Zhenyuan took a deep breath and said, "do you want to exchange me for your two friends?"

Chen Yang said, "add your apprentices."

Zhenyuan fairy said: "with my apprentice, that's not good."

Chen Yang didn't believe it and said, "really?"

Zhenyuan fairy said: "if my apprentice is also captured by you, who will speak for us in Yuqing gate? If Yunxue is in the door, you can go to ask for personal affection from those old friends who go up to the taizunlou. "

Chen Yang was stunned and then said, "well, there's some truth in what you said. I won't use Nalan Yunxue's brain. "

After a pause, he said, "I want to take you out of hell, and I won't go to yuqingmen. Go straight back to Tianzhou, they release my wife and friends, and I will release you. It's not a good place to trade in jade gate. What's more, I don't want to meet them face to face. There are too many people in yuqingmen

Zhenyuan fairy said: "I am familiar with the three thousand worlds. There are only a few exits, such as the Western king world, the great benevolence and metaphysics world, the Yuqing world, and the whirling world. There are four exits in all. It's impossible for you to go back to Tianzhou directly. "

Chen Yang didn't want to go back to the world. He knew that it was absolutely impossible to take Zhenyuan fairy back to the world. Although Zhenyuan fairy has been seriously injured, but she is only injured, the realm is still, the power is still latent. Unlike Linghui monk, he has no power directly. Therefore, there is absolutely no room for Zhenyuan fairy in the world.

Tianzhou is the best place Chen Yang can think of. He takes Zhenyuan fairy's life and does it again.

Chen Yang didn't relax, but he made some progress. After the two demons were killed, Chen Yang was confused and desperate.

Now, Chen Yang finally sees a glimmer of hope.

Chen Yang immediately said to Zhenyuan fairy, "the exit of Yuqing world can't go out. You take me out from the Western kingdom."

Chen Yang chose the Western kingdom because he was quite familiar with it.

"Yes," said the fairy

Chen Yang was immediately overjoyed. He then asked, "do you say that I will trade your life for my wife and friends, Yuqing Menken?"

There was a flash of anger on Zhenyuan's face, and then he said, "of course!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "don't be angry, fairy. The master of creation is not a Chinese cabbage in fairyland. There are many ways you can catch me after you are rescued. But if you die, it's a big loss for yuqingmen. "

True yuan fairy said: "at that time, I will personally kill you."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and then said, "you remind me that I have to do something with you. Otherwise, it will not be a pleasant thing to face the Revenge of a master of creation in the future. " He then said, "I have a kind of heart biting poison that can sneak into your brain. As long as you fight me, I can make heart biting poison turn you into a madman."

"Good, give it to my seat!" Zhenyuan fairy scorned and looked scornful.

Surprised, Chen Yang said, "are you not afraid at all?"

"If there was a heart biting poison, you would have used it long ago." Zhenyuan fairy said: "you boy, I know you are very cunning, but you want to play these tricks with me, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

Chen Yang was embarrassed and said, "well, you are really smarter than your apprentice. If it were your apprentice, I would believe it. "

"She's not in the world!" "This is not a place to show off," said the fairy

Chen Yang said, "but do you really think I can't deal with you? There is a kind of magical liquid called xuanhuang liquid in the tree. As long as I give you enough xuanhuang liquid, you will forget everything

"Are you sure you have the grain country tree?" There was a flash in Zhenyuan's eyes.

Chen Yang said, "I'll feed you xuanhuang liquid. See how you will get back at me in the future! "

Zhenyuan fairy's face changed slightly. She said, "you..."

"Well, are you afraid?" Chen Yang said.

True yuan fairy said: "I can not revenge you in the future."

She then said, "I swear!"

Although the girl has a hard tongue, she is really afraid of losing her memory.

"This is my lesson to you. Don't threaten others when your own safety is not guaranteed," Chen said After a pause, he said, "well, swear now, swear that you will bring me to the Western Kingdom honestly and safely, and never retaliate in the future!"

The oath of mortals is the curse of toothache, and the oath of immortals is the cause and effect of heaven!

Therefore, most of the high people are not willing to break the oath.

Zhenyuan fairy kept silent.

She really didn't want to take this oath, because of this shame, she felt that she had to wash it with blood.

