The magic talisman is a special keepsake left by the immortals to yuqingmen. In the past, when the fairyland passage was not closed, the fairyland Fuzhao was a quota. If the cultivation was enough, you could fly to the fairyland through the fairyland Fuzhao. After flying to fairyland, it will also be properly arranged.

Unlike other people, if they fly to the fairyland on their own, then they are also like the common people in the fairyland and have no status at all.

Like the civil servant status of the world, this celestial kingdom imperial edict is recognized by the system. You are our man!

If not, I will be a temporary worker.

Not even casual workers!

But now the fairyland passage is damaged. At most, Fuzhao in the fairyland can communicate with the immortals now.

Moreover, without powerful magic power, we can't communicate with the immortals in the fairyland.

At this time, Fu Zhichen let go. Then Fu Zhichen kneaded the magic formula and instilled the powerful magic power into it.

Fu Zhichen recited a unique mantra in his mouth. His magic power was like a raging wave, one wave over the other, rushing into the celestial kingdom.

Today's Fu Zhichen is already a master of heaven!

When he reaches the peak of heaven, he will also get the qualification to enter the taishangzunlou. Yuqingmen, strictly speaking, is the most secret school on earth, and its long history is amazing. Therefore, the most powerful force of yuqingmen is in the supreme hall. But the earth's suppression on the experts is too strong. Earlier, before the killing and robbery came, the old ghosts of taishangzunlou absolutely did not dare to act rashly.

The old ghosts of yuqingmen are also born at a wrong time. They all want to fly to the fairyland and leave the abominable earth. However, the passage of fairyland was damaged, and they had nothing to do with the imperial edict of fairyland. So I can only practice all the time, waiting for one day, the fairyland channel will be repaired, and then I will fly to fairyland!

Under the impact of Fu Zhichen's powerful mana, the celestial kingdom Fu Zhao finally began to respond.

Then, a light curtain began to appear in the celestial kingdom. Inside the light curtain, there is a kind of Yuanshen idea with pure Yang breath and dignity.

Fu Zhichen couldn't see the scene clearly, but at this time, he couldn't help worshiping his majesty!

This is from the fairyland, the breath of the immortal.

Fu Zhichen took a deep breath, knelt down and said, "in the lower world, the 89th cactus of Yuqing sect teaches Fu Zhichen to meet the immortal!"

After he finished, there was a terrible silence. After a long time, the idea came out of the magic world.

This kind of idea does not distinguish the language, only expresses the meaning.

The information fu Zhichen received is the language of the earth.

"The 89th leader of Yuqing sect?" The immortal's voice was extremely indifferent, but there was a factor that made Fu Zhichen suffocate and afraid. He did not dare to have a trace of wanton, for fear of offending the immortal.

"Back to the immortal, exactly!" Fu Zhichen said politely.

The immortal said, "the fairyland passage has been damaged for thousands of years. It's a great genius that you can reach this realm at such a young age. In the future, the passage will be restored. After you fly up, I will cultivate you well! "

"Thank you, fairy!" Fu Zhichen was overjoyed.

Fu Zhichen has always been calm, no temptation can make him so happy. But the words of the immortal in the upper world still made his heart beat.

The immortal said, "remember, I am the emperor of eternal hatred."

"Remember Fu Zhichen said.

Later, Fu Zhichen said: "the disciple buckled his head to the elder!"

After that, he kowtowed three times in a row.

The emperor of everlasting regret nodded lightly, then said: "good, good, good!"

Fu Zhichen then asked, "I'm worried, but I'm a little strange. Why is the fairyland passage damaged?"

Changhen Tianjun said: "there is a force deliberately to damage it. Their purpose is to make the fairyland unable to interfere in the affairs of the earth. Now the whole fairyland is tracking down this matter and trying to repair the fairyland passage. If there is no accident, the fairyland passage will be restored in a hundred years or so. "

"That's great." Fu Zhichen said.

Changhen Tianjun said: "the earth is very important to the fairyland. The fairyland has been repairing the passage. So now the pure Yang of the fairyland comes down. "

Fu Zhichen said: "the immortals have worked hard."

Changhen Tianjun gave a faint smile, and then said: "you use this immortal world to contact the upper world, but what's the matter?"

Fu Zhichen's face was awe inspiring, and he immediately said, "it's really something important to report back to you."

"Well, you say!" I hate the emperor forever.

Fu Zhichen said: "master, this is what happened. Before, a young man named Xiang Yang was led to the door by us. He said that he was the son of Madame Kongming. After checking, the younger generation found that he really had the blood of the holy family. He said that he once fought with others and was a man whose accomplishments were much lower than his. But the man sucked away a lot of his mana. He suspected that it was the seed of the divine tree of the five grain country that we had been looking for. ""What?" Long hate the emperor is also disgraced, said: "you mean, grain country tree reappear?"

