Xiang Yang is just like this He died.

There was no sign of his death. His body was directly crushed into ice, leaving a crystal stone in the middle of the ice! This is a special feature of the human snake tribe. Crystal is an energy body. After being absorbed by the divine tree of the five grain country, it can turn into the heavenly fruit.

After tianlingguo is eaten, there will be endless benefits. But the crystal contains cause and effect and impurities, which can not be absorbed.

Moreover, Xiang Yang is not a pure descendant of the human snake race, so he is not so pure.

At this time, Ouyang was completely stunned.

"You..." He pointed to the moon immortal, speechless.

Mingyue xianzun raised his eyebrows and said, "let's do it!"

Ouyang waved his head affectionately and said, "well, I can't hold you today. But Daoyou, you've already made a catastrophe. This central identity is very profound. If you kill him, you will be dead in the future. You, you've got me involved. I'll go back and report to you immediately. I've written down your appearance. I'll find out who you are! "

Ouyang sentimental face panic, grabbed the central left by the crystal, turned and left.

Mingyue xianzun frowned. She didn't stop Ouyang from being affectionate. Although she was not afraid of Ouyang, she knew that it was not easy to kill Ouyang. What's more, her injury is latent. I don't know when it will break out.

Ouyang left quickly.

Mingyue xianzun asked Qiao Ning, "what's the origin of this event?"

Qiao Ning said, "I heard Chen Yang mention the origin of Xiang Yang. Chen Yang is very clear. Have you ever heard of the people and snakes in fairyland? "

Mingyue xianzun said, "of course I've heard of it. Is it..."

Qiao Ning said: "it is said that Xiang Yang has the blood of the people and snakes in the fairyland."

Mingyue xianzun nodded and said, "I see, but it's not a short time to repair the fairyland passage. I still have time to arrange the Moon Palace She didn't care so much about herself.

Qiao Ning said: "if you don't kill this item, I want to kill it. This cause and effect, I carry with you

With a smile, Mingyue xianzun said, "I'm a dying man. I'm afraid of debt. It's just worrying about the Moon Palace. "

Qiao Ning was slightly stunned.

Mingyue xianzun said, "let's leave here first. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. The comer is too mysterious. I'm afraid there are still higher experts behind him! "

Qiao Ning nodded.

They quickly left Leifa world and arrived at Dongyue world. Then he went directly to Tianzhou from the transmission array of Dongyue world. After that, I arrived at the imperial city of Dakang.

Qiao Ning has a token to enter the imperial city. It's no problem to take Mingyue xianzun in.

Tianzhou is sunny and sunny.

Entering the Imperial City, Qiao Ning was relieved. The security level of Dakang imperial city is extremely high. Mingyue xianzun looked around and asked Qiao Ning, "the man today is a master in the middle of Tianyu. This cultivation is rare in Tianzhou. Tianzhou is still a place of great cultivation. Do you know what they come from? Why are you being targeted? Is it just because of the festival between Xiang Yang and you? "

Qiao Ning said: "I don't know Xiang Yang either. The only thing Liang Zi did was to attend your birthday party with Chen Yang last time. I had a fight with him when I came back. I have nothing else to know

Mingyue xianzun said, "there are endless secrets in this three thousand world. There are people out there, and there is heaven out there. Xiang Yang's identity is not the same. Is there a master flattering Xiang Yang? "

Qiao Ning said: "it should not be that they didn't come here for pure revenge, but to ask me to go. There must be another purpose. But I really can't guess what the purpose is. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "I don't think you should leave the imperial city of Dakang in a short time."

"Well," said Qiao Ning

Mingyue xianzun said, "Chen Yang is resourceful. He has to find someone to tell him."

Qiao Ning said: "I don't know where he is. If he takes over the task of the star master and goes to other places, it's hard to find him."

Between the two, the pace is very fast.

It wasn't long before I came to Shaowei house.

People in Shaowei's house are very happy when they see Qiao Ning coming back.

There are Biyue, Bitao, housekeeper Lin Bo to welcome Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun. Qiao Ning then said: "this is the bright moon immortal Zun. He is a distinguished guest. You are welcome to the party. Don't neglect it

Lin Bo and others answered.

After entering the living room, Biyue couldn't help saying, "young granny, you are back. I have come back to you three times. "

"Oh?" Qiao Ning couldn't help but feel happy and said, "really?"

Bi Yue said, "how dare I cheat you! You have... " She took a look at the moon immortal, and then she stopped talking.

Qiao Ning said immediately: "but it doesn't matter. Xianzun is one of his own!"

