Gongyangling was so scared that he was shivering all over.

How can gongyangling not be afraid when all the empty people are dead. Moreover, not surprisingly, Yuanjue flicked his finger again. The Gongyang mausoleum also disappeared.

After that, Yuan Jue just smiles to Chen Yang and others and says, "OK, three little friends, you can go."

"This..." Chen Yang was stunned, he said: "under what circumstances, God of Dharma, will you kill me? What's the difference between us and them? What are your criteria for killing people? "

With a faint smile, Yuanjue said: "in the world, there are occasionally experts who come here. I usually observe their intentions first. If there is not too hateful mind, it is expulsion. If we want to attack the destiny in the vast world, it is a dead end. You can also remember, no matter how dangerous you are in other worlds. When you come to the world, you are blessed by poor monks. The great world is the general principle of the three thousand world. Evil spirits are never allowed here. "

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "as long as it's destiny, you will protect each other?"

Yuanjue said, "that's right. However, the poor monk will not interfere in the struggle between the destiny and the destiny. The destiny is the destiny. Whether you are immortals or demons, it's destiny

Chen Yang and others looked at each other. After a long time, Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "but we plan to catch gongyangling alive. I don't know where he came from and what his purpose is."

Chen Yang wants Yuanjue to reveal something.

With a faint smile, Yuanjue said, "it has nothing to do with the poor monk."

Chen Yang knew that Yuanjue would say that.

But at this time, Qin Lin took out the star master's notes and shanhaizhu.

"Master, these two things are made by you?" Qin Lin has been studying the star master's notes for a long time. He has long suspected that there is some connection between the star master and Yuanjue. At this time, the opportunity was rare, so Qin Lin asked.

Chen Yang has asked similar questions before, but Yuanjue is ambiguous. This next two elder brothers mutually ask, he also excites.

Yuanjue took a look at the star master's notes and shanhaizhu. He said with a smile, "Qin Xiaoyou, you should understand. You will understand sooner or later. No more questions! "

After a pause, he looked at Luo Feng again.

Luo Feng also looked at Yuan Jue. He bowed respectfully and said, "I've seen you before!"

Yuanjue's eyes were slightly complicated. He sighed and said, "you little worm, you really have come to this step."

Luo Feng was surprised. The bugs in his brain haven't been seen through.

And at this time, Luo Feng also felt that Luo Qingxin, who was always fearless, was quite nervous at this time. She thought about it for a while, and then she came out with brain consciousness. She was communicating with Yuanjue. She said, "you can kill me now, Yuanjue."

Yuanjue light said: "that male worm is still alive, so you can live. You, and your nature. "

Luo Qingxin immediately said in disgust: "what I hate most is that you are in the way of heaven. After all, you are not a dog of the way of heaven."

Chen Yang and Qin Lin can't hear Luo Qingxin's words, but Luo Feng hears them. Luo Feng was surprised. Luo Qingxin was so bold that he dared to talk to Yuanjue Dharma God like this.

But after all, he said, "you don't understand that you are angry." Then he waved his hand and said, "you go!"

At this instant, Yuanjue threw the people out directly.

Then, Yuanjue broke through the void and disappeared in the same place. Chen Yang and others quickly flew back to Yanjing.

The fight this time is baffling.

Chen Yang doesn't know exactly what the situation is, but Chen Yang doesn't worry too much about the safety of Dorrance and them. Because Chen Yang knows that with the existence of Yuanjue Dharma, those people will never dare to be reckless again.

After returning to Yanjing, Chen Yang also asked Luo Feng what Luo Qingxin had said to the Dharma God.

Luo Feng doesn't tell Chen Yang, and he respects Luo Qingxin's privacy. But Luo Feng still couldn't help asking Luo Qingxin: "what do you mean by what you said to Yuanjue Dharma God?"

Luo fell in love with a smile and said, "do you want to know?"

Luo Feng said, "are you not afraid of him?"

Luo Qingxin said, "I'm afraid. Who can be afraid of him. This old monk, don't look at his kindness. At that time, he was a god of killing, and countless masters died in his hands. "

Luo Feng was slightly stunned.

Luo Qingxin said: "the people you killed are not worth mentioning compared with Yuanjue."

"I don't understand," Luo said

Luo Qingxin said: "there's nothing you can't understand. We are all chess pieces. Do you know? Including Yuanjue, it is also a chess piece. Yuanjue didn't kill me because I was still useful. He said I couldn't understand, and I thought he was stupid. But it's not clear who is stupid. If one day, you can stand higher than Yuanjue, maybe we are right. ""Standing at a height higher than the Yuanjue Dharma God?" Luo Feng took a deep breath and said, "how can this be possible?"