Fu Zhichen said: "the younger generation is still pursuing, and I'm not sure."

"Then check it quickly!" "What's your name?" he said

Fu Zhichen made a taboo.

Changhen Tianjun said: "Fu Zhichen, this is too important. Do you know that there is a mysterious force that wants to annex the earth. If they get the grain country tree, they will deal with our fairyland. Even the fairyland will be destroyed. The grain, country and divine tree can never exist in the world. "

Fu Zhichen was surprised. He didn't expect that things would be so serious.

"Yes, master!" Fu Zhichen said.

Changhen Tianjun said, "how is the tracing going?"

Fu Zhichen said: "I wanted to do things properly, and then I would report to you. It's just A big thing happened. "

"Oh?" Long hate the emperor way: "what big event, you say in detail."

Fu Zhichen said: "the younger generation sent a deputy headmaster, and a master in the sect to catch the young Chen Yang. Chen Yang is a man who may have the seeds of the five grain state. His cultivation is in the early days of the Dongxian period! "

"Hum, a mole ant!" Long hate the emperor said.

"Yes, it is indeed a mole ant!" Fu Zhichen said: "but this matter is too big for me. That pair of Zhang Jiao is the early cultivation of tianyujing, and the young master sent is also the middle stage of Dongxian. And later, even the founder of kongyi also used the immortal utensils to take photos from the void. I didn't expect to die. Master Kong Yi, Gongyang mausoleum and Cao Zijun are all dead. "

Changhen Tianjun was surprised and said, "what do you say? Konichi, as you know, has a good talent. It's a good chance to step into the realm of creation. Do you think he's dead? "

"A thousand years ago, master kongyi stepped into the realm of creation. But now, the grandmaster is dead. It's so strange that I came to report it to you! " Fu Zhichen said.

After pondering for a long time, Emperor changhen asked, "where did you do it?"

Fu Zhichen said: "great world!"

"No wonder!" Long hate the emperor immediately understood. He continued: "at no time should you make mistakes in the world."

Fu Zhichen said: "ah?"

Long regret Tianjun said: "in the world, there is Yuanjue guarding. How many of you are going to die. "

"Yuanjue? Is he really invincible Fu Zhichen said.

Changhen Tianjun sneered and said, "Yuanjue is the best person in the fairyland. I don't dare to make mistakes in front of him. At that time, the insect emperor was also regarded as a top figure, and a number of heavenly kings and demons did not know how much they had been killed by the insect emperor. So what, the insect emperor will make a detour when he sees Yuanjue! "

"Who is this Yuanjue?" In Fu Zhichen's heart, there were huge waves.

Changhen Tianjun said, "you don't have to worry about who Yuanjue is. Yuanjue has its rules. The universe is the core of the earth, where time, space and so on are the general principles, which can not be lost. You don't have to go to the world. "

"Yes, master!" Fu Zhichen said.

Changhen Tianjun said: "however, the matter of grain, country and divine tree is too serious. You must not reveal this secret. At the same time, as soon as possible to find a way, at all costs to the tree, and then destroy. Otherwise, if you get the grain, the country and the divine tree by that force, not only the earth will suffer a catastrophe, but also the fairyland will not come to a good end! "

"Yes, master!" Fu Zhichen said.

Changhen Tianjun said: "as soon as there is progress, report to us immediately! I want to know the latest news at any time! "

Fu Zhichen said: "yes, master!"

"If this is done, you will be a great hero in the fairyland. At that time, we will unite with the heavenly kings to give you unexpected benefits." Long hate God continued.

"I'll try my best to serve Shangxian!" Fu Zhichen said.

Then, Fu Zhichen ended the call with changhen Tianjun. Then, Fu Zhichen summoned elder Wuyun, elder Changyun, Nanlan Yunxue and Xiangyang. In his bedroom, he saw the four.

Elder Changyun, elder Wuyun, and Nalan Yunxue, Xiang Yang arrived one after another.

After Nalan Yunxue and Xiang Yang came in, they immediately saluted on one knee. Xiang Yang was reluctant, but he didn't dare to show it. After all, this is someone else's territory.

At this time, Fu Zhichen also changed his lowliness in front of changhen Tianjun, and his majesty showed itself. A white dress, such as the dust relegated immortal!

Fu Zhichen sat at the table, and elder Changyun and elder Wuyun sat beside him.

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice: "Yunxue, Xiangyang, you probably don't know what happened?"

Nalan Yunxue and Xiang Yang look up at Fu Zhichen. Naturally, they are confused.

Nalan Yunxue said, "Yunxue doesn't know!"

Fu Zhichen said: "forget it, don't say it. I only want to tell you one thing, which is the capture operation in the vast world It failed. We've lost a lot! "

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