Chen Yang is extremely vigilant in the face of spirits, witches and beasts. His lightning shuttle, big move, instant tens of thousands of miles. After that, Chen Yang finds a place in the netherworld and directly breaks into it.

Chen Yang's heart is active, and he knows that the spirit beast Jue Ji can't understand all the rules of the Youming Jue array. Chen Yang's impression of the four great dead kings before him is completely based on his mind. Chen Yang knows that every Youming Jue array has different rules and rules.

It's very easy to break away from the dreamland or not. Just go into the netherworld and feel the rules.

Chen Yang made a breakthrough in the netherworld, and immediately knew that he was not in a dreamland.

As a result, Chen Yang was relieved.

"The little demon never dares to cheat the elder again!" The spirit witch beast was also relieved and communicated with Chen Yang's consciousness.

"Good, good!" Chen Yang nodded, then he said with a smile: "but reality is often very cruel. We are married. Anyway, I also fished out people. If you live, your father will find you soon. In that case, it's best to kill you! "

"Ah..." The spirit Sorcerer's eyes are momentary silly.

Chen Yang gave a grim smile, and there was a big kill.

The spirit sorcerer beast was scared to split. Chen Yang's finger popped up and broke a wonderful heart in the body of the spirit witch beast. The spirit sorcerer beast immediately screams repeatedly, on the body innumerable blue magnetic field, the light overflows.

Chen Yang will be these magnetic molecules, light all sealed with big seal!

That's the spirit beast He died.

Chen Yang didn't have any hesitation when he started. It was a cause and effect battle. The spirit sorcerer beast had the intention to kill at the beginning, but now it was just eating its own fruit. Chen Yang is not a murderer, but he knows that the spirit witch beast is too crafty. And now I have found Zhenyuan fairy. The father of that spirit sorcerer beast must have found it according to the little spirit sorcerer beast.

It's too dangerous.

It's not safe to release the little wizard beast. He didn't know if this little thing would do anything to him.

In this way, killing is the best plan.

Chen Yang killed him.

Then, Chen Yang's eyes went to the blue pill in his hand. This blue Dan pill is the essence of the wizard.

Chen Yang doesn't know if it's useful, but he can feel the blue pill getting weaker and weaker.

It seems that it will be annihilated.

"Why don't you try again?" Chen Yang's eyes moved, and then he bounced the blue pill into the soul crystal.

Later, Chen Yang untied the seal of blue pill.

Countless blue magnetic force into the soul crystal inside. The power of the soul and the power of the blue magnetic field blend together and intertwine with each other. These blue magnetic fields have extremely strong attack power, instantly create countless illusions, confuse those souls.

This kind of blue magnetic field is similar to a kind of medicine used in the human world, giving people a psychedelic effect. What is more powerful is that the blue magnetic field can re create a more powerful illusion by controlling desire.

Chen Yang can't help but be glad that he didn't put this little thing in before. The living spirit sorcerer beast, is own soul crystal stone definitely is hard to resist.

Those souls are too eager to be detached.

Now, Chen Yang controls the power of the soul, quickly draws in all the blue magnetic field, and is tempered by the thunder power of the soul.

After a long time, Chen Yang completely controlled the power of the blue magnetic field.

The force of the blue magnetic field was originally called the force of the mind.

The power of the mind has the ability to read the mind.

Chen feirong, once an elf, has similar power. Chen Yang realized the combination of the power of soul and the power of soul.

In Chen Yang's cave, there is more spiritual power. Now he can also create the supreme fantasy and hunt high-level masters. There is no doubt that he can lock all the experts in the realm of Dongxian at the same time, and then kill them one by one. But tianyujing experts still can't.

Of course, surprise is OK.

After all, Chen Yang is not the original soul power, so his effect is not as good as that little witch beast. Moreover, even if Chen Yang meets a master of the cave fairy, if the master is not driven by desire, the power of his soul will not be able to break it.

But the power of the soul and the power of the soul, can definitely play a magic effect, can temporarily confuse them.

Another magical function of Chen Yang's spiritual power is to read the mind. After trapping the enemy, you can read your mind.

The enemy without the power of resistance, while it is unprepared, directly trapped, and then read the heart.

Chen Yang is very satisfied with this new skill.

Then, Chen Yang began to look for the trouble of Zhenyuan fairy. He went deep underground first. The ground is full of rock layers, just like the normal places on earth.

Chen Yang goes in to avoid the beast.

In the depths of the earth, Chen Yang enveloped himself with a sea of soul. The real fairy was carried out by him. The outside of the sea of soul is the pure sea of soul. Chen Yang didn't release the power of his soul, so it's hard for the old spirit beast to find it.Zhenyuan fairy sat with her knees crossed, her eyes closed, and said nothing.

