So the lone master died, and countless pieces of soul floated out. The eternal demon king was loyal to Chen Yang, and he quickly absorbed the spirit of creation of the independent master himself. And all these soul fragments to Chen Yang, Chen Yang ecstatic!

This is the fragment of the creation master! He and Suzhen in Heiyi had not collected such pieces before! He quickly collected the fragments, but Chen Yang soon found that he could not digest them. The fragments of the master of creation are different from any soul fragments, and they are not compatible with Chen Yang's soul ocean.

He said, "you still need understanding and opportunity to absorb these soul fragments. Once you absorb it, your soul cave will become a unique cave. As long as you don't meet the master of creation, you will have the ability to protect yourself. "

"Thank you, master!" Chen Yang sealed the soul fragment of the lone master into a pill with the big seal technique, and then said to the eternal devil.

"It's a small matter, but it's just going with the flow." A faint smile from the eternal devil.

At this time, Zhenyuan fairy has reached the limit of its endurance. See true yuan fairy also want to die on the spot, but at this time, eternal devil king and great sorrow devil king suddenly face change.

"Bad!" The eternal devil and the great sorrow devil look at each other.

At this time, Zhenyuan fairy suddenly rushed out of the control of the great compassion demon, and disappeared in the night sky.

"Go The great compassion demon and the eternal demon did not care about the real yuan fairy. They quickly flew to the dark abyss. The eternal devil still has pieces of creation in his hand, which are very important. He divided it into two parts, and while flying, he threw one of them to the great grief demon.

Chen Yang has been hiding in the eternal devil's brow. But when entering the dark abyss, the eternal devil suddenly caught Chen Yang and said, "you stay outside. If we win later, I will greet you. If not, how far are you going! "

Chen Yang was quickly abandoned outside the cave.

And the eternal devil and the great sorrow devil have gone directly into the dark abyss.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

At this time, all around is a wasteland, in the wasteland, black fog shrouded, people can not see everything around. In the dark, it seems to contain unexpected danger and fear.

Chen Yang didn't rush into the dark abyss. He knew that there must be something big going on if he could make the great compassion demon and the eternal demon so scared. Although he is conceited that his ability is good, he is just a shrimp in front of such an ancient owl.

But Chen Yang didn't go away either. He hid himself in the dark, and then began to watch it.

However, although the great eye art is inside, it is just a darkness and mischief as soon as it reaches the dark abyss. But I can't see anything clearly!

So at this moment, in the dark abyss, what happened?

When the great compassion demon and the eternal demon entered the dark abyss, they saw a woman standing on the tablet in the middle of the abyss.

This woman is no other than Lord of the earth, Gaia!

Gaia has long golden hair, beautiful and dignified, graceful and noble. She was holding two bodies in her hands, which were the bodies of the great grief demon and the eternal demon.

When the eternal devil and the great sorrow devil see this scene, they can't help but turn pale and even panic.

"Lord of the earth? Gaia, how can you, how can you always be on earth? " The eternal devil said incredulously.

The great compassion demon king trembled and said, "Lord Gaia, everything is easy to say. Please raise your hand and let us go

Gaia looked at the two demons coldly. She said with a smile, "do you think that the celestial kingdom will not arrange the heavenly king to guard you when you are suppressed in hell?"

The Eternal Lord didn't ask for mercy. He gritted his teeth and said, "yes, I should have thought of it. It's just

Gaia cold incomparable said: "but, after all, you still can't stand loneliness, say what also want to spell a.". That's why I was given a chance. "

The Eternal Lord said, "now it seems that there will be no more opportunities for us to say anything?"

Gaia said: "yes, I will absorb the power of your world. After that, my Lord will be healed and his power will be greatly increased. After that, I will fly directly from the earth to the fairyland. "

The eternal devil laughs miserably and says, "well, the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow sparrow is behind. After all, we are one move short of chess. I'll admit it. "

The great compassion demon immediately said, "no, Lord Gaia, as long as you let me go. I will serve you and be your servant. I'd like to give up my position as a demon king and become your servant. "

"Great sorrow!" The eternal devil flashed pain in his eyes and said: "you can't see life and death like this?"

"I don't want to die. I can do anything to live," he said

"Well, great sorrow, you voluntarily surrender your world power, and our heavenly king can accept your service!" Gaia said at once."I will," said the demon king

Gaia looked at the Eternal Lord again. "And you?"