"If you don't want to, that's OK!" Chen Yang said, "after you bring me to the Western Kingdom, I'll give you xuanhuang liquid.""In this case, why should I take you to the exit of the Western kingdom?" The fairy's eyes were full of anger.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I said, I haven't tasted the taste of a woman in the realm of creation. Do you also want to be moistened by me? Oh, I have another way to strip you naked and let you walk on the wasteland for many demons to enjoy. Isn't that a wonderful idea? Ha ha ha... "

Chen Yang said that later he began to laugh.

He seems to think it's a good idea.

"You want to die!" Zhenyuan fairy was furious, she immediately said: "I Zhenyuan swear to heaven, to the other side, to the universe, I will wash today's shame with Chen Yang's blood in the future. I will make him suffer the extreme torture in the world. I will make him unable to survive or die. If I disobey my oath, I wish I could die and fall into reincarnation forever

True yuan fairy then so, double eyes blood red, made this poison oath.

"You can kill me now." Zhenyuan fairy then said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment. For a moment, he felt a little scared. At the same time, he also felt that he had gone too far.

But for now, apologies are useless. The vows were taken.

"Good!" Chen Yang said, "I take it. In the future, let's see who can do better. "

Anyway, he has enough enemies. How about one more fairy.

Chen Yang said, "well, I promise you one thing. I won't use xuanhuang liquid to deal with you. You still bring me to the Western Kingdom smoothly. I don't want to humiliate you, so don't force me! "

Zhenyuan fairy slightly surprised, she continued: "you swear!" When the time comes, she doesn't have to promise to deal with the western world, and then she will take you to control it

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "you start..."

He wanted to say that you really wanted to be beautiful and take such a poisonous oath. I also want to swear not to do small actions, when I am stupid!

But on second thought, he whispered, "what am I afraid of? The more powerful the enemy is, the more pressure it can give me! "

"Good!" Chen Yang answered and soon swore.

Zhenyuan fairy took a look at Chen Yang and said, "OK, I'll give you ten years. After ten years, I'll deal with you again."

Chen Yang was relieved.

Ten years later, if he is still alive, he will have a chance to fight.

The reason why Zhenyuan fairy was able to agree was that Chen Yang was not so obscene.

"Can you put this seat?" Zhenyuan fairy continued.

Chen Yang said: "that can't!"

He's not stupid. True yuan fairy scoundrel.

Later, Zhenyuan fairy said, "if you want to go to the Western Kingdom, you can use Fuxi's eight trigrams to judge the position of tiangan. It's a distance of about 100000 Li, and there are three Youming Jue formations on the way. We must not avoid it. Every turning point is in the Youming Jue array, but it is not easy to find the rules of the array and cross it smoothly. Even if you are a master of heaven, you can't fight against the Youming Jue array! Therefore, although hell is interconnected, it is not easy to cross. Besides, there is a Youming waterfall after the three Youming Jue formations! Through the Youming waterfall, you can reach the Western kingdom

"So much trouble?" Chen Yang said.

True yuan fairy cold hum a, say: "of course troublesome, the hell only has the 18th floor just to exchange, these points are to prevent the demon to be too dense."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "although it's a little difficult, we have to have a try."

This is the only way Chen Yang can go.

If he walked from the entrance of Yuqing world, he was afraid that those masters of creation would make a hand at that time. He immediately grasped Zhenyuan fairy tightly and could not stop their invasion.

Therefore, Chen Yang did not dare to discuss terms face to face.

Then, Chen Yang said to do it, and took Zhenyuan fairy away from the ground to the wasteland.

On the wasteland, it is always dark, surrounded by the dark.

"Who is it? Who killed my son? " Just then came a shrill and desperate roar.

The sound was a hundred miles away, but soon a violent hurricane rolled over.

Chen Yang takes a look at Zhenyuan fairy around him. He grabs Zhenyuan fairy into the crystal stone of soul. Then, with a flash of his body, he entered the crystal of his soul.

Chen Yang turns into the dark light of his soul and goes back and forth in the distance.

He knew it was the old sorcerer. But Chen Yang doesn't want to fight now and goes straight away.

"Can you go, little boy?" At this time, the sky suddenly changed, and a huge palm covered Chen Yang like a huge black curtain.

The big fingerprints come down and crush Chen Yang.

There is no way for Chen Yang to hide.

"Shit, it's another fantasy!" Chen Yang said, "you old man, you have the ability there."Chen Yang is clear in his heart. He gathers his soul and kills it with one sword.

The huge black curtain was immediately cut into a huge hole

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