Qiao Ning has been very satisfied, she spent hundreds of years to cultivate Taixu jiuchongtian. She is a silver shark cultivation adult. Only her own heart can understand how much suffering she has suffered and how many opportunities she has experienced along the way. It was a disaster of life and death and a great change when the human form was cultivated.

Humans don't understand how happy they are. They are born with wisdom, and have such a body that other creatures admire. And animals to cultivate this pair of human form, to pay efforts to let the living beings cry.

And the starting point of human is so high!

The highest living spirit in the world today is man and dragon. It's not enough to mention the people and snakes of those days.

The past life of the dragon is closely related to dinosaurs and lingzun.

There are some reasons and origins for the origin of higher life.

Qiao Ning has a big chance. If it wasn't for the chance to enter an undersea cave by mistake, there would be nothing later. For hundreds of years, only the cultivation of jiuchongtian was achieved.

Of course, the jiuchongtian cultivation of that year was also the number one person in Tianzhou. She is definitely not at the end of the list.

But the times are changing too fast.

A lot of people get a chance before the robbery. After killing and robbing, there are many experts in jiuchongtian like Chinese cabbage. If the four immortals still stay in the same place, then the title of the four immortals is just a joke.

So, in such a situation, the opportunity also came quietly!

When opportunity comes, it can't be seen, touched or felt. With tolerance, sincerity and hard work, we can meet opportunities. Qiao Ning knows Chen Yang, and Chen Yang reciprocates Qiao Ning with sincerity.

As a result, they have come to this stage.

Chen Yang soared to the sky, needless to say, Qiao Ning also made great efforts to reach the peak of shichongtian today.

Qiao Ning's progress in recent years has multiplied.

But Qiao Ning did not dare to relax at all, because Chen Yang walked too fast. She needs to keep up with Chen Yang so that they can be together in the future.

Whether it's a couple or a lover. Although it is cruel to say, we really need to make progress together, otherwise we will not find common words.

Qiao Ning believes that in a period of time, she will be able to enter the realm of virtual immortals.

The light gradually brightened, and the rainstorm outside the cave stopped.

There are few sunny days in the world of Rafah. It's just like it's going to rain and it's going to be windy outside. This world of Leifa is obviously a self-regulation system of the way of heaven. The excess lightning is stored in the world of lightning law, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the excess lightning.

The three thousand world, the great world is the real world. In other worlds, to a large extent, some are similar to the space created by magic weapons and mana.

But it can't be said that those worlds don't exist. The existence of every world, like the existence of human organs, has its own function.

"Xianzun, let's go to Tianzhou first. What do you think? You live in Shaowei house, and then I'll talk to the emperor. " Qiao Ning suggested.

The moon immortal pondered for a moment and said, "OK!"

There's no way to get to Tianzhou directly from Leifa world. You have to go to Tianzhou from a small Dongyue world through a teleportation array. Of course, you can also transfer from the world. But in the world, it's a place where people don't want to transfer. The whole world becomes more and more sensitive under the circumstances of killing and robbing.

As soon as Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun came out of the cave, the outside suddenly changed.

There were two people in the dark sky.

One of the two men is Xiang Yang, the son of Youming. Another is Ouyang, the deputy leader of yuqingmen.

Ouyang's passion is the middle stage of Tianyu realm, and his cultivation is excellent. He is also an outstanding one among many assistant masters. He always thinks highly of himself. However, the rest of the deputy leaders refused to arrest Chen Yang this time.

Everyone is a little bit suspicious. Damn it, even people like kongyi have been poisoned. Can Chen Yang touch this?

If we don't want to catch Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, some people don't want to. They think it's none of their business!

Ouyang is affectionate. He is always proud and does not believe in evil. He has a close relationship with Fu Zhichen, the Supreme Master of Zhangjiao. So he did it.

At this time, Xiang Yang and Ouyang in black directly stop Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

Originally, to catch Qiao Ning who is not even a fairy, do you still need a lot of hands?

If not for the sake of insurance, they all want Xiangyang to come alone.

It's a very easy task.

It's just that this joning is too hard to find. They spent a lot of time and went to some guilds in the world. It took a lot of money for some experts to figure out, and finally after countless hardships, they found Qiao Ning's position.

Ouyang is affectionate. He looks young, but actually he is 1200 years old. But he looks very young, like he's in his thirties. Dressed in a blue shirt, like a scholar.Xiang Yang came up and laughed: "Qiao Ning, you little cunt really make me easy to find!"

Xiang Yang and Ouyang are sentimental, standing ten meters away from Mingyue xianzun.

Rich fog, morning wind blowing, between heaven and earth has a hazy beauty.