Luo Qingxin was immediately dissatisfied and said: "what's impossible? You should have that pride! "

Luo Feng said: "I don't need it. I don't want anything else now. I just want to finish the killing and robbery as soon as possible, and then come back to live in peace."

Luo Qingxin said: "you..." She was very angry, but after thinking about it, she said, "forget it, I don't understand now."

Chen Yang has been unable to figure out who is going to catch him and what is his purpose. This matter let Shen Mo thick also naturally can't find out why. So Chen Yang doesn't look for Shen monong at all.

What Chen Yang doesn't know is that there has been an uproar in Yuqing gate because of this.

In the Yunding hall, Fu Zhichen sits at the top.

Elder Changyun, elder Wuyun and all the deputy leaders are here.

"I can't imagine that what I thought could be captured by hand has turned out to be like this." Elder Changyun was distressed.

Fu Zhichen is also dignified. "Now it's certain that the deputy leader of gongyangling and Cao Zijun are dead. Not only that, but also Master kongyi has been poisoned. The wheel of the void God is lost. "

"How can it be, how can it be!" Elder Wuyun couldn't figure it out. He said, "master kongyi is a master of creation. How many people in the whole earth can defeat him?"

"This matter must be reported to the immortals." Fu Zhichen took a deep breath and said, "I can't bear the responsibility for the death of master kongyi. We can't do it again until we have a clear idea of it. "

The crowd nodded.

This matter is really too serious.

"I think of something." Elder Changyun said suddenly.

Fu Zhichen looks at elder Changyun.

Everyone looked at elder Changyun.

"What's the matter?" Asked Fu Zhichen.

Elder Changyun said, "I remember a legend in the world."

"Oh?" Fu Zhichen said, "say it!"

Elder Changyun said: "in the war between gods and demons, the Dharma God Yuanjue used his own body to wave the Tiandao pen to trap the gods and demons. In that war, the gods and Demons died very tragically. The power of the God of Dharma shocked the world, but later it never heard of the legend of the God of Dharma. But there is also a saying that the Dharma God is guarding the world. No real gods and evil spirits are allowed to invade, because in the three thousand world, the only one that can't be changed is the great world. The collapse of other worlds can also create a new world. Once the world collapses, there will be problems. The whole world will be in chaos. "

"Are you sure about this?" Fu Zhichen asked immediately.

Elder Changyun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I'm only hearsay. I'm not sure. But I've heard that many experts have mysteriously disappeared in the world. In the past, the magnetic field was particularly strong, and the true gods were not willing to get close to the world. "

Fu Zhichen said: "the world Forget it, I'm going to sacrifice the immortal world. I'll take a long-term view of everything after I communicate with you. "

Fu Zhichen soon concluded the meeting. He strictly forbids the public to tell about this incident, which is a top secret of yuqingmen.

Fu Zhichen then went out from the rear of Yunding hall. Behind the cloud top hall is a garden with small bridges and flowing water.

In the garden, many junior disciples were planting flowers and grass. When they saw Fu Zhichen, they all fell on their knees and were extremely respectful.

There are four halls and eight halls in Yuqing gate.

In addition, there are also taishangzunlou!

Taishangzunlou is the place where taishangzun exist, which is not a building, but the depth of time and space. Every successful school will create a deep space and time. Because the magnetic field in this world is too hard for the supreme beings with too high cultivation. There will be countless disasters to embarrass them.

And now the heaven and earth to kill loot, it is to let all the masters feel better. The magnetic field no longer repels and suppresses them. So, at this time, there are many masters who can't bear to be lonely.

Taishangzunlou is the highest place of Yuqing gate, which is higher than Yunding hall.

Yunding hall is the first of four halls and eight halls!

Fu Zhichen was dressed in white. He was beautiful and his sword eyebrows were starry. Although he was so natural and unrestrained, he was awed by all the people in Yuqing. Fu Zhichen is absolutely skillful, and his cultivation is also extraordinary.

After Fu Zhichen returned to his gorgeous bedroom, he pushed his maid.

The palace is very big, and the floor is covered with silk carpet.

There is a luxury and atmosphere everywhere.

Fu Zhichen came to his bed, and then he took out a golden imperial edict from jiexumi.

As soon as the imperial edict was issued, it immediately sparkled with holy and soft light.

The whole room was immediately filled with a kind of holy and warm sunshine.This imperial edict is the celestial kingdom's imperial edict!

Yuqing gate has ten celestial world edicts, but Fu Zhichen has only two. The rest of the eight roads are in taishangzun building

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