Mingyue xianzun also smiles and thinks that the little girl is very cute. She likes the atmosphere and the way she gets along.Bi Yue said: "the young master said that great changes have taken place in the star hall. The star master sent all the people away. As long as the destiny people continue to search for the star stone, and the mission time is 15 years, he is relatively idle now, so he will stay in the world first. "

Qiao Ningxi said: "that's great. At last, he can have a little leisure

Mingyue xianzun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "don't be happy too soon. Don't you think the trouble has already come to you."

Qiao Ning is also wry smile, she said: "not only is he in trouble, I think my trouble has become more."

Afterwards, Qiao Ning arranges Mingyue xianzun to have a rest first. She went to the palace!

Mingyue xianzun said: "Qiao Ning, it can't be forced. Life and death are small, honor and disgrace are big, understand? I, Xiao Mingyue, will never beg for mercy from others

Qiao Ning said, "OK, xianzun, don't worry. I understand."

Then Qiao Ning left Shaowei house.

She wants to explore the emperor's style first. If she can't, she will send Su Yanran to call Chen Yang. Let's see if we can solve all these things and mysteries together.

It was noon and the sun was burning.

Qiao Ning also has a pass token in the imperial palace. She enters the palace smoothly and finds a eunuch. She asks him to go to the eunuch beside the emperor, Chang laotong.

Soon, Chang came to meet him.

"Miss Qiao, I'm very polite!" When Mr. Chang came, he immediately said respectfully.

Qiao Ning said: "you are welcome. Is the emperor in the palace?"

Chang said: "the emperor has always been in seclusion, and now the empress is acting for him in political affairs."

Qiao Ning frowned slightly, and then said, "well, I want to see the queen."

Chang said, "OK, I'll report it to you. Please wait in the hall of leisure first

Qiao Ning said, "OK!"

Chang went to report it quickly, but later, he heard the official outside shouting: "the queen is coming!"

All the maidservants outside the leisure hall knelt down.

Qiao Ning is slightly surprised. The empress comes here in person, which gives her enough face.

Empress Yongle came by Phoenix car. She was still beautiful, graceful, dignified and grand. But her cultivation is far less than Qiao Ning. But the empress of Yongle followed two guards in black, whose accomplishments were so high that they were no longer under Qiao Ning.

Today, the capital of emperor Dakang is very rich.

After the empress of Yongle came in, Qiao Ning got up to greet her and said, "see you, empress!"

Empress Yongle said with a smile, "Miss Qiao, you are a distinguished guest. You are welcome. Please have a seat."

They sat down one after another.

The maids immediately served tea and snacks.

The empress of Yongle asked, "Miss Qiao, I know that you don't have to go to the three treasures hall. Since you are here, there must be something urgent. I will not beat around the bush with you. "

Qiao Ning said: "there is really something urgent, but I have to see the emperor."

The empress of Yongle frowned slightly and said, "the emperor has been closed for a long time. He once told me that if there is nothing urgent, you can't disturb him!"

Qiao Ning said: "for me, it's urgent!"

Empress Yongle was a little embarrassed. She said, "Miss Qiao, can you talk about it first. What if I can help you? "

Qiao Ning said: "this..."

Empress Yongle said, "can't miss Qiao believe this palace?"

Qiao Ning said: "of course not. It's just that you can't solve it. Maybe the emperor can't solve it... "

Queen Yongle said, "can't you say it?"

Qiao Ning said: "excuse me, madam. It's about my friend's privacy. I really can't say it."

"So it is," said the queen of Yongle

After a pause, she said, "well, in that case, I'll try to see if I can communicate with the emperor. But miss Qiao, we can only do our best, and there is no guarantee that we will find the emperor. "

Qiao Ning said, "thank you so much

Then queen Yongle left.

She asked Joe to stay here for an hour.

An hour later, Queen Yongle came back. "Miss Qiao, I'm really sorry that our palace didn't communicate with the emperor. The emperor is practicing in the depths of the pagoda of the eight divisions of the Heavenly Dragon. We can't find him in our palace. "

Qiao Ning looks at empress Yongle.

Empress Yongle's eyes were clear, and she didn't dodge.

Qiao Ning was silent for a long time.

After a while, she got up and said, "in that case, goodbye!"

She really wanted to say that if you can't find it, I can do it for you. But she knew better that this woman was willing to refuse. If you are in a hurry, you will only insult yourself.

Qiao Ning's heart is angry, angry at the coolness of emperor and empress Dakang. They will always enjoy the benefits, and when they need their help, they will weigh the benefits.Such a person, Qiao Ning feel ashamed to associate with, absolutely can't pay.

Qiao Ning took a deep breath, she did not attack, because Dakang imperial city is really a good haven. She and Chen Yang do not want to tear the last face.

After Qiao Ning left the palace, he went to Tianchi Pavilion and met Su Yanran for the first time.

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