Xiang Yang's eyes fell on Mingyue xianzun. When he saw clearly, he was surprised. Obviously, the appearance of Mingyue xianzun is an unexpected variable.

Qiao Ning's brow is tight wrinkly, the foul language of Xiang Yang irritates her.

Ouyang's amorous eyes also noticed Mingyue xianzun. He only looked at him and knew that Mingyue xianzun was an absolute master.

Ouyang's sentimental state is higher than that of Mingyue xianzun. Naturally, he is not afraid of Mingyue xianzun.

However, when it comes to Tianyu, the power develops in a profound way. Maybe Mingyue xianzun has the power of ten billion horses, and Ouyang's passion is only 12 billion. But Ouyang's passion can play ten chapters, and Mingyue xianzun is obviously weaker.

At this time, the Moon Fairy also frowned.

This Yang she naturally is not put in the eye, but this Ouyang amorous but let the Moon Fairy Zun surprise.

Mingyue xianzun has fought with and seen countless masters. But when she was fighting with the Supreme Master of the eclosion gate, she had never met the master of tianyujing.

The only celestial realm master she met was the demon emperor in the 18th floor hell of the Western kingdom.

Fortunately, Mingyue xianzun is not the fairyland of that day. She was not afraid of Ouyang. Although she had physical problems, her strength was still strong.

Moreover, the moon immortal also has the Tathagata cassock and the top grade Taoist utensils given by Chen Yang!

It's called xuanbing jade needle!

This xuanbing jade needle looks small, but the power of xuanbing contained in it is invincible. Once urged, extremely terrifying!

Xuanbing jade needle, which is about to become an immortal weapon, is definitely a big killing move. Mingyue xianzun also integrated his own thunder method into it, which is more powerful.

"This Taoist friend, I don't know what to call him?" Ouyang showed respect for Mingyue xianzun.

Mingyue xianzun said faintly, "it doesn't matter what I call it. The important thing is, what's the reason for you to come and block our way? "

Ouyang said fondly, "I've come here to invite Miss Qiao to our house. If you like, you can also go together. "

"Be a guest?" Mingyue xianzun raised his eyebrows and said, "I've come up with foul language. I've invited someone to be a guest. Such a way of inviting guests is really eye opening

After a pause, she said, "Qiao Ning, do you know them?"

Qiao Ning said in a deep voice: "I know this guy. At the beginning, he wanted to kill Chen Yang and me, but later he was driven away by us. There is absolutely no friendship between them and me

The bright moon immortal Zun then smile slightly, say: "that is good." She said to Ouyang: "if not, I'll invite you to my house. How about that?"

Ouyang's face changed slightly.

Xiang Yang suddenly gave a grim smile and said, "Xiao Mingyue, I don't think you know the situation. You think this is Tianzhou? Do you really think you are the first expert in Tianzhou? I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy, and then take off your clothes to serve Mr. Ouyang. Maybe Mr. Ouyang can make you a concubine when he is happy. "

Xiang Yang is pure intentional gossip. He is afraid that Ouyang will change his mind. He is determined to win Qiao Ning today.

Xiang Yang relies on his mother's identity, that is, he should be given some face. Therefore, Ouyang's sentimental attitude also gives him face.

Ouyang is sentimental and frowns slightly. This speech is really too dirty.

"Speak ill, seek death!" What kind of person is Mingyue xianzun? How can he tolerate Xiang Yang's insults. She just did it!

See bright Moon Fairy Zun a palm Dynasty item central attack kill past.

The moon immortal is a master of heaven. Ordinary palm contains the law of time and space. This palm is full of wind and clouds, and a great force of Dongtian blows to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang couldn't escape completely.

It should be said that in front of Mingyue xianzun, Xiang Yang's cultivation at the top of shichongtian was a mole ant.

But how can Ouyang allow Xiang Yang to die in front of him.

If Xiang Yang is really so dead, in the future, the channel of the gate of fairyland will be repaired, and Lady Kongming will not let Ouyang be sentimental. Therefore, Ouyang affectionate also immediately shot.

With a wave of Ouyang's sentimental sleeve robe, it is also the power of the cave, which directly smashes the palm power of Mingyue xianzun.

It seems that Ouyang is more affectionate and skillful!

At this time, the moon immortal suddenly opened his mouth.

A cold light comes out!

Xuanbing jade needle, the best tool!

Such as the delicate cold light lightning shot, quickly penetrated Ouyang's amorous power, and then shot into Xiang Yang's eyebrow

At that moment, Xiang Yang became an ice sculpture directly, and then the whole person broke apart

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