Chen Yang didn't think about it, but after being reminded by the eternal devil, he immediately thought of the key thing. He immediately said, "because the spirit of Tiandao pen is the will of Tiandao?"

The eternal demon king smiles and says, "yes, you really have a very high understanding power."

Chen Yang said, "I'm flattered."

The eternal demon continued: "well, I'm here to give you a gift today. Your soul crystal is quite good, but you need more soul fragments. The Changyun in the Yuqing gate is useless in our hands. Let's kill him. "

After he finished, he grabbed it and threw out a man immediately. This man is elder Changyun!

Elder Changyun rolls in front of Chen Yang.

At the moment, the elder of the powerful yuqingmen is in a mess.

Elder Changyun's mana is imprisoned by the eternal demon king. He looks up and looks at Chen Yang.

"Who are you?" Elder Changyun asks Chen Yang. His eyes are red!

Chen Yang squatted down. He looked at elder Changyun with a faint smile and said, "you should know me."

after Chen Yang finished, he tore up the mask.

At this moment, elder Changyun saw Chen Yang clearly. His pupils dilated and he was in a state of shock. "It's you It's you. You're the one we're looking for. You're Chen Yang! "

"Yes, I'm Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said, "it's a surprise, isn't it?"

Elder Changyun said, "it turns out that you are the one who did all this."

"You look up to me too much. I don't have the ability." Chen Yang said, "it's just a collision."

Elder Changyun said, "how can you help them? Do you know what they want to do? "

"I know that they will attack yuqingmen, release hell demons, and make life miserable," Chen said

"You are human, how can you?" Elder Changyun yelled.

Chen Yang was a little impatient and said, "you talk too much. First of all, you have to make it clear that people are innocent, and the crime is not mine. I can't stop them. I'm here, just trying to save my wife and my friends. You have to blame, you can, but you blame the wrong person. "

After he finished, he stretched out his hand and directly pinched elder Changyun's neck.

Chen Yang instantly inhales all the soul fragments of elder Changyun into the soul crystal. These fragments once again strengthened Chen Yang's soul crystal.

"It seems that you don't like us to attack yuqingmen?" The great compassion demon suddenly said.

Chen Yang immediately said respectfully, "master, I have compassion in my heart. But I have no pity for anyone in yuqingmen. Hell is called hell because it has demons. When a demon comes to the world, the world is hell on earth

The eternal devil smiles and says, "there are heavenly kings and devil kings in the fairyland. Who are good people, heavenly kings and devil kings, do you think?"

Chen Yang said: "this topic is a platitude. None of us is a good person or a bad person. We are just ourselves. In my heart, I just feel that the power of the common people is small, and I should be pitied! "

The Eternal Lord said, "don't worry, we don't plan to let the hell devil go up. At the most, it's just a matter of putting on a few successful ones! "

Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief and said, "the two elders are also compassionate people."

Eternal devil said: "something is done, something is not done!"

Chen Yang thought about it and said, "can you take the liberty to ask me something?"

The Eternal Lord said, "I want to ask, why are we suppressed here?"

Chen Yang was surprised because he wanted to ask about it.

"I'm really curious!" Chen Yang said.

The Eternal Lord said, "it's a long story. The past can not be mentioned again. If you can see the sun in the future, it's not too late! "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I understand."

"It's time to come, at last!" At this time, the eyes of the great compassion demon looked into the distance.

"Yes," said the Eternal Lord

Chen Yang said, "hmm?"

The eternal devil laughs at Chen Yang and says, "little guy, let's show you the excitement." When he finished, he grabbed Chen Yang in the palm of his hand.

Chen Yang couldn't move immediately.

"You hide in the crystal of your soul, and I will hide you in the center of my brow. Look at it Said the Eternal Lord.

"Yes, master!" Chen Yang immediately escapes into the soul crystal. Then, the eternal devil hides Chen Yang in his eyebrows.

Then, the eternal demon king and the great compassion demon king look at each other and drive the yuan God out of the dark abyss.

After destroying the border, Zhenyuan fairy and Duxing Zun went straight to the 18th hell.

Hell on the 18th floor, dark night.

They're so powerful that they can't beat them. Just about to find the bad luck of the four demon emperors, at this moment, the eternal devil king and the great sorrow Devil King appeared.The spirits of the two demons mingled with the boundless Yin Qi, just like two mountains in front of Zhenyuan fairy and the lone master.

