Qiao Ning was wearing a black gold cassock, and people shuttled quickly in the air. They flew all the way and were bombed by thunder, but they were all borne by the black gold cassock one by one. The black gold cassock absorbs part of the thunder and flicks away part of it.

Qiao Ning's speed was very fast, and he reached the southeast in an instant.

There was a huge dark cloud in front of us, which was shining purple, but no thunder leaked out. It is the original thunder!

Qiao Ning's heart was full of joy. He was not afraid at all, so he wanted to sneak in.

This kind of sky thunder is quite different from the sky thunder of Suzhen in black. In the sky thunder of Suzhen ferry robbery in Heiyi is the thunder pool in the higher clouds.

At present, although Qiao Ning is strong in thunder, she doesn't dare to jump into the primitive thunder pool. She's going to be outside, running mana, drawing thunder over the minefield, that's all.

Qiao Ning's figure flashed, and then shuttled in from the periphery of the dark cloud.

There is a 30 square Leichi, which is too small compared with the vast world. This also just shows the value of the original thunder.

Moreover, this kind of primitive thunder can not be compared with the primitive thunder owned by Chen Yang. Because it's a lightning spar that's been in the void for a long time.

But in front of these, Qiao Ning has been very satisfied.

The surrounding rainstorm, but in front of the Leichi, rain simply can not come in.

The thunder pool rippling, pure incomparable, but in the discharge of the electric flower will appear purple. If you don't look carefully, you really think that the Leichi lake is clean water. But who would have thought that there is infinite energy and power in it.

Qiao Ning runs the mana, she first displays her magic weapon, the final sound thunder! It was a black Lei Zhu, which was absorbed above the Leichi. In the thunder pool, countless thunder water absorbed by Qiao Ning's mana, turned into drops of thunder liquid, and then condensed into thunder beads. These thunder beads are absorbed by the final Fayin thunder.

Qiao Ning continuously exerts mana, and countless thunder beads are absorbed by the final Fayin thunder. After that, Qiao Ning will slowly devour these thunder beads and transform them into mana to strengthen her thunder method.

When Qiao Ning absorbed about half of the original thunder, a sudden accident happened.

The outside world a big handprint suddenly caught to come in, namely want to hold her and that thunder pool all. The thunder pool is too small, and the lethality is not so terrible. It's terrifying to see people and use their magic power across the air.

Qiao Ning was surprised. She immediately judged that people were proficient in Lei FA. And much better than myself.

"I didn't expect that other people were also staring at this primitive thunder!" Qiao Ning can't think about it carefully. He grabs the thunder bead of the final Fayin, and then his mana bursts.

At that time, the Fayin Leizhu immediately burst out a sharp sound. This sound roars fiercely in all directions, just like countless thunder.

The thunder at the end of the Dharma is a weapon of Taoism. Its power is absolutely terrible!

In the sky thunder of the final Fayin thunder, there is the law of destruction and doomsday. This law is extremely powerful. In a moment, people's fingerprints will be smashed.

Qiao Ning is an old lady. This attack didn't make her lose her thinking power. She knew that the other side didn't use the magic weapon, and her final magic sound thunder was too overbearing, so she unexpectedly broke the other side's defense.

I'm no match for this person!

Qiao Ning dodged and ran away quickly.

"Is that Joanne?" Then a familiar voice came.

It's a woman's voice.

"Immortal?" Qiao Ning escaped to the half, immediately surprised. As soon as she flashed, she swept towards the source of the sound.

In the pouring rain, there is a figure coming quickly in front of Qiao Ning.

The comer, dressed in white and wearing a square scarf, looks like a beautiful young man. There is no trace of rain on her body, she is so clean, spotless.

The rain came to her side and all of them were ejected to one side.

It is Qiao Ning to wear black gold cassock, but at the moment some nondescript.

And the one who came was the moon immortal.

Qiao Ning said: "join xianzun!" She made a bow in the air.

Mingyue xianzun coughed gently, her white face suddenly had a trace of flush. Qiao Ning was surprised and said, "immortal, what's the matter with you?"

Mingyue xianzun said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect to meet you here. Let's find a place to talk. Since you are fishing for the original Tianlei, I will not rob it. " After she finished, she grabbed the original Tianlei pool in her hand, then sealed it several times, and directly sealed it into a fist sized pill.

"Here you are!" Mingyue xianzun gives it to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning was a little embarrassed and said, "xianzun, I've got a lot of money. Here you are."

Mingyue xianzun said with a smile, "silly girl, please be polite to me. No matter how greedy I am, I can't rob you! "

"This..." Said Qiao Ning.

Mingyue xianzun forces it into Qiao Ning's hands.Seeing this, Qiao Ning didn't refuse any more.