Chen Yang takes a look and knows that Zhenyuan fairy is still trapped in the dreamland.

"If you want to kill her directly, you may wake her up from the fantasy." Chen Yang is thinking, at the same time, he drives the soul crystal in the sea of soul. The crystal stone of the soul immediately bloomed blue light and enveloped Zhenyuan fairy.

Chen Yang's blue power feels the magnetic field information sent out by the surrounding Zhenyuan fairies. These forces immediately decode the information and magnetic field, and take this opportunity to enter the brain of chaozhenyuan fairies.

This kind of invasion is completely different from the invasion of mana. There is no hostility and attack power, which makes people easily indulge in it.

The brain storm is happening in Zhenyuan fairy's brain.

It's very chaotic, magnetic field flying, information bombing. As soon as Chen Yang's spiritual power approached, it was immediately bounced away.

Obviously, Zhenyuan fairy is fighting against the invasion of the dreamland.

Chen Yang thought about it and regained his spiritual strength. He took the gods out and ejected them. In an instant, to the God rope will be true yuan fairy to tied.

At the same time, Zhenyuan fairy opened her eyes.

The invasion of foreign, and finally awakened the real yuan fairy. For a moment, the immortal Zhen Yuan's eyes glowed with cold light.

After all, she was a little bit slow, so she gave Chen Yang a chance to bind her. Before, when she was under the control of the old witch beast, she fell too deep, so Chen Yang grabbed her, but she didn't wake up. In addition, at that moment, Chen Yang didn't mean to kill him. This is crucial.

But now, Zhenyuan fairy broke away from the control of the old witch beast, and was invaded by Chen Yang. This invasion finally rescued her.

Zhenyuan fairy has never met Chen Yang. She doesn't know Chen Yang.

"Who are you?" True yuan fairy cold voice asks. Then she discovered her condition. "You How dare you

Chen Yang doesn't like the people in yuqingmen. He smiles a little and says, "what dare you do? Don't I dare?" He then said with a smile, "if you don't cooperate well, I can do more daring things. Ah, I have countless women in my life, but I have never tasted the women who create the world. "

"You thief, you are so bold. How dare you be so rude to me? Do you know who I am? " After hearing Chen Yang's rude words, Zhenyuan fairy was surprised and angry.

"I know you. Yuqingmen, taishangzunlou, Zhenyuan fairy. As a master of creation, you have another apprentice named Nalan Yunxue Chen Yang is a family treasure.

"Damn it Zhenyuan fairy wants to break away from Chen Yang's control, but as soon as she struggles and makes great efforts, she is immediately deeply embedded by Zhitian Shensuo, connecting her meridians, which is unbearable.

Zhenyuan fairy can't help frowning.

"Who are you?" Zhenyuan fairy asked Chen Yang in a cold voice.

Chen Yang said, "Chen Yang!"

"I don't know. You and I have no grievances." Said the fairy.

Chen Yang said: "it's not without injustice and hatred. I have no intention of killing you or insulting you. Don't worry about that. "

"You're insulting me already." True yuan fairy said: "you know, the dignity of the creator can't help humiliating!"

Chen Yang said: "if you say that, you can't talk this day. I'd better kill you to be safe."

Zhenyuan fairy can't help saying.

She's not stupid, but she's been treated with dignity for a long time, and she doesn't want to say anything soft to this mole ant.

She thinks she's in a bad way. She's never been so bad.

First of all, under the hands of the great compassion demon, he died. Finally escaped, the result fell into the hand of that old spirit sorcerer again. She witnessed her countless sufferings in the dreamland, including her feelings with the solitary.

After the death of the lone master, Zhenyuan fairy was deeply grieved. There was a lot of guilt in her heart.

But life has no regret medicine to take, she can only regret in the pain.

At present, Zhenyuan fairy's serious injury is hard to heal, and she is trapped by Chen Yang's small role. How can she not be annoyed.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "let me tell you the truth."

At the moment, Chen Yang said: "my friend Xiao Mingyue and his wife Qiao Ning have been caught by your yuqingmen. The purpose of yuqingmen catching them is to lead me out, and the goal of yuqingmen is me. "

"Why are they targeting you?" Zhenyuan fairy immediately asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "grain, country and tree!"

"Five grain country tree?" Zhenyuan fairy was surprised and said, "what do you understand?"

"It should be, they suspect I have." Chen Yang said.

True yuan fairy says: "that you body, after all have?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't know."

He won't tell the truth to Zhenyuan fairy.

Chen Yang then said, "if I can't save them, you and your apprentice will be buried with them."

"You dare!" Zhenyuan fairy said coldly: "if you dare to move a cloud and snow...""Come on, think of yourself first. Your stupid apprentice is looking for you wholeheartedly in hell. I'll use you to get her hooked. She never has to run. "

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