"Lord of the fairyland!" At this moment, the lone master smelled the breath of the two demons, and was shocked to change color.

Zhenyuan fairy's face also changed.

The great compassion demon gave a cold smile and said, "you still have some eyesight. And you, the doll, have arrived at creation two. It's good, it's good. "

The Eternal Lord is silence.

The one walking alone said, "it turns out that all these things are played by two evil Lords."

With a faint smile, the eternal demon king said, "we need your Qi of creation. After we have eaten your Qi of creation, we can completely break the seal and leave here with the body. So, do you need us to do it, or do you do it yourself? "

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he said, "if you are in your heyday, we will die today. But now you are just gods. You are too arrogant. "

The eternal devil said with a smile: "little doll, you are very confident. It's a capital of self-confidence for you to have such accomplishments in this mortal world. However, you probably don't know the word "devil king" well enough. If you don't have a world maker, you will never be king. "

As soon as he was shocked, he suddenly said in a deep voice: "a master of creation is enough for you to absorb. I can just let my little sister go, OK? "

"Two would be better!" The eternal devil said, "well, everyone's time is precious. There are too many variables in this world. Let's do it

After he said that, he and the great compassion demon king simultaneously shot. The great compassion demon king grabs, but he grabs Zhenyuan fairy directly.

The big black fingerprints cover Zhenyuan fairy directly.

At the same time, the eternal devil is also a big hand over the lone master!

At that moment, Zhenyuan fairy and Duxing Zun had all kinds of magic power. But actually did not escape this grasp, like a world pouring down, like the sky covered down in general. No matter how to escape, how to run, how to change, but still under the sky.

"The power of the world is really terrible!" It's the secret way of the one who walks alone.

The black handprint enveloped the lone master. The lone master quickly gathered the power of creation, and a sword came out of his hand. This sword is his double power of creation!

I have the power of the world, but the power of the world is the power of other worlds. And the devil, is to have their own world. This is a completely different concept.

With one sword, the lone master cuts the black fingerprint in front of him.

Then, he immediately dodged and rushed out. But in that black handprint, the endless power of the world immediately poured out. The power of the world quickly mended, and once again intercepted the lone master in it.

His eyes were red, and he roared out again. "Heaven gloves!"

The glove of heaven is in hand, the one who walks alone blows out!

All his power erupted, like a volcano, like the fury of heaven.


The power of tearing heaven and earth has been cut into the dark world. The dark world is incomparably thick, and the infinite power of the world has been suppressed. Once again, suppress the anger of heaven.

"Roar!" The lone master keeps bursting out with strong power.

In the dark world, the lone Lord is like a raging ancient dragon, which disturbs everything in the world and collapses many orders in the world.

But after all, he is still trapped in the world.

At the moment, the situation of Zhenyuan fairy is even worse. Zhenyuan fairy shows her magic weapon yuhuozhu!

Sky fire is fierce, burning the world!

In the dark hand of the great compassion demon, the sky fire lights up the night sky, but it still can't burn the world. With the full exertion of the great compassion demon, the fire gradually shrinks and retreats that day.

The magic power consumption of Zhenyuan fairy is huge, and she can't resist the power of the evil king.

Chen Yang is in the middle of the eternal devil's brow, looking at such a peerless war. He felt the world of the eternal demon king, which belongs to one of the three thousand worlds, called the eternal world!

The power of the eternal world is controlled by the eternal devil!

"I finally understand why the people who suppressed the demon king did not kill him. Because as long as his world does not die, the eternal devil will never die. And to destroy his world, if he detonates the world, the resulting lethality will kill people like Tianjun. So, the devil will be suppressed here. But why don't you suppress this demon in outer space? In this case, it will be more difficult for him to absorb the power of the world? "

Chen Yang thought secretly.

He looked at the lone master as if he were a poor animal struggling in the world of the Eternal Lord. He suddenly felt that his life was small and that the world was too terrible.

He felt very insecure.

What about a powerful master of creation like the lone master? You're going to die, too!The same will struggle!

Is there an end to practice?

At last, the one who walks alone can't hold on, and the power of the world invades his internal organs.

At that moment, the brain area of the lone master was particularly dazzling, shining, and countless pieces of debris floated out

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