The two men then went to a cave for shooting.

When they got to the cave, they went into a magic weapon of Mingyue xianzun. It's called qingziwu. It doesn't play the role of parting. It's made by using the law of space. It's spacious, luxurious and comfortable.

The characters of the immortal family and the houses they live in are all portable.

Mingyue xianzun is sitting in the living room with bright lights. She coughed violently again. When she coughed, her face flushed and she vomited a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Ning was shocked and said: "xianzun, you What's wrong with your health? Why is it so serious? "

Mingyue xianzun wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth with her handkerchief. She looked up at Qiao Ning and said, "since last time I hurt my nerves, I've got the power of Chen Yang's soul. I thought the injury had healed. I know where my body and soul are fighting. Later, I went to Chen Yang to fight against poison with poison and absorbed more soul power. Now the meridians are in disorder. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to live for a few days. "

"This..." Qiao Ning said, "how can I help you?"

Mingyue xianzun waved his hand and said, "you can't help me. I came to the world of thunder and Dharma to refine the power of soul in my body through thunder. But it's not at all. The power of the soul is highly integrated with my body. Unless I am cut to ashes, the power of the soul will not live in peace. "

Qiao Ning said: "there must be a way." After a pause, she said, "does Chen Yang know about your health?"

Mingyue xianzun said: "he knows some, but he has no way. His insight is a little worse than mine. "

Qiao Ning was worried. She pondered for a moment, then suddenly her eyes lit up and said, "I have..."

Mingyue xianzun was slightly stunned, and she also gave birth to hope.

Mingyue xianzun doesn't want to die. In this world, she has too many sentimental thoughts. But when that day came, she had the courage to die.

Qiao Ning said: "xianzun, xuanzhenghao, the emperor of Dakang, is related to the emperor of Changsheng. Let's go to Tianzhou to find the emperor of Dakang!"

Mingyue xianzun said, "hmm?" She didn't like emperor Dakang all the time.

"No need!" Mingyue xianzun immediately refused, and she said, "I'll do something for myself."

She used to be a powerful figure in Tianzhou. In her eyes, xuanzhenghao was just a younger generation. Moreover, Mingyue xianzun also knows that xuanzhenghao is a very realistic person. Therefore, she is not willing to fawn. It's a shame for the moon immortal.

Qiao Ning said: "no harm, I'll ask, OK?" Mingyue xianzun took a look at Qiao Ning and said, "it's OK, but if there's any difficulty, don't force it!"

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "I know that."

Mingyue xianzun said: "I can hold on for a while. I use thunder and lightning to refine here. Although it doesn't have a great effect, it also suppresses some soul power. Now, you should have a good understanding of the original thunder. "

Qiao Ning said: "the original thunder is different from other thunder forces. Xianzun, why don't you try to use the original thunder to refine it? Maybe it has a magical effect?"

Mingyue xianzun waved his hand and said with a bitter smile, "I've already tried, but it doesn't work."

"This..." Qiao Ning has no choice.

Later, Qiao Ning began to sit cross knee, refining the original thunder. She swallowed hundreds of primitive thunder.

Mingyue xianzun is protecting the Dharma for Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning's body is full of thunder. The primitive thunder is a very good nourishing nutrient. Qiao Ning at the same time condenses pure Yang Dan, the dragon of pure Yang surrounds her. While absorbing the power of pure Yang, she regulates the thunder method of her body.

All kinds of lightning laws gathered in her body.

Mingyue xianzun watched Qiao Ning's accomplishments gradually improve, and everything seemed to come naturally. She can't help feeling that this is really a big era.

Everyone's cultivation has entered the fast lane!

Nowadays, the world is killing and robbing. This kind of situation is just like the reform and opening up, or standing on a new Internet gale, countless millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires are born. Those who understand this fortune have made a fortune.

Only those who stick to the rules and refuse to change will stay where they are.

Qiao Ning spent 50 million yuan of pure Yang Dan and absorbed half of the original Tianlei, and her cultivation finally reached the peak of shichongtian.

At this moment, Qiao Ning feels that thunder is full of energy in her body. There was never a moment when she felt so powerful.

Power, power!

Qiao Ning is very excited. She even wants to attack the last shield and go directly to dengxu immortal.

But Mingyue xianzun stopped Qiao Ning and said, "although it's easy to practice now, it's not stable and easy to fall. Don't be too impatient. The reason why I have come to this point is because I am too impatient. Do you understand? "Qiao Ning nodded and said, "OK, I see."

With a smile, Mingyue xianzun said, "you can accumulate for a period of time. When you have accumulated enough, you can break through the barrier at one stroke. At that time, it's just around the corner to become a virtual immortal."

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