!

"This..." The shentianzun's opinion was so startled again.

"Is this guy still human?" Shen Tianzun's secret way.

"Master, he seems immune to thunder and lightning." Night see, busy said.

God Shen immediately woke up. He immediately collected the Wanjie Yaoxing stone. "How can it be that I can't even deal with you?"

This time, God Shentian is really angry.

In the dark night, he roared and killed Chen Yang again. He sacrificed the blood of the butcher God and ten strong blood lights in the air. These blood lights, like the blue blood sword, keep killing Chen Yang. Every magic sword contains the rules and power of Dongtian, which is extremely powerful.

Chen Yang quickly merges into the soul crystal. He turns into the dark light of the soul and collides with the blood light of the dark night."Broken!" With a roar, Chen Yang suddenly finds the blood vessel of Tu God in the dark, and then combines ten soul thunder swords into one sword to kill him directly!

The sword is powerful, and the soul collapses. The dark night was surprised. He knew the strength of Chen Yang's sword and immediately withdrew. Shentian Lord also drives the space and wants to send the night away. But after all, they were too late to escape in the dark, so they had to do their best to regret Lei Jian.


The fire is gorgeous, and the thunder sword of the big soul directly cuts the blood ring of Tu God into pieces. At the same time, Chen Yang is more quick. Reincarnation sword directly cut out!


Mighty, majestic and terrible reincarnation sword!

The power of reincarnation smashes all those spatial laws. At that moment, the dark night immediately exerts the law of the cave, and wants to create countless spaces to deal with Chen Yang's reincarnation sword. But Late

Reincarnation sword is cut out with one sword, and the sword Qi is three thousand li!

It's the only sword between heaven and earth.

The light of the sword flashed, and the night was cut into pieces. All his powers and laws are broken under the reincarnation sword.

Countless pieces floating! Without saying a word, Chen Yang directly grabbed countless pieces and integrated them into the soul crystal.

The next second, he rushed forward.

Chen Yang has got the fragments of the law of the cave, and he doesn't want to fight with the Lord Shentian any more. It's time to find a place to understand the cave. When we get to the fairyland of cave, how can we be afraid of the Heavenly Lord!

But at this time, the God's lover died miserably, and he went away completely. Where can Chen Yang leave!

"Thief, you want to die!" Lord Shentian is furious.

His cave was also completely furious.


In the law of the cave, the world of everything and space begin to collapse. It's like the end of the universe.

Endless destructive forces, tornadoes, eddies, black holes. These disasters finally become one!

The power of God's faith is also injected into it!

Over Chen Yang, a huge black vortex finally formed.

It was a whirlpool of terror. It seemed that there were all the mysteries of the universe in the whirlpool. Chen Yang was going to leave, but at this time, he felt a huge suction, which was tearing his soul apart.

Chen Yang was surprised!

"Damn, how could he suddenly be so terrible?" Chen Yang tried his best to gather the soul crystal.

However, the destructive force of terror can not be resisted at all. Chen Yang's soul is directly torn into the sea. This feeling is like Chen Yang wearing peerless armor. But at this time, Chen Yang's armor was forcibly taken away.

Chen Yang suddenly felt a great lack of security.

What Chen Yang didn't know was that the towering Lord did not hesitate to destroy the law of the cave to hang him. In the Heavenly Lord's law of all things Prajna cave, the ultimate mystery is the destruction of gods.

This power of destruction, combined with the power of faith, is unique.

Destruction and faith, two extremes!

Chen Yang feels that the ocean of soul is also facing destruction and is being torn apart by every inch!

It's not easy to learn the Lord's law of the cave for thousands of years. Now, because his lover died miserably, he did not hesitate to destroy the cave to kill Chen Yang. This is enough to make Chen Yang proud even though he was defeated.

At this moment, even if Chen Yang died, the cultivation of the great Lord would be greatly reduced. Back to the peak of Xuxian! Although he can refine the cave again, it is not a day's work. It's also possible that it can't be refined any more. Even if it is refined, it will not be possible to recover its strength to today's level overnight.

Lord Shentian has a mind to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also facing life and death.

A strong sense of crisis attacks and kills Chen Yang. What scares Chen Yang even more is that the sea of his proud soul is being strangled and engulfed, weakening bit by bit. This makes Chen Yang extremely heartache!

At the same time, the destructive force began to envelop Chen Yang, leaving him nowhere to escape. If it wasn't for Chen Yang's good body, Chen Yang would have been hanged to pieces by this time. Nevertheless, Chen Yang still feels that the power of his body is being deprived by the power of destruction.

"If we go on like this, we will die!" Chen Yang said in secret.

"You must die!" Lord Shentian roars in the void!

"It's time for you to die!" Chen Yang can't manage so much. At this time, his brain turns very fast. Let Li Chunhua come out immediately.

Li Chunhua is loyal to Chen Yang at the moment. They feel that it is a great honor to sacrifice their lives for Chen Yang.

"We will die for the sake of our master!"


These four people with hit chicken blood, in an instant rushed into the whirlpool of destruction.

"You..." Shentian Lord was furious again, and his heart was bleeding. Twelve direct disciples, five of whom were killed by Chen Yihan before, are now dead in the dark. These four disciples fell into this field again.It's all his hard work!

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