The eternal devil laughs, then looks at him fiercely, and says: "I am irreconcilable with Tianjun. You want me to serve you? It's never going to happen. "

"Well, you'll Go to hell Gaia did it.

In the heyday of the Eternal Lord, Gaia was not afraid. But at the moment, his body is still in Gaia's hands, and the power of the world is no longer under his control. He was Gaia's opponent there.

Gaia will grasp the spirit of the eternal demon king with one palm. The next second, the fire of reincarnation will burn. After a short time, the eternal devil died.


Chen Yang is waiting outside. In his brain, he suddenly thinks of a voice.

It's the voice of the Eternal Lord.

This is the voice of the mark that the Eternal Lord left in his brain.

Chen Yang was startled, but he didn't think much about it, so he immediately moved away from where he was.

In the dark abyss, Gaia absorbed all the power of the world in the Eternal Lord's body. So far, among the three thousand worlds, the world power of the eternal world is controlled by Gaia.

At the same time, Gaia also absorbed all the power of the world.

Gaia's injuries all recovered instantly, and his accomplishments rose again, reaching the seventh level of creation!

The great compassion demon returns to the body, but his cultivation falls sharply. He retreated from the four levels of creation to the three levels of creation. From then on, the great compassion demon is no longer the demon, but the great compassion.

Even if it's Qizhong, if it doesn't have its own world, it won't be an opponent of a quadruple master with the world.

Having your own world is the real road!

In the fairyland, many powers created the planet world by themselves. The power of the world is the power of a planet, which is even more terrifying.

In the year of the insect emperor, it was very powerful. One is that his physical body is immortal and has infinite evolution. Second, he has the power of wormhole.

But later, the way of heaven completely cut off the channel between the insect emperor and the insect emperor star. Zerg can no longer control Zerg's world power. The insect emperor star is once again reduced to wasteland!

Fairyland and the earth are always connected. Because fairyland immortals, no matter how powerful, but they will never change a fact. That is, their roots are on earth. They are the race of the earth.

Blood is blood on earth!

Gaia will destroy the body of the eternal devil king. The most precious thing of the eternal devil king is the power of the world. Drawing on its world power, Gaia won't care about anything else.

Looking at the brother, the eternal devil, he died in this way. Thinking of the past, he could not help feeling sad and his eyes turned red.

Gaia looked at Dabei and said, "your brother died in the hands of our heavenly king. Do you want revenge in the future?"

Great sorrow said in a deep voice: "eternal he is stubborn, this is his due retribution!"

Gaia said, "OK, OK, OK!" After a pause, she said, "I will give you a new name. Your name is Bedbugs

"Yes, the villain will be called bedbug later!" Said Dabei.

Gaia gave a sneer. Her eyes suddenly moved and she caught a man out of the dark abyss. This is Nalan Yunxue.

Nalan Yunxue is protected by the eternal demon with magic power. There is nothing. It's just a coma.

Gaia's hand waved lightly, and Nalan Yunxue woke up.

She stood in the void on the abyss and looked around.

The gas attacked her, and Gaia waved her hand again to suppress all the gas.

"This is Where is this? " Nalan Yunxue was very alert. He looked at Gaia and said, "who are you?"

Dabei immediately said: "bold, this is Gaia, the king of the earth. You mortal, don't you kneel down?"

Dabei is quickly into the role, he always bowed his head. He raised his head only when he scolded Nalan Yunxue.

Before Nalan Yunxue, he didn't see clearly what the great sorrow and the eternal devil looked like, so he was sealed. So at the moment, Nalan Yunxue is muddled.

She has too many worries, worried about Lin Feng, worried about the school, worried about the master But all of a sudden she heard the word Tianjun

"Are you the king of heaven? Heavenly king of the fairyland Nalan Yunxue asked Gaia with ecstasy.

Gaia nodded. She was not so cold to Nalan Yunxue. She asked, "are you

Nalan Yunxue immediately said: "I am the saint under Yuqing gate, Nalan Yunxue! I have seen you

Gaia said, "Oh, it's yuqingmen. Good. You're all right now. "

"The two demons want to..." Nalan Yunxue said immediately.

Gaia said: "the crisis has been lifted. The Eternal Lord is dead. And this great compassion demon king, has become the slave of this heavenly king. You don't have to worry! "Gaia's native language is English, but she has great powers and is proficient in almost